Huh? Why are we not talking about how pregnant women were effectively forced to get the killer jab, or have intimate partners who were coerced to get the poison death shot? These things, and the shedding from them cause massive birth defects and miscarriages. Why are we talking "quality of life just isn't up to par" at an active mass murder scene?

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US infant mortality was high before Covid and has gone south because medicine doesn’t recognize the need for good prenatal care which includes identify, nutrient deficiencies, and poor lifestyle, habits, and correct them. On top of the list is pregnant. Mothers should have a blood value of vitamin D above 50 ng’s! For those interested go to grassrootshealth.net

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Little off in the wording, the death rate in the United States stayed the same even with the pandemic, and only went up to 40% increase AFTER the death jabs came out. Can't reference the source right now, but have read this data over and over.

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Not only that, an astounding datapoint I just heard was that the US also has the highest first-day infant mortality rate of all industrial countries too. (It's a 2013 statictic though, no later updates, they stopped tracking it???) I heard it in an interview either on aluminum in vaccines or on autism (Highwire archives). It's obviously the insane first-day-of-birth vaccine shots. That statistic was also coincidentally highest in blacks. The MMR and autism was highest in blacks too (movie VAXXED). Add it up. Now throw in the covid shots.

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I had to look back where I just recently got that statistic and found it again. It's a Highwire interview on aluminum and alzheimers with Christopher Exley (serch their website for "aluminum" - titled ALUMINUM EXPERT UNEARTHS..... It's an hour and half interview, with the comment on first-day infant mortality at around minute 40+.

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Thank you!

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The near perfect method for population destruction...stop the births.

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gates-funded, IoT oxygen concentrators for in-hospital use can be reversed to asphyxiate patients - used in india and here also - were they used to kill in hawaii and elsewhere especially on pregnant women? were the pregnant, mostly black, women who survived subjected to hideous invasive procedures at university hospitals, and allowed to live in order to fuel the propaganda machine to increase vaxx uptake? this goes back awhile but was news to me https://thewayout.substack.com/p/cliffsnotes-of-does-the-story-of

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dear Dr Alexander, I was looking up your Twitter account to retweet in support but found it BLOCKED?

what happened? Dr Makis recent substack also points to vaxx :(( how many more ENOUGH ALREADY


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CA Communist Newsom To Empty Jails And

Release All Criminals Onto The Street To Fight

'Systemic Racism’ - CA A Third World Sewer


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thank you

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Thanks so much for highlighting this Dr A!! Our infant and maternal mortality rates in this country are shocking and absolutely shameful. How we can overlook such clear and alarming evidence of a totally broken medical model here (despite being one of the most costly, if not THE most costly in the world)...it’s disgusting. And so sad 💔

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