allows those pilots with possible ‘silent’ myocardial cardiac damage following COVID gene injection vaccine, to now fly large commercial aircraft packed with passengers while suffering heart attack
Sadly Doctor, I'm guessing it will take at least three commercial passenger airline crashes from pilot heart attacks, causing loss of life, for anything to be done. One crash won't be enough for these assholes to establish cause; two is coincidence; but then three, well, then they may feel there is a trend. Very sad. As you, I cannot fathom putting people at risk like the FAA is doing. Once again, profit before safety.
Yes something will be done, installation of high end AI pilot to 'avoid' disasters. Government might just give them our cash for that. So the human pilot phased out first flying with the AI and 1 human but later only AI.
Good point. Who really knows what they are planning? The only thing we can truly count on is for them to discount the value of human lives, that seems to be a constant.
Nobody is thinking this through. Let me just say - the likelihood of two pilots becoming incapacitated at the same time to cause a plane crash is infinitesimal - more likely to die on your way to or from the airport.
Very true, but considering they're contemplating removing the 2nd pilot, I would say they agree too. However, even if they don't, I've been told by a pilot that most of the bigger planes require 2 pilots to take off and land. Assuming one has had a cardiac event, possibly vomited on the controls (as happened recently) all of the commotion associated with trying to attend to dying pilot, I would think that's very likely a catastrophic event. Also, the fact that they're contemplating this proves they would prefer to roll the dice with the crew and travelers. As long as death is the end goal, they'll do their best to enhance it!
Wonder why no one in the FAA is talking to Snow, or the others?
The pilot that told you that must not be a good one - sorry to say - my husband lands the plane multiple times a day with no help. The other pilot talks on the radio - if he had to do both even with vomit on the controls and a pilot next to him having a heart attack or dead - he could do it - pretty strong survival instincts. I don’t think people understand the training they go through.
You know what really gets me though, is that the lives of the pilots have been affected, up to and including death. This is outright malfeasance on behalf of the airline industry. Outwardly, it appears they are doing nothing to address the health concerns of their pilots, aside from allowing a broader range on the electrical conduction across the heart. That would be selfish concerns on their behalf. If I were the pilots, I would take steps to have the cost of thorough examinations covered by the airline industry, including tests looking for clots (d-dimer test?) and indepth analysis of their hearts, not just measuring the electrical speed. The fact that the speed has decreased is indicative of heart damage. I would want to know how much heart damage was done if it was my heart. Maybe this is already done? I don't know. It just appears they are doing the minimum to keep their pilots flying and not addressing the root cause.
That's exactly what they want. Create the setting for planes to come down killing many. Reduce confidence so people stop flying. Then only they get to travel and fly, with unjabbed pilots I'm sure. Funny the FAA and airlines are helping cover everything up to help the goal...of them being out of business and not having jobs! Funny when you think about it. Like companies, levis, coca cola, etc who forced thr shots on their employees. How will they stay in business as all of rheir employees die off? Most died within 3 years, only 5 remained alive at 5 years, based on pfizers dats. When were the first shots taken? Tick tock, tick tock.
It is the point - this discussion was had on this Substack on 2/3. Yet here again the lovely bombastic headline freaking peioke out. There are two pilots up there - is it any safer to drive when someone on the highway can “die suddenly”? You know how in a movement when some people act and speak a certain way and it starts hurting the whole movement? I feel like he is doing that and has been for a while. I think his work is great - his ideas and opinion is great - I just do not like the way he goes about it in many ways. Nobody really wants me to tell them what the biggest risk in flying is. It’s not this.
how do you think, and I DONT grudge you for your views and yes we must be balanced yet can I ask you, how would you manage a dead pilot in the cockpit? I am no pilot but I can see the space is constrained and thus it will be chaotic; remember, I am talking too about a stressful situation in the plane that caused adrenaline surges and heart attack, so even the co-pilot before the pilot died, is stressed, e.g. lets say plane lost altitude e.g. wind sheer, and you the co-pilot is panicking too, how do you now take control of the plane with a dead pilot? so is the optimal way not to test all pilots for silent myocarditis before flying? this is a real concern and many pilots write me, Kirsch etc. on this. we are not pilots but we get the communications.
