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I am so Happy Crooked Crumb Bag LOST. Will be the best day of my life when she and so many like her are gone from this earth. It's time they paid the price after their body bags keep piling up.

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Bilbo should be commended for telling a little at least of the truth about Rodham and what she is. Tell us about Rodham's roots Bilbo. Tell us about Obama's roots too. Tell us about Obama's mother. Tell us what Rodham, Obama and the Bushes all have in common.

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Tell us what Rodham, Obama and the Bushes all have in common.

Money? Child Fucking? Mafia,

note that Obama too was groomed by Chicago mobs in the bath-houses where he sucked cock and ran towels for the glory-hole bathhouses, Rahm Emmanuel, cass sunstein

Most of the Obama connections is his Jewish granny in Hawaii who was the official "CIA Banker" and of course the daughter got preggy in Indonesia by a CIA station officer who was muslim;

Bushes of course going back 1920's brought Hitler to power, and were involved in the creation of modern Russia & China;

Most of the mob stuff was killing the Italian&Irish mob and consolidation of Jewish mafia; Bush of course is just ZIONISM-NAZI

Today all is ZOG

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Learn to read, but some say that Hillary's family were bigger than Al Capone in the Chicago days, in fact some say FBI took out Al Capone to help Rodham Family, which would explain why FBI loves HRC today, because J Edgar Hoover was a sodomite mobster running the FBI;

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Google rodham mafia, its all out there, just deep mob, same as trump family

Same as jfk family irish mob

HRC is just mob family made good

Riddle me this why did chelsea marry into kosher-nostra?

Why did ivanka marry in kosher-nostra??

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And Obama? What are his religions? What are the Bush religions? Rodham could have Trump arkancided any time she chooses. Why has Trump been spared the fate of Seth Rich?

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Fucking read, and why don't u tell us, you play psycho boy, ...

Trump's father is total kosher-nostra, and had a stroke, Trump was raised by Roy-COHN mafia sodomite, when Cohn died, Epstein became trumps godfather & mentor

Jesus fucking christ you people dance around your own bullshit

Obama's Hawaii granny was 'CIA banker #1" at Hawaii station house, why not follow her path of how she got that job, and of course obama daddy was career INDO CIA

So Obama is the ultimate groomed CIA baby

Bill CLinton the bastard son of Winthrop Rockefeller, GOV Arkansas, sent Bill to UK to become rhodes-scholar

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Hey Bilbo, your claim that Israel doesn't extradite pedophiles is bullshit. The Israeli woman in the story below molested a stack of kids at a school in Melbourne, Australia . She fled back to Israel. Israrl sent her back to Austrlia. She was convicted just this week.

Israel extradites woman wanted for sex crimes to Australia

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I'm not as smart as you Bilbo. I'm unashamedly dumb and I have great respect for you and recognize that much of what you say is true. It's what you don't say and the anomalis that puzzle me. Yes, you are correct about Cohn, J Edgar Hoover, Obama etc. You've commented previously that both of Trump's parents are buried in Zionist cemeteries. Yet, Anti-Communist supports him. What does that tell you. I'm just trying to connect the dots Bilbo but I'm a bit simple. Please be patient with me. I'm deferring to your superior intellect. I don't know why Anti-Communist supports a Zionist president. It suggests he is a Zionist. I also don't know why HRC has not done a Seth Rich on Trump yet. It suggests she wants him alive.

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You nailed it Bilbo. My non-Zionist Jewish friends tell me that the Bushes, Obama, Rodham, Sanders are all Zionists of Ashkenazi descent. They say Trump isn't and that's why the Zionists hate him but I have not seen convincing evidence.

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Not saying you're wrong but you have neocon fascists like Bill Kristol working relentlessly to bring him down. Some sort of factional dispute? I know they hated him for slamming Pelosi for not impeaching Bush. Do you defend the warmongering of the Bushes? All dubya achieved was to topple a secular leader under a regime in which the deputy was a Christian and ordinary Jews were free to practise their religion without persecution.Bush set the stage for the rise of ISIS. How can you defend that? I can only assume that you fell for the bulllsit about Saddam still having an active WMDs program in 2003. You seem pretty smart but only complete cretins fell for that.

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There you go again with your TRUMP SHIT

TRUMP parents on both sides were ZIO NAZI's get over it, and accept the fact;

TRUMP is one of them, always has been one of them and why he had his daughter marry one of them;

When Trump was POTUS he filled his cabinet with ZOG, and did everything ZOG Israel asked;


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I think if your going to go down these rabbit holes then think about ...

1.) Why did bill-clinton bastard son of winthrop-rockefeller have him marry into chicago mafia? Rodham Chicago; Bill married uglier than hell HRC for what? Her mob connections; Bill knew that Rockefeller was one point of entry, but the MOB was the back door that ruled all, like Trump knows, in his day Roy Cohn, owned most judges in NYC

2.) Why did chelsea marry into kosher-nostra mob family

3.) Why did ivanka marry into MOB family??

The deal here is they want their children made & protected;

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The Witch has over $20 Billion USD in her CLinton Foundation fund, in Qatar-Dubai, most of that money came in a shaking down 3rd world country's while she was sec of state USA;

The witch has SOROS money to buy DA's and do as she wishes to burn USA to the ground, sampson-option if hrc can't rule the USA, then there will be no usa;

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