It appears Hotez wants to put himself in the first batch of criminals to be tried … vax martyr disease

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Hotez and the rest think this is a political movement, but they have been "making" it political from the beginning. They keep trying to associate Trump and right wing extremists with anti-science, but the problem is a great many who are vaccine skeptics are liberal. The only "politics" in this fight is that it is a fight for liberty and to get out from under the thumb of the government who has no business mandating health decisions.

Also, Trump was the one who started the vaccine rolling, and if you hear the Candace Owens interview, he was "all in" on the vaccine. Trump also greenlighted the lockdowns. Also, I saw a tweet Hotez made after contracting Covid post vaccine and credited his survival to the vaccine. What about those of us unvaccinated who have had Covid multiple times and easily survived...are you going to credit it due to our immune systems, or more likely, you will say we were just "lucky?"

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Don't forget that the word 'fact' starts with an 'f' and is 4 letters long.

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Hotez starts with a 'J' and is 3 letters long.

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It becomes clearer and clearer to me that this is a eugenics program. Using the tactics of Hitler of dividing the people and making one party the scapegoat for all the ills in the world. Lessons not learned for the past predict the future.

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These people have no reference point of what is right or wrong or no moral compass and they would be hypocrites, but their belief is actually in what they are doing, so they are not hypocrites, as funny as that seems.. They are actually guilty of what they accuse us of.. They are anti-science and the jabs are “anti-science” and a “major killing force.” So they are what they accuse us of, I think that is called projection.. This is what happens with media manipulation.. The MSM only gives LIARS like this IDIOT exposure and press time, because he is a LIAR and it fits their agenda, but the TRUTH tellers get censorship, that's how its done.. Its the same with the Climate Con with that Thunberg lackey, she knows nothing about science and reads a script written by her handlers, while Judy Curry a climatologist who has written 140 scientific books, and says the Climate Change is a HOAX, she gets no press because she is a TRUTH teller, so she gets censored.. That is how the MSM plays the game.. One sided LIARS who won't debate and hide behind press releases, lousy cowards and murderers.. They will get theirs one day soon..

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The MSM is run by "them" the nwo implementers and only their spawn is allowed to be talking heads and actors in Hollywood. Very few not in the club are allowed. Greta is George Soros' grandson. This is what they do to their children...they turn them into trannies and pervs...anything against God.

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Linda E Thank You, I did not want to say that it was a BOY, thought that would be to much, but did not know it was Soros the crime wave king's grandson.. It make sense now.. Soros has a god complex, so he is nuts like the rest of them...Thanks..

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100% AGREE!

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I was tweeting hotez about this and he blocked me

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Good work

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Yeah, he had to run home and hide behind mommy's apron. No better than the street thugs. Real tough until you get them alone. They start crying for their mommies. What would they do without the ability to block.

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Who's more responsible for murder? The mRNA gene altering injections or anti-vaxxers? Taking bets. Perhaps it's WHO who's more responsible. The anti-vaxxer forces are one of the few things standing between continuing life on earth or more big pharma murder and tyranny.

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Hotez you fucking, Fauci brown-nosing slug. We're gonna hang you from that bow tie when its all over. Dream on it dude. We SEE you, you fucking beast. We are coming for all of you. Our dead demand justice! And they will have it. God sees you. You should fear that more than us. And we're pissed.

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Hotez: “Anti-science now kills more people than things like gun violence, global terrorism, nuclear proliferation, or cyber-attacks…“ I agree completely, but it's Pharma, the Rockefeller Foundation, Fauci, Collins, Hancock, Gates, the FDA, CDC, WHO, corrupt politicians and medical boards who are promoting anti-science disinformation that has needlessly harmed or killed millions of people. These people are all anti-science when they falsely discredit successful and inexpensive covid treatments. They're anti-science when they falsely inflate covid hospitalization and death numbers, solely to generate as much fear as possible. They're anti-science when they inject deadly products into billions of people. They're anti-science when they censor, attack and falsely discredit any doctor who dares expose their lies. Criminals and psychopaths accuse others of they themselves do.

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Don't forget our own military THEY DEVELOPED the nanotechnology !!


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Good point.

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Dangerous apartheid-like divisiveness being broadcast by globalists intent on expanding their centralized powers to the destruction of national sovereignties and human rights.

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I wonder who they would broadcast to if everyone quit watching their media outfits? If no one even heard what they were saying, (since "THEY" are the misinformation/disinformation now) the whole thing would fall flat on the ground. It's the people who "they" put into a state of fear and frenzy, who believe it, which is giving it any power. Just know that "they" are NOT going to get their way. "They" deserve NO ear for any of their bull manure.

You see what "they" want to do is take and remove all of the proven science that the older generations have studied and know and replace it with their new lying science, untested, don't care, bs and put it on the internet in it's place, and then they figure ways to burn the books that have the real science in them.....

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I'm not a doctor, but perhaps some hot metal to the brain would cure Hotez's madness.

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You do mean a graphene hydrogel self assembling microchip that heats up when his 5G overlords signal him.

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Lol! 🤣

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Remember Pfizer has to mandate be at the speed of science to catch the market - no time to test whether it prevented transmission. Market driven not science driven

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Yes, and no time to see "Why" people are dropping like flies and babies are being stillborn....

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Their original data proved they knew the teratogenic effect before it rolled out. The psychopaths knew.

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We allowed the psychopaths to get away with their murderous deeds and now, unimpeded they are ratcheting up their game plan. They will say and do whatever it takes to achieve their goals of complete domination and control.

Look around you. How many of those people you know take proactive and preventative measures, one of which works beautifully- nasal sprays? Not many, if any, will take the initiative and do self-care.

We are already caught in a trap built by our families, friends and communities. These are powerful forces we are dealing with, and very few people will dig themselves a hole under the trap and climb to higher ground. This is Big Game Hunting in the matrix.

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We ought to dig a hole and let them fall into it...or wait....God knows how to open up the ground and swallow them up. We ought to pray and allow God All the Glory.

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Anti covid vaccine whistleblowers are from all political spectrums; this is not a political issue & everyone knows it. He's a psychopath & globalist and probably believes as Klaus Schwab does that God is dead and China should be a role model for the world in how it controls its people

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He believes in Satan Klaus.

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WE SHOULD TRUST GOD RATHER THAN MAN. We are created in God's Image and Likeness...We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

We know that God gave us a marvelous innate immune system, and he gave us instructions on what to take for the healing of the nations. It is all in the Word of God...the Bible. kjv

They are trying and working to destroy Everything that God has created.

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These are the same nazi tactics Hitler used to turn the germans against the jews, saying the jews were filthy and full of disease. These little lying nazis need to be imprisoned and tried by tribunals. They are desperate to get their operating systems into people's bodies so they can completely control them electronically and hook them up to AI. It's obvious they must be stopped. By the way...We DON'T have to follow ANY of the "rules and laws" that they make up.

One very wise woman once said " if the german people wouldn't have gone along with the nazis, things would have turned out very much different."

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