FDA approving Remdesivir in 2022 for infants, newborns was criminal...it is kidney and liver toxic, a failed Ebola drug.

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very nice sharing

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we won

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: )

The video ends like this:

"Whatever happens next

Do not comply"

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I saw that and thought, T-shirt or bumper sticker.

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Nice idea

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these beasts know not one child has died of COVID not one healthy child so this approval is criminal

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They want to kill babies.

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and there is no medical or clinical scientific basis, none

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Exactly, ZERO! They caused deaths of children who committed suicide because of the UNNECESARY lockdowns. They caused irreversible mental and emotional damage by forcing children to wear masks.

NO children were EVER in danger from Covid.

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Children will carry that trauma the rest of their lives.

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How surprising is this statistic? Do we have the entire world line up for an “unknown and unproven” injection because there’s a 1-2% chance a child may die from a peanut allergy?

Absolutely NOT! But they did with covid and look at that percentage! Maybe this is a great comparison, my point is look at the numbers and as I did, the timeline of mRNA development. IMO, this was the “Hard-Stop” in my mind, not to take anything unknown, developed more than 20 years ago!

Peanut Allergy: 1-2.%

COVID is / was: .0003%! Really?

This was exciting news, given that 1-2% of children suffer from peanut allergy, an allergy that can not only be life-threatening but last a lifetime,



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and we have not one case in this entire world where a healthy child got whatever this was, and died...not one...

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Right which shows how disingenuous the MSM is and all the so called Doctors! Those who toed the line!

I guarantee you that, many children have died and have been injured from the injection! That’s why nobody can go against the truth!

They’ll ignore you instead of being honest. Which is exactly why America is in the mess we’re in! Dishonest People! All around!


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It is not justified in anyone. There is no good intention behind it, least “public” health, a term what is so unclear to me.

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correct, boom

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Liars. Greedy bastards, Murderers. POS! Targetting innocent children with the guinea pig fake jab.

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thank you for this, you are 100% on

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great sharing

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BTW: AMM speaks Spanish but there was a translator involved like in Tucker Carlson interview with Putin, who also speaks fluently in English...

If there is something lost in translation, there is always the third party to blame.

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Jun 7Edited

I just watched this. I'm so glad you posted it. Dr. Ana Mihalcea, Laquinta Columna and many others, including Karen Kingston , have proven, there is NO MRNA in the shots. There are 50 unlisted toxic chemicals, including uranium, that are creating quantum florescent dots in the body, all with an electrical charge, making you, the individual, part of the internet of "things". Next time you are on the road at night, search for UV blacklight lamp posts on the freeways and highways going in and out if town. They are setting up official check stops for people to see if they are vaxed because this radioactive nanotechnology inside of the population glows under a UV blacklight. If you are unvaxed, and not glowing, you are sent to a CAMP. They are set up outside of every major city now. Our earth is being teraformed for AI and so are you .Make no mistake. They are dimming the Sun with geoengineering, removing the CO2 from the atmosphere, culling the food supply, and vaccinating the shit out of every living thing. It is tragically obvious now. Imo, this is neither human nor HUMANE.

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Yup, plus iatrogenesis...

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I think "they" were promised immortality if they culled the organic population through medical intervention and poisening of the environment. Boy, are they going to get a big surprise!

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By whom "they" were promised immortality?

I have another theory; Satan has employed his army of Demons and those who are vu;vulnerable have become the Demon(s) possessed, thus turned into non-humans,,,,

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Yes! Satan, cosmic evil , The Jin, sonething like that . I believe AI can be used by " any force" in the universe Too bad humans have to fall so far from their maker, over and over........

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They never completely lie. The CDC claimed @364* kids died "with a diagnosis of Covid" based on a peer reviewed study. BUT the footnote* said it was less then 1% of those were "Covid only". Turns out these poor kids had other fatal maladies, like leukemia and randomly and sometimes asymptomatically tested positive for Covid. So, the CDC can claim they never lied because zero is less then 3.64! We've known this for 2+ years and the media refuses to report it.

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They are trying to kill, sterilize and turn our children into mind controlled zombies through the many toxic concoctions they are now putting in the vaxxes and in our food. Water, air, etc. Really, they are trying to Destroy everything that God made and that is of God because they are Not Human and they hate God and are jealous of Humans.

They need to be removed as expediently and expeditiously as possible with no qualms about it.

