Elon Musk makes my skin crawl.

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mine too...but creative...

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As in, feeling excited?

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"As in, feeling excited?"

No, as in "I'm looking into the face of Baph0met-worshipping twisted evil".

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May I suggest you go and see a Doctor.

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...and CPR, may I suggest you wake up.



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“stay in your lane.”??? "Losing goodwill?" ... what the?

You think the 'world's richest man' cares what Loomer or Bannon or whoever thinks of him? And that Loomer is 'closer' to the 'modestly endowed' Orange mannequin than he? Adderall?

Elon Musk's AI venture xAI raises $6 billion in Series C funding round on Monday, December 23. Blackrock, AMD, Nvidia, Fidelity were among the top...

This guy was already floating on top of the 'billionaire philanthropist' barrel, and he's now 'jet-skiing' with the cream of the £Power crew. Hoo cares what hopeless has beens like Bannon think? Don has been QUITE AWARE that munknee TALKS since Wilbur Ross saved his silly ass on instructions from London. He's not taking calls from non-donors dude. Life still works that way after the MAGA REVOLUTION.

IN FACT, it's same ol same ol as always. Always will be. Now... peeps know that MUSKIE comes from a strong TECHNOCRACY background, given his father/grandfathers antecedents. He's TOTALLY ON PAGE with Dumpty... HOO has signalled in no uncertain terms his desire(instructions)to get immediately going post J20 with the long cherished Trilateral Commission’s New International Economic Order.

You've heard of the "map of North American Technate, drawn @1934> strangely enough it encompasses EXACTLY the area which Dumpty has just LAID CLAIM TO... from Panama in the south, to the top of Greenland in the north.... what a co-inkey-dink huh?

It's Manifest Destiny 2.0 dude. Pull the troop outta the middle east, after clobbering Iran into oblivion ... then deliver them to the 'police action' zones where the Flag will be flown.

It's a lock. Moratorium on vaccines? Not so much.

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hhhmmm...some of what you say has sage in it...some not so. but I so welcome your sharings as long as they are sensitive to others. but stay on deck just behave. you are interesting I would admit via your views...I guess anonymity gives you that space, no? hell, maybe in the beginning I should have remained anonymous.

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hhhmmm "He's not taking calls from non-donors dude. Life still works that way after the MAGA REVOLUTION."

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you seem to think folk like me admire or envy these types of losers.

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They're totally on page and Musk couldn't give a shit what Bannon or Loomer thinks. Musk has outflanked them on what is called the "far right" (carrying Israeli flags or leading AfD while being in a lesbian marriage with a Sri Lankan woman) these days.

Bannon is butt hurt that Musk cares about his bottom line, which is why Musk wants to bring in Indians to help make him more megabucks and commented on the world renowned US IQ deficit by "liking" a post that called Americans "retards."

Musk is in the process of taking down Starmtrooper in the UK, which actually is a good thing in the short term although in the longer termn any replacement could possibly be even worse.

Starmtrooper sent his minions to campaign for Harris. Trump will have no problem with his removal.

Musk has a British grandparent. If Musk puts a puppet in as head of Reform, Musk could enter the UK House of Commons in a safe seat in a by-election and then take over as PM.

He will then have a nuclear arsenal to play with while he continues what he's probably doing in his rented cottage at Mar-a-Lago, i.e., smoking blunts, dropping acid, molly and mushrooms, snorting coke and ketamine and injecting ozempic.

He can simultaneously then support exactly what you predict is going to happen.

He can also assist JD and Vivek with the roll out of new shots.

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fascinating;" Musk has a British grandparent. If Musk puts a puppet in as head of Reform, Musk could enter the UK House of Commons in a safe seat in a by-election and then take over as PM.

He will then have a nuclear arsenal to play with while he continues what he's probably doing in his rented cottage at Mar-a-Lago, i.e., smoking blunts, dropping acid, molly and mushrooms, snorting coke and ketamine and injecting ozempic."

