~ role in promoting lockdowns & the deadly COVID mRNA vaccine, some clearly causing DEATH; Let our tribunals examine their actions & decide if they caused harms we punish harshly if declared; (please
In a recent interview Weinstein did with Jessica Rose they both display a very sensible standpoint on the discussion about whether there was an new pathogen og not. They would be on the same page as Bhakdi, that what is most important is, to have the mRNA platform removed from medicine now.
The longer it is there....the more deaths of children and young athletes...not to mention the rest of us. Killing children is a real nadir....can't get any more criminal.... These deaths are often slow and torturous involving cancer etc. Whatever else is in the injections can be bad...but this is simply horrendous. Autoimmune attack = a panoply of horrors.
Ban the mRNA platform immediately. They are injecting this into your child in schools.
“If your Justice System has been corrupted, how do you bypass the corruption?”
“Military Tribunals”
What if our “Military” has been corrupted? Now what?
I honestly believe this infamous saying,
“The End Justifies the Means”
And from:
“Now Till Kingdom Come”
This well organized / well executed / deliberate attack against mankind, has been completely successful.
That is, everything implemented against “We the People” was an monumental
“Abysmal Failure!”
In layman’s terms:
“When our Govt. Fails,
Our Govt. has Succeeded”
This is why nothing and nobody will face consequences / justice / tribunals.
1. There’s no appetite. Has anyone said “We’re Sorry?”
2. We thought we were doing the right thing.
3. We did what the experts said.
Only when our United States Government:
“Fails are they
Time and time again, this is how Washington operates. Covid isn’t any different.
As long as you continue fighting for humanity, Dr. Alexander, I’m going to keep playing the “Devil’s Advocate”
In roughly three months March 15, 2020:
“States began to implement shutdowns in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
And then this: CDC Museum.
David J. Sencer CDC Museum:
In Association with the Smithsonian Institution
COVID-19 Timeline
My point once again is simple: There’s been independent studies and calls by various scientists and doctors calling for an”Moratorium” on all Covid injections.
Where’s the MSM? Where’s the independent research organizations?
Where’s our leaders
“Front & Center” demanding an all out investigation? Far and few between, that’s where!
All the time and work you’ve allocated to “Covid” Dr. Alexander is exactly what we’d expect from our government!
I am fully convinced, nobody in government will touch this with an 10 foot pole! Not now, not ever. IMO, this entire
“Covid-Fraud” is part of the much bigger story:
A “New World Order!”
This also includes the obvious. This past Novembers election win. I’ll spare the details but understand, President Elect Trump is part of this fourth coming,
“New World Order”
I know, you know Dr Alexander, the Covid Bioweapon Injection death toll is gigantic! Not to mention how many millions upon millions of disabled people!
I pray I’m wrong about this. Something, which I call dots, connects all too easily now. We may find ourselves in a situation where truthful information, will be completely unavailable.
There’s a huge push happening as I type this, to scrub the internet for all relevant / truthful information about Covid, amongst other “Globalists” desired purging of truthful information.
Your endless diligence is second to none! I quite grateful for your honesty and dedication to the truth.
Do not forget the Omniscient Omnipotent Omnipresent God...I have seen murderers die unexpectedly...as did a child abductor/rapist murderer at / by the hand of a convict serving time in the same prison...and a bureauCRAP who violated Proverbs 6 on seven counts becoming an abomination to God...He still is in control.
Absolutely not edward. Most importantly NOT! Our Lord and Savior Jesus works in mysterious ways, certainly He doesn’t sleep nor forgets a thing about all humanity.
This is a mortal battle / and yes, a spiritual battle. As the saying goes, “what goes around comes around.”
I never have nor will I ever wish harm upon anyone. It’s against my logic and my soul’s belief. This is left to our “Almighty God” He’s the ONLY ONE able to right the wrongs mortal man.
I hear you loudly edward, we must faithfully support our Lord Jesus for the wrongs of mortal man will be righted! Which is why I end with:
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Thank you edward for your reminder about who’s truly in charge!
AJR, there are guidelines in scriptures ignored by profligates. Murderers are ordered executed is one. Self defence killing is allowed. These and other scriptural guidelines are ordered by scriptures and must be obeyed but man thinks murderers should live life in prison. Instead they should be executed. If the death penalty was used, these useless eaters are the ones who would be eradicated. But these are not killed and this removes the incentive by others to not murder. God ordered the death penalty. The USA is drifting away from that. And that means more innocent people will be murdered.
