I'm starting to understand that the FDA has been hurting and killing people for decades.

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The FDA has been hurting and killing people since the passage of the 1906 Pure Food and Drugs Act.

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One descriptive is missing. It was and remains a Lie.

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I wasn't "anti-vaxx" a few years ago but I sure as hell am now!

I'll take my chances with lock jaw before submitting to a tetanus booster.

And I know I'm not alone with this fast and furious contempt towards "medicine."

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Contempt indeed.

In October 2003, I was falsely diagnosed with 18 months to live. I was sent home with a slew of prescriptions for a condition I didn't have (but we didn't know at the time).

A week later, I followed my intuition and stopped taken the meds. It took 11 months to discover it was a false diagnosis. Now imagine, if I would have taken the wrongly prescribed meds for 11 months.

I believe I would have become terminal ill induced by taking these meds and I would have died within the prescribed 18 months (by February 2005). The false diagnosis was proclaimed either out of sheer incompetence or it was fixed - either way, I lost trust in 2004. And here we are today.

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Never accused of being short on descriptors, the good Dr Alexander strikes another painful blow to the evil cabal.

He spoke at the Ottawa Meeting of our brave Veteran James Topp and politicians.

Once the topic of jabs came up, a handful of them walked out.

Every time you blow air at a cornered spider, it recedes further into its web.

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Logic is the enemy and truth is a menace.

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And as usual, the FDA will be allowed to continue on its merry way approving more deadly drugs.

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It also makes me wonder about the drugs that are rejected. You just never know, and never know why.

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And if you shame and provoke a cornered snake, it will predictably lash out violently. In a desperate attempt to scare off the challenger. The truthseeker, the Oath holder, the responsible and civilized human who, with the rod and staff of valour, takes stab after jab at the face of evil. And eventually wins without the help nor need of a falsely protective corner in which to hide.

Dr Alexander, Canada thanks you as you go forth wearing the heavy armour of truth. 🙏🏽🇨🇦🌎

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I say we relocate the FDA and all virology labs to Antarctica.

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It would be quicker to abolish it in place.

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Too close to Australia.

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There's always Tasmania.

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Wash your mouth out I grew up there - beautiful and pristine.

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Tasmania is a another very beautiful and unique part of Australia. Therefore one does NOT give it separate recognition as a STATE of Australia- no need.

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My father used to joke with mum that when she arrived at the pearly gates and Tasmania wasn’t on the other side she’d tell St. Pete to sod off.

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You believe that naming it is shaming it?

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piss off

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Not to mention New Zealand.

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NO, they would find someway to destroy that pristine area and we do not want these Criminal's anywhere near Australia, and there are wonderful wildlife colonies there. Keep them in the North Pole as USA has already damaged that area, though on 2nd thought, ALCATRAZ is a good use of a space. No upgrading of the facilities though.

These Undesirables could be put to work doing the Laundry for the hospitals in San Francisco areas.

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Pluto would be my choice. Alas.

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. . . Or any off-world penal colony.

Let AI be of good use and let's affix them with irremovable bio-AI truth collars so we can keep tabs on them at all times.

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Thank you for your service. The FDA, CDC, & other federal alphabet acronyms ought be utterly abolished. They serve only evil purposes. Hang ‘em high for treason.

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We would be better off requiring full disclosure of everything that a drug maker knows about their product and let the medical practitioners receive the full liability for the results of what they prescribe than relying on the FDA, which is funded by fees paid by those it regulates.

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Alas, the corruption runs so very deep that by my humble estimation, it may be a decade or 2 or 3 before this is over.

Like i said to my sister on the phone in spring 2020: should this civilization crumble under its own weight and burn, the Only way it will rise like a Phoenix, if ever, is based on the principles our mother taught us. Truth doesn’t suffer shortcuts to failure.

She paused, swallowed, and got my point. After 60 yrs of age we can either handle the truth or run back into the dark hole.

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It won't and can't be over until corruption is.

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Agree Dr. Alexander. Bravo!

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Dr Paul,

I doubt any of Sasha Latypova's and Katherine Watt's work is new to you.

Doesn't this explain why Congress is 100% neutered?


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I was thinking about this this morning, how Whitmer and Cuomo slaughtered the elderly by putting still ill people in the nursing homes, how the lockdowns drove the elderly into early dementia and cognitive impairment, how Canada bean counted about how much cheaper it would be to MAID the elderly, how they killed the hospitalized with remdesivir and refusal to prescribe anti-biotics, how they destroyed with poisonous or useless drugs like paxolovid, and now they want to force us all to be vaccinated through the WHO treaty and CBDC and digitial ID, but, I was thinking, just try making the elderly use smart phones, but this drug is probably one of their solutions to that, less money out to social security and medicare if they can kill off the cognitively impaired with phony Alzheimer's drugs. Alcatraz isn't big enough for these people. I still say we commandeer some of Bill the Smirking Toad Gates' farm land, build a wall around it, put them there, then put entheogens in the water so they all have near death experiences and have to experience (as NDE experiencers report) every single thing they've inflicted. If you can torture a beagle puppy, you can mass murder. Escape from New York writ large I say.

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That’s it! Thank you. Gates’ species lookalike. The Smirking Evil Toad that can arm-wave his specious, weak excuses for genocide.

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This growing problem can be corrected by eliminating all vaccines and scientists. Based on historical research, IMO the flu shots specifically triggered Alzheimer's and shingles to skyrocket in seniors. For the past three years, the released agent which was reformulated later into COVID shots joined the party.

At one time, Alzheimer's was not common. It usually appeared in someone in their 30s to 50s. Per NIH, today under 65 yo's represent less than 10% of the cases. In 65+ yo's, the number of new cases annually doubles about every 5 years. About 33% of all 85 yo's and older may suffer with it. The culprit appears to be aluminum build-up inside the brain from shot adjuvants.

Although shingles can appear at any age, at one time it predominately occurred in the young under 26 yo who experience very mild symptoms. Chances of having this in a lifetime were ~0.2% or less. After the flu jabs were deployed, the demo shifted. The most impacted age range and totals kept rising as increasingly more older Americans embraced them. Symptoms worsen with increasing age. Lifetime chances of having this are now 33% to 50%.

Starting in early 2020, cognitive problems and shingles exploded across ages in people infected by the agent. These issues grew far worse the next two years. In one Alzheimer's case I saw, the doctor discovered tiny blood clots in the brain and successfully treated them restoring normal thinking. That may be the culprit for this group.

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Root cause is an inflammatory condition with the immune system producing plaque as a Band-Aid. Rather than determine, and eliminate the cause of the inflammation, we look for drugs to suppress the immune system from producing the plaque.!

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This was one of the reasons of Medicare part B rise… It seems does not justify it.. Besides the above comments.

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No I believe fast tracking any pharma without rigorous trials is questionable.

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