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Scary. But true

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fascinating and truth in this too: "Musk is in the process of taking down Starmtrooper in the UK, which actually is a good thing in the short term although in the longer termn any replacement could possibly be even worse."

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your last line is the nightmare we face. so you be saying we are essentially fucked before we even know it

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Ayahuasca with a few quaaludes and benzedrine

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Oh for sure. That would be breakfast for him like champagne was for Churchill.

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nice one

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Champagne? I thought it was 'golden showers!'

I need to find a meme with Muskie as Mini Me, because that's what your comment is signalling to my brain.

Whole thing sounds waay more plausible than Drimpf cleaning up NIAIDS or HHS

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hhhmmm, the white spaces

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I meant to type "whisky." Churchill had whisky at breakfast then champagne for lunch and dinner then whisky and port wine after dinner plus numerous other alcoholic beverages throughout the day. None of this rules out golden showers which would not surprise me. Maybe firebombing Dresden wasn't enough. He was such a total alcoholic that he would have been incapable of getting it up so normal heterosexual relations would have been out of the question.

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and his black dog haunted him...he was constantly into major black dog depression

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Jan 11Edited

All so envious and feeding their huge egos. One would think as adults they could work together to save America. Disgusting! Elon is not the problem they are!

Elon is a blessing. Nigel never cared about islamic rape gangs. Tommy Robinson has been the only one fighting to expose these heinous crimes against children perhaps along with Elon something will be done to protect the children from these sick islamic animals that need to be put down as in dead!

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Elon, I believe, saved free speech by buying Twitter.

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Nigel didn't seem to care and Elon does and stopping the molestation and rape of minors is always a good thing. However, what happened in the US with Epstein was also bad and not many Americans seem to care.

Epstein wasn't an islamist. Does that make it okay? No, as you would agree.

Did he think he was excused by his religion?

He had in common with the islamists that he was not a Christian.

As regards the islamists who commit these crimes, in their deluded belief system they think they're doing it for "God" ("Allah") and will get rewarded with 72 virgins if they get "put down."

That possibly gives them an incentive,

Perhaps al the religious books of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition need to be gone through by Zuckerberg type "fact checkers" and the sections in the Bible, Qu'ran and Torah and other "holy books" that call for or excuse rape, murder and atrocities against unbelievers should have "explanatory notes" or "context" added to explain why this should not be taken literally.

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I like Tommy Robinson and think he is a bit of a British hero. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

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he is

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Me too!

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He's a 'zionist' hero... just like all the rest of the phony 'populist right' movements who's tab is picked up by Urusalem.

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calm down, he is doing something the Brit men fail to do, he really is against the islamist rape of his women

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does it not bother you? let us focus on the question I asked...islamist Pakistani men raping white British girls...enslaving them, gang raping hem pedophilia

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They do seem to have a problem over there with the rape of young white (and some Hindu and Sikh) girls, and I would support all lawful efforts to stop that, including his. (One viciously raped girl had the same maiden name as my mother and she was called a "white slut.") There was a time in Britain, and in other counties including the US, when there were what was called "skinheads." They were into Caribbean influenced music and protecting white people. They faded out. There never was problem with rape gangs when skinheads patrolled the streets.

Here's a movie depiction of skinheads, and a song.


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I appreciate your benevolence in this for you do mean for good: "They do seem to have a problem over there with the rape of young white (and some Hindu and Sikh) girls, and I would support all lawful efforts to stop that, including his. (One viciously raped girl had the same maiden name as my mother and she was called a "white slut.") "

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so we need the skinheads again? do we not?

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Who is he?

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I posted a picture of an old tweet that Musk did “against" Trump as a comment to someone last week, 2 days later i got a warning from X telling me that i go against X policies and that because of it my comments will now be hidden from the people…i hadn’t posted anything else after that picture in comment..so…

And there was not way for me to send a question about it or anything , they just did it and that was it.

