immune system; problem is antiretrovirals cause drug resistant HIV that is more complex, difficult, expensive to treat; Monkey-pox & HIV are both infections/disease of the GAY, bisexual community
Magic Johnson. He was diagnosed in 1991. He claims he caught it from unprotected sex with a woman. That's what he claims. He's still alive but he has taken a lot of anti-retrovirals. Almost everyone who caught it back then and didn't take the anti-retrovirals is dead.
there are costs to those drugs...costs to everything. I have written about this for one say that these infections are not heterosexual issues as the media and CDC etc. wants to make you feel. moreover, simple low risk behaviour can mitigate risk and keep you alive.
It was the people who refused the deadly anti-viral drugs (chemotherapy drugs) who didn't develop "AIDS." Many of them later tested negative for "HIV." HIV is not the actual cause of "AIDS" which is just a "syndrome" wherein the immune system collapses.
Many who tested "positive" for HIV and who also refused the Fauci death protocols, never developed "AIDS." HIV was a scam to trick people into taking deadly drugs.
MANY vaccinated people however, do actually end up with "VAIDS", i.e., vaccine-induced turbo cancers, and other deadly conditions which are symptoms of a destroyed immune system.
AIDS and HIV are not the same thing and there is no evidence 1 causes the other
HIV is said that is has never been isolated with no atomic weight,
HIV virions are indeed smaller than 5 nm, typically ranging from 1.2 to 1.4 nm in size. This puts them below the resolution limit of even the most advanced electron microscopes available today.
This gap in our ability to directly visualize structures between the resolution limits of light microscopy and electron microscopy is often referred to as the "resolution gap" or the "visualization gap." It presents a significant challenge in the study of small biological structures like certain viruses, proteins, and macromolecular complexes.
Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) can achieve resolutions down to about 0.05 nm, while scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) have a resolution limit of around 0.4 to 0.5 nm. However, these resolutions are still insufficient to directly image the smallest viruses like HIV.
I believe this also relates to SARS-COVID-19
STD and gut biome can lead to immune problems,
Mixing the sperm biome with the gut biome causes an imbalance
Many people remain HIV-negative while displaying AIDS-like symptoms.
Many individuals have experienced HIV remission, meaning they previously had HIV but the virus became undetectable in their bodies.
The consumption of chemicals like poppers and Nitrates drugs adds to the chemicals in the body which reacts to the new introduction of RFR and ELF and more so together in an attractive physics sum of Conductive + electric field = receiver/antenna
The PCR test can be manipulated as shown with Convid 19
T-cell count would be low if you had an illness / were pregnant or went out in the sunlight for too long your results could be lower than 200 and lead you to an AIDS diagnosis..
A 2021 review in the Journal of the International AIDS Society examined multiple studies and estimated:
HIV transmission risk per condomless vaginal sex act for women: 0.08% (1 in 1,250)
HIV transmission risk per act for men: 0.04% (1 in 2,500)
Women have a longer urethra and vaginal cavity compared to the male urethra, which does make them more biologically susceptible to contracting many sexually transmitted infections from exposure.
HIV is primarily transmitted through exposure to infected bodily fluids like semen, vaginal fluids, blood etc during sexual activity.
So from a purely biological standpoint, women's anatomy does make them more susceptible to potential HIV transmission from an infected partner.
So women face around double the per-act risk compared to men from vaginal intercourse exposure in this data.
If this was true this would lead to more women catching HIV and statistics show they are, however…..
The tainted blood supplies in parts of sub-Saharan Africa skewed the AIDS
Prevalence data, especially for women in those regions. There were incidents where donated blood was not properly screened and contained multiple infections like HIV, hepatitis, and others. When this contaminated blood was then used for transfusions or medical procedures, it exposed many recipients, including women, to HIV through non-sexual transmission routes.
This artificial exposure pathway from tainted blood supplies contributed to higher HIV rates among women in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, compared to if transmission occurred primarily through sexual routes based on biological susceptibility factors. Including data from sub-Saharan Africa in the global HIV/AIDS statistics skews the overall prevalence ratios between men and women.
By excluding that region's data, which was impacted by the tainted blood issue, the underlying biological factors become more apparent. Women have a longer urethra and vaginal cavity, making them inherently more susceptible to contracting sexually transmitted infections like HIV from exposure. With sub-Saharan African data removed, the HIV prevalence ratio shows around 1.58 men for every 1 woman in the rest of the world.