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The harder battle is to get people to consider what Kennedy's "Vax-No Vax" book raises. How for almost all the shots people and their children have been getting these past decades has very sketchy and questionable processes and data to get to approval. We may look at Covid as being unique and find it hard to figure out why people don't see it still, but realize they've been conditioned their whole lives about "vaccines". I think a lot of this has to be combatted via "ground warfare", 1-1, where people share and take the time to peel away at the lies. Its a secular version of what true Christian evangelizing is. "The harvest is great but the laborers are few." The disadvantage of the covid battle is most people at this point dont even want to confront it now for what it portends. At least with Christianity there is an ultimate reward [eternal salvation with one's loving Creator].

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What are the names of the “we” sociopaths ( as in “we are vaXXinating children ……………..) ?

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They intend to disable the reproductive ability of our children, regardless of how they accomplish this task. The WEF and the minions intend to reduce the population of the world. PERIOD. Everything else is theatre.

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yes, great sharing

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For children ages 0-19, the most recent and published percentage’s I’ve learned for this age group is “.0003 %”.

Dr Alexander!

This, according to the BMJ.

The insanity and deliberate evilness of so many people is so “dark” and so painfully “criminal”! My heart breaks for all those who lost a loved one, especially a child or young adult! Good God Dr. this entire coverup and continual blatant lying, is such an absolute disgrace!

So many children, needlessly have died I’m sure, from what? From NOTHING they needed to fear! From nothing anyone needed to be afraid of! The only fear all Americans needed to heed was our own “Federal Government” and supporting non-elected hacks such as the WHO and their corrupt allies!

The fact is, our own government allowed for this “Bioweapon Attack”! They planned it, executed it and covered it all up! How’s that for our knowing our own “tax-dollars” were used to murder us? Our money, NOT THEIR MONEY! Taxpayers money!

Where’s the outrage? Shhhh. Shut up and put your mask on! Oh damn I can’t say that! Are you kidding me? Such a shameful and disgusting act of “CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY”! Is it not?

No more sugar-coating, this was an””Biological Attack” on all Americans and the free world! Perpetrated by DOD, HHS and many other entities! I’ll leave it at that.

Three years ago I listened to the CEO of “One America Life Insurance Company” say, which I’m paraphrasing, “this is an 800 year cataclysmic event”! After reporting a “40% payout”, yes America, a 40% payout in policies, one year after the “Mandate”! Not because the said policies matured, no, no, no, not at all, but because of a “Government Mandate”, unconstitutionally imposed! Unconstitutionally imposed, why? Why? Because “ chloroquine” and its manmade derivative, “ hydroxychloroquine,” was shown to be a “potent inhibitor and prevention” for SARS-CoV infection of primate cells!

Technically, an EUA cannot be issued if a treatment is available!

Well, Well, Well is the title to the article, almost 20 years ago, written in the NIH Virology Journal, dated August 2005.

Remember when President Trump stood at the podium and said this, “hydroxychloroquine looks promising” within hours if I’m not mistaken, hydroxychloroquine was banned! Yes an inexpensive and readily available, proven track record, was suddenly banned! Hearts today would still be beating! Smiles of loved ones would still be grinning and laughter of course, would still be interrupting your favorite television show! Have I hit a nerve? I hope so because this is how serious all of us need to be! Especially when it comes to our kids! Damn the torpedoes! Damn them all!

My God you can’t make this up! Who would or should I say,

what kind of person / or people would go to such great lengths, to murder innocent children? Innocent babies and yes innocent citizens? Answer me this question please?

Let that sink in for a few minutes, in all seriousness, life insurance companies rely on premium receivables, at least until the individual retires or leaves the company.

This event indicates to me, first and foremost, a group of people between 25-60 year old, passed prematurely. Again, good God in heaven, how can any company survive, with this type of loss / this kind of payout? Their business survival depends on their employees, working and making monthly payments, month after month and year after year? How can any company survive this?

Quite frankly they can’t! I haven’t learned if “Covid Relief Money” was issued to help offset this kind of company loss.

Of course, the magnitude of such losses would be explained away by any MSM reports. How can any company survive to combat another day, with this level of loss One America Life Insurance was dealt!

What a shitty hand! Change the deck and for God’s sake, find a new dealer! Imprison them all! The whole lot of them! I can only imagine the reality of waking up for a quarterly corporate earnings call and hear numbers like this. Yes Sir we’re showing a 40% HIT! We don’t know how or why Sir, but our Senior VP of Finance hasn’t been to work lately! Something crazy like that. It’s so startling, so deliberate and yes extremely devastating! Let alone how many employees or spouses of employees passed!

And let’s not forget, how many children were injected. This number should be made public. No names of course, only the amount of injections reportedly given. The reason I’m saying this is simple, people must realize there’s some validity to the “shedding phenomenon”. Pfizer’s own research literature speaks about this.

It’s mentioned in a 400 plus page report I downloaded in November of 2021 I believe. What was also mentioned was the fact that nearly 1,223 people had died, in a 90 day period leading up to and just prior to rolling out, this “Biological Human Experiment”, without a second thought whatsoever!

