This is what happens when your leaders allow savages into your country and unarmed.thr citizens. Everyone needs to be armed and ready to protect themselves because your government surely isn't going to do it.

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One of my favorite memes, Someone asked me if I had plans for the fall? It took me a moment to realize they meant "autumn", not the collapse of civilization.

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This is what happens when you have open borders to jihadists

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A German anti-immigration politician was stabbed in the deltoid with a hypodermic needle and injected with an unkown substance in the lead up to this. The funk soul brother, he's likely producing spike proteins right about now.

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The imposition of "day of jihad" sends a worldwide message that Muslims exercise jihad on non-Muslims. We need to recognise this as international lawlessness and threat.

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A good watch from 2019 and continues today. https://www2.cbn.com/news/world/muslim-tells-christians-we-tried-warning-you-its-time-wake-about-threat-radical-islam. Muslim Tells Christians: 'We Tried Warning You,' It's Time to 'Wake Up' about Threat of Radical Islam. He called this one out and called out Omar and Rashid in US government.

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This has been going on for years. Women and their emotional tendencies make them vote for democrats who appeal to the most pathetic empathetic nature of females- who then get raped and brutally murdered by invaders who they voted to give refuge to.

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"A Call to the Muslims of the World from a Group of Freethinkers and Humanists of Muslim Origins"


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More evidence to educate the world as to where the threat lies.

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We, the People, must speak out in favor of JUSTICE...Dave P

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