However, even this 1.58 ratio may be further skewed, as women and men likely receive blood transfusions at roughly equal rates in those other regions. If the 1.58 ratio was solely due to sexual transmission risks, it would be illogical for men to have a higher prevalence than women given the biological susceptibility factors for women. The potential blood transfusion exposure pathway could artificially increase the number of infected women. Therefore, there may be even stronger evidence that men contract HIV at higher rates than women through primary sexual transmission routes, which would align with biological realities. The 1.58 ratio could understate the inherent female susceptibility.
(1) Anal penetration causes more skin tears than vaginal penetration. (2) Gay males are incredibly promiscuous. (3) Some African men use the opposite of lubricant with female partners to increase friction during intercourse. This causes vaginal tearing, making Africa women more susceptible to HIV...
What you say about straight SA males using "the opposite of lubricant" with their female lovers is something I have never heard of before. I don't believe it to be true.
There's a local custom called "free-wheelin'" and "flesh-to-flesh", which is essentially condomless sex.
The common theory is HIV is deemed to be prevalent in SA because of rampant high unprotected sex and promiscuity with mulitple sex partners and older men also having sex with younger and often teenage girls.
However, the reality might be the disease is perhaps something else completely which is deliberately misdiagnosed, just like covid, so you can be put on the conveyor belt of death to be.
Anti-retrovirals are big business in SA, becuase they are supplied free-of-charge by the govt. Take 9M "HIV infected" souls multiplied by USD 150 cost of treatment = USD 1.2BN p.a to big pharma. That's a huge industry. Chuck in the kickbacks to govt and quacks and and we can add another say USD 200M p.a as a cost of doing business. So let's say big pharma clears USD 1BN net p.a. That's a good scam.
Once you are in the HIV industry, just like once you are in the covid industry, your immunity is wrecked, and you are on a one-way ticket to the departure lounge. There is money in death. Funeral businesses and funeral plans are massive enterprises in SA.
There is definitely a disease out there. What it really is, there is simply no point in/of investigating, because the gains - by big pharma, the kickbacks to govt, the local hospitals, the dispensing "general practitioner" quacks as we call them - are MASSIVE.
People need to understand that there is nothing sacred about human life in the eyes of big tech, big biz, big pharma, big media, big finance.
You are just a commodity.
Even Palestinians have a purpose as a commodity - being the recipient of death from above by paid for US/UK/EU weapons.
The sooner humanity realises this fact, the easier it will be to navigate in this world on an individual level.
Also please understand social Darwinism - not all people are equal in terms of intelligence, acumen, physical and spiritual attributes, career prospects and choices in life. The stronger always endure. This is the law of the universe.
Substack is no different to mainsteam. You'll find the big tech players are behind it too as a side-gig.
And the substack "writers" - if you can call them that - too are looking for subsciption income. There are no altrusits on Substack. Just conmen/women and small-time crooks.
Alternative is the negative (like in celluloid photography) of mainstream media. But it's the exact same, just picking up all the malcontents on the other end. And in the year of our Lord, 26 May 2024, there are billions.
You need to create your own reality.
I am not saying go off-grid; just be aware of the rabbit hole all around you.
The true prophet is buried deep inside you, not on these low-grade bulletin boards.
“ There is definitely a disease out there. What it really is, there is simply no point in/of investigating, because the gains - by big pharma, the kickbacks to govt, the local hospitals, the dispensing "general practitioner" quacks as we call them - are MASSIVE.
People need to understand that there is nothing sacred about human life in the eyes of big tech, big biz, big pharma, big media, big finance.”
So, it is in some people’s best interests for the disease to continue… not to be cured… It may not even exist but some make sure that testing for the imaginable disease continues with false positives… Sounds familiar?
Same like peace; it is in the best interests of military industrial complex for wars to continue…
"Also please understand social Darwinism - not all people are equal in terms of intelligence, acumen, physical and spiritual attributes, career prospects and choices in life. The stronger always endure. This is the law of the universe."
So what I mean by social Darwinism is this.
The US mainly but also the West wants everyone to believe all people are born equal. But this simply cannot be, as I stated in my above comment.
And the US society, now more than ever, is visibly socially stratified. It's similar right now to any developing nation like Brazil, South Africa, India, Chile or Turkey.
So it's all lip service fake about equality in the US.
The last 20 or so years really ripped the top of the can violently off for all to see and exposed the malevolent and ugly, yet genuine face of uncle Sam.
The engineered Iraqi war and the fake war on terror (2003 to 2011); the engineered banking crisis of 2008; the fake covid crisis 2020; Ukraine, Israel.
