Time to punish! When I think of all my friends and relatives who have taken the juice, my heart cries!

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Jul 29, 2022·edited Jul 29, 2022

The employees of these media corporations and their chain of command are practicing medicine without a license. CDC is more complicated, but the general principles still apply. They are not unilaterally exempt from liability arising from malpractice, maladministration or racketeering, or in matters involving collusion with foreign interests or their governments.

The first economic principle and bedrock economic event in medical commerce and practice is information.

When duly licensed medical professionals are speaking with standing from the province of their established expertise, that is medical practice. For a corporation in commerce to engage in a form of commerce by censoring, silencing, unpersoning or monetizing (directly or indirectly) duly licensed medical or scientific professionals, this is an apparent competing form of medical practice, especially where the intent is to advise.

When such actions enter the public commons, patients are being spoken to; patients are being advised. This is little different from financial advice principles.

When that is coupled with campaigns to silence, censor or tortiously interfere with the proper and normal discourse in that commons among duly licensed physicians and scientists and between those persons of professional standing and the general public, sides are being taken by the corporate interlopers as a natural expression their perceived financial interests as they strike a pose as competing arbiter to willfully mislead the public about their role as a decisive authority rather than merely inform the public about a controversy and refer the public to consult with their personal physician about what is medically appropriate for them. Instead the corporate interlopers monetize the controversy, extort their inflammation toward the desired proprietary narrative outcome and overtly mislead the public away from proper individual action so the concerns of the public may be further exploited and monetized.

Apparent conflicts of interest would threaten to be actionable as racketeering where a commingling of financial or other monetized interests and agendas become coordinated or evidence of colluding can be demonstrated. Where the competitive silencing involves the pursuit or taking of third party monies as an apparent reward or incentive for executing the said competitive silencing or can be shown to be involved in other inappropriate quid pro quo, the matter becomes yet more problematic.

At root, there must be prosecution of unconscionable corporate behavior and particularly in instances where the executives (whether by malice or negligence) engage the corporation in their care and trust and commit its resources to the unlawful practice of medicine, unlicensed medical practice, the collusion to do and intent to monetize same for financial gain.

They are the fiduciaries. They direct the behavior of the corporation. When corporations target and censor duly licensed physicians speaking to their expertise use said resources to engage or otherwise participate in narrative racketeering for financial gain or favor, the executives of that corporation are on the hook, professionally and perhaps personally, when arising from their wrongful actions or their wrongful inactions.

Physicians and scientific professionals need to come together and seek the prosecution and penalization of these executive employees and persons for tortious interference, maladministration, unlicensed medical practice and racketeering, where appropriate.

You guys need to get your shit together and start nailing the corporate bimbocracy to the proverbial cross. Go after them professionally and personally and do not relent.

The lawyers will love it. There's a robust domain of financial interest to be adjudicated and defended. Our society is in this mess because of inaction.

Let the push back begin in earnest and on a largest scale possible. The physician community and its relevant scientific cohort are a powerful class with legitimate standing and interest.

Go clean out the barn. Triage the bad actors as you deem appropriate.

This has the makings of the largest and most consequential class action of all time.

The matter is not so much who may speak, but whom may be silenced and whether such silencing may be monetized in a proprietary manner to facilitate or directly extort, defraud or racketeer proprietary interests against the public interest in the public commons.

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I generally agree with you, but I have a feeling that dissident (non-narrative) voices are winning bit by bit on Twitter. I am a rather anonymous person in general, not sure how I can influence people more other than Twitter typically. Answers to articles in newspapers or news outlets are not too bad but I feel that speech is monitored even more on these media than on Twitter. As you know, Brian Peckford collaborated with you at many major public events and despite both of your reputations, we don't see you in opinion pieces of traditional media such as Globe&Mail or National Post, which says everything one needs to know.

I am circulating a petition against ArriveCan in my neighbourhood right now, it is slow going and a bit entertaining to me. Occasionally I manage to give instructions on how not to comply for example. But honestly this does not reach many people. As for my work or professional network, if I were to speak "too much" it is conceivable that I could be forced in permanent premature retirement due to pervasive cancel culture.

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How can crimes like these exist in a democracy? Yet bombshells like this drop daily. The country is asleep. The dictators play Wac-A-Mole on anyone who speaks up. Silencing dissent.

Warriors like Dr A, Dr Malone, and others grind daily to spread the truth. On Substack and alternative outlets. But everyone's still asleep. It's mind blowing.

You can only "talk" with others and "share" to a point. Family, friends, and colleagues have the 1,000 mile stare. Ready to attack the "anti-whatevers". It's red pill or blue pill and few in between.

The Russell Brands and Joe Rogans help bridge the gap, expand the conversation. Bring the "fringe" to the mainstream and open the debate. Yet the stunning truth remains. The country's still asleep!

The truth needs more help. More platforms. Bigger megaphones. More bandwidth.

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Aw, come on Dr. Paul, tell us how you really feel ;)

What we are witnessing now and in the days to come is the destruction of the old guard. Little by little the ruling elite will be taken down. This process unfortunately will take a number of years, but it will happen. We are seeing the ruling section of the elite's mass formation psychosis, much like we witnessed with the previous masses, those that were coerced into taking the jab. It is there turn now to undergo what the rest have unfortunately suffered. The prize will become our emancipation.

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Again, my heart is a thumbs up Dr. Alexander!! They are the misinformation lords. They are the thieves and liars described in John 8:44. It sounds so out there, but this is the place they are trying to create as they run from truth.

This place is run by the insane. What is the definition of insanity? To run from the divine. To run from truth. Is this not what is going on? They want men to have babies. Which they can clone, according to research.

There is very funky stuff going on. There are also many rabbit holes. At the same time, things are being allowed to come apart.

In my faith, this place is condemned and was never supposed to exist, as evil runs it. Take or leave my thoughts as always.

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Source 1 is the only one that I can open, the rest all say access denied.

So. the daily caller has this info but will it make it to the MSM? I doubt it.

I agree with what the Informed Citizen says, we need more platforms and bigger megaphones to reach the masses.

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This should not be a surprise. I worked in Silicon Valley for 40 years. This was the plan. I always knew they monitored and "recorded" everything. Silly to trust them. It was going on from day 1. They collected everything, sold what they could. Ans monitored everything

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Punish them with PRISON.

Dismantle big tec

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What evil companies. I never had an account on any of them. Trash. People need to get off of these things, so they go broke.

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This is no surprise, but good to see it outed.

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Truth, Gettr, MeWe, Telegram... we don't need Facebook and the chirping bird.

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Facebook are seeing the consequences for their punishment of wrongspeak with bans and taking part in propaganda. They are hurting. The NZ PM Jacinda Ardern also has a big role to play in the crackdown on freedom of speech.

I have been trying to delete some Facebook pages I am the admin of. Just pages for my music and poetry. I’ve tried 3 times in my laptop and my iPhone to delete them. Everytime it says they will be deleted but they never are. Instead I’ve been getting notifications telling me I’ve had views on those pages. Couldnt even jus unpublished those pages

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All roads lead to Gates

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This is unbelievable..and a total mine of information. Just posted it to facebook :-)

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