I don't think "covid" was real, I think it was always the flu, they used the fake PCR tests to make it look like there was a pandemic which there never was.

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"Why did we lock down the young children, teens, young persons, middle aged and well people, when we knew 2 weeks out that their risk of severe outcomes was basically zero."

If I remember correctly, the reason was to save Grandma, because kids could carry the virus home and infect Grandma, therefore keeping schools open and allowing children to play outside is the same as killing Grandma. At least that was their initial reasoning before the narrative shifted because "Science".

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Send this to all the weak mined Congressmen and women in DC who won't address the real issue of the FDA and the CDC being pawns for Big Pharma and not being objective and independent agencies protecting the health of the American people and our future generations. SHAME ON THEM!

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I posted the Apr 2020 Ioannidis article on LinkedIn. Before LinkedIn took it down and gave me -- an inaugural year member and among their first to go paid -- a strike on my account, it had received lots of views and lots of "killing Grandma" type comments from this primarily highly-edumacated, experienced professional population that comprises the bulk of LinkedIn's members.

Though I am unable to prove it, the removal of the complaint and the strike against my account may have occurred as a result of a complaint against me and the article. I tell this story in my "About Me" post. A woman in Germany saw the post, had a fit, and went through her connections to get to a European colleague of mine. She called me a disgrace to the University (I worked for one of this University's subsidiaries) and that I should be fired. This complaint made it all the way to my CEO.

And now this, nearly three years later...How people have completely disgraced themselves...

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Strong, connected teachers' unions. The majority of their teachers (not all) are easily intimidated and were terrified of catching c-19, spreading it, and they and their families dying horribly. They bought the lies. The kids were a casualty, but I don't think they were even considered. Most teachers were just fine with remote "learning."

My brother is a retired elementary school teacher. After a month of that crap, He was still doing some tutoring. A bunch of parents came to him and offered to pay him substantially to arrange group tutorials/classes outside of the school. Their kids HATED the remote stuff. The teachers were just yakking away, the kids -- especially the gifted kids and restless kids -- were completely tuned out and the parents couldn't get them to show up. He had full classes, in a Blue state, and NO ONE DIED. The kids loved it. Most kids weren't so lucky.

The teachers and their damned union should be ashamed of themselves and their cowardice. This was NOT for the kids.

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And Canada is now pushing the bivalent boosters for 12 to 17 years.

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"These researchers (if you read deeper into the paper) appear to say that death declines were due to vaccine. This again is a ludicrous finding and conclusion for they did not control for i)improvement in hospital and health care across time ii)natural exposure immunity iii)the use of early treatment (self medicating etc.) iv)co-morbidities v) healthy vaccinee user effect."

Nor do they make any concession, Doctor, for the correlations with well-documented epidemic trajectories. Their assertions are unsupported.

As the disability and death toll mounts, so also do the efforts to avoid accountability.

No Amnesty.

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Long before the Great Barrington Declaration, we launch PERSPECTIVES ON THE PANDEMIC (https://www.thepressandthepublic.com/latest) in March of 2020. Our first interview was with John Ioannidis. He said all this more. Back then, no one understood truly about shadow banning and content take downs. Sure enough after hitting a million views, the was taken down for "violating community standards." When we inquired exactly what standards we violated we were given the run around. We reposted the interview and did a follow-up that was knocked down as well.

One wonders if the course of the pandemic would have been different if the work of Ioannidis and others who were out there saying questioning what was being said by officialdom?

Libby Handros


Perspectives on the Pandemic

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BORIS JOHNSON IS AS GUILT AS TRUDEAU-https://rumble.com/v2868vw-the-university-of-british-columbia-exposed.html?fbclid=IwAR03t3VqCcK5bOPTjjI8-U2nF3P-jBLE2CANjQJxXmvg3BlJo5Z-Y8t0RjE

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