Now it’s Sunday - let’s get to church - pray and thank God we are here to have this discussion - God bless you Dr. Alexander- I am not your enemy - far from it.
I know, and I love you and all, you know that....but you raise key questions always, provoking and we have to consider it for you bring depth to the debate. grateful.
Dr Paul and RB I think the crux of this debate is the action taken by the authorities in changing the way they test pilots is exactly what we should now focus on. Asking key questions as to why they should change rules in order to get pilots around the problem of heart failure during flights being detected is exactly why we should per-sue this further when we can provide enough evidence to prove deliberate negligence
I understand what you are saying - I do - but my husband IS an airline captain and let me tell you - if the co-pilot dropped dead he’s not putting the plane into the ground. They are trained to do this stuff. If they are going to start dropping dead because of adrenaline surges - it will be at recurrent training in the simulator where they throw every emergency possible at them. They take off and their brain no longer knows it’s a simulator. My husband had an emergency the other day and landed safely and when you look at his fitbit data you would hardly know when it happened. I met you in Hagerstown - I’ve supported you from day 1. I just want you to stop freaking people out with these kinds of “headlines” - planes dropping out of the sky. It’s hurting our side. At some point people no longer want to listen or read what you have to say. Someone recently told me they didn’t want to read your book because of your headlines here. You have been one of the strongest voices for this side - don’t blow it now.
When you first see this headline on your Substack - what do people think ??? OMG a plane crashed .... that’s my point. The same point could be made in a much much better way.
Brian - yes - in fact I have. My husband has had let’s see - 60 + medicals and 10+ EKGs over the course of his airline career. In fact I hate the FAA - I hate the medical community that I spent 16 years being a clinician in - I helped many pilots wrote exemption letters - I watched them agonize over potentially losing their jobs while the f’n FAA ignored their own rules of not allowing them let alone making them have or take an experimental anything. These guys can’t tell their AME they have a f’n headache without scrutiny and yet this happens. The FAA is only complicit because our f’n government allowed this - actually caused this. Steve Kirsch called for the FAA Federal Air surgeon to step down over this - you think she has the control? My husband said she’s one of the best leaders they’ve had there probably because she is married to a pilot and has their backs yet she isn’t in control of all of this - our government is. I want you to take less than 15 min out of your day to go watch something I’ll attach at the end. Planes are not going to start falling out of the sky - that’s all I’m saying. Stop freaking people out. Below is what should freak people out.
rb, thanks for sharing that video.... I'll say one thing for Pfizer: they've got "stones" to say in a court of law, "we delivered the fraud the gov't ordered." If Pfizer thinks they're getting off the hook, they might want to prepare for bankruptcy as they did their act knowingly. (It's called "ethics.") Btw, our gov't employees aren't going to get off the hot seat on this either, individually or wholly.
I Hope not - I’m so tired of them getting away with murder -literally. Ethics has gone out the window - it sickens me - my vaccine injured daughter is a PICU/NICU nurse. She left the PICU a year into the pandemic because her unit was turned into a COVID unit and for a year they had NO pediatric patients - winter 2021 the unit with 25 beds had 23 filled with suicide attempt patients - all 12-18. She left for the hospital across the street to go to the NICU - fought for an exemption and got it because I gave her doctor reams of literature and DNA test results and he wrote a good letter. The other hospital was (still is) in dire need of help in the PICU - so they asked her to come work part time as a case manager. Her exemption was denied - why? They are following the CDC guidelines - there are 3 reasons the CDC says you can get out of a vaccine mandate : 1. If you had an adverse reaction to a CV vax 2. If you had myocarditis from a CV vax 3. If you had multisystem inflammatory reaction to a CV Vax. That’s it. The nurses at the other hospital have literally told parents to get their child transferred out because of how dangerous their understaffing is. I can’t believe this is where we are. I knew something was wrong the day I heard “safe and effective” for pregnant women with no data. Sorry - got on a rant there about the lack of ethics.