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so Musk is censoring his own words? ha ha ha

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yep. X is censoring and i am not the only one to who it happened. You are better here on Substack. But I wish they would have a live platform like X have. There is a community on X called Stop the shots, created by Dr Ben Marble, they have a live show weekly i believe. You may want to join these people , a team of Doctors and ect. They are talking about having a protest walk , i think you would be a great addition to them, perfect match 😄


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Prior to his enlightenment. We all grow and change.

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Life in the big city. Whatcha gonna do? Whine about fairness? Be happy you're not being burned alive.

Oligarchs do what oligarchs do.

Olly olly oxen free

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this post is full of rich meaning, thank you

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My feeling is that Trump will not allow Elon to get ahead of his station. Trump is king at the moment. I liken Mar a Lago to Game of Thrones where those interested parties request an audience to kiss his ring, currying favors. In a few days, he will br "only" president.

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He needs to stay in his own lane and I am confident that POTUS will draw some boundaries. Musk is not the only person who has his ear.

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boom boom boom....I can share who has his ear but I cannot...there is some level of privilege. but Musk is a baby in the mix...you should know...he thinks he is the ONE

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If he thinks that, he’s in for a rude awakening.😆

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Please share. Someone yesterday said that it is advantageous to be the one who has his ear last because it is normally the one he goes with. Last heard.

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Yesterday Bannon said Days of Thunder are coming. 😊 ..... the South African genius took the jab, perhaps not the smartest decision. Personally I am against EV cars, AI, geo-fencing, government monitoring, all their crap. They (Zuckerberg, Musk, Bezos, Google, Three letter agencies to name a few ) have turned technology against the people. I try to live with as little tech as possible. No IOT devices.

If I had to place a bet, I think Loomer and Bannon have more influence with Trump. Bigger question is can Trump keep Musk in line or do they have a falling out? Time will tell.

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yes Bannon and Loomer do have more influence

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I am in Palm Beach at the moment, and I have seen a bunch of cybervans. I call them trafficking vans...they are hideous, like garbage trucks in cyber space, perfect for plucking innocents off the streets.

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Elon made a mistake in censoring Laura Loomer and others; however on some of the issues I tend to agree more with Elon Musk. But the fundamental issue is that it is normal to have disagreements and debates on our side, and they should be talked openly. So Elon's censorship is the wrong move. He needs to do a "go go gadget Voltaire".

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Why is the right incapable of unifying?

Just quit criticizing. Musk has been extremely instrumental in helping trump get elected. If he turns out to be a traitor then do something. For now, for once, work together! If you’re jealous, too bad!

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Alex Jones a conspiracy site? Surely you jest Dr. Paul

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Seems your biased to me. You want your agenda, not someone elses. Seems like you are into divisiveness

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Without Musk as well as Twitter (X), there is no Trump 2.0.

I have been saying this from the beginning, and I have always been right.

This needs to be a Big Tent party in order to succeed.

That includes RFK Jr. (related to Health and Corruption) and Tulsi Gabbard (wrt foreign affairs and transparency/corruption, which includes not being afraid of Disclosure of Non Human Intelligence on our planet and reverse engineering).

Ironically on the issue that Conservatives and Republicans agree on - The need to outlaw mRNA technology and put Fauci et al. in prison, Trump wants to ignore.

Of course when it comes to the House, there is no room for dissent.

Trump should appoint current Dem member of the House to minor administrative positions and to get Elise Stefanik to withdraw from the UN Ambassador role. Need to expand the majority in the House in the first part of 2025 .

And either JD Vance or Ron DeSantis will be the next Republican candidate and winner, but first Trump must succeed.

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Jan 11Edited

Ahhhh, Musk is gonna present “the Don” with many problems very soon after “inauguration”.

The shit show. Grab your popcorn, lol!


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Musk has too much money and not enough nous for politics. Nuff said.

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For SURE... Elon Musk is NOT the POTUS!!! That's Straight.

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God damn so

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