The lockdowns were completely unnecessary. Every part of covid was grossly exaggerated and blown way out of proportion. Everyone from CDC, FDA, Big Pharma, this administration, the main stream media, everyone just lied and kept the lies going to make money, and to cheat and steal an election for more power and money.

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“If we can save just one life…” was the mantra. People forgot that every decision involves trade offs. That coupled with the fact that most interventions were completely ineffective has led to the mess we’re in.

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Bless those who, from a principled raising, can smell a lie. Big or small.

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if I walked around unwaxed, I was in danger of killing someone. screw that forever

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While I love such jokes myself, I have been having so much trouble with auto miscorrect that such hurts to see. Thankfully, few point out the mistakes in my postings, whether my own or the software’s. I usually see them sticking out like a sore thumb in the notification email for someone liking the post.

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Just noticed Jeff Beck died suddenly of meningitis, the Jeff Beck official tweet has been removed, is it because people pointed out meningitis is a side effect of the jab? Can't be certain this is what caused his meningitis but makes me wonder??

Aseptic meningitis after BNT-162b2 COVID-19 vaccination. Brain Behav Immun Health. 2022 Feb;19:100406. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2021.100406. Epub 2021 Dec 13. PMID: 34927105; PMCID: PMC8667462

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loved the song with rod stewart, shape of things. I had the album, 13 years old

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Anyone know if this story is legit?

Man Claims 2013 MRNA Testing Of 200,000 Made Every Heart Stop – Less Than 5 Alive Today & He’s One Of Them (Video)


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We don't know whether or not these deaths are related to the agent because very few have been interested in analyzing individual cases. Since the beginning, the thousands of reactions suffered outside of WHO's small collection have been deemed not related even though they are.

Excess death is a number over projected death. In the US, the death rate per 1,000 has been rising steadily since 2009 despite being flooded annually with foreigners of child-bearing age or younger. The UK endured much longer and more strict lockdowns. Their excess deaths were below up to slightly above projections across this time period. What really has been going on in the US?

Since Sep 2022, something nasty appears to be afflicting predominately (but not entirely) under 50 yo's down through infants, both jabbed and non-jabbed. A small subset has been dying rapidly from a day up to a month or so with others having near death experiences. The favorite diagnosis for this has been ABC (anything but the C-word). In the same timeframe, Lynette Hardaway (aka Diamond), Kirstie Alley, Stephen Bonnar, Coolio, and other huge non-jabbers unexpectedly died. Again, they've been labelled ABC (anything but the C-word).

Data can be manipulated and spun to present whatever desired narrative.

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Early on, in 2020 and early 2021 when the debate of over counting or undercounting covid deaths due to the misused PCR technique, those claiming to study such things argued with me that the easy fix for the PCR argument was excess deaths as used for each epidemic and pandemic, which being high indicated that Covid was indeed killing large numbers of people. I responded by saying that counting excess deaths does not work with covid because for the first time we implemented measures that were known even by then to cause premature death; lockdowns, denial of health services for all except covid patients and emergencies, school closures and the rest. The experts I argued with told me that I didn’t know what I was talking about. Time seems to have shown that once again the experts are shocked, stunned, confusion, surprised as they have been on every issue of importance for many years. At least the experts that are allowed on TV to share their “expert” opinions.

Thankfully, there are experts like you to guide us towards the truth, unfortunately, they do their best to silence you, as you know better than I.

Thank you for all that you do.

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"Experts" brought to you by McKinsey and Co and other specialists providing "counsel" to our "elected representatives" around the world.

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As this is a worldwide phenomenon, I suspect that those who are actually behind this are farther in the background than we know.

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Agreed. We can always do our best to try to "follow the money" but there's a lot of layering with cross jurisdictions, notaries, lawyers, shell companies, LLC'S, LLP'S etc. There is such a lack of transparency it will always be difficult to identify the true "puppet masters." And those in power have the "Law enforcement at their disposal also. Did you see recent the AG in the Virgin Island whom got fired with her JP Morgan lawsuit? She named 11 clients in her suit-a this week the original 11 names were changed to only 3. So 8 people who were connect to JPM and Epstein remain unidentified. But that's our "justice" system right?

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Yep. A person in a similar position in Ukraine got fired for investigating the company H. Biden “worked” for, and Biden is on video bragging about it.

What gets me more than this is how coordinated the covid responses have been between all the different countries in the world. That is unnatural. Something unique is going on here.

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I believe there are multiple factors attributed to these excess deaths in addition to the experimental toxic jabs. These lockdowns were implemented based on the alleged "expertise" of consultants such as McKinsey and Company (I'm Canadian from Quebec). I deduce this is a strategy designed by our elected officials to try to utilize a defense of plausible deniability in the event inquiries or court proceedings occur. I have submitted numerous ATIP (FOIA for the USA equivalent) with my provincial and federal government related the recommendations and impact assessments conducted. I actually spoke to the Quebec Executive Council-a nice woman whom stated their meetings were secret and would not be released for 90 years-essentially once all the guilty parties are long dead. Rather than have in person meetings, medical assessments were conducted virtually, cancer screenings/surgeries etc were delayed. Gyms were closed. People remained sedentary, confined in their homes eating junk food, suffering form isolation, depression etc. Many health conditions were exacerbated, and those in power deviated from their established emergency protocols-legal and scientific. If we factor in mental health, job losses and monetary penalties... There are countless studies that the economic and financial destruction will be the primary catalyst towards the mental and physical decline of the populace.....See one example below among hundreds dating way before COVID.......

"In the largest study of its kind on mortality patterns in Europe and the United States, a Yale researcher has found a direct correlation between unemployment and mortality.

The study showed that high unemployment rates increase mortality and low unemployment decreases mortality and increases the sense of well being in a community. Findings from the three-year study, commissioned by the European Union, will be presented to select members of the European Parliament and senior officials at a European Commission press conference on May 23 in Brussels.

“Economic growth is the single most important factor relating to length of life,” said principal investigator M. Harvey Brenner, visiting professor in the Global Health Division of the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at Yale School of Medicine. Brenner is also professor of health policy and management at Johns Hopkins University and senior professor of epidemiology at Berlin University of Technology."

“Employment is the essential element of social status and it establishes a person as a contributing member of society and also has very important implications for self-esteem,” said Brenner. “When that is taken away, people become susceptible to depression, cardiovascular disease, AIDS and many other illnesses that increase mortality.”

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True. However, we never know the exact number who die of any disease during an epidemic or pandemic. Truth be told, we do not know even during a regular flu season. But, we have a ballpark figures and that has worked out more or less, but your are right, they started off cooking the books from the get go with covid. Treating covid differently than any other disease and doing so universally around the world means it was by design.

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