Look at Proverbs 6 verses 12 to 19 where are listed six things that God hates and seven that are an abomination to God. Verses list seven things that I witnessed an arrogant leftist bureauCRAP did to two innocent people and he died out of the blue. This "God is love" thing is unbalanced and even a cult who believe God is love PERIOD and will not send reprobates to hell. Well the Truth is that we condemn ourselves to hell, but He still uses it as the penalty.
My minister says from time to time along comes God. HE means that there are occasions He will intervene in the affairs of man. Yes God hates and there is a time and season for hate and love, and many other things that are listed as opposites.
The fact that "God hates the workers of iniquity is ample evidence He despises some people. He slew over ten thousand of His own people and would have killed them all except one of His chosen intervened and asked Him to stop.
God is the God of wrath. He is "angry with the sinner every day." And He delegates activities and duties to people. The head of the family is to protect his family even if it means killing to effect that outcome. What right do damned home invaders have to take over a household and steal money and things? The reality is that now these miscreants will move in and stay a few days, long enough to rape and terrify the owners. They are graduating in violence. But they can be stopped. Death penalty on the table for home invasions, sex trafficking, rape, etc. Miscreants will soon modify their behavior. Killing to protect one's family is acceptable.
Trouble is that the damned CYSTem of fools think they know better and ignore HIS solutions that really work. While He will judge in the end, He has commanded and directed how we are to act in our temporal existences and that includes the use of deadly force. That is a Sovereign right
The OPP pigs have a problem with that. So they can all flock off. I will follow His ways and their BS leftist wokist crap can go to hell. There were also bureauCRAPS who tried to impose their BS on me. They can also flock off. My property is my property and my house is my house. The murder and rape of a three year old girl whose father I know and who I defended against the damned corrupt CYSTem here landed the perp life in prison. He was in but damned fools let him out. And the pos abducted and raped a three year old girl. He should have never been let out but I tell you the damned fools on the bleeding heart parole board are responsible for her ordeal and suffering. Just wondering if these bastard leftists have the sense God gave a billygoat. I wonder if they ever looked at their toddlers and would expose them to a criminal who used a sardine can lid to cut her to enable his sexual act. You stupid bastards, I hope this follows these asswipes to their graves. And the OPP pigs are not much better. Besides being ball cuppers for an unhinged bureauCRAP fool, and kissing its hairy ass, they are also thieves who cannot enter a residence without stealing things. And of course there is the OPP cop who raped a drunk woman and took pictures. He was kept on the payroll for four years and I think with the pay scales of these corrupt morons that he gained 400 thousand. A blue uniform does NOT guarantee the wearer is not a rapist or any other malevolent moronic meat headed minion of moronicity.
Let me tell you again about the incident I witnessed where a much younger cyclist with his stupid spandex pants and ridiculous looking helmet TRIED to assault an older man. He swung a right but the man who was totally unimpressed with this fool, ducked and planted a left on the mouth of the perp. That woke him up quickly. Had he used a full force blow he would have broken the perps jaw. That is called restraint.
The incident was recorded video and sound by a woman who was verbally assaulted by the perp before his would be victim sent the fool on his way.
The would be victim called police to identify himself and along came the ditzy duo of DIEverSHITty, a toddly male about late twenties with piercings and a sow of a woman who I think was the detachment commander. The
'"would be" victim asked the wimpy male mess how he ever became a policeman. He answered, "I dove an "amberlance" for 7 years. Yup. But that was not all. The pig/pig, another witless wonder of DIEverSHITty lectured the would be victim and chastised him saying "If you had hurt that guy we would have been here to cuff you, arrest you, take all your guns, and jail you." This was the closest I ever came to hating a member of the fairer gender who decided the defender was the perp.
So now an elderly man is accosted by a much younger one, attacked and just because he defended himself is the object of the BS dirty mouth of an OPP pig in uniform who has to have sh*t for brains and I bet this shill for insanity would surely have been willing to shoot dead the defendant who used self defence to repel an attacker. Bloody hell, where do they get these wingnuts!
BTW I have done an investigation on this "thing" and have heard many uncomplimentary things about her that I expect will be helped to come to light and discredit "IT." Yup, I am into your BS you fool.
I said all that to say this. Insanity has infiltrated the OPP. I am onto it. And I expect this to be a nationally publicized event and even in the USA seen as a disgrace. At this moment in time, I would not piss on the best part of the OPP pigs as it would be a huge waste of urine.
I await the results of my complaints and am ready to politicize this and much more that will be a huge embarrassment to the targets, four already and one more to expose.
I read incidents in American gun magazines where criminals were shot dead. The perps were carried out and the defenders were praised. But up here in Canuckistan the OPP pigs side with mental cases and delusional dupe bureauCRAPS with the IQ of a paper clip and the appeal of an alternating 21 snot rocket salute to biDUMB.
