pandemic FRAUD 'scare' already? ducks not in line? Should the corrupt malfeasants at CDC & NIH & Deepstate not link more seamlessly with China et al. who says 'mystery pneumonia' rising????
FAUCI REMDEATHISVIR IS STILL THE PROTOCOL! In Great Falls, MT... THEY ARE STILL DOING ALL THINGS COVID... just not holding hostage/medical kidnap like they were! And to top it off.... THE Doctors /Nurses/ most Medical/Radiology....ARE SO INDOCTRINATED that they are still following all things covid and outdated info and scam tests and refuse to look at anything new... updated info.... etc.
People want to move on and they think that it is over.... but 3x we had to STOP THEM AND /OR STAY CONTINUALLY ON TOP OF REFUSING FAUCI’S REMDEATHSIVIR PROTOCOL!
The EVIL HASN’T STOPPED. The people want it to be done and you mention it... and they flip out .... but we are going thru this right now with a loved one and we are certain his issues now are because he took a Jansen jab... and not one doc is questioning or relating this fluid on his brain to THE VAX! The hospital is full again.. on purpose. It’s evil. And the ELEPHANT IS BIGGER AND SPARKLY....
Money is the root of all evil.
Seek Jesus. He is the only way. John 14:6
(Ever wonder how movies and line ups like books..... commercials, etc.... THEY TALK... PUSH AGENDAS..... THEIR LANGUAGE IN PLAIN SIGHT!
I guess we should organize Maskaholics Anonymous meetings for them!!! Lol! They ARE pretty addicted. . . like masks are their security blankets. Completely irrational, but then, all addictions are.
It is Thanksgiving Day in the United States! One of the things I am always most thankful for is the the latest info I get from from Dr. Alexander and also Dr. McCullough! I owe you doctors my LIFE! I feel you have saved me and my boyfriend the possiblity of bad health and/or death! Finding out the information you have shared, we have avoided all Covid shots and all sickness too! I am understanding early treatment options also, and proper vitamin, mineral supplements! I made it through the entire Covid pandemic as a 60+ year old front line hospital worker!
Socrates would be banned if he was alive today. Still, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, I'm thankful the Socratic Method did spread for a couple thousand years.
FAUCI REMDEATHISVIR IS STILL THE PROTOCOL! In Great Falls, MT... THEY ARE STILL DOING ALL THINGS COVID... just not holding hostage/medical kidnap like they were! And to top it off.... THE Doctors /Nurses/ most Medical/Radiology....ARE SO INDOCTRINATED that they are still following all things covid and outdated info and scam tests and refuse to look at anything new... updated info.... etc.
People want to move on and they think that it is over.... but 3x we had to STOP THEM AND /OR STAY CONTINUALLY ON TOP OF REFUSING FAUCI’S REMDEATHSIVIR PROTOCOL!
The EVIL HASN’T STOPPED. The people want it to be done and you mention it... and they flip out .... but we are going thru this right now with a loved one and we are certain his issues now are because he took a Jansen jab... and not one doc is questioning or relating this fluid on his brain to THE VAX! The hospital is full again.. on purpose. It’s evil. And the ELEPHANT IS BIGGER AND SPARKLY....
Money is the root of all evil.
Seek Jesus. He is the only way. John 14:6
(Ever wonder how movies and line ups like books..... commercials, etc.... THEY TALK... PUSH AGENDAS..... THEIR LANGUAGE IN PLAIN SIGHT!
(Movie -Everything, Everywhere, ALL AT ONCE!)
After the last three years, no-one has the sense to say, "Ahhh, SHADDUP!!" ?!
"Maskaholics". Great term!
I guess we should organize Maskaholics Anonymous meetings for them!!! Lol! They ARE pretty addicted. . . like masks are their security blankets. Completely irrational, but then, all addictions are.
It is Thanksgiving Day in the United States! One of the things I am always most thankful for is the the latest info I get from from Dr. Alexander and also Dr. McCullough! I owe you doctors my LIFE! I feel you have saved me and my boyfriend the possiblity of bad health and/or death! Finding out the information you have shared, we have avoided all Covid shots and all sickness too! I am understanding early treatment options also, and proper vitamin, mineral supplements! I made it through the entire Covid pandemic as a 60+ year old front line hospital worker!
Could be related to this? :
Socrates would be banned if he was alive today. Still, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, I'm thankful the Socratic Method did spread for a couple thousand years.
There is no provable or verified covid because there is no verified testing procedure.
The media IS the virus.