Excellent article as always. This evening while making dinner I had the normal crappy experience listening to CBC's (Covid Broadcasting Corporation) regular Monday "expert" who is a pediatrician and vaccine researcher. She was lamenting the fact that we still didn't have the covid vaccine for the under five year old children's group. She said it was important because so many kids have diabetes, asthma, obesity etc. In other words kids aren't all that healthy for a large number of them to begin with. The obvious question is why are they like this. Instead of addressing this issue she went on and on about the need to vaccinate all children. She also was very upset that the older cohort 11 to 18 weren't getting boosters. I really don't know what to say. When and how do we end this madness?

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Where is this notion that natural immunity lasts only 90 days coming from? Apparently even doctors are telling people this. Strange.

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it is a lie, it is life long, bullet proof, we have data that it lasts 100 years...

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Thought so. Where is a good place to send people to understand who you are? I don't trust the algorithms to find it.

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They are running out of ideas.

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Is this ADE in a top European politician?

David Sassoli, the president of the European parliament, has died at the age of 65, his spokesman has said.

The 65-year-old Italian had been seriously ill in hospital for more than two weeks due to a dysfunction of his immune system.


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Dr. Alexander, thank you for all your work! It would be wonderful if you could provide a rebuttal to the new Provincial Health Order in BC by Dr. Bonnie Henry regarding natural immunity.

She claims to have examined the evidence but is making some highly false statements


"I have considered and continue to consider based on the currently available generally

accepted scientific evidence whether other measures, such as natural immunity, PCR testing

or rapid antigen testing, are as effective as vaccination in reducing the risk of transmission

SARS-Co-2 and or the severity of illness if infected"

1) "full course of vaccine provides more effective and durable protection against

infection and severe illness than natural immunity from prior COVID-19 infection

alone, or natural immunity in combination with a single-dose of vaccine"

2) "While people who have contracted SARS-CoV-2 may develop some natural immunity for a

period of time following infection, the strength and duration of that immunity varies

depending on a multitude of factors, including severity of infection. The risk of reinfection

and hospitalization is significantly higher in people who remained unvaccinated after

contracting SARS-CoV-2 than in those who were vaccinated post-infection. Vaccination,

even after infection, remains an important measure to protect against reinfection. It does so

by providing a stronger immune response that is known to be effective for a longer period of

time and against a wider variety of strains of SARS-CoV-2 that are currently circulation in

British Columbia, including the Delta variant"

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