Note the emotion here. Hatred of injustice, liars and keystone cops who have DIEverSHITty leanings is my thing. Tell me when was the last time you ever heard of a man being assaulted and is threatened by a pig and her accomplice who I wondered might have been on a weed trip? Tell me when was the last time anyone heard OPP pigs who gave a troubled mid teen a traffic ticket for not having a bell on his bicycle? The same fellow committed suicide.
There is also reports of corruption I have gathered I might well report not to mention the theft over a thousand of personal items from the home of a man with no criminal record, and the perps are the OPP. There is lots to say, lots to expose and lots to investigate about the OPP pigs whose descent into entropy has been much faster than I ever imagined. I knew and know good cops, but I would advise them to dump the OPP uniform and dress in an RCMP one.
Bottom line here AJR is that I can comprehend your position but there are bad guys and good guys and it seems the good guys need if necessary to be willing and able to do what needs to be done. Armed criminals need to be shot before they shoot innocent people. Murderers all need to be executed. And corrupt rapist OPP pigs need to be treated like criminals they are.
These fools have managed to anger a man of good reputation and accepted the delusional ravings of a corrupt bureauCRAP. They were aided and abetted by what many now see as two corrupt JP's, two bureaucraps that appear to be prejudicially biased as much as the two JP's I will expose, and a fairy troop of OPP ball cuppers led by a defective detective who others feel made a "quid pro quo" deal in return for what I am told was a biased and corrupt investigation slandering the reputation of a man noted for his beneficience, but more, for his perseverance in hating and attacking and exposing injustice.
And as always, the devil gets his dues and there are a dirty dozen who need to be taken down and exposed and prosecuted for their criminality.
The Truth always surfaces and it will in this situation.
One more situation. An OPP pig responded to a mishap AFTER it had occurred. He cited the "target" for speeding and careless driving. I wonder how he knew the target was speeding and guilty of careless driving.
He made a big mistake. You see, the target of this prejudicial pig was a man who had NEVER had an "at fault" mishap in his life. His continual record of owning and operating motorcycles spanned over six decades and in all that time had only one ticket, for speeding ten MPH over the limit, at seven in the morning on a highway with speed limit sixty miles per hour.
Just one ticket. And the fool was stupid enough to charge him when he had not even seen the mishap that clearly was the fault of the care driver ACCORDING TO THE TRANSCRIPTS I HAVE!!!
The initial of this pig is "I" and it must stand for ignorant or idiot because the Judge dumped all charges and now this fool is an added pig to my OIPRD complaint for violating his OPP oath, demonstrating a biased fake investigation, filing vexatious and non applicable charges, and leading the two witnesses in the other car.
But this is the usual fare from the OPP pigs and it will be dealt with. The criminal officer should be fired for perjury! Yes idiot, I HAVE THE TRANSCRIPTS where you suggested I was impaired. It so happens that my next door neighbor who had many parties over decades, always invited me but I ALWAYS declined because I am an abstainer. Sounds like a good witness huh? And as for speeding moron, there is a joke about how slowly I drive on the county road noted by those who live near me.
It is very safe to call him a liar! Not to mention the Judge dumped the vexatious charges. This is an example of criminal harassment as was the over two decade criminal harassment of pigs coming to my home lying and trying to silence me. Now it has had the opposite effect and you all will be famous. You learned I am not a sheeple but have a bloody hell lot more to learn!
So AJR, we are not in agreement on this score but it is about the only thing I can think we have never been in agreement with ever. I dare say I will consider your premise for awhile but I wil always want harm to come to sex traffickers, pimps, dug dealers, murderers and terrorists.
The Trump folks are giving the Left too much insight into what they will do….with all the info so far expect Biden give Obama a pardon for any and all crime going back to his first term….and the same for all the big wigs for the 3 letter agencies….if Biden can go back 10 yrs with Hunter then why not 20 yrs for current or future identified crimes….There is zero logic to all such pardons as valid….they are a total affront to our Constitution and Justice! An insult by any measure
I agree Thomas Marsh. My hubby and I were discussing this tonight. IMO Biden will pardon Obama, Fauci, et al. Then it's possible Biden will arrange to step down to give Kamala a couple of weeks as president with a back door agreement to pardon ole Joe himself. We feel nothing will happen to any of these murderers.
Can they pardon people that haven't officially been charged or convicted of crimes? For example, Fauci has been called to testify before Congress several times, but I don't recall him being charged with any crimes.
hhhmmm, IMO there is a distinction....he was misled term 1...but if you said term 2 he advocates for it and pushes it and locks us down, he will be on the list. I trust him....I think he is a good man. badly misled
I agree he was misled by nefarious people but something is off. No one talks about this: it is mathematically impossible to create and inject the billions of people they say they have injected. I saw a video where a mathematician calculated it would take over 8 yrs to make the number of shots needed, even if they could make a shot created every second. They had these shots ready to go in advance…been in the works for years…..