Social Darwinism says people get ahead in society because of acumen, inherent talent - survival of the fittest.
I've seen fellow South Africans rise from nothing through hard work, ingenuity and real ability.
I've equally seen idiot sons wreck excellent family businesses in less than a generation.
Some people are better than others. But the internet says we're all equal because we all apparently have a voice; and the laws do too.
But you need money to enforce the law via lawsuits and nobody pays any attention to you unless you are somebody who has achieved one way or another.
So there's this disconnect about the theory of equality vs the reality de facto situation.
And nobody today in this nannified, pussified, weakling world accepts this, except those at the top.
Society hasn't changed one bit since the death of Jesus.
I spent some time today watching the HIV/AIDS doccie referred to in your article.
It was almost a harbinger of the covid shit show 40 years later - all the same cast and crew and directors and producers - shameless bunch. And they all fell for it hook, mRNA line and bottom feeder sinker.
I appreciated the medical explanations about the deleterious effects of stress on the human body.
There is always the danger of being an instinctive contrarian. I shared information of allegedly sexual practices on certain African communities that was taught in a Red Cross HIV training in 1993, in the days when blunt speaking still existed, and I used to work in an HIV-AIDS not-for-profit CBO.
Agree (1)(2) testosterone and testosterone 100%. Generally in Africa, there is AIDS which is from the tainted blood to foreign aid which many towns burn now because it makes them sick. In America, it was the AZT. AIDS another syndrome isn't it that Ouchi was in charge of . ........opposite of lubricant. What sand?
before I read any paper I need to check who did it and paid for it if it's undisclosed it's more than likely got unethical backing. Don't read anything with unethical backing as it's generally a waste of time unless you need perpective and do a deep dive see the opposing first and do spot the bullshit in the paper. Get Claude to analyse it and pick it apart
2008 I watched that video it is a play-by-play for covid 19. read what Barry has to say about it. I have been studying this for years in fact since a doctor in Bangkok Hospital said it was not real i overheard and to watch Gary Null's The Myth of AIDS. then a top researcher had a look for me and noted that all the information was valid and the Drs were canceled. Im not going to be able to convince you with information online that contradicts what im stating as they have sewn their bullshit together tight and they have had a long time to do it. So ill ask some questions why are there so many diagrams and not pictures if its 120nm it should be easy to spot with an EM? , i can give you some perspective
watch the video in the link. . Barrus comment after watching it ....t was almost a harbinger of the covid shit show 40 years later - all the same cast and crew and directors and producers - shameless bunch. And they all fell for it hook, mRNA line and bottom feeder sinker.
The core issue with monkey pox and HIV and STDs is the number of partners, issue of monogamy, and the type of hard abrasive sex contact, intimacy if there are symptoms. If you are HIV infected, it is the micro tears that develop in the tissue form the form of sex contact that spreads the infected bodily fluids. Same with monkey pox, it is the infected pustules and warts etc. that are burst due to rough or skin to skin contact in sex contact in GAY or bisexual males or anyone infected. Even heterosexual persons if infected. If this is stopped, no physical contact then the risk of spread is zero. I am not one to say use protection and it reduces risk. No. I say no contact. No multiple partners. etc. it is a risk management decision.
All that is the lie that Gallo, Fauci et others invented and told us in the 80 s , theres no sexual or heterosexual contagion from "HIV". It's sexual bullshit narrative. See Nancy padian studies. That "HIV"was the first lie that all the world believe.HIV is not the cause of AiDs.
Do you think there is a monkeypox virus still Paul.. We need to do a study on an electric diet on all syndromes / I'll eat my hat if >80% of them don't remediate their symptoms.
This is absolutely not to deny the fact that AZT was responsible for accelerating the deaths so many AIDS sufferers, but there must have been people dying of AiDS even before AZT was set forth as the Fauci-anointed drug-of-choice, for any number of reasons usually related to the fact that a destroyed immune system will succumb to almost any disease attack.
Before Republican Congressman Stewart McKinney back in 1987 became the first US congressman to die of HIV-related complications, RINOS were already pioneers in taking it up the ass in bathhouses and then going home and having sexual relations with their wives, if they had one. This was long before the era of Lindsey Graham, George Conway and Mike Pence. In October of 1980, while running for reelection, Maryland Republican Congressman Robert Bauman was arrested and charged with soliciting sex from a 16-year-old minor male sex worker. The following year, Mississippi Republican Congressman Jon Hinson was arrested at a bathroom stall in a D.C. federal building, along with a male Library of Congress employee, on an oral sodomy charge. This is part of the history of RINO Republicanism that RINOS like Kinzinger, Mike Pence and Mitt Romney never mention.