RB, no problem on your rant. We all need to vent. Am seeing a serious lack of ethics from top to bottom in gov't & corporations. Imho, we really screwed up in letting the gov't funnel tax money into our schools. That's how they got control. We need to re-work the school system so our tax monies go to the individual student to the best school of their choice including home schooling. My niece is home schooling her daughter & the daughter is a couple of grades above her age group in the public schools. We've got to get back to basic ethics (i.e., if you don't want it done to you, don't do it to others). Hang in there! I appreciate the discussion.
Susan Northrup can't do anything? Theresa Long did something. Susan is just as guilty as if she'd orchestrated this roulette game. Sometimes your position of authority obligates you to do something you don't want to do.
[Aside: this is the second time in days I've seen Latypova & Watt used as a trump card to divert a discussion.]
Yes - she could do something - and end up here - on Substack - informing the world - without her job - which I believe is the right thing to do and admire - though my airline captain husband reminded me that the devil you know is sometimes better than the one you don’t - who would this corrupt admin replace her with ? Hotez? Doing the right thing is called Integrity and if enough people did it and realized we have the damn power then we wouldn’t be in this mess - but calling for her resignation isn’t going to change what the FAA does without changing the damn administration and everything that Latypova and Watt (and more - they were just a quick example) have shown are the issues - it’s much much deeper than the FAA Flight Surgeon is all I was saying and I certainly wasn’t trying to use them as a trump card to divert from the conversation. I can’t tell you how many hours and sleepless nights I’ve spent in the last several years fighting this stuff - so please don’t make assumptions about me. I’m still locked out of my office at my academic institution because I’m dangerously unvaxxed - I would walk away because I’ve lost all respect for most of the people I work with - but I also have people below me to protect and I’m still trying to teach others how to critically think. I have a talk on adverse events from vaccines and the BS that the CDC spouts - I have a vaccine injured adult daughter (HPV) and will never forgive myself for being stupid enough to get that for her the first year it was available when I fell prey to the coercion from the nurse saying “do you want your daughter to get cervical cancer?” When I told her I would think about it. My daughter now has MCAS - which I knew was the result right away but took 15 years to be published and connected in the literature. I fought from day 1 to get exemptions for my family (NICU Nurse, Airline Captain, college student) as I was fighting my daughter’s college for exemptions for 54 kids that wanted them - I started this fight in 2/21. I have been relentless - that school is tired of me inundating them with every scientific article I could find about risk to that age group - guess what? I won - after sending them Vinay Prassad’s recent paper and talking about how they should be sued for their mandate - they dropped it over Christmas. I helped pilots write for exemptions - I joined Naomi Wolf’s group to analyze the Pfizer documents (I’m a human genetic researcher former clinician - ironically my job deals with consent and protecting people- imagine how I’ve felt watching colleagues and admin and everyone fall prey to coercion and be the ones to use it!) I’ve called out the people who I used to practice clinical medicine with for their BS on saying this is safe in pregnancy when there was zero data and we would never even say that ibuprofen was “safe and effective” - we gave counseling on risk and benefit. So - I’m not trying to deflect the conversation - I was simply trying to point out how deep this goes and what we are up against and I didn’t want Dr. A to lose people by using alarmist headlines that at first glance looked like a plane crashed. We can’t let up and we can’t afford to end up losing good voices or pushing people away.
It's clear you've had more than your share of pressure. I work with a bunch of overeducated engineers and can't get a word in. The covid panic committee won't yet acknowledge receipt of the video from Retsef Levi I sent last week. I got my vx "accommodation" but it's been like getting kicked in the gut every day I go in to work.
I pray I'd have the strength of a Theresa Long. On my own, I would have told them all where to go and fled to flyover country. But, as you note, family comes first.
Back to the top, I gotta back up Dr. Paul on his 3-inch-font screaming headlines that overflow my inbox every day. We'll just disagree on this.
