THAT'S what we need - a million Hung Cao's to obliterate the monsters in charge. Count me in!

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yes I like this guy...

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had the opportunity, made USA his home, and defends her now, I like him.

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I voted for him on the primaries. He is a true American and has served our country.

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I'm pretty sure there's a couple million of him already here.

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I think so too, but they need to come out, identify themselves, and UNITE against this **most corrupt gang of psychopaths in world history!**

As I keep repeating, "If we don't take THEM out, they will take US out!" That is 100% certain.

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Is he even legally able to hold office here, unlike obama, harris, cruz, rubio etc.

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Being a "natural born citizen" is not a requirement to serve as a U.S. Senator.

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Seems kinda crazy, not that anyone follows the law but thank you for letting me know.

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(It's only a requirement for the nation's highest office, Commander-in-Chief & President of the United States. And therefore Kamala Harris should not be on the ballot.)

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And I'm guessing obammy was an illegitimate president.

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That's clearly fucked up. That's clearly how The USA wound up in bed with our enemies in the name of Free Trade which is anything but Free. APEC brought you C19 & mRNA Bioweapons. NAFTA now USMCA still brings you FENTYNL. Congrats to all the FUCK UPS in US Givernment who put their STOCK VALUES ahead of AMERICAN NATIONAL SECURITY. Fuck ups in charge.

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The Citizens' Militia of the Republic has to be organized and every governor has to provide 5% of state budget for it . National Guard is not State Guard .

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This is a very powerful video! The best I have seen in a long time.

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yes it is, sure is...share

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Brilliant video - a true patriot. You must not loose America or we are all doomed.

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for sure and this guy is a great example for our youth

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Good luck and God bless you

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thanks for your post

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This is the right thing to do!

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Hung Cao, thank you shipmate for fighting for our country. Not much readiness when the command is more concerned how you identify. Get in get job done get out. Now much must be done to get the job done and keep the keel from going adrift. You have the common sense, grit, determination that can go into any situation and gel with others. You would have my vote any day since being in different state can't vote for you. Please get people into shape of all ages not many can pass physical fitness we used to have the presidential fitness test let's get all passing it people willing to see it thru to the end something that changes their lives for the better. The USS Missouri's motto is to inspire, educate, and motivate people on the values of duty, honor, strength, resolve, sacrifice, and peace.

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Some fight for the country. But others…for “the greater good”, hurting natives. A very interesting substack with a lots of mind blowing information:


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Alpha. Truly scares the hell out of the RINO’s like Crenshaw. All the others will run like cockroaches.

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Powerful message. Well-delivered.

Thanks for sharing it. Goof luck to him - may he inspire many others.

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Love Hung Cao! Quite the speaker and hero really...

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he is...proud of him

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Hung, Thsnk you for your US Military Service to The USA. I do not live in your state so I can not vote for you. I do not believe that anyone running for State Office should be allowed to pander outside of state lines. I see the practice to be just as wrong as US Reps receiving donations from foreign nations. If I did live in your state I would vote on primaries for anyone who is not Asian because I believe that The USA failed in Partnering with Communist Asian Countries in the name of Free Trade which brought US C19, mRNA Bioweapons and millions dead. Freedom is not Free. Trsde shouldn't be Free either.

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great post John...

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Thank you Good Doctor.

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