I just thought it odd that Dr Alexander didnt mention AZT and people may assume that people died of AIDS alone and not the AZT Fauci put out there to kill more people.
Please read a book by Dr. Lorraine Day, "AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling you about AIDS" Stamped with CENSORED across the cover! It is so important!!! So easily spread, like covid, which x-Pfizer employee, brillant Karen Kingston, (she studies Patents!) has said on Brannon Howse's show, "World News Report," on (get "Frank" & "Frank Social" free apps) I believe (& I think she probably does too) that it (covid) is contageous because that fact deadly "HIV" is listed in the Jab patent!
Dr. Lorraine Day ( emergency room Dr. in San Francisco "where" gay community--"gay" capitol of America, & "when" the epidemic started, & was threatened by the gay political activists if she had any interviews with the news stations, because it-- the TRUTH about AIDS, was bad publicity for them!
She said they discovered it, the virus, "venom/poison" ( as Dr. Ardis has said the original definition for "virus"), can last on a countertop for 2 weeks, & can be absorbed into skin. She said that it is in all body fluids, & I saw on a gov news report, a confirmation, a warning only 1 time on TV, that it is in all body fluids! That means even kissing can spread it!
So that became an issue with movie stars kissing on film, in the news, & porn stars & prostitutes lives were threatened!
I love when you are sharing, I think it was on shows on Frankspeech, what the truth is! GOD BLESS YOU! YOU ARE AN AMERICAN HERO! I HOPE YOU WILL BE ON TRUMP'S TEAM AGAIN SOON! WE NEED TRUMP BACK ASAP! HE WILL END MANDATES!
TRUMP WON 2020 SO HE NEEDS TO BE PUT BACK IN OFFICE B424 ELECTION, & kick out the fake winner!
“HIV has 100% mortality if you live long enough and do not succumb to another illness like heart disease. HIV/AIDS will kill you if you live long enough”.
AIDS treatments took out my friends, Gregg Davenport, & Barnett from Bay Ridge. I was in high school when the newspaper reported the strange pneumonia in San Francisco.
Aids is not 100 percent fatal. People with homozygous delta 32 ccc5 mutations are immune and heterozygous people are hiv resistant. I have always thought it strange that they are looking at ccr antagonists to treat covid. It’s like there is a select group of humans already primed to be resistant to Covid and only people from one ethnicity.
Conclusions: Our study design precludes clinical efficacy inferences but the results implicate CCR5 as a therapeutic target for COVID-19 and they form the basis for ongoing randomized clinical trials.
Who was that black basketball player back in the 80's who was HIV positive, he didn't die, maybe he refused the deadly Fauci treatment.
Magic Johnson. He was diagnosed in 1991. He claims he caught it from unprotected sex with a woman. That's what he claims. He's still alive but he has taken a lot of anti-retrovirals. Almost everyone who caught it back then and didn't take the anti-retrovirals is dead.
there are costs to those drugs...costs to everything. I have written about this for one say that these infections are not heterosexual issues as the media and CDC etc. wants to make you feel. moreover, simple low risk behaviour can mitigate risk and keep you alive.
The best way to stay alive is simply to avoid all pharma products and STOP taking their stupid tests.
It was the people who refused the deadly anti-viral drugs (chemotherapy drugs) who didn't develop "AIDS." Many of them later tested negative for "HIV." HIV is not the actual cause of "AIDS" which is just a "syndrome" wherein the immune system collapses.
Many who tested "positive" for HIV and who also refused the Fauci death protocols, never developed "AIDS." HIV was a scam to trick people into taking deadly drugs.
MANY vaccinated people however, do actually end up with "VAIDS", i.e., vaccine-induced turbo cancers, and other deadly conditions which are symptoms of a destroyed immune system.
AIDS and HIV are not the same thing and there is no evidence 1 causes the other
HIV is said that is has never been isolated with no atomic weight,
HIV virions are indeed smaller than 5 nm, typically ranging from 1.2 to 1.4 nm in size. This puts them below the resolution limit of even the most advanced electron microscopes available today.
This gap in our ability to directly visualize structures between the resolution limits of light microscopy and electron microscopy is often referred to as the "resolution gap" or the "visualization gap." It presents a significant challenge in the study of small biological structures like certain viruses, proteins, and macromolecular complexes.
Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs) can achieve resolutions down to about 0.05 nm, while scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) have a resolution limit of around 0.4 to 0.5 nm. However, these resolutions are still insufficient to directly image the smallest viruses like HIV.
I believe this also relates to SARS-COVID-19
STD and gut biome can lead to immune problems,
Mixing the sperm biome with the gut biome causes an imbalance
Many people remain HIV-negative while displaying AIDS-like symptoms.
Many individuals have experienced HIV remission, meaning they previously had HIV but the virus became undetectable in their bodies.
The consumption of chemicals like poppers and Nitrates drugs adds to the chemicals in the body which reacts to the new introduction of RFR and ELF and more so together in an attractive physics sum of Conductive + electric field = receiver/antenna
The PCR test can be manipulated as shown with Convid 19
T-cell count would be low if you had an illness / were pregnant or went out in the sunlight for too long your results could be lower than 200 and lead you to an AIDS diagnosis..
A 2021 review in the Journal of the International AIDS Society examined multiple studies and estimated:
HIV transmission risk per condomless vaginal sex act for women: 0.08% (1 in 1,250)
HIV transmission risk per act for men: 0.04% (1 in 2,500)
Women have a longer urethra and vaginal cavity compared to the male urethra, which does make them more biologically susceptible to contracting many sexually transmitted infections from exposure.
HIV is primarily transmitted through exposure to infected bodily fluids like semen, vaginal fluids, blood etc during sexual activity.
So from a purely biological standpoint, women's anatomy does make them more susceptible to potential HIV transmission from an infected partner.
So women face around double the per-act risk compared to men from vaginal intercourse exposure in this data.
If this was true this would lead to more women catching HIV and statistics show they are, however…..
The tainted blood supplies in parts of sub-Saharan Africa skewed the AIDS
Prevalence data, especially for women in those regions. There were incidents where donated blood was not properly screened and contained multiple infections like HIV, hepatitis, and others. When this contaminated blood was then used for transfusions or medical procedures, it exposed many recipients, including women, to HIV through non-sexual transmission routes.
This artificial exposure pathway from tainted blood supplies contributed to higher HIV rates among women in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, compared to if transmission occurred primarily through sexual routes based on biological susceptibility factors. Including data from sub-Saharan Africa in the global HIV/AIDS statistics skews the overall prevalence ratios between men and women.
By excluding that region's data, which was impacted by the tainted blood issue, the underlying biological factors become more apparent. Women have a longer urethra and vaginal cavity, making them inherently more susceptible to contracting sexually transmitted infections like HIV from exposure. With sub-Saharan African data removed, the HIV prevalence ratio shows around 1.58 men for every 1 woman in the rest of the world.
However, even this 1.58 ratio may be further skewed, as women and men likely receive blood transfusions at roughly equal rates in those other regions. If the 1.58 ratio was solely due to sexual transmission risks, it would be illogical for men to have a higher prevalence than women given the biological susceptibility factors for women. The potential blood transfusion exposure pathway could artificially increase the number of infected women. Therefore, there may be even stronger evidence that men contract HIV at higher rates than women through primary sexual transmission routes, which would align with biological realities. The 1.58 ratio could understate the inherent female susceptibility.
(1) Anal penetration causes more skin tears than vaginal penetration. (2) Gay males are incredibly promiscuous. (3) Some African men use the opposite of lubricant with female partners to increase friction during intercourse. This causes vaginal tearing, making Africa women more susceptible to HIV...
Hello Victoria,
I live in South Africa.
What you say about straight SA males using "the opposite of lubricant" with their female lovers is something I have never heard of before. I don't believe it to be true.
There's a local custom called "free-wheelin'" and "flesh-to-flesh", which is essentially condomless sex.
The common theory is HIV is deemed to be prevalent in SA because of rampant high unprotected sex and promiscuity with mulitple sex partners and older men also having sex with younger and often teenage girls.
However, the reality might be the disease is perhaps something else completely which is deliberately misdiagnosed, just like covid, so you can be put on the conveyor belt of death to be.
Anti-retrovirals are big business in SA, becuase they are supplied free-of-charge by the govt. Take 9M "HIV infected" souls multiplied by USD 150 cost of treatment = USD 1.2BN p.a to big pharma. That's a huge industry. Chuck in the kickbacks to govt and quacks and and we can add another say USD 200M p.a as a cost of doing business. So let's say big pharma clears USD 1BN net p.a. That's a good scam.