This is so telling, how sinister and how egregious this “mafioso-clan” of murderous individuals were / still are! This was an coordinated attack without any concern for human life!’. Especially children! How many times did they say “pregnant moms” must get vaccinated? Or how they used “Elmo” to scare the “BeJesus” out of kids? All kids love to go to grandmas and grandpa’s, right? Can these “sick and demented” murderous people be any more evil? I ask you? No, absolutely NOT! My blood boils each time I think about how so many people were coerced and lied to. From their own doctors and pediatricians. For what? For money? AYFKM?

This is, of course our elected and “illegitimate government” given the “Green Light” at the helm! Which, is important when, an unvaccinated, non-infected child is presenting symptoms. Symptoms which may or may not be related to COVID or possibly shedding related. The jury’s still out I guess? No urgency here right? Why? Why when the plan was to “eradicate lives ”!

I would like to believe, especially when we’re talking about our kids and the youths of all nations, if they have been infected or inoculated against the so called, “COVID”Germ?

Which I still haven’t found and or read, any literature in regard to an “isolated and purified” germ called Covid. Has this been information been divulged, scientifically and or publicly?

Or have they not found and have not any “isolated and purified” ”strain of evidence”, I do not know. I have not heard. This is so important because when supporting any “mass-dash” to crash, as was the case for this covid debacle /menagerie, how can anyone, any scientists and or virologists, Doctor know, what the hell they’re fighting? If they don’t know what the characteristics of said strain or bug they need to develop a vaccine for? How?

I guess I’ll keep looking for the oil dipstick on my EV. Where’s “Waldo” when we need him?

I apologize for jokingly saying anything derogatory about Covid. I am quite sensitive to this entire scam and more importantly, to those who’ve lost a loved one, a family member and or friend or friends. We must all keep those people, who needlessly passed, or were hurt from this “Attack” in our prayers. We must!

Thank you Dr Alexander for once again, illuminating such an important issue!

May God Bless America and The Entire World!


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0.0003% is statistical zero...point is, when we look at every case, not one healthy child died...when they bring an instance, we can show them (wrapped up in that 0.0003%) that the child was gravely ill and was dying absent of COVID...no COVID killed no healthy child. I challenge and have challenged anyone anytime show otherwise.

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Absolutely correct and I’ll double your challenge, for they or whoever cannot provide a single case against what you’re saying Dr. without any doubt in my mind, whoever would need to lie in order to prove you wrong!


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I know one person is going to vaccinate a child not even 2 years of age with all the CDC guidelines for everything. The odds of survival diminish with each jab, especially with all that aluminum and allegedly mercury-free, which it is not genuinely free of. We already had a discussion of the HPV and cancer rates. Hopefully, they will get better at it, and she will do well going ahead with it to "protect" her. She needs socialization in the place called school. Even if she survives the cruel and unusual torture autism behavior issues and God knows what else. Will have to send them the book the vaccine friendly vaccine schedule instead of loading everything up on one day might get the father to slow down but doubt it. Mind has already been capture Gotta run earthquake 2.x to 3x right now. Be safe all with love

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thank you Janet...tell them the data...zero...and today whatever this is, is gone...the baseline risk is zero....that is why no research group can run any valid RCTs etc...no proper studies were run and why? why did these fuckers use soft 'unimportant' outcomes, outcomes like antibody titers of no importance to us and why they did not look at patient important outcomes like death, ICU, severe outcomes, hospitalization...even infection??? is because they knew the baseline risk is zero in healthy populations and thus impossible to tease out any comparative difference...any meaningful difference...you cannot get a difference when the risk in treatment vs control group is zero...

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there must be risk differential and enough of the entity in the population e.g. death, to detect a difference...when you give treatment or vaccine to one group...for you to then see effect of the intervention. if its near nothing, how could you detect difference when the baseline is zero?

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They will never test vaccine medication to make the money profit over human suffering or death ☠️. Aluminum creates a immune response every time accumates quickly on unborn babies or just a few hours old to a mere month brains even exceed EPA standards easily just like the babies few months toxic aluminum unable to escape the body in England 4 of them perished just we ones while the cabal keep getting richer pharmakia dark side 50 percent of FDA budget comes from them too many people in conflict furthers from what true doctor should be to teach how to heal self with informed consent NO child needs clot shots based off something in Asia or Australia to base clot shots 8 months before us based on lies

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There is Polysorbate 80, ethylene glycol, and the glycine is replaced with roundup in its place due to cheap cost, formaldehyde,

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Jun 7
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yes, excellent post

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in other words the lockdown lunacy killed our children...

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