A well planned and well oiled operation. "They" bit the Reiner Fuellmich exposure with his ICIC in the bud....just when he was getting into the most terrible truth...Frequencies from the cell phone towers will interact with certain ingredients in the "vaccines"....He was seized and thrown into a dungeon in Germany where he rots to this day. This is a world wide nightmare.
For the sake of any who may come after us--our children and future generations etc...all who participated in this crime must be exposed and if possible prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You need to stop making excuses for Trump. At some point smart people figure things out. Trump, however, STILL pushes those shots, and praises his OWS. Sorry, Dr. Paul, but the "misled" thing just doesn't fly with me.
Hi Dr. Alexander, How about adding every single governor, senator, representative of every state, that are supposed to protect us, and have not said one word about it being harmful and has not called for a recall. Thanks
JB Pritzker, Illinois governor, kept Illinois under lockdown and masking, mandated state employees to take the jab. He and his family vacationed in Florida at their mansion during COVID. He also traveled to his new mansion being built in Wisconsin. His daughter partied in downtown Chicago with her friends...no jab, no mask, e.t.c. He's a terrible bully governor.
The government officials I contacted from the state of Pennsylvania on January 24, 2024 are Sen. Bob Casey (now replaced), Sen. John Fetterman, Governor Josh Shapiro, State Sen. Steve Santarsiero and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick. I contacted them through X (Twitter). Dr. Mary Talley Bowden had a link to send to government officials to sign a statement on Americansforhealthfreedom.org , stating that they call for the covid shots to be pulled off the market (along with over 17,000 Physicians). Not one of them signed it or responded. I called and left messages to some as well. I spoke to Fitzpatrick's office staff before this, they informed me Fitzpatrick will not say anything about recalling the shot because he is not a doctor. I became pretty angry and told them I am not a doctor either, but I can read and listen and these shots are deadly and are bioweapons. I told them he must have heard about Senator Ron Johnson's roundtables, he has no excuse. I also called a PA State Senator's office, Doug Mastriano, and left a message about the recall statement and he DID sign it! I have to mention that Fitzpatrick is supposed to be a Republican, but states he is very bipartisan. I reached out to Mastriano because I knew he was a staunch Republican, the rest are Democrat. So it seems in Pennsylvania this is a political issue and I would love to hold them all accountable for not speaking up.
Awesome you've compiled this list! Pretty scary how they laid this down knowing in advance the dangers. Godspeed with this. If I come up with someone you'll be the first to know.
Money and some Pitch about a "disease-free" future where you can cure all diseases with mRNA or gene-editing and big data is a BIG reason to push the shots, technologies, and also disregard the safety of your neighbors. You look at the stock shares, you look at some possible future innovations, many reason to just go along with it and disregard any safety signal, killing fellow citizens. You just dont care, the mirage of an near immortal, diseasefree public leads you astray. Money corrupts too.
That is exactly the opinion of Dr. Mike Yeadon who worked research and development in the Pharma industry for decades. This was intentional. They knew what would happen...death and disabilities, cancer and myocarditis.Monsterous...there is no other word.
But Trump's name should be at the top of the list, Dr. Paul. He's the one who had to sign off on everything. He went along with it all, when the buck was supposed to stop with him. He needs to be held to account too.
Dr. Alexander, why are you including Bret Weinstein? He’s part of the freedom movement and recently organized the “Rescue the Republic” event in DC. Thanks.
I added the Newsome government of California, St Mary Hospital CEO Carolyn Caldwell, FACHE. She denied patients eye surgery because they had medical insurance of medical for low income and has caused many people to suffer or die needlessly. Kim Johnson Human Nd Health Services of California: These three need to be added.
aim is to have people explain their COVID actions, some must be punished harshly as their actions killed people.
I still think Bret Weinstein ought not to be on this list. He has several times admitted he was wrong on the vaccines and mask wearing. Recently here:
In a recent interview Weinstein did with Jessica Rose they both display a very sensible standpoint on the discussion about whether there was an new pathogen og not. They would be on the same page as Bhakdi, that what is most important is, to have the mRNA platform removed from medicine now.
The longer it is there....the more deaths of children and young athletes...not to mention the rest of us. Killing children is a real nadir....can't get any more criminal.... These deaths are often slow and torturous involving cancer etc. Whatever else is in the injections can be bad...but this is simply horrendous. Autoimmune attack = a panoply of horrors.
