It doesn't matter how much evidence exists for Hunter or any elected official involved on treason and corruption! If evidence were convicting enough half or more of Congress would be in jail. Since Bill & Hillary Clinton are still running around it's safe to assume justice will not be served anytime soon!! Sorry
Also don't think for a second that ALL POTUS offices & SCOTUS too, all the way down to local dog-catcher
ZOG doesn't miss a cockroach in this game of USA ownership,
If you can't own them with MONEY $$$, then they get owned with PEDOPHILIA photos aka EPSTEIN
Same way they used the FBI since 1920's under GAY EDGAR HOOVER, sex entrapment of every pervert in DC, and remember you don't get into DC unless you are a pervert, just like DAVOS, you might be clean before entry, but post DAVOS they own you.
Hunter is being groomed to take over from Joe in either 2024 or 2028. He will get the Dem nomination and will go on to be installed as the next president.
IMHO USA gov as we know it now will no longer exist then
( USA broken up into 13 regions, as prophesied by Rockefeller under NWO-UN plan from 1950's )
I have always felt that CHELSEA CLINTON would win Secretary of Treasury UN (NWO), mother-witch would like that;
Besides snorting coke, smoking crystal meth, and plugging cheap ho's, what other professional political experience does hunter have??
These days 'groom' means to be turned HOMO, I have no doubt that HUNTER sucks dick and takes it in the ass like pop, apples don't fall far from the tree.
Joe Biden has carried water for MIC some +40 years, what exactly has hunter done for DS/ZOG other than shit all over the rug, and make them run a full time clean up crew after his arse???
Antidepressants reduce the risk of severe covid, hospitalization and death. Hunter, Joe and all male RINOs are on antidepressants. They consume the one described in the article at the link in copious quantities:
Feeling good? you'll never guess why | New Scientist
During the COVID hysteria, a few times a week in the evening, I would munch a few bites of my famous Granola bars made from KGB bud ( 200g bud, 1 lite oil, 5 lit water ) slowly cook bud in coconut oil in crock-pot low temp 4hrs, then transfer bowl to fridge, and then take out green frozen butter and save, I like to use about 500g (frozen oil) per batch of granola bars; My rule of thumb is more than a tip of thumb junk of my granola bar can you leave the house;
Long story short is that all THC, THD is a strong anti-viral;
Nobody who smoke joints a few times a week got covid,
Now hunter smoked METH, which I have no doubt is a strong anti-viral, and COVID was a pussy
Only morons failed to self-medicate during COVID hysteria,
CHINA reported on advice to hospitals in Jan2020 about combating COVID, they advised zinc, vitamin d, and IVER, & HCQ
A bought a shit ton of D, IVER, & HCQ still have a bunch, by summer of 2020 it was not available and price 10x,
When people close to me just in case tested positive ( I never trusted the fucking test ) I would give them a packet of IVER, nobody ever got sick ( showed symptoms ),
Any classic anti-malarial found in MALAYSIA will knock out COVID as well, people have known this shit for 1,000's of years
100's of plants in the jungle contain natural anti-malarial enzymes, just got to get some books on jungle plants and read.
The fact that Western world with the modern oil-based rockefeller medicine hood-winked so many harelips is proof why the master must take the west down, like a rabid dog
Hillary, Biden, Obama, Soros, and more not only destroyed America. Hillary Colluded with a Russian Spy. Her and the DCN paid $6,000 each for Russian interference and the Dossier. If I can only complete it Chapter 1 through 4 will tell the rest. All I did was Tweet this "I am only a few days away from releasing Chaprer 1." I was attacked on Twitter by Pamala Harris, Pelosi, and other members of the House. A meeting with Elon to get me kicked off Twitter. Not only did He refuse. In the meeting Elon allowed me to listen in. I now have documented proof the US Government violated My 1st Amendment rights. The problem is the PROBLEM. You only see a tiny piece of it. The law passed defining 75 Million Americans are Terrorist for posting online is my fault. Why are they afraid of my Narative? Info on the steet Not a D#m thing will happen to them and others.
They are treating the American public worse than Emmanuel Micro n is treating the French. Their behavior is reminiscent of Queen Marie Antionette's when she said of the peasants "let them eat cake." Is she their role model? I wonder what this may lead to.