I’ve watched the video and I understand where you’re coming from RB. Yes I agree with you re the whole cabal. Perhaps people should talk to each other before publishing their work and then becoming “entrenched “ in their views and creating further unnecessary division. We are fighting a well oiled machine and by dividing our resources can only work against us. God bless
If a loaded plane fell from the sky it wouldn't be the deaths that would bother them. Add 300 more to the gruesome total? Nothing to criminals. For them the problem would be the exposure, publicity and investigation. They still think they are functioning with plausible deniability since there are still many people and organizations that have still not woken up. But they aren't. Their limited hang-outs are more like a very limited cover up and far more is showing than they would admit.
My husband is an airline captain - he flies to work - flies home - he’s in the air more than he’s on the ground. I do not worry . There are two pilots up there for a reason. Do not worry.
Thank God for co-pilots I suppose. Redundancy was always neccesary in air travel, but now more than ever. I do expect single-pilot aircraft to have an exponential rise in crashes though, sadly.
Many pilots could lose their jobs and careers if thoroughly tested for myocarditis. Your demand must come with a demand that the FAA indemnify pilots against lost income due to vaccine related incapacity.
Dr. Alexander - you need to stop freaking people out. I’ve been following you from the start - you are becoming more and more alarmist and I think it’s starting to make you less credible. You just posted something like this yesterday. Please stop freaking people out.
He's exposing the deception and dishonesty of the FAA. Why did they quietly change their parameters? Are the new parameters safe or does it mean a compromise to the formerly intensely strict medical health guudelines for the public? There are pilots flying who are having cardiac issues, who were forced to take the shots that caused them, and who won't self report because it means losing their career. The FAA knows they have a huge problem on their hands and they are indeed compromising safety protocols and hoping to slide through without major incident. The flight that took off from Chicago in which a young pilot died shortly after take off was incredibly fortunate to have an experienced highly capable pilot able to quickly take over the controls. But when I have flown it is often two segments, the first to a major hub, and the second to a smaller regional airport on a much smaller jet....with 1 young pilot. If the truth came out and the FAA and airlines took a fully safety conscious approach to the disaster they created for their employees, it would devastate the industry and have a disastrous ripple effect throughout the economy. So they hide and lie, and it is this blatant lack of honesty and transparency that is maddening to those like Dr Alexander, who know the truth. Rationalizing it all by saying " don't worry, there are two pilots" is on a par with trying to sneak a change in medical fitness requirements to keep the system working and hoping nobody notices. Freaked out? I call it "alarmed and concerned" and I've been concerned ever since HCQ was slandered because that's when it really became clear we were being lied to. I am glad Dr Alexander has the fortitude and energy to call out each and every lie and shout it from the rooftops.
Tom Fitton reports air marshals are pulled from their duties to prevent incidents to warm sandwiches for illegal immigrants, etc, instead of doing their duties as marshalls.
Dr. PEA, thank you for finally coming out with this info.... Am surprised no one has come out with it before now as it's quite logical. Now extending the population of "not good that they got the jab" for other human activities: military pilots & military in critical positions, astronauts, bus drivers, car driver, surgeons operating on a patient, etc. Any career or activity that can impact the life of others. I already wouldn't fly prior to this jab situation but the jab just seals that "no flying" deal for me. And folks need to be alert for unusual behavior when away from home (e.g., be prepared to dodge). RB has a point on the headline but it gets pdq to the issue & makes one expand their "what else is affected" viewpoint.
Sadly Doctor, I'm guessing it will take at least three commercial passenger airline crashes from pilot heart attacks, causing loss of life, for anything to be done. One crash won't be enough for these assholes to establish cause; two is coincidence; but then three, well, then they may feel there is a trend. Very sad. As you, I cannot fathom putting people at risk like the FAA is doing. Once again, profit before safety.
Thanks for all you do.
Yes something will be done, installation of high end AI pilot to 'avoid' disasters. Government might just give them our cash for that. So the human pilot phased out first flying with the AI and 1 human but later only AI.
Good point. Who really knows what they are planning? The only thing we can truly count on is for them to discount the value of human lives, that seems to be a constant.