Ban the mRNA platform immediately. They are injecting this into your child in schools.
Please add PM Trudeau and Freeland Deputy PM Canada as well all Premiers that went along with this gene therapy hoax virus.
They are there now! Maybe your recommendation has already been enacted!
Yes. Both those fools need to be tried and executed for treason.
My concern is this:
“If your Justice System has been corrupted, how do you bypass the corruption?”
“Military Tribunals”
What if our “Military” has been corrupted? Now what?
I honestly believe this infamous saying,
“The End Justifies the Means”
And from:
“Now Till Kingdom Come”
This well organized / well executed / deliberate attack against mankind, has been completely successful.
That is, everything implemented against “We the People” was an monumental
“Abysmal Failure!”
In layman’s terms:
“When our Govt. Fails,
Our Govt. has Succeeded”
This is why nothing and nobody will face consequences / justice / tribunals.
1. There’s no appetite. Has anyone said “We’re Sorry?”
2. We thought we were doing the right thing.
3. We did what the experts said.
Only when our United States Government:
“Fails are they
Time and time again, this is how Washington operates. Covid isn’t any different.
As long as you continue fighting for humanity, Dr. Alexander, I’m going to keep playing the “Devil’s Advocate”
In roughly three months March 15, 2020:
“States began to implement shutdowns in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.”
And then this: CDC Museum.
David J. Sencer CDC Museum:
In Association with the Smithsonian Institution
COVID-19 Timeline
My point once again is simple: There’s been independent studies and calls by various scientists and doctors calling for an”Moratorium” on all Covid injections.
Where’s the MSM? Where’s the independent research organizations?
Where’s our leaders
“Front & Center” demanding an all out investigation? Far and few between, that’s where!
All the time and work you’ve allocated to “Covid” Dr. Alexander is exactly what we’d expect from our government!
I am fully convinced, nobody in government will touch this with an 10 foot pole! Not now, not ever. IMO, this entire
“Covid-Fraud” is part of the much bigger story:
A “New World Order!”
This also includes the obvious. This past Novembers election win. I’ll spare the details but understand, President Elect Trump is part of this fourth coming,
“New World Order”
I know, you know Dr Alexander, the Covid Bioweapon Injection death toll is gigantic! Not to mention how many millions upon millions of disabled people!
I pray I’m wrong about this. Something, which I call dots, connects all too easily now. We may find ourselves in a situation where truthful information, will be completely unavailable.
There’s a huge push happening as I type this, to scrub the internet for all relevant / truthful information about Covid, amongst other “Globalists” desired purging of truthful information.
Your endless diligence is second to none! I quite grateful for your honesty and dedication to the truth.
Nobody does it better Dr. Alexander, nobody Sir!
Thank you.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Do not forget the Omniscient Omnipotent Omnipresent God...I have seen murderers die unexpectedly...as did a child abductor/rapist murderer at / by the hand of a convict serving time in the same prison...and a bureauCRAP who violated Proverbs 6 on seven counts becoming an abomination to God...He still is in control.
Absolutely not edward. Most importantly NOT! Our Lord and Savior Jesus works in mysterious ways, certainly He doesn’t sleep nor forgets a thing about all humanity.
This is a mortal battle / and yes, a spiritual battle. As the saying goes, “what goes around comes around.”
I never have nor will I ever wish harm upon anyone. It’s against my logic and my soul’s belief. This is left to our “Almighty God” He’s the ONLY ONE able to right the wrongs mortal man.
I hear you loudly edward, we must faithfully support our Lord Jesus for the wrongs of mortal man will be righted! Which is why I end with:
May God Bless America and The Entire World!
Thank you edward for your reminder about who’s truly in charge!
AJR, there are guidelines in scriptures ignored by profligates. Murderers are ordered executed is one. Self defence killing is allowed. These and other scriptural guidelines are ordered by scriptures and must be obeyed but man thinks murderers should live life in prison. Instead they should be executed. If the death penalty was used, these useless eaters are the ones who would be eradicated. But these are not killed and this removes the incentive by others to not murder. God ordered the death penalty. The USA is drifting away from that. And that means more innocent people will be murdered.
Look at Proverbs 6 verses 12 to 19 where are listed six things that God hates and seven that are an abomination to God. Verses list seven things that I witnessed an arrogant leftist bureauCRAP did to two innocent people and he died out of the blue. This "God is love" thing is unbalanced and even a cult who believe God is love PERIOD and will not send reprobates to hell. Well the Truth is that we condemn ourselves to hell, but He still uses it as the penalty.
