Marco Polo has the laptop info. Disgraceful and disgusting. Hunter needs help, Jill is so evil to encourage it. He messes with children. It’s on his laptop. Probably learned it from Dad.

Dr Alexander, the wellness company should look into a good detox program. Many people could benefit.

I did one by Metagenics, clear renew , with my doctor. Really helped. Pre lockdown era. I need another one. Got my parasite and heavy metal overload back to relatively normal.

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thank you, great sharing

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Hunter and Jill need orange jumpsuits. And yes, Marco Polo did a fabulous job with all of Hunter’s laptop information. You can view it for free at bidenreport.com

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Thank you for sharing the link.

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Paul, he is a crack head whore, his father a monster, rapist, pedophile, let's be real here.

The murderous criminal syndicate called government is the evil of all evils.

We expect nothing less of these creatures.

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correct, good sharing, proper words to describe

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Hunter the Whore Master is a CIA operative.

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Yes You hit the nail on the world’s head Lynn! I’ve dug deeper into and backwards and backwards and backwards, Hunter’s drug latent love, along with his addictive behaviors are part of something far more significant than a “drug addict” presidents son, far more than what we see.

I have to agree on face value with your statement Lynn and I’m convinced the players we haven’t heard about may someday link everything back to what seems so obvious.


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this is ominous...

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Very ominous Dr, very very ominous.


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The entire family are ****. Embarrassment to our country.

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Very unsettling!

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Hunter biDUMB, what a freaking mess, pos and excremental sewer dweller. Like father and like son

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I’m starting to deduce Hunter is not who they claim he is. Something is drastically wrong with going from one extreme to the other.

We’ve been “gaslighted” over much less! Something as in, look up when we should be looking down and left when we should be looking right. So far from tracking backwards and backwards and backwards, a very different perspective begins.

We’re not supposed to know. We’re not actually seeing what we see. IMO, what’s happening with Hunter is nothing short of a “covert coverup” gone wrong!

There’s “clandestine” players involved aside from what we know and have heard from “Tony Bobulinski is a philanthropist and global investor that has spent his career inves ng around the World in areas such as direct investments, venture capital, private equity, hedge funds and the public markets. His philanthropy supports educa on, Veterans and athle cs with a focus on wrestling”.

Quite a resume, though I believe it isn’t all that it seems to be!

A belly laugh of sorts, deservedly so we find this: HUMOR LMAO😂 Maxine Waters HUMILIATED After Her WIG FALLS OFF During Interview

OPINION In a stunning display of unintentional comedic brilliance, Maxine Waters, the Democratic Congresswoman from California, recently found herself in the midst of a hair-raising situation during a live CNN interview.

This situation, though not quite as a reciprocity of the situation we oftentimes find ourselves “throwing up over, nonetheless, Maxine gets what she somewhat deserves “HAIR”! Certainly, I don’t think anything can offset or can ever balance out or equal her “nastiest saliva foaming” rants she makes! Every little bit helps.

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Lots of time they use "Sloppy " to cover for a Mole. As in the case when an IRA member left a book with the names of dozens of members in a phone booth.

Take a drug addict ,and nab his laptop.

As many spooks as Biden has in the FBI ,how come the laptop isn't missing?

According to the president of Hungary, we will be in a full out WW3

Conflict before October.

Also, NATO said they would dethrone Prs Oberan and replace him if he didn't behave ( both stories can be found on RT News)

I listen to lost of podcasts about AI. these are all poiningt to AI being far more developed than we can imagine.

If AI reaches singularity, we , humans won't be needed any more . We will just be in the way.

I feel we have already reached that point

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To reflect, Pink Floyd & Darkstar:

“I’ll see you on the dark side of the moon”


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Sloppy is exactly what was done and your “mole” analogy is reality,certainly so.

Artificial intelligence (AI), is far more advanced. DARPA is 20+ years, if not more, of anything we can imagine today.

Which is why I mentioned “Backwards and Backwards and Backwards” and keep going. Technically speaking, technology & money leave a trail, a precise trail. Up and only to a certain point, without far more advanced technology, can someone as myself travel further back.