Nobody is thinking this through. Let me just say - the likelihood of two pilots becoming incapacitated at the same time to cause a plane crash is infinitesimal - more likely to die on your way to or from the airport.
Very true, but considering they're contemplating removing the 2nd pilot, I would say they agree too. However, even if they don't, I've been told by a pilot that most of the bigger planes require 2 pilots to take off and land. Assuming one has had a cardiac event, possibly vomited on the controls (as happened recently) all of the commotion associated with trying to attend to dying pilot, I would think that's very likely a catastrophic event. Also, the fact that they're contemplating this proves they would prefer to roll the dice with the crew and travelers. As long as death is the end goal, they'll do their best to enhance it!
Wonder why no one in the FAA is talking to Snow, or the others?
The pilot that told you that must not be a good one - sorry to say - my husband lands the plane multiple times a day with no help. The other pilot talks on the radio - if he had to do both even with vomit on the controls and a pilot next to him having a heart attack or dead - he could do it - pretty strong survival instincts. I don’t think people understand the training they go through.
Good point. I did hear of talk, at least in Canada, of having only one pilot at the helm. As I said, who knows, only time will tell.
I guess lightening never strikes twice in the same place..except when it does. Hope you are right!
You know what really gets me though, is that the lives of the pilots have been affected, up to and including death. This is outright malfeasance on behalf of the airline industry. Outwardly, it appears they are doing nothing to address the health concerns of their pilots, aside from allowing a broader range on the electrical conduction across the heart. That would be selfish concerns on their behalf. If I were the pilots, I would take steps to have the cost of thorough examinations covered by the airline industry, including tests looking for clots (d-dimer test?) and indepth analysis of their hearts, not just measuring the electrical speed. The fact that the speed has decreased is indicative of heart damage. I would want to know how much heart damage was done if it was my heart. Maybe this is already done? I don't know. It just appears they are doing the minimum to keep their pilots flying and not addressing the root cause.
Your absolutely right!
I’ll stand by my belief that it’s more dangerous to drive to and from the airport.
That’s not the point Rb. The authority knows the answer yet their deliberate negligence is putting the lives of passengers at risk
That is the point. “They” don’t give a shit!
That's exactly what they want. Create the setting for planes to come down killing many. Reduce confidence so people stop flying. Then only they get to travel and fly, with unjabbed pilots I'm sure. Funny the FAA and airlines are helping cover everything up to help the goal...of them being out of business and not having jobs! Funny when you think about it. Like companies, levis, coca cola, etc who forced thr shots on their employees. How will they stay in business as all of rheir employees die off? Most died within 3 years, only 5 remained alive at 5 years, based on pfizers dats. When were the first shots taken? Tick tock, tick tock.
Ty steveo
It is the point - this discussion was had on this Substack on 2/3. Yet here again the lovely bombastic headline freaking peioke out. There are two pilots up there - is it any safer to drive when someone on the highway can “die suddenly”? You know how in a movement when some people act and speak a certain way and it starts hurting the whole movement? I feel like he is doing that and has been for a while. I think his work is great - his ideas and opinion is great - I just do not like the way he goes about it in many ways. Nobody really wants me to tell them what the biggest risk in flying is. It’s not this.
how do you think, and I DONT grudge you for your views and yes we must be balanced yet can I ask you, how would you manage a dead pilot in the cockpit? I am no pilot but I can see the space is constrained and thus it will be chaotic; remember, I am talking too about a stressful situation in the plane that caused adrenaline surges and heart attack, so even the co-pilot before the pilot died, is stressed, e.g. lets say plane lost altitude e.g. wind sheer, and you the co-pilot is panicking too, how do you now take control of the plane with a dead pilot? so is the optimal way not to test all pilots for silent myocarditis before flying? this is a real concern and many pilots write me, Kirsch etc. on this. we are not pilots but we get the communications.
Now it’s Sunday - let’s get to church - pray and thank God we are here to have this discussion - God bless you Dr. Alexander- I am not your enemy - far from it.
I know, and I love you and all, you know that....but you raise key questions always, provoking and we have to consider it for you bring depth to the debate. grateful.
