REMINDER: VE is significantly lower for omicron than that against Delta infection & declines rapidly over just a few months; what does this mean? see Figure Delta vs omicron & negative effectiveness
They have lied from the beginning, every one has, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, AMA, NIH, WHO, the MSM, have all adopted and been VERY WELL paid by this administration to push the shots. They all followed the Democrats MANTRA, get the shots, be locked down, wear masks, so they could do their evil and corrupt deeds and take over AMERICA!! The got rid of middle class by shutting down MOM and POP shops, and their restaurants, by making us sheep and making us doubt ourselves and our common sense that something is wrong here! They led so many to their death for more power, they disabled many others for their greed. The mass killing, even though people are started to realize that the shots were and are the killing method, has not yet been finished. Many of the vaxxed have a poison in them that will hurt and quite possibly kill them. If you are not vaxxed stay not vaxxed, if you are vaxxed try to stay healthy. The more shots the more damage to you! SORRY!!
Two weeks following second shot by protocol they are now considered vexxed.
VE of 36-55% a month after second shot is kinda sad. Surprising to hear ‘VE declines rapidly thereafter’ as that kind of language will get your studies retracted or unaccepted for publication. That’s unless your motive is to sell more 100$ shots more often with the accompanying mRNA encased in LNP and magLNP, nanotubules, hydrogel, graphene, (nanorouter?), et al...WHO would ever want to use these nano grams stuff of ‘contaminants’ in a shot to search, track and identify us? It’s not a likely anyone could do that tracking until 5Gen frequencies are networked around us. Oh isn’t that what’s been installed over the last few years?!
Selective identification of experts and expert knowledge is a sucker's game. Dr. Alexander lauds Karen Kingston, who says that the virus is really a self-assebling AI graphene-based parasite that emerges from quantum dots;
Either the self-assembling nanobots are everywhere and can shed from vaxxxed to
unvaxxxed, from chemtrails in the atmosphere, and from food and water all controlled by DOD and DARPA, or we're still in the red-pill world-view that the vaxxxes actually contain damaging biological products like spike proteins.
Make up your mind Paul, which is it? Biologic pathogen with gain of function, or intelligent nanobot killer parasites?
I suppose it only matters in terms of how long before the kill shots complete their mass destruction of humanity. But, either way, it also means that a lot of thinking about what is actually killing us is still wrong. And there is still no attempt to formally investigate these competing hypotheses and establish the truth AMONG THE NO-VAXXX crowd! Not a good sign.
How about a massive rollout of more shots more often?! The authors’ words!
It’s okay to criticize the safe and effective narrative when you are recommending more 💉 more often
Yep, like in medieval times: The first three bloodlettings didn't do any good. Let's do another bloodletting.
Surprise, surprise.
They have lied from the beginning, every one has, CDC, FDA, Pfizer, Moderna, AMA, NIH, WHO, the MSM, have all adopted and been VERY WELL paid by this administration to push the shots. They all followed the Democrats MANTRA, get the shots, be locked down, wear masks, so they could do their evil and corrupt deeds and take over AMERICA!! The got rid of middle class by shutting down MOM and POP shops, and their restaurants, by making us sheep and making us doubt ourselves and our common sense that something is wrong here! They led so many to their death for more power, they disabled many others for their greed. The mass killing, even though people are started to realize that the shots were and are the killing method, has not yet been finished. Many of the vaxxed have a poison in them that will hurt and quite possibly kill them. If you are not vaxxed stay not vaxxed, if you are vaxxed try to stay healthy. The more shots the more damage to you! SORRY!!
Covid is a military designed bioweapon
Two weeks following second shot by protocol they are now considered vexxed.
VE of 36-55% a month after second shot is kinda sad. Surprising to hear ‘VE declines rapidly thereafter’ as that kind of language will get your studies retracted or unaccepted for publication. That’s unless your motive is to sell more 100$ shots more often with the accompanying mRNA encased in LNP and magLNP, nanotubules, hydrogel, graphene, (nanorouter?), et al...WHO would ever want to use these nano grams stuff of ‘contaminants’ in a shot to search, track and identify us? It’s not a likely anyone could do that tracking until 5Gen frequencies are networked around us. Oh isn’t that what’s been installed over the last few years?!
Sounds like science ...fiction maybe
Do they still count the vaxxed as unvaxxed during first two weeks, in this study?
We all know that they are fudging the numbers this way, it's nothing new.
Are they still doing it?
No need to study this. The ARR for these mRNA poisons is less than 1%. Case closed...they are useless against any virus or disease.
Selective identification of experts and expert knowledge is a sucker's game. Dr. Alexander lauds Karen Kingston, who says that the virus is really a self-assebling AI graphene-based parasite that emerges from quantum dots;
and at the same time he lauds Hansen et al. on vaxxx effectiveness against omicron.
Either the self-assembling nanobots are everywhere and can shed from vaxxxed to
unvaxxxed, from chemtrails in the atmosphere, and from food and water all controlled by DOD and DARPA, or we're still in the red-pill world-view that the vaxxxes actually contain damaging biological products like spike proteins.
Make up your mind Paul, which is it? Biologic pathogen with gain of function, or intelligent nanobot killer parasites?
I suppose it only matters in terms of how long before the kill shots complete their mass destruction of humanity. But, either way, it also means that a lot of thinking about what is actually killing us is still wrong. And there is still no attempt to formally investigate these competing hypotheses and establish the truth AMONG THE NO-VAXXX crowd! Not a good sign.