CNN of all places nailed Fauci a few days ago with the results of the Cochrane study which concluded masks are useless, even the vaunted N95 masks. Fauci said yeah, but there are other studies show benefits at an individual level but not a macro level. Say what?

Here's an article that includes a video clip of Fauci squirming. https://www.westernjournal.com/watch-fauci-squirms-realizes-not-even-cnn-will-blindly-go-along-mask-mandates-time/

Here's a link to the Cochrane study itself. https://www.cochranelibrary.com/cdsr/doi/10.1002/14651858.CD006207.pub6/full

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Refuse to participate in Satanic ritual:

Mask Wearing and Occult Ritual Symbolism

"How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order"


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I went to three stores today......one store had two cashiers with masks....they had no one in their line and one customer...I told my mom I would NOT go to their till......I went to another cashier with a few customers in front of me.... the one masked cashier signalled us over and I gave her a hard NO look and turned away.... I will NOT comply even with this level of stupidity....I then loudly said to my cashier that I was so happy that they finally got rid of the plexiglas and that I hoped it never comes back....

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I’m tired of saying don’t comply! Stupid is as stupid does.

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Standing for TRUTH’

It’s not nice to fool children with falsehoods& lies about da masks - and it’s unhealthy for all of society to mandate face diapers

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I would love to burn them but the toxins in them would not be safe to breathe!

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Every mask is another message from the demons to end humanity. Anti human anti social.

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stop domestic terrorism by the TSA

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Disgusting. Beaches in Caribbean and Italy were littered with masks during the covid fraud.

We we were swimming in the sea and were informed by police that we weren't allowed on the beaches no swimming allowed. Next time we would be ticketed. The sea and sun was created as purification.

Also the government failed to understand not all Caribbean people had AC and many came early at sunrise to swim and cool off this pleasure was denied to them.

The fraud was a crime against humanity and the demons want to steal our joy once again. That's what lucifer does roams about looking to kill and destroy.

We the people must not comply!


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I will never mask up again!

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How do we oust the treacherous individuals who continue to mislead the public and infringe upon their freedom of movement and association, and personal autonomy and bodily integrity.

I did not consent to this continuing interference...

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Apparently the grocery stores are all getting a pallet or more delivered right now. Could be opportunistic for sales or agenda. Would be great if they are unusable and can’t be used by all the virtue signalers to promote the story.

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Cull the population ( bill gates stood on a stage and said “ we could do with about 15% less people in the world “. Grooming for the NWO?

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#DoNotComply is my motto! Didn’t wear them last time, not wearing them this time. Last time didn’t mask, didn’t social distance, didn’t lock down, had parties, went to parties, did my own shopping…and never got Covid! My spouse, neighbors and most of my family (except the 4 vaxxed ones, of course) all on the FLCCC protocol. Most of us never got Covid (we didn’t), the 4 who were vaxxed had Covid several times, one also shingles and 1 had a heart attack. I think I’ll take my chances this time around, I’m pretty happy with the odds!

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Yes, burn the masks! And the latex gloves, too. Save the environment! How many of those things wound up in the streets, littering parks and open areas, beaches and the ocean? And how long do they take to degrade in landfills? DO they even degrade?

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Frankly the cockpit doors should be opened and the masked tossed out. I’m sick of these people pushing their pseudo-science on everyone.

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