Once you are in the HIV industry, just like once you are in the covid industry, your immunity is wrecked, and you are on a one-way ticket to the departure lounge. There is money in death. Funeral businesses and funeral plans are massive enterprises in SA.
There is definitely a disease out there. What it really is, there is simply no point in/of investigating, because the gains - by big pharma, the kickbacks to govt, the local hospitals, the dispensing "general practitioner" quacks as we call them - are MASSIVE.
People need to understand that there is nothing sacred about human life in the eyes of big tech, big biz, big pharma, big media, big finance.
You are just a commodity.
Even Palestinians have a purpose as a commodity - being the recipient of death from above by paid for US/UK/EU weapons.
The sooner humanity realises this fact, the easier it will be to navigate in this world on an individual level.
Also please understand social Darwinism - not all people are equal in terms of intelligence, acumen, physical and spiritual attributes, career prospects and choices in life. The stronger always endure. This is the law of the universe.
Substack is no different to mainsteam. You'll find the big tech players are behind it too as a side-gig.
And the substack "writers" - if you can call them that - too are looking for subsciption income. There are no altrusits on Substack. Just conmen/women and small-time crooks.
Alternative is the negative (like in celluloid photography) of mainstream media. But it's the exact same, just picking up all the malcontents on the other end. And in the year of our Lord, 26 May 2024, there are billions.
You need to create your own reality.
I am not saying go off-grid; just be aware of the rabbit hole all around you.
The true prophet is buried deep inside you, not on these low-grade bulletin boards.
Listen to your own voice - it knows best.
Take care, Victoria.
Barry xx
“ There is definitely a disease out there. What it really is, there is simply no point in/of investigating, because the gains - by big pharma, the kickbacks to govt, the local hospitals, the dispensing "general practitioner" quacks as we call them - are MASSIVE.
People need to understand that there is nothing sacred about human life in the eyes of big tech, big biz, big pharma, big media, big finance.”
So, it is in some people’s best interests for the disease to continue… not to be cured… It may not even exist but some make sure that testing for the imaginable disease continues with false positives… Sounds familiar?
Same like peace; it is in the best interests of military industrial complex for wars to continue…
Indeed Tomas, the identical shit show with covid, some 35-40 odd years later.
Like I said to Norman, in my comment above - all the same cast and crew and directors and producers - shameless bunch.
And the public all fell for it, hook, mRNA line and bottom-feeder sinker.
We're perfectly aligned, you and I.
The very best to you.
I agree. Human life became a commodity to some like you wrote above. I just don’t know how those people sleep at night…
BTW: I was confused about your earlier comment about social Darwinism…
Hello Tomas,
What I stated was:
"Also please understand social Darwinism - not all people are equal in terms of intelligence, acumen, physical and spiritual attributes, career prospects and choices in life. The stronger always endure. This is the law of the universe."
So what I mean by social Darwinism is this.
The US mainly but also the West wants everyone to believe all people are born equal. But this simply cannot be, as I stated in my above comment.
And the US society, now more than ever, is visibly socially stratified. It's similar right now to any developing nation like Brazil, South Africa, India, Chile or Turkey.
So it's all lip service fake about equality in the US.
The last 20 or so years really ripped the top of the can violently off for all to see and exposed the malevolent and ugly, yet genuine face of uncle Sam.
The engineered Iraqi war and the fake war on terror (2003 to 2011); the engineered banking crisis of 2008; the fake covid crisis 2020; Ukraine, Israel.
Social Darwinism says people get ahead in society because of acumen, inherent talent - survival of the fittest.
I've seen fellow South Africans rise from nothing through hard work, ingenuity and real ability.
I've equally seen idiot sons wreck excellent family businesses in less than a generation.
Some people are better than others. But the internet says we're all equal because we all apparently have a voice; and the laws do too.
But you need money to enforce the law via lawsuits and nobody pays any attention to you unless you are somebody who has achieved one way or another.
So there's this disconnect about the theory of equality vs the reality de facto situation.
And nobody today in this nannified, pussified, weakling world accepts this, except those at the top.
Society hasn't changed one bit since the death of Jesus.
Yeah i thought as much about the sand sex. Wtf!! Sand dunes maybe, but doing it on purpose naaa!. Well said Barry ...You will like this and read on loads to melt heads.....
Hello Norman,
I spent some time today watching the HIV/AIDS doccie referred to in your article.
It was almost a harbinger of the covid shit show 40 years later - all the same cast and crew and directors and producers - shameless bunch. And they all fell for it hook, mRNA line and bottom feeder sinker.
