It goes deeper than that! When big Pharma can influence the curriculum that is taught to physicians in med school, that is bias and not objective, they become physicians with diagnostic skills that look to chemicals as being the solution to disease states! For over 50 years medical professionals have been taught that taking more than 1000 IUs of vitamin D daily is poisonous! Just one example of how nutrition is being ignored, and its role in maintaining good health! Few if any Covid patients with a blood value of over 50 nG’s died from Covid! To this day, the NIH pushes the concept that if your blood value of vitamin D is 20 ng’s you have enough! Not true, and perpetuates and increases the amount of disease states that are diagnosed! Humans have marvelous bodies that are being manipulated for profit and not good health! The Covid treatment protocol pushed by Dr. Fauci is a good example!

They didn’t care if hundreds of thousands of injections cause death!

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In my book they are clueless.

Only last week my girlfriends Dr was arguing masks in surgery are effective against virus.

Why trust anything they say if they don’t get that basic stuff right.

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I don't trust 99.9% of medical doctors.

Not anymore after con vid.

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After spending the day at the ER w/ a friend yesterday it is not only the Medical doctors.. the nursing staff does not comprehend.. what is being said: even simple but painful issues) and apparently are not able to READ medical labs or charts.. GOD HELP US all.. just don't get sick,, what MESS.

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They are not all like that. Of about a million doctors in the United States, some four hundred "bucked the system" to figure out how to actually treat COVID and save lives, often at the cost of losing their hospital privileges, certifications, and even medical licenses and medical practices. Doctors in other countries have even been jailed for daring to stand up againt the Big Pharma flunkies. Fortunately we do have some excellent doctors on the side of humanity! People like Drs. McCullough, Kory, Cole, Martin, Malhotra, Malone, Nass, Meritt, and hundreds of others are the REAL Heros of COVID!

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I agree that the "business" of medicine is destroying medicine. I often had staff knock on the clinic office door while I was with a patient, "Do you know what time it is?" This was as part of a healthcare hospital system where the emphasis was on money. I didn't go into medicine to get rich, but to treat patients and to give yhem the time they needed. I was one of the few. Also, I used to use Medscape often, until they drank the Koolaid. Then I woke up, and I generally avoid them now. The change in their focus is obvious. If I had had more time to review the actual articles, I would have opened my eyes sooner. But my eyes are open now...

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I don't trust 99.9% of medical doctors.

Not anymore after con vid.

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Continuing last comment.... succumbing to the propaganda of the WHO and other medical associations and governments around the world, the threat of loosing their licenses and getting thrown out of meetings...I could go on and on...it was a huge failing of so many institutions...even pharmacies wouldn’t fill prescriptions for simple pharmaceuticals like Ivermectin which could have saved so many hospitalizations and lives. When free speech is censored this is exactly what we get. The pandemic was a military operation hence freedom of speech was never allowed.

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Like most things the utter incompetence Dr’s showed during Covid was a result of several events: big Parma’s influence, the lack of discipline to seek out multiple sources of data and discussion, the idiocy or the medical associations to chastise an alternative opinion-

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May 19, 2023·edited May 19, 2023

While this may very well be the case in the US, I feel that the totalitarian control of countries like Canada, with socialized medicine schemes, played a huge role. As a former medical professional (who saw the light as it were), I can tell you that the Canadian Medical Association's reach and control mechanisms force unwilling yet solid (and critical) thinking doctors into compliance over fears of losing their license to practice. You can take it to the bank when I say that practicing medicine is the most abused profession in Canada. Of course this brings up the critical ethical issue of "practice what"? Are we simply pharmaceutical turn-keys? But that is another conversation. In many cases Canadian doctors have surrendered their free-thinking diagnostic abilities to towing the CMAs agenda, which we KNOW has been grossly politicized, particularly by the Trudeau goons.

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100% cowardly arrogant dehumanizing assholes. Unable to listen. The ones i argued with could only tell me i was stupid as i was not a doctor and i should listen to the experts. What a pathetic load of self righteous shit. They deserve no pedestal and calling them money whores is exactly what they are. I hope they took their own medicine.

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hyp·o·crite = these murderderous drs. nurses, and all murderous in medical pharmaceutical field. hipaa crites

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I don't have the study handy, so I just have to from memory when I say that studies show MDs are the HIGHEST rated group of professionals that will FOLLOW ORDERS and adhere to authority. In other words, they will rarely as a group, dispute or question whatever they are told to do, and disagree. (Of course not all of them are this way.) On the other hand, lawyers are quite the opposite and will argue with just about anything!

I have two cousins that are brothers.. One is a Harvard-trained MD, and the other is an attorney. The doctor is super straight laced and very "follow the orders" type guy, and his brother is a "crazy lawyer" that will argue just about any point or issue he might choose.

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yet here is an example of a courageous doctor who refused to bow down and forsake our principles:


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I told some Doctors on a blog early in the Covid Scam that they were worse then Mengele. At least he was a true believer, in an ugly and sick murderous evil. The U.S. Doctors that went along with a great evil to protect their licenses and their BMWs. As my Dad, who was so poor as a kid the only gift he got all year was one banana at Christmas, said "It's easier to get a new job than new reputation". Doctor Paul you know that and you live that. Thanks.

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