My idiot detector is set to go off when someone denies the existence of the “laptop from hell” or says Joe and/or Hunter are unfairly targeted, or Hunter never did anything illegal. Unfortunately, even my own dear mother failed the idiot test.
P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!
The fact that this indisputable evidence against Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Joe's brother James has been circulated for years now and has never been picked up and highlighted by the media shows that Democrats, so-called "journalists," and the all-pervasive Deep State are all just fine with selling American resources, secrets, and personal data to the Chinese -- as long as they all get their percentage of the blood money.
For every secret pay in&out bank account in China that you find HUNTERS name you will find same-same in name of Trump, Ivanka, & Kushner
CIA is NOT dumb this is how they own all
Any accident that pelosi son, and every fucking gimp in US-CONGRESS & SCOTUS, and POTUS has their kids 'employed' in China, Ukraine as "Consultants"
This is how money laundering to mr 10% works, you really think the money went to HUNTER's METH habit? More like 90% went to DAD, and maybe 9% went to rehab, and 1% went to hunter
So CIA aka deep-state puts the kids of everybody in DC into a consulting gig, and nobody can say shit, cuz everybody is doing it, nobody can point fingers, cuz the other team is just is deep in the shit.
Lastly, before any of you go retard recall that Trump was Potus 2016-2020 during which time HE built Zelensky's UKRO-NAZI army, and you can be 100% sure that TRUMP's FAMILY got their 10%
It doesn't matter how much evidence exists for Hunter or any elected official involved on treason and corruption! If evidence were convicting enough half or more of Congress would be in jail. Since Bill & Hillary Clinton are still running around it's safe to assume justice will not be served anytime soon!! Sorry
Also don't think for a second that ALL POTUS offices & SCOTUS too, all the way down to local dog-catcher
ZOG doesn't miss a cockroach in this game of USA ownership,
If you can't own them with MONEY $$$, then they get owned with PEDOPHILIA photos aka EPSTEIN
Same way they used the FBI since 1920's under GAY EDGAR HOOVER, sex entrapment of every pervert in DC, and remember you don't get into DC unless you are a pervert, just like DAVOS, you might be clean before entry, but post DAVOS they own you.
Hunter is being groomed to take over from Joe in either 2024 or 2028. He will get the Dem nomination and will go on to be installed as the next president.
Anything is possible
IMHO USA gov as we know it now will no longer exist then
( USA broken up into 13 regions, as prophesied by Rockefeller under NWO-UN plan from 1950's )
I have always felt that CHELSEA CLINTON would win Secretary of Treasury UN (NWO), mother-witch would like that;
Besides snorting coke, smoking crystal meth, and plugging cheap ho's, what other professional political experience does hunter have??
These days 'groom' means to be turned HOMO, I have no doubt that HUNTER sucks dick and takes it in the ass like pop, apples don't fall far from the tree.
Joe Biden has carried water for MIC some +40 years, what exactly has hunter done for DS/ZOG other than shit all over the rug, and make them run a full time clean up crew after his arse???
Antidepressants reduce the risk of severe covid, hospitalization and death. Hunter, Joe and all male RINOs are on antidepressants. They consume the one described in the article at the link in copious quantities:
Feeling good? you'll never guess why | New Scientist
Didn't we just talk about this??
During the COVID hysteria, a few times a week in the evening, I would munch a few bites of my famous Granola bars made from KGB bud ( 200g bud, 1 lite oil, 5 lit water ) slowly cook bud in coconut oil in crock-pot low temp 4hrs, then transfer bowl to fridge, and then take out green frozen butter and save, I like to use about 500g (frozen oil) per batch of granola bars; My rule of thumb is more than a tip of thumb junk of my granola bar can you leave the house;
Long story short is that all THC, THD is a strong anti-viral;
Nobody who smoke joints a few times a week got covid,
Now hunter smoked METH, which I have no doubt is a strong anti-viral, and COVID was a pussy
Only morons failed to self-medicate during COVID hysteria,
CHINA reported on advice to hospitals in Jan2020 about combating COVID, they advised zinc, vitamin d, and IVER, & HCQ
A bought a shit ton of D, IVER, & HCQ still have a bunch, by summer of 2020 it was not available and price 10x,
When people close to me just in case tested positive ( I never trusted the fucking test ) I would give them a packet of IVER, nobody ever got sick ( showed symptoms ),
Yes, all of those things appear to be effective against covid. Also effective against lots of other things including dementia, stroke etc.