Absolutely Darkstar, WWIII has already begun. I agree, before October for the world to be informed “USA & Russia” are at war! And the MSM will follow the leaders of their own demise and the rest of the world will soon realize. Realize “Covid” was never about Covid or healthcare.

In the big picture of sorts, honesty Darkstar, does it really matter anymore? The small, minuscule contribution I could ever make is to “secure my family”. This is really all most people should be aware of today. There’s very evil people working fervently to destroy mankind. Distractions and deflections are all part of this.

Thanks again for sharing exactly what so many people haven’t known, will never know and honestly, are probably better off.

Who really knows?


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They are not being sloppy, AJR.

They are dumping loads of deceptions on us to keep us distracted. Why worry if all we have is Huter Biden for opposition? The real bad guys are very intelligent, and very evil.

In fact we may have passed the point of human leaders. AI is more likely than not running the entire show.

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Darkstar is right. misdirection.

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I missed a couple of excellent points you made Darkstar. Yes “loads of distractions” + Very intelligent people + evilness’s = the proverbial “black screen of death” = (AI)Artificial intelligence.

Maybe we are, maybe they are not. Weird and strange are ways I’ve been uncovering different, though all connected intersecting overlaying going’s on.

I’m not quite sure the benefits other the reverse engineering of sorts to lead us back to the “real starting” point.

Most people have heard of Ana have basic use of AI.

Thank you Darkstar.

TBD / continued.


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I’m not sure what you mean by “not be sloppy” Darkstar?

If what you’re referring to is the reality about “Hunter’s Laptop” then I would say, yes on the surface, “very sloppy”! On the surface only.

If, there’s something else, let me know. There’s many benefits of a “sloppy hit-job” and other benefits depending on say, a change in direction, or to generate an “ahh ha moment” of sort.

In any event, there’s been a tremendous amount of “wind shift” going on, since lockdown.

Thanks for your “thought provoking” reply Darkstar. Thoughts and provoking are two of my favorite approaches.


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What if "They" have found the means to travel back and fourth through dimensions?

Say for instance, AI has already built a corner for itself and now only needs a gravity well.

That is a large part of the theory I'm starting to consider.

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Yes Darkstar. Reality is, we can’t be sure what’s real and what’s not.

You’ve probably watched or have heard about the video with 3 orbs surrounding the disappearance of Malaysian flight 370?

There’s many theories, nothing conclusive, unless you or I believe the ability to “teleport” has been established?

There’s many examples of things / stuff we don’t know about. I’m sure we may never know everything. IMO, the journey is worth any money and or time invested.

“Beam me up Darkstar”?

How far off was Gene Roddenberry when he created “Star Trek”? Or, how accurate was he and did he know something the rest of us could only dream about?

Interesting and quite real, especially now with AI

“At the Helm”!

Thanks again for your instinctive “thought provoking” questions Darkstar.


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What if Darkstar?

Nearly 30 years ago my son was around 7-8 years old and said to me,

“Dad why can’t my glasses see what’s isn’t there”?

Till this day I remind him of that moment and he reminds me, “reality isn’t what we think it is”!

East Coast time says, I need to get my day started and hit the road. Maybe one day, “hitting the road” will be a button pressed? Nothing more nothing less.

Maybe that button belongs to those who know of its existence? Questions are always good, answers to which,

we may never find.

Have a good day or night Darkstar or whatever your “reality” is at the present time.


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He’s the crackhead consigliere. He and the babysitter, Dr. Jill Taco, are making the decisions.

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The Dems have the goods on Hunter and they might use it to leverage Joe out of running for a second term. The problem is that when they show how corrupt his dealings in Ukraine have been, half of congress will also be exposed as having done deals there too.

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As honest as the day is long.....c'mon, Hunter is top shelf.

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Yeah, “the finest man I’ve ever known”…

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Don't Underestimate Biden's Ability To F... Things Up (that includes all Bidens)

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