One of my lifelong good friends who couldn't hear me, who took the jabs, who told me I had extreme views (but who did not shun me), who got tired of me sending articles and pleas, who worried about me because I refused to take any jabs, who now has stage 4 cancer AND eventually got a clue and stopped jabbing after maybe about 4 jabs (he won't tell me):

I said to him recently, "what I'd really love to ask all of the people who hated on the unvaccinated is, 'how do you feel NOW towards unvaccinated people, how is this different from the opinions you held earlier, and what is it that changed your mind or feelings -- or do you still feel the same?"

He didn't have an answer to that because he never hated or shunned me -- he only worried about me and dismissed what I said as in, "well, we all have the right to make our own choices" (meaning: STFU already -- I've heard enough! But I love you anyway..... though you are foolish, I think....."

What he did say was, "you are a hero. You stood strong in your convictions, even though you were under tremendous pressure to take these things, as everyone was. I didn't know you were THAT strong. I'm amazed. You tried to save me, and I thought you were wrong, and I was scared and I took these shots to be 'on the safe side' -- and I wish I'd listened to you."

Well. This is a dear friend. He is trying all sorts of natural treatments for his cancer. He is terrified. He still cannot hear the advice I'm offering regarding what to do. It breaks my heart. My dear ones were lied to, and I get to be the witness to this destruction of my entire world. What for?

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I never took the jab but it did get me. I had a heart attack in 2016. I was injured by a vaccine in my childhood giving me Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Arthritis for 52 yrs. The inflammation damaged my heart and circulatory system. Was told this by an HONEST Rheumatologist in 1974 he said “You got a Rockefeller Cocktail “! He knew I had been injured Dr Irving Sperling he’s gone at age 104. Then the Covid mandates came I became my Cardiologist wanted me to be vaxxed, masked, temp checked, nose swabbed, I wasn’t doing it! So I stayed away from him I couldn’t get my heart meds so they made me gamble and WHAM my stent occluded and now I wear a defibrillator vest from neglect. They indirectly tried to kill me my chance of survival is now 20% or 2 yrs. The isolation the hounding, the insults over the ZOOM call from these Drs. So these monsters got me anyway. I never took any of these poison Covid shots I’m at high risk of death but I have the satisfaction of knowing I would not Capitulate ❤️ In need of help her too

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Many who took it will likely be sterilized if you look at Pfizer's organ uptake of inflammatory Spike Protein after injection, data graph from the data package they provided to the various country's regulatory bodies to get the " Bioweapon Counter Measure " "approved " ( rubber stamped ). The target organ was the ovaries and the graph clearly identifies that, so ....Pfizer clearly identified that. A 10 year old could look at this data and graph and see this as clear as day. And so could all the Doctors who ordered their patients and child patients be injected with this Bioweapon. The DOD Contract with Pfizer for this drug calls it a Bioweapon Counter Measure. So that is what it is. The Contract is publicly available. You paid for it. It is your gov hard at work with your money. Sterilizing and killing the population. Your families. How do you feel about that?

Oh, and your gov tried really hard to keep this information from you, the people for 75 years. "We" fought against it, and won its release, do you even know that? Why did the gov ( HHS -can't recall for sure ) chose a 75 year release date? How hard were they laughing do you think when they submitted that to the Judge in the well publicized ( I saw it ) Law Suit ? Laughing at you, Joe Public , who pay them and their families and friends to screw you.

They kick you in the face and then throw sand in your eyes every day. How do you like it?

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Sorry but the many I know who are jabbed and boosted and continually sick, are still in DENIAL.

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I wish I could answer your concerns, but if I asked the people I love who took the shots, how they feel about it now, my Christmas card list would shrink immensely. It seems they still don't want to face the fact that they may have been in error when they allowed the powers that be to convince them that unless they did as they were told, they may die. They are having difficulty admitting that saving their lives was not the intention of those pushing the jabs. I really thought their delusions would have expired by now, perhaps they never will. I will continue to pray for them, however.

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The past few years have shown us all a lot about ourselves, both individually & collectively. One of the saddest aspects has been to have felt ultimately powerless to open others' eyes when they refused to even consider that our sound, rational & informed concerns might have merit, our that our efforts to provide a reality check re the infinitesimal risk of death due to CV-19 for the VAST majority (let alone the younger & healthier among us) were largely an exercise in futility. Some have called the decision a kind of intelligence test, and in a sense it could be viewed that way, but I have seen it more as a gauge of one's susceptibility to the constant drumbeat of fear. Mass PTSD and degradation of one's inner strength and courage of convictions in the face of the non-stop assault on our collective sensibilities. For those of us who did not succumb to the psy-op, there is no joy in now having to witness others' suffering, both emotional and physical, as a result of their having given in, whatever their reason(s), and now having to live (or not) with the consequences. A test of a different kind one could say.

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& this is IN FLORIDA where the Drs are supposed to be AWARE

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Won’t discuss vaccine damage / turbo cancer. They AlL lied 🤥 to us 👿👿

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What about the others. Just because my ❤️ is 54 & diabetes does NOT mean we are NOT terrified. His health has deteriorated dramatically since Jab 2.

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Not vaccinated Thank God My mother did 1955 nightmare from hell. I’m a DES daughter and through a recent study can be passed to my child. Langston, reviews of research published in 1953 and 1958 found that DES did not decrease the risk of miscarriages in women; instead, it increased it.

In 1959, the FDA banned the use of DES in fattening chickens because "exposed male agricultural workers suffered sterility, impotence, and breast growth," Langston writes. But the FDA wouldn't tell doctors to stop prescribing DES to pregnant women for 12 more years.

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That is a question I want answered too...cause I can't figure out what they feel or think. Or even know.

A friend mentioned she thinks she is in the clear cause nothing bad has happened.

I had to bite my tongue from replying "yet".

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Trust judges & juries, in Washington DC?

The whole system is corrupt, not the least of which is the legal system.

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I have nieces and nephews that took at least 4 shots, all are excellent athletes but they all have had Covid now at least 3 times that I know of! Honestly, I do not think they are even aware of what is coming down the line, variant after variant, (they keep calling it Covid) an immune system being wiped out so their athletic days are done if not far worse. Their parents did this and they keep getting variant after variant also. I do not know how I feel, I feel bad but then they are the stupid ignorants that ran out for poison shots!

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Some are still on there same little wagon but a lot are wondering what on earth did I take that for. Pretty worrisome !

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The Drs could care less I hospital last week .. oh your a diabetic. Your fault

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With Logic and Critical thinking, NOT being taught in Schools, the " Sheep" blindly, accepted the BS of "Safe & Effective". I suspect,long range plans were waiting, for something to be set in motion..

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