Cannabidiol and (-)Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants
A J Hampson et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
Cannabidiol and (-)Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol are neuroprotective antioxidants - PubMed,reaction)%20system%20and%20neuronal%20cultures.
Any classic anti-malarial found in MALAYSIA will knock out COVID as well, people have known this shit for 1,000's of years
100's of plants in the jungle contain natural anti-malarial enzymes, just got to get some books on jungle plants and read.
The fact that Western world with the modern oil-based rockefeller medicine hood-winked so many harelips is proof why the master must take the west down, like a rabid dog
That's not true.
What isn't?
Hillary, Biden, Obama, Soros, and more not only destroyed America. Hillary Colluded with a Russian Spy. Her and the DCN paid $6,000 each for Russian interference and the Dossier. If I can only complete it Chapter 1 through 4 will tell the rest. All I did was Tweet this "I am only a few days away from releasing Chaprer 1." I was attacked on Twitter by Pamala Harris, Pelosi, and other members of the House. A meeting with Elon to get me kicked off Twitter. Not only did He refuse. In the meeting Elon allowed me to listen in. I now have documented proof the US Government violated My 1st Amendment rights. The problem is the PROBLEM. You only see a tiny piece of it. The law passed defining 75 Million Americans are Terrorist for posting online is my fault. Why are they afraid of my Narative? Info on the steet Not a D#m thing will happen to them and others.
They are treating the American public worse than Emmanuel Micro n is treating the French. Their behavior is reminiscent of Queen Marie Antionette's when she said of the peasants "let them eat cake." Is she their role model? I wonder what this may lead to.
My idiot detector is set to go off when someone denies the existence of the “laptop from hell” or says Joe and/or Hunter are unfairly targeted, or Hunter never did anything illegal. Unfortunately, even my own dear mother failed the idiot test.
No Unity of The People = No Victories against
ALL the destructive Treason
“When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” Attributed to Thomas Jefferson
Paul and all,
The People could have prevented the O’Biden Regime Treasonous destruction long ago if they had UNITED in a real Freedom Movement.
The next step has to be UNITY of ALL awake persons in a real Freedom Movement with real strategic planners who know how to address ALL the Treason!
No one, I repeat NO ONE in political power today will ever do the right things until they FEAR the people!
There is nothing for them to fear until we UNITE against them!
Lex Greene, important writer with a serious resume writing about the necessity of unity…
P.S. My gloves came off 15 years ago, working with the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group. I highly suggest if you want to unite with people actually working real solutions…contact Lex Greene!
Master Manipulators!
The fact that this indisputable evidence against Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Joe's brother James has been circulated for years now and has never been picked up and highlighted by the media shows that Democrats, so-called "journalists," and the all-pervasive Deep State are all just fine with selling American resources, secrets, and personal data to the Chinese -- as long as they all get their percentage of the blood money.
Who is the speaker depicted in the video? (Sorry I do not recognize him.)
How Much?? OMERTA ( Keep your mouth shut )
For every secret pay in&out bank account in China that you find HUNTERS name you will find same-same in name of Trump, Ivanka, & Kushner
CIA is NOT dumb this is how they own all
Any accident that pelosi son, and every fucking gimp in US-CONGRESS & SCOTUS, and POTUS has their kids 'employed' in China, Ukraine as "Consultants"
This is how money laundering to mr 10% works, you really think the money went to HUNTER's METH habit? More like 90% went to DAD, and maybe 9% went to rehab, and 1% went to hunter
So CIA aka deep-state puts the kids of everybody in DC into a consulting gig, and nobody can say shit, cuz everybody is doing it, nobody can point fingers, cuz the other team is just is deep in the shit.
Lastly, before any of you go retard recall that Trump was Potus 2016-2020 during which time HE built Zelensky's UKRO-NAZI army, and you can be 100% sure that TRUMP's FAMILY got their 10%