I appreciated the medical explanations about the deleterious effects of stress on the human body.
Keep in touch and stay well.
Best to you,
Also to note the lesions from aids some perspective.
IMO is a form of radiation poisoning reacting to the chemicals inside just like people dropping in High emf environments Like pilots, athletes in an arena of 5g phones cant oxygenate there organs properly through RFR aggregation of the blood
There is always the danger of being an instinctive contrarian. I shared information of allegedly sexual practices on certain African communities that was taught in a Red Cross HIV training in 1993, in the days when blunt speaking still existed, and I used to work in an HIV-AIDS not-for-profit CBO.
have you watched the video
Agree (1)(2) testosterone and testosterone 100%. Generally in Africa, there is AIDS which is from the tainted blood to foreign aid which many towns burn now because it makes them sick. In America, it was the AZT. AIDS another syndrome isn't it that Ouchi was in charge of . ........opposite of lubricant. What sand?
Wikipedia states that the HIV virion is about 120 nm in diameter.
lol keep changing their minds. Wikipedia is not a food resource even the creator thinks ifs full of propaganda .
Another link: (gives measurment in angstroms, but converts to 100-150 nm)
before I read any paper I need to check who did it and paid for it if it's undisclosed it's more than likely got unethical backing. Don't read anything with unethical backing as it's generally a waste of time unless you need perpective and do a deep dive see the opposing first and do spot the bullshit in the paper. Get Claude to analyse it and pick it apart
Depends on the topic, for non-controversial subject matter, Wikipedia is generally OK. Anyway, here is another link with the same size reference:
regarding Wikipedia, I don't use it. If the maker won't use it anymore it's good enough for me and discerning what's true and what isn't on there is tricky not like Peer R papers it I'll stick to how I statistically navigate through the bullshit of information
Yes it's left wing propaganda, admitted by the founder.
When you realize EMF especially ELF and RFR together makes us sick,,,,, please read the articles embedded in the aids blog I sent you also. It shows how EMF causes so many syndromes in breast implant illness and the syndromes coincide with AIDS so does MCS where 15% diagnosed in the USA estimated 1 in 4 have chemical and electrosensitive and similar with breast implant illness. My family had 27 of them central sensitisation syndromes being irradiated by the neighbor. this is shocking if true
let's have a look at bacteria and now herpes cancer
2008 I watched that video it is a play-by-play for covid 19. read what Barry has to say about it. I have been studying this for years in fact since a doctor in Bangkok Hospital said it was not real i overheard and to watch Gary Null's The Myth of AIDS. then a top researcher had a look for me and noted that all the information was valid and the Drs were canceled. Im not going to be able to convince you with information online that contradicts what im stating as they have sewn their bullshit together tight and they have had a long time to do it. So ill ask some questions why are there so many diagrams and not pictures if its 120nm it should be easy to spot with an EM? , i can give you some perspective
How is it known they ara HIV virons?
watch the video in the link. . Barrus comment after watching it ....t was almost a harbinger of the covid shit show 40 years later - all the same cast and crew and directors and producers - shameless bunch. And they all fell for it hook, mRNA line and bottom feeder sinker.
watch the video
What video?
Thanks for the link, I will watch it next chance..
I get your skepticism. deffo worth a watch this and dr cowans speech are why im alive today unvaxxed
The core issue with monkey pox and HIV and STDs is the number of partners, issue of monogamy, and the type of hard abrasive sex contact, intimacy if there are symptoms. If you are HIV infected, it is the micro tears that develop in the tissue form the form of sex contact that spreads the infected bodily fluids. Same with monkey pox, it is the infected pustules and warts etc. that are burst due to rough or skin to skin contact in sex contact in GAY or bisexual males or anyone infected. Even heterosexual persons if infected. If this is stopped, no physical contact then the risk of spread is zero. I am not one to say use protection and it reduces risk. No. I say no contact. No multiple partners. etc. it is a risk management decision.
All that is the lie that Gallo, Fauci et others invented and told us in the 80 s , theres no sexual or heterosexual contagion from "HIV". It's sexual bullshit narrative. See Nancy padian studies. That "HIV"was the first lie that all the world believe.HIV is not the cause of AiDs.
Do you think there is a monkeypox virus still Paul.. We need to do a study on an electric diet on all syndromes / I'll eat my hat if >80% of them don't remediate their symptoms.
I thought I understood that those that they said died from AIDS really died from AZT??