My minister says from time to time along comes God. HE means that there are occasions He will intervene in the affairs of man. Yes God hates and there is a time and season for hate and love, and many other things that are listed as opposites.
The fact that "God hates the workers of iniquity is ample evidence He despises some people. He slew over ten thousand of His own people and would have killed them all except one of His chosen intervened and asked Him to stop.
God is the God of wrath. He is "angry with the sinner every day." And He delegates activities and duties to people. The head of the family is to protect his family even if it means killing to effect that outcome. What right do damned home invaders have to take over a household and steal money and things? The reality is that now these miscreants will move in and stay a few days, long enough to rape and terrify the owners. They are graduating in violence. But they can be stopped. Death penalty on the table for home invasions, sex trafficking, rape, etc. Miscreants will soon modify their behavior. Killing to protect one's family is acceptable.
Trouble is that the damned CYSTem of fools think they know better and ignore HIS solutions that really work. While He will judge in the end, He has commanded and directed how we are to act in our temporal existences and that includes the use of deadly force. That is a Sovereign right
The OPP pigs have a problem with that. So they can all flock off. I will follow His ways and their BS leftist wokist crap can go to hell. There were also bureauCRAPS who tried to impose their BS on me. They can also flock off. My property is my property and my house is my house. The murder and rape of a three year old girl whose father I know and who I defended against the damned corrupt CYSTem here landed the perp life in prison. He was in but damned fools let him out. And the pos abducted and raped a three year old girl. He should have never been let out but I tell you the damned fools on the bleeding heart parole board are responsible for her ordeal and suffering. Just wondering if these bastard leftists have the sense God gave a billygoat. I wonder if they ever looked at their toddlers and would expose them to a criminal who used a sardine can lid to cut her to enable his sexual act. You stupid bastards, I hope this follows these asswipes to their graves. And the OPP pigs are not much better. Besides being ball cuppers for an unhinged bureauCRAP fool, and kissing its hairy ass, they are also thieves who cannot enter a residence without stealing things. And of course there is the OPP cop who raped a drunk woman and took pictures. He was kept on the payroll for four years and I think with the pay scales of these corrupt morons that he gained 400 thousand. A blue uniform does NOT guarantee the wearer is not a rapist or any other malevolent moronic meat headed minion of moronicity.
Let me tell you again about the incident I witnessed where a much younger cyclist with his stupid spandex pants and ridiculous looking helmet TRIED to assault an older man. He swung a right but the man who was totally unimpressed with this fool, ducked and planted a left on the mouth of the perp. That woke him up quickly. Had he used a full force blow he would have broken the perps jaw. That is called restraint.
The incident was recorded video and sound by a woman who was verbally assaulted by the perp before his would be victim sent the fool on his way.
The would be victim called police to identify himself and along came the ditzy duo of DIEverSHITty, a toddly male about late twenties with piercings and a sow of a woman who I think was the detachment commander. The
'"would be" victim asked the wimpy male mess how he ever became a policeman. He answered, "I dove an "amberlance" for 7 years. Yup. But that was not all. The pig/pig, another witless wonder of DIEverSHITty lectured the would be victim and chastised him saying "If you had hurt that guy we would have been here to cuff you, arrest you, take all your guns, and jail you." This was the closest I ever came to hating a member of the fairer gender who decided the defender was the perp.
So now an elderly man is accosted by a much younger one, attacked and just because he defended himself is the object of the BS dirty mouth of an OPP pig in uniform who has to have sh*t for brains and I bet this shill for insanity would surely have been willing to shoot dead the defendant who used self defence to repel an attacker. Bloody hell, where do they get these wingnuts!
BTW I have done an investigation on this "thing" and have heard many uncomplimentary things about her that I expect will be helped to come to light and discredit "IT." Yup, I am into your BS you fool.
I said all that to say this. Insanity has infiltrated the OPP. I am onto it. And I expect this to be a nationally publicized event and even in the USA seen as a disgrace. At this moment in time, I would not piss on the best part of the OPP pigs as it would be a huge waste of urine.
I await the results of my complaints and am ready to politicize this and much more that will be a huge embarrassment to the targets, four already and one more to expose.
I read incidents in American gun magazines where criminals were shot dead. The perps were carried out and the defenders were praised. But up here in Canuckistan the OPP pigs side with mental cases and delusional dupe bureauCRAPS with the IQ of a paper clip and the appeal of an alternating 21 snot rocket salute to biDUMB.
Note the emotion here. Hatred of injustice, liars and keystone cops who have DIEverSHITty leanings is my thing. Tell me when was the last time you ever heard of a man being assaulted and is threatened by a pig and her accomplice who I wondered might have been on a weed trip? Tell me when was the last time anyone heard OPP pigs who gave a troubled mid teen a traffic ticket for not having a bell on his bicycle? The same fellow committed suicide.