Dr Paul and RB I think the crux of this debate is the action taken by the authorities in changing the way they test pilots is exactly what we should now focus on. Asking key questions as to why they should change rules in order to get pilots around the problem of heart failure during flights being detected is exactly why we should per-sue this further when we can provide enough evidence to prove deliberate negligence
I understand what you are saying - I do - but my husband IS an airline captain and let me tell you - if the co-pilot dropped dead he’s not putting the plane into the ground. They are trained to do this stuff. If they are going to start dropping dead because of adrenaline surges - it will be at recurrent training in the simulator where they throw every emergency possible at them. They take off and their brain no longer knows it’s a simulator. My husband had an emergency the other day and landed safely and when you look at his fitbit data you would hardly know when it happened. I met you in Hagerstown - I’ve supported you from day 1. I just want you to stop freaking people out with these kinds of “headlines” - planes dropping out of the sky. It’s hurting our side. At some point people no longer want to listen or read what you have to say. Someone recently told me they didn’t want to read your book because of your headlines here. You have been one of the strongest voices for this side - don’t blow it now.
When you first see this headline on your Substack - what do people think ??? OMG a plane crashed .... that’s my point. The same point could be made in a much much better way.
You can have my seat on the plane.
I don't live in fear. I just don't trust anyone or anything these days...
I’m surprised that you haven’t grasped the seriousness of the governing body’s actions in this matter
Brian - yes - in fact I have. My husband has had let’s see - 60 + medicals and 10+ EKGs over the course of his airline career. In fact I hate the FAA - I hate the medical community that I spent 16 years being a clinician in - I helped many pilots wrote exemption letters - I watched them agonize over potentially losing their jobs while the f’n FAA ignored their own rules of not allowing them let alone making them have or take an experimental anything. These guys can’t tell their AME they have a f’n headache without scrutiny and yet this happens. The FAA is only complicit because our f’n government allowed this - actually caused this. Steve Kirsch called for the FAA Federal Air surgeon to step down over this - you think she has the control? My husband said she’s one of the best leaders they’ve had there probably because she is married to a pilot and has their backs yet she isn’t in control of all of this - our government is. I want you to take less than 15 min out of your day to go watch something I’ll attach at the end. Planes are not going to start falling out of the sky - that’s all I’m saying. Stop freaking people out. Below is what should freak people out.
rb, thanks for sharing that video.... I'll say one thing for Pfizer: they've got "stones" to say in a court of law, "we delivered the fraud the gov't ordered." If Pfizer thinks they're getting off the hook, they might want to prepare for bankruptcy as they did their act knowingly. (It's called "ethics.") Btw, our gov't employees aren't going to get off the hot seat on this either, individually or wholly.
I Hope not - I’m so tired of them getting away with murder -literally. Ethics has gone out the window - it sickens me - my vaccine injured daughter is a PICU/NICU nurse. She left the PICU a year into the pandemic because her unit was turned into a COVID unit and for a year they had NO pediatric patients - winter 2021 the unit with 25 beds had 23 filled with suicide attempt patients - all 12-18. She left for the hospital across the street to go to the NICU - fought for an exemption and got it because I gave her doctor reams of literature and DNA test results and he wrote a good letter. The other hospital was (still is) in dire need of help in the PICU - so they asked her to come work part time as a case manager. Her exemption was denied - why? They are following the CDC guidelines - there are 3 reasons the CDC says you can get out of a vaccine mandate : 1. If you had an adverse reaction to a CV vax 2. If you had myocarditis from a CV vax 3. If you had multisystem inflammatory reaction to a CV Vax. That’s it. The nurses at the other hospital have literally told parents to get their child transferred out because of how dangerous their understaffing is. I can’t believe this is where we are. I knew something was wrong the day I heard “safe and effective” for pregnant women with no data. Sorry - got on a rant there about the lack of ethics.
