Why listen to relative unknowns like Roland Fryer and Thomas Sowell when one could listen to towering intellects like LeBron James, Whoopi Goldberg, and Kamala Harris?

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ha ha ha

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Yes - that mob definitely represent the epitome of towering intellects”???

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In case it wasn't obvious, my comment was sarcasm.

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I love it

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Are you just finding out what Fryer studied and the conclusions of the study? Or are you being sarcastic? Not sure, but this was several years ago. Yep. He was suspended by Gay. Karma's a bitch, or as Fryer said, a m.f.

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no...but sharing now...I cant share all at once and he is in news again

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An unarmed black like G Floyd dying during arrest is nearly a one in a million event. It happens twice as often for whites, around one in 500,000. But the msm hypes up what ever false narrative they want to create. Like mass shooters, which is a very rare thing in a country of 400 million people I suspect. And they only show the white shooters or tell you the brown shooters were white…

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The most important thing in all of this: THEY DON'T SHOOT ME

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