There is also reports of corruption I have gathered I might well report not to mention the theft over a thousand of personal items from the home of a man with no criminal record, and the perps are the OPP. There is lots to say, lots to expose and lots to investigate about the OPP pigs whose descent into entropy has been much faster than I ever imagined. I knew and know good cops, but I would advise them to dump the OPP uniform and dress in an RCMP one.
Bottom line here AJR is that I can comprehend your position but there are bad guys and good guys and it seems the good guys need if necessary to be willing and able to do what needs to be done. Armed criminals need to be shot before they shoot innocent people. Murderers all need to be executed. And corrupt rapist OPP pigs need to be treated like criminals they are.
These fools have managed to anger a man of good reputation and accepted the delusional ravings of a corrupt bureauCRAP. They were aided and abetted by what many now see as two corrupt JP's, two bureaucraps that appear to be prejudicially biased as much as the two JP's I will expose, and a fairy troop of OPP ball cuppers led by a defective detective who others feel made a "quid pro quo" deal in return for what I am told was a biased and corrupt investigation slandering the reputation of a man noted for his beneficience, but more, for his perseverance in hating and attacking and exposing injustice.
And as always, the devil gets his dues and there are a dirty dozen who need to be taken down and exposed and prosecuted for their criminality.
The Truth always surfaces and it will in this situation.
Thank you very much edward for this great information. I am not well versed Biblically Speaking and this will help me understand much better.
I appreciate your help with this. I’ll be better versed after I digest this.
Thank you again.
One more situation. An OPP pig responded to a mishap AFTER it had occurred. He cited the "target" for speeding and careless driving. I wonder how he knew the target was speeding and guilty of careless driving.
He made a big mistake. You see, the target of this prejudicial pig was a man who had NEVER had an "at fault" mishap in his life. His continual record of owning and operating motorcycles spanned over six decades and in all that time had only one ticket, for speeding ten MPH over the limit, at seven in the morning on a highway with speed limit sixty miles per hour.
Just one ticket. And the fool was stupid enough to charge him when he had not even seen the mishap that clearly was the fault of the care driver ACCORDING TO THE TRANSCRIPTS I HAVE!!!
The initial of this pig is "I" and it must stand for ignorant or idiot because the Judge dumped all charges and now this fool is an added pig to my OIPRD complaint for violating his OPP oath, demonstrating a biased fake investigation, filing vexatious and non applicable charges, and leading the two witnesses in the other car.
But this is the usual fare from the OPP pigs and it will be dealt with. The criminal officer should be fired for perjury! Yes idiot, I HAVE THE TRANSCRIPTS where you suggested I was impaired. It so happens that my next door neighbor who had many parties over decades, always invited me but I ALWAYS declined because I am an abstainer. Sounds like a good witness huh? And as for speeding moron, there is a joke about how slowly I drive on the county road noted by those who live near me.
It is very safe to call him a liar! Not to mention the Judge dumped the vexatious charges. This is an example of criminal harassment as was the over two decade criminal harassment of pigs coming to my home lying and trying to silence me. Now it has had the opposite effect and you all will be famous. You learned I am not a sheeple but have a bloody hell lot more to learn!
So AJR, we are not in agreement on this score but it is about the only thing I can think we have never been in agreement with ever. I dare say I will consider your premise for awhile but I wil always want harm to come to sex traffickers, pimps, dug dealers, murderers and terrorists.
The Trump folks are giving the Left too much insight into what they will do….with all the info so far expect Biden give Obama a pardon for any and all crime going back to his first term….and the same for all the big wigs for the 3 letter agencies….if Biden can go back 10 yrs with Hunter then why not 20 yrs for current or future identified crimes….There is zero logic to all such pardons as valid….they are a total affront to our Constitution and Justice! An insult by any measure
boom, I said such, the pardon power is being abused
both sides, pardoning buddies and family etc.
I agree Thomas Marsh. My hubby and I were discussing this tonight. IMO Biden will pardon Obama, Fauci, et al. Then it's possible Biden will arrange to step down to give Kamala a couple of weeks as president with a back door agreement to pardon ole Joe himself. We feel nothing will happen to any of these murderers.
I wrote this in stack prior...the Hunter et al. pardon came so early...there is a reason...Harris may be on tap
I trust that GOD will deal with them. We need to have faith.
Can they pardon people that haven't officially been charged or convicted of crimes? For example, Fauci has been called to testify before Congress several times, but I don't recall him being charged with any crimes.