This is absolutely not to deny the fact that AZT was responsible for accelerating the deaths so many AIDS sufferers, but there must have been people dying of AiDS even before AZT was set forth as the Fauci-anointed drug-of-choice, for any number of reasons usually related to the fact that a destroyed immune system will succumb to almost any disease attack.
Before Republican Congressman Stewart McKinney back in 1987 became the first US congressman to die of HIV-related complications, RINOS were already pioneers in taking it up the ass in bathhouses and then going home and having sexual relations with their wives, if they had one. This was long before the era of Lindsey Graham, George Conway and Mike Pence. In October of 1980, while running for reelection, Maryland Republican Congressman Robert Bauman was arrested and charged with soliciting sex from a 16-year-old minor male sex worker. The following year, Mississippi Republican Congressman Jon Hinson was arrested at a bathroom stall in a D.C. federal building, along with a male Library of Congress employee, on an oral sodomy charge. This is part of the history of RINO Republicanism that RINOS like Kinzinger, Mike Pence and Mitt Romney never mention.
NOPE! Study more.
What about the HIV being put into the hepatitis vaccine that was given to all of Africa??
I just thought it odd that Dr Alexander didnt mention AZT and people may assume that people died of AIDS alone and not the AZT Fauci put out there to kill more people.
'Down low' means you are gay, Ice T said it years ago, and it was true then and it's true now.
Also to note the lesions from aids some perspective.
Please read a book by Dr. Lorraine Day, "AIDS: What the Government Isn't Telling you about AIDS" Stamped with CENSORED across the cover! It is so important!!! So easily spread, like covid, which x-Pfizer employee, brillant Karen Kingston, (she studies Patents!) has said on Brannon Howse's show, "World News Report," on (get "Frank" & "Frank Social" free apps) I believe (& I think she probably does too) that it (covid) is contageous because that fact deadly "HIV" is listed in the Jab patent!
Dr. Lorraine Day ( emergency room Dr. in San Francisco "where" gay community--"gay" capitol of America, & "when" the epidemic started, & was threatened by the gay political activists if she had any interviews with the news stations, because it-- the TRUTH about AIDS, was bad publicity for them!
She said they discovered it, the virus, "venom/poison" ( as Dr. Ardis has said the original definition for "virus"), can last on a countertop for 2 weeks, & can be absorbed into skin. She said that it is in all body fluids, & I saw on a gov news report, a confirmation, a warning only 1 time on TV, that it is in all body fluids! That means even kissing can spread it!
So that became an issue with movie stars kissing on film, in the news, & porn stars & prostitutes lives were threatened!
I love when you are sharing, I think it was on shows on Frankspeech, what the truth is! GOD BLESS YOU! YOU ARE AN AMERICAN HERO! I HOPE YOU WILL BE ON TRUMP'S TEAM AGAIN SOON! WE NEED TRUMP BACK ASAP! HE WILL END MANDATES!
TRUMP WON 2020 SO HE NEEDS TO BE PUT BACK IN OFFICE B424 ELECTION, & kick out the fake winner!
& "Cyber Symposium" "momentoftruthsummit"
"Inside the machines" etc💖
No election is FAIR & HONEST with the voting machines & massive mail-in ballots into ZUCKABUCKS Ballot boxes in tbe inner blue states!
"2000 MULES" doc film @
Zuckerbuck's (paid) ballot box stuffers caught on city camera videos!
SEE: TRUTH! Doc. film
& SEE:
see, "Died Suddenly" (jab deaths)
( also: jab injured)
& "Watch The Water" 1 & 2 with Dr. Ardis on
Please look into what the Perth Group out of Australia says about the whole H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. narrative.
“HIV has 100% mortality if you live long enough and do not succumb to another illness like heart disease. HIV/AIDS will kill you if you live long enough”.
So has a old age if you live to old age… ;-)
AIDS treatments took out my friends, Gregg Davenport, & Barnett from Bay Ridge. I was in high school when the newspaper reported the strange pneumonia in San Francisco.
Aids is not 100 percent fatal. People with homozygous delta 32 ccc5 mutations are immune and heterozygous people are hiv resistant. I have always thought it strange that they are looking at ccr antagonists to treat covid. It’s like there is a select group of humans already primed to be resistant to Covid and only people from one ethnicity.,in%20plasma%20by%20day%2014
Conclusions: Our study design precludes clinical efficacy inferences but the results implicate CCR5 as a therapeutic target for COVID-19 and they form the basis for ongoing randomized clinical trials.