Note that in the London children's wards in 1918 one half of the wards were given homeopathic compounds and the other wards the regular treatments at the time. The children given the homeopathics survived, the other wards all died. This data was recorded in a book written at the time that was given to me to read in late 2019 after Event 201 was evaluated and we all were alarmed to an impending crisis.

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Honestly Dr Alexander I am so perplexed as why, in August 2005, an article from the Virology Journal, which I posted on my Substack page, points out quite clearly that, “chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread”. The article is real and the article is extremely damming. Why hasn’t anyone who gives a damn discussed this? Why hasn’t this been at the top of the list? Perplexing one could say is an understatement. In my mind, the actions the fear mongers, the so called scientists and the MSM water carrying cartels was simply to scare the life out of the masses! This obviously was a frame up designed for many purposes as we now know and the only way to “BEND THE CURVE” bullshit adds more culpability! Am I wrong? Can you please shed some light on this one 8.5X11 article! Millions died unnecessarily! Millions were murdered deliberately! Millions are disabled for life! Millions more are living in hell wondering if they’ll wake up in the early morning adrenaline rush hours! Millions! Thank you for all you continue to provide Dr Alexander. I appreciate your time and your help.


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I would agree, and like to add, it was never about a VIRUS..It WAS ALWAYS about getting as much nanotech and graphine oxide into each arm as possible...in order that we ALL BE controllable robots via 5 G. The evidence is now incontrovertible. Look at the frontline doctors denying this, adamently, and you will see the controlled opposition.....see Dr Ana Mihalcea et all for the evidence at hand. And I might add, those of us who didn't partake in the V are now marked as uncontrollable and an enemy of the state....

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You’re “light years” spot on Ari...I have continued to ask from the minute they were pushing and pushing the question as to why and what for are children being “targeted”? So they can be monitored just like a computer’s IP address! There’s no way anyone can tell me differently! Thank you for bringing this up Ari, it’s overwhelming to think and remember all the “variables of evil” these monsters have imposed and continue to implement upon the world!


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No. It has been proven that most people died from the vaccine.

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actually most died from medical management of them with the COVID black hole of sedation, isolation, remdesivir and ventilator.

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I was talking about the Spanish Flu. Most people died from the vaccine given at that time. Same with the Covid vaccine. Most people know that now.

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ha ha ha, you must be joking...I know you are....

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actually recent debate is many died form aspirin overdose, it was discovered then and they went hog wild...

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aspirin went off patent in 2018 so everyone was making it. no warning label, so people were gobbling it like candy with predictable results.

also this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19868270/

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Ok, but..."it was discovered then and they went hog wild..." Dr. P. is referencing the "1918 Spanish Flu", n'est-ce pas? Just sayin'.

Perhaps you did realize this...

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

As Dr. Paul mentions below, currently the most plausible hypothesis is extreme overprescribing of aspirin, which was a relatively new drug at the time of the Spanish flu.

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I’m an older person 71, I had the ne vaccines be and suffered pericarditis, cardiac arrhythmia, loss of f balance and disturbed gastrointestinal function.. but keep telling people to stop saying to vaccinate the elderly, it’s designed gender to kill people who have co morbid conditions. All cause mortality in many states countries is elevated, but mostly amongst most those se who were labelled as “at risk”. The elderly, people with COVID optimised immune systems, pregnant women babies especially and children. None of these groups should be considered injected with this gene altering experimental chemical concoction- it’s not vaccinating against any virus. The other interesting fact I came across, that before being detected kites to the western frontier by in WW 1 US troops were vaccinated by a Dr Gates. What’s the bet immunity was depressed and in the conditions they developed and pneumonia. Research 🔬 n specimens from the time was negate it was never a flu it was bacterial pneumonia.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

Besides prescribing antibiotics once they’re needed, there are plenty of therapeutics available, known, safe, effective, and cheap or even free . See http://c19early.org

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Antioxidants are stamped on the GO square. The immune system has been very busy ever since the beginning of the industrial age and IS taxed more every year the planet doesn’t catch fire or drown. Once freed, it will mount a formidable defense with our help. The reproduction walls up, then, the off label use of many meds will be just right.

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Much like RunDeathIsNear, Aspirin was also a killer treatment during the 1918 outbreak. Of course the aspirin doses given were monstrous. While a typical baby aspirin is 81MG, during the 1918 Pandemic as much as 20 GRAMS a day were given already very sick patients, killing untold millions.

From the poem about Fauxi's Pandemic Planning "What's the Plan, Man?"

"You'd think with all these years and all these tears, we'd have a trick or two.

Just go home, and do not roam, we'll see ya when you're blue."

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W.F. Burrows. "The abortive treatment of influenza with quinine dihydrochloride", Medical Record 94 (1918), 1081-1082

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Who else here ate Ivermectin horse paste?

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Regarding the 1918 epidemic - deaths attributed to filthy masks, inappropriate treatment, and the vaccine. But something I read recently made me wonder if there wasn't another significant contributor...aspirin given to combat fever ... leading to Reyes Syndrome, resulting in death. A dear friend lost her young son that way.