RB, no problem on your rant. We all need to vent. Am seeing a serious lack of ethics from top to bottom in gov't & corporations. Imho, we really screwed up in letting the gov't funnel tax money into our schools. That's how they got control. We need to re-work the school system so our tax monies go to the individual student to the best school of their choice including home schooling. My niece is home schooling her daughter & the daughter is a couple of grades above her age group in the public schools. We've got to get back to basic ethics (i.e., if you don't want it done to you, don't do it to others). Hang in there! I appreciate the discussion.
Susan Northrup can't do anything? Theresa Long did something. Susan is just as guilty as if she'd orchestrated this roulette game. Sometimes your position of authority obligates you to do something you don't want to do.
[Aside: this is the second time in days I've seen Latypova & Watt used as a trump card to divert a discussion.]
Yes - she could do something - and end up here - on Substack - informing the world - without her job - which I believe is the right thing to do and admire - though my airline captain husband reminded me that the devil you know is sometimes better than the one you don’t - who would this corrupt admin replace her with ? Hotez? Doing the right thing is called Integrity and if enough people did it and realized we have the damn power then we wouldn’t be in this mess - but calling for her resignation isn’t going to change what the FAA does without changing the damn administration and everything that Latypova and Watt (and more - they were just a quick example) have shown are the issues - it’s much much deeper than the FAA Flight Surgeon is all I was saying and I certainly wasn’t trying to use them as a trump card to divert from the conversation. I can’t tell you how many hours and sleepless nights I’ve spent in the last several years fighting this stuff - so please don’t make assumptions about me. I’m still locked out of my office at my academic institution because I’m dangerously unvaxxed - I would walk away because I’ve lost all respect for most of the people I work with - but I also have people below me to protect and I’m still trying to teach others how to critically think. I have a talk on adverse events from vaccines and the BS that the CDC spouts - I have a vaccine injured adult daughter (HPV) and will never forgive myself for being stupid enough to get that for her the first year it was available when I fell prey to the coercion from the nurse saying “do you want your daughter to get cervical cancer?” When I told her I would think about it. My daughter now has MCAS - which I knew was the result right away but took 15 years to be published and connected in the literature. I fought from day 1 to get exemptions for my family (NICU Nurse, Airline Captain, college student) as I was fighting my daughter’s college for exemptions for 54 kids that wanted them - I started this fight in 2/21. I have been relentless - that school is tired of me inundating them with every scientific article I could find about risk to that age group - guess what? I won - after sending them Vinay Prassad’s recent paper and talking about how they should be sued for their mandate - they dropped it over Christmas. I helped pilots write for exemptions - I joined Naomi Wolf’s group to analyze the Pfizer documents (I’m a human genetic researcher former clinician - ironically my job deals with consent and protecting people- imagine how I’ve felt watching colleagues and admin and everyone fall prey to coercion and be the ones to use it!) I’ve called out the people who I used to practice clinical medicine with for their BS on saying this is safe in pregnancy when there was zero data and we would never even say that ibuprofen was “safe and effective” - we gave counseling on risk and benefit. So - I’m not trying to deflect the conversation - I was simply trying to point out how deep this goes and what we are up against and I didn’t want Dr. A to lose people by using alarmist headlines that at first glance looked like a plane crashed. We can’t let up and we can’t afford to end up losing good voices or pushing people away.
It's clear you've had more than your share of pressure. I work with a bunch of overeducated engineers and can't get a word in. The covid panic committee won't yet acknowledge receipt of the video from Retsef Levi I sent last week. I got my vx "accommodation" but it's been like getting kicked in the gut every day I go in to work.
I pray I'd have the strength of a Theresa Long. On my own, I would have told them all where to go and fled to flyover country. But, as you note, family comes first.
Back to the top, I gotta back up Dr. Paul on his 3-inch-font screaming headlines that overflow my inbox every day. We'll just disagree on this.
