Hard to trust anyone in government.

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Just ONE MORE fine example of what we are up against, Doc.

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I read this about Pfizer, Moderna, FDA and CDC, everyone is on each others board, also look at Kaiser Permanente in California a lot of corruption and incestuous relationships going on there also! ENOUGH of this corruption in high places! All of hospitals, AMA all of them should be investigated also doctors that carried out death protocols, where are the whistleblowers are ALL DOCTORS KILLERS? Are all nurses killers, they carried out doctors orders when they knew they were bad! The hospitals administrations should be investigated, follow the MONEY!!

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They only get to the top if they’re willing to sell out humanity.

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Disgusting but predictable

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The FDA approved the Comernity after Trump was out of office. All EUA means “emergency” so why did so many think they qualified when it was always said Covid killed less than 1percent infected.

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It's been going on forever. pHarma and the FDA revolving door I mean.

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In Japan, this is know as “Amakudari”, decent from Heaven. It has only recently been banned but still persists. Another of the many many reasons why I say the US is turning Japanese.

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Evil self-serving unethical behaviour and corruption appear to be acceptable in society today.

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Has the Covid virus ever been isolated? There appears to be much controversy over it.

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These Doctors Are As Dumb As Dogs.

- But Even More Obedient.


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revolving doors as far as the eyes can see...

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About that dangerous decision making. Anyone with half a brain cell would have never put Fauci on the task force after his genocidal dry run with AIDS. Nor would they have had weekly meetings with the vaxx vulture Gates, who has killed and maimed millions in Africa and India...all of which was known for decades.

So, yes - let's talk about threatening the safety of the world. Looks like it is warp speed, to the grave for humanity.

So, continue to blame everyone but the King of the Vaxx...who turned out to be a clueless and useful idiot, at best. You don't ever rise to the top of political landscape unless you are willing to kill on demand. At the top there are no longer any exceptions. They will always do the bidding of the Black Nobility, the Committee, their overlords and those unseen non-human forces pulling their strings.

Remember what Albert Pike, 33rd degree Mason said:

"when the people need a hero, we shall supply him."

Make no one your hero - certainly not anyone in politics...they will never navigate us out of the transhumanist mass extinction event and the inevitable destruction of all biological life on Earth.

Hahn? who? ...the least of our problems...

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THANKS A LOT DOC ALEXANDER, for bringing this up!

THAT is what AMERICAN CORRUPTION looks like - and the clean-up of this institutional CRIMINALITY in America is extremely complicated - as NOTHING in America is TRANSPARENT, but EVERYTHING is obscured inside carefully constructed extremely heinous CAMOUFLAGE called "NDA"!


An "NDA" is a so called NON DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT - which is in itself a FRAUD - as it is NOT an honest agreement per definition, but should be called criminal BLACKMAIL or EXTORTION.


To join the Italian MAFIA - you need to kill a human being under close MAFIA-supervision first - that is HOW the MAFIA operates, as to gain TOTAL CONTROL over any new member, BEFORE he/she has any right to join the party.


THAT IS BEING REPLACED BY THE "NDA" IN AMERICA - as it effectively SHUTS UP every new member - that is WHY whistleblowers are so rare, and mostly loose everything, including their life!

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Want Trump himself invested in Moderna before everything broke loose?

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Moderna’s patent shown by Dr David Martin that it’s owned 50% by the American government. In addition 80% of Congress invested and holds shared in it. Public knowledge.

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Yep, lots of insider trading going on with those leaches.

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