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actually just commented, you are right...I did a stack on that....past...


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Yikes, sorry I missed that! Or maybe I didn't, that is the article I read, then forgot it was from you! Makes so much sense - hard to account for massive deaths all over the world, even where masks / vaccines were not in use - but everyone would be dosing with aspirin. Thanks for all you do!

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Yes, and in some circles, the mask is believed to be a major source of the bacteria for the secondary infection.

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nothing ever changes in "this" forum - correct terminology is critical...there is, there was NO "VACCINE"

involved only bioweaponary! PERIOD and NO "VIRUS" or any understanding of what a "VIRUS" is or isn't.

Seriously you ppl are either willing idiots - or - just plain stupid by choice. Then again, there are always shills working amongst the curious and concerned populace - who keep this psyop on you alive - for pay.

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Please understand that the so-called "Spanish flu" was neither Spanish nor a flu, and it was not caused by an virus, nor vaccination, nor antibiotics etc. The illness were a direct result of RADIATION POISONING that afflicted millions of people around the world thanks to the military roll-out of wireless telegraphy! This so-called "flu" started on military bases where wireless telegraphy was put into use (see Arthur Firstenberg's book, "The Invisible Rainbow", for he detailed and well-documented facts about this). Illness was spread around the world thanks to military ships also using the same noxious technology that began making people sick for more than 100 years ago. Please also see my article regarding the "flu" actually being microwave sickness here: https://radiationdangers.com/2018/07/26/the-flu-and-microwave-sickness-share-many-of-the-same-symptoms/

And please note that the COVID-19 "virus" does not exist. It's a complete medical fiction used to cover-up the fact that people are becoming ill and dying from radiation poisoning thanks to their wireless devices and the wireless grid. Please see this article for more info on that: https://radiationdangers.com/2020/01/31/is-covid-19-a-cover-up-for-radiation-sickness/

Also, the incessant focus on "spike proteins" that are nothing more than cartoon simulations (similar to all the images of so-called "viruses") is a complete distraction from what is really going on. The video explains it well: https://rumble.com/v43knvk-graphene-and-nanotechnology-evidenced-in-injectables.html

Please also note that the so-called "COVID vaccines" are extremely damaging only because THEY ARE INJECTING PEOPLE WITH SELF-ASSEMBLING WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY so that people will become part of the "great reset", transhuman future. Most of these people will die as human bodies cannot withstand these pulsed microwaves for very long and heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, etc., will be (and already are) the norm. Unless people start addressing what the real underlying issue is, most will not make it through this. The entire wireless grid needs to be SHUT DOWN permanently, as these noxious energies are mutating and destroying all living things. Please visit my website: www.RadiationDangers.com for more info.

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

Eugyppius appears to thinks IVM and HCQ were unnecessary for most because "COVID-19" is so mild. People attributed recovery that would have happened anyway to IVM and/or HCQ. There might have been a placebo effect. It doesn't appear to have occurred to Eugyppius that a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection may be the precursor to later AIDS-like illness, cancer and heart disease especially in white Christians including eastern Slavs and Iranians and others targeted for extermination by the US and by its masters who created "COVID-19."

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023

I missed that Eugyppius article. Will catch up.

Are you aware of any evidence or hypotheses that treatment with IVM and/or HCQ may interfere with the progression of SARS-CoV-2 infection to later AIDS-like illness, cancer, and heart disease?

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No Kathleen, in instancing those severe potential outcomes I was more casting doubt on the common belief, held by Eugyppius, that SARS-CoV-2 produces mostly mild illness because the acute infection from it is typically mild. I could have phrased what I said better. IVM could possibly be helpful in covid patients such as cat lovers, due to comorbid parasitic infection which IVM is useful for. If I recall correctly, history of ever having had a cat in the household predicted more severe outcomes from covid in one study.

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I do think your point was clearly made. And I can personally attest to the severity of the illness. Fortunately nearly 4 years later, I remain as healthy as I was beforehand.

In hoping to escape future catastrophic illness, I asked because your comment led me to a question that hadn't occurred to me earlier and I'd never seen addressed elsewhere.

(I did notice that interesting exchange you had regarding toxoplasmosis as a risk factor with an unexpectedly relevant linked study.)

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Off topic but...since you have been one of the few with independent opinions about Malone, I'm

sending this link (before I'm finished reading it) in case you haven't seen this new piece by Malone in Brownstone. What took him so long to offer this? (Or is it CYA revisionist history?)


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Dec 29, 2023·edited Dec 29, 2023

Thanks Kathleen. I'm not sure why he didn't offer it earlier. I suspect his vaxx injury isn't entirely physical and that he suffers from litigous paranoia.

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Good point. And never underestimate your enemy.

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Yes. Pure Evil. They knew all along the jab was poison and held back the medication to stop there murdering rampage world wide

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