I’ve watched the video and I understand where you’re coming from RB. Yes I agree with you re the whole cabal. Perhaps people should talk to each other before publishing their work and then becoming “entrenched “ in their views and creating further unnecessary division. We are fighting a well oiled machine and by dividing our resources can only work against us. God bless
If a loaded plane fell from the sky it wouldn't be the deaths that would bother them. Add 300 more to the gruesome total? Nothing to criminals. For them the problem would be the exposure, publicity and investigation. They still think they are functioning with plausible deniability since there are still many people and organizations that have still not woken up. But they aren't. Their limited hang-outs are more like a very limited cover up and far more is showing than they would admit.
Well, twenty fully seated 737-700's crash every week in the UK. Or two Titanic's sink. Or one 9/11 attack.
Excess deaths are now up to 3,000 a week.
Exactly. Thank you Mike.
That is sad…
It's criminal, is what it is.
We’re flying to Aruba February break and I’m nervous as hell about this very issue!
My husband is an airline captain - he flies to work - flies home - he’s in the air more than he’s on the ground. I do not worry . There are two pilots up there for a reason. Do not worry.
Thank you !!
Lori follow all the threads in this to see the other side from a different perspective
My guess would be if one of the elites crashes and burns. Such as Tedros Gates Trudeau Macron Biden etc
Thank God for co-pilots I suppose. Redundancy was always neccesary in air travel, but now more than ever. I do expect single-pilot aircraft to have an exponential rise in crashes though, sadly.
The silent takedown of the West is making a lot of noise now.
Because they’d have to admit culpability along with every other corrupt 3 letter DC institution.
Many pilots could lose their jobs and careers if thoroughly tested for myocarditis. Your demand must come with a demand that the FAA indemnify pilots against lost income due to vaccine related incapacity.
Dr. Alexander - you need to stop freaking people out. I’ve been following you from the start - you are becoming more and more alarmist and I think it’s starting to make you less credible. You just posted something like this yesterday. Please stop freaking people out.
He's exposing the deception and dishonesty of the FAA. Why did they quietly change their parameters? Are the new parameters safe or does it mean a compromise to the formerly intensely strict medical health guudelines for the public? There are pilots flying who are having cardiac issues, who were forced to take the shots that caused them, and who won't self report because it means losing their career. The FAA knows they have a huge problem on their hands and they are indeed compromising safety protocols and hoping to slide through without major incident. The flight that took off from Chicago in which a young pilot died shortly after take off was incredibly fortunate to have an experienced highly capable pilot able to quickly take over the controls. But when I have flown it is often two segments, the first to a major hub, and the second to a smaller regional airport on a much smaller jet....with 1 young pilot. If the truth came out and the FAA and airlines took a fully safety conscious approach to the disaster they created for their employees, it would devastate the industry and have a disastrous ripple effect throughout the economy. So they hide and lie, and it is this blatant lack of honesty and transparency that is maddening to those like Dr Alexander, who know the truth. Rationalizing it all by saying " don't worry, there are two pilots" is on a par with trying to sneak a change in medical fitness requirements to keep the system working and hoping nobody notices. Freaked out? I call it "alarmed and concerned" and I've been concerned ever since HCQ was slandered because that's when it really became clear we were being lied to. I am glad Dr Alexander has the fortitude and energy to call out each and every lie and shout it from the rooftops.
The FAA has no control
I think it is better to be aware than blindsided.
Tom Fitton reports air marshals are pulled from their duties to prevent incidents to warm sandwiches for illegal immigrants, etc, instead of doing their duties as marshalls.
Dr. PEA, thank you for finally coming out with this info.... Am surprised no one has come out with it before now as it's quite logical. Now extending the population of "not good that they got the jab" for other human activities: military pilots & military in critical positions, astronauts, bus drivers, car driver, surgeons operating on a patient, etc. Any career or activity that can impact the life of others. I already wouldn't fly prior to this jab situation but the jab just seals that "no flying" deal for me. And folks need to be alert for unusual behavior when away from home (e.g., be prepared to dodge). RB has a point on the headline but it gets pdq to the issue & makes one expand their "what else is affected" viewpoint.
That’s definitely another way to depopulate eh! 🙊🙈🙉🤬
They don't care. They don't want to admit guilt or that the jab is the reason. They forced these jabs on the pilots.
They don't care. They don't want to admit guilt.