Trump himself needs to be on this list, he is still praising OWS and the shot….until he himself denounces this….he is prime suspect #1
hhhmmm, IMO there is a distinction....he was misled term 1...but if you said term 2 he advocates for it and pushes it and locks us down, he will be on the list. I trust him....I think he is a good man. badly misled
I agree he was misled by nefarious people but something is off. No one talks about this: it is mathematically impossible to create and inject the billions of people they say they have injected. I saw a video where a mathematician calculated it would take over 8 yrs to make the number of shots needed, even if they could make a shot created every second. They had these shots ready to go in advance…been in the works for years…..
A well planned and well oiled operation. "They" bit the Reiner Fuellmich exposure with his ICIC in the bud....just when he was getting into the most terrible truth...Frequencies from the cell phone towers will interact with certain ingredients in the "vaccines"....He was seized and thrown into a dungeon in Germany where he rots to this day. This is a world wide nightmare.
For the sake of any who may come after us--our children and future generations etc...all who participated in this crime must be exposed and if possible prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
You need to stop making excuses for Trump. At some point smart people figure things out. Trump, however, STILL pushes those shots, and praises his OWS. Sorry, Dr. Paul, but the "misled" thing just doesn't fly with me.
Hi Dr. Alexander, How about adding every single governor, senator, representative of every state, that are supposed to protect us, and have not said one word about it being harmful and has not called for a recall. Thanks
true, but can you give names, I go through them with a committee of experts who volunteer
JB Pritzker, Illinois governor, kept Illinois under lockdown and masking, mandated state employees to take the jab. He and his family vacationed in Florida at their mansion during COVID. He also traveled to his new mansion being built in Wisconsin. His daughter partied in downtown Chicago with her friends...no jab, no mask, e.t.c. He's a terrible bully governor.
The government officials I contacted from the state of Pennsylvania on January 24, 2024 are Sen. Bob Casey (now replaced), Sen. John Fetterman, Governor Josh Shapiro, State Sen. Steve Santarsiero and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick. I contacted them through X (Twitter). Dr. Mary Talley Bowden had a link to send to government officials to sign a statement on Americansforhealthfreedom.org , stating that they call for the covid shots to be pulled off the market (along with over 17,000 Physicians). Not one of them signed it or responded. I called and left messages to some as well. I spoke to Fitzpatrick's office staff before this, they informed me Fitzpatrick will not say anything about recalling the shot because he is not a doctor. I became pretty angry and told them I am not a doctor either, but I can read and listen and these shots are deadly and are bioweapons. I told them he must have heard about Senator Ron Johnson's roundtables, he has no excuse. I also called a PA State Senator's office, Doug Mastriano, and left a message about the recall statement and he DID sign it! I have to mention that Fitzpatrick is supposed to be a Republican, but states he is very bipartisan. I reached out to Mastriano because I knew he was a staunch Republican, the rest are Democrat. So it seems in Pennsylvania this is a political issue and I would love to hold them all accountable for not speaking up.
Thank you Dr. Alexander!
One of the worst one was Whitmer in Michigan.
Awesome you've compiled this list! Pretty scary how they laid this down knowing in advance the dangers. Godspeed with this. If I come up with someone you'll be the first to know.
Money and some Pitch about a "disease-free" future where you can cure all diseases with mRNA or gene-editing and big data is a BIG reason to push the shots, technologies, and also disregard the safety of your neighbors. You look at the stock shares, you look at some possible future innovations, many reason to just go along with it and disregard any safety signal, killing fellow citizens. You just dont care, the mirage of an near immortal, diseasefree public leads you astray. Money corrupts too.
That is exactly the opinion of Dr. Mike Yeadon who worked research and development in the Pharma industry for decades. This was intentional. They knew what would happen...death and disabilities, cancer and myocarditis.Monsterous...there is no other word.
Let’s get the party started
All leaders(so called leaders) who were with the WEF.
Add Bill and Melinda Gates and anyone included in event 201
But Trump's name should be at the top of the list, Dr. Paul. He's the one who had to sign off on everything. He went along with it all, when the buck was supposed to stop with him. He needs to be held to account too.
Dr. Alexander, why are you including Bret Weinstein? He’s part of the freedom movement and recently organized the “Rescue the Republic” event in DC. Thanks.
Medical board of commonwealth of Pennsylvania—sanctions against docs for prescribing IVM
These can all make like the birds and flock off.
Well, not so easy. In some states people have lost their licenses as a result.
I added the Newsome government of California, St Mary Hospital CEO Carolyn Caldwell, FACHE. She denied patients eye surgery because they had medical insurance of medical for low income and has caused many people to suffer or die needlessly. Kim Johnson Human Nd Health Services of California: These three need to be added.