All 50 of the Intelligence COUP operators, Obama, and the Media perpetrators are responsible for the shit show we now live in. To think that a crackhead fellon can run the country with a media whore mother. Talk about a total 💩show.

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boom, well said

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That was painful to see

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I knew you would enjoy NOT

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Did I hear Joe has something to do with his wife and daughter’s death?

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With finger on the trigger...

I looked at the information dump from Hunter’s laptop that the media outlet Marco Polo put out and to say it is sick, demented, twisted and disturbing is being nice!!! Anyone who hasn’t seen it should use the Duck Duck Go search engine and search for Marco Polo and Hunter Biden laptop!!! I believe They document over 300 Felonies from the videos s d pictures alone on the laptop yet he has been charged with nothing concerning what was on that computer!!! They are all disgusting pedophile drug addicted power hungry perverts who have sold their country out to China, Russia, Ukraine and any other country that would give them a couple hundred thousand dollars so they could live their pimp lifestyles!!! For those of You that don’t know, Jill Biden was Hunter and his brother and sister’s babysitter and that’s how Joe met her and they later got married!!! Jill is quite a bit younger than Joe and was a teenager when Joe met her!!!

Not sure what they will do next, but nothing surprises me about them or what the media will allow them to get away with anymore!!!

Gawd hep us!!!

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boom, the devil will not admit him to hell the devil said, he is too deviant and bad devil said...

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Dude, I have said that many times before that Hunter is one of the few the Devil would keep out lest he overthrow the Prince of Darkness and usurp his thrown!!! Anyone who looks at the content on Hunter’s laptop will admit that he is one of the sickest, vilest, perverted, twisted and malevolent bastards ever to stroll the face of the earth! I would bet he had trouble living up to his brother’s good guy persona, Beau’s accomplishments and favoritism from the rest of the Biden Family and their Friends!!! So conversely he chose the dark path as the black sheep of the family!!!

One thing that I always found quite amusing was that his dad, Joe, has on more than one occasion referred to Hunter as, “The smartest guy I know!” Makes you think everyone else Joe hung out with must have been some exceedingly stupid-ass people!!! 😂 Lol!!!

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Indeed, those people are disgusting. We are safe at DEFCON level 3, with a life expectancy of only 15 minutes. Thanks demented Joe and 'crackhead' Hunter.

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Rotted teeth is a dead giveaway for a real bad crakhead-and just as he left the “laptop fromhell”

somewhere- when crakheads are on a roll -nothing is as important as the next “hit” These scumbags with classified documents in their custody illegally- Fucking incredible-

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Crackhead legislation while congress just accepts the pay offs and stay silent. 3/4s of them are unfit for office. They have no morales or scruples. They deny God and here we are with Muslims extremist trying to run God’s country.

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Could Hunter get a security clearance? With all his CCP ties? Drug use? etc?

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Oh, come on! You know Hunter Biden is a genius. How could he serve on the Board of Burisma with no expertise or training whatsoever in energy exploration and production? The man must be a genius. Perhaps Hunter should take over for Pant-Load Joe. He can't possibly be worse than his father… can he?

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Might be an improvement!!! That’s scary to think we have fallen so low, Pedo and crack head Hunter would be an improvement... jeez Louise!!!

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You never have your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire a gun, You never let your dad resign when you need him to pardon you for far more than a gun charge.

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Amphetamines-Hunter is getting drugs fir him -and shooting him up with”UPPERS”- a man his age with most likely a compromised system, --this could very be the end of the story-What could be a better victory for Obama /Clinton/ Democrats-A classical situation--The telltale signs will be in Biden’s speech-The rate of speech will increase, but not the clarity-Should be interesting to say the least

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Facker's got his finger on the trigger. Unreal.

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when you call him a crack whore, you insult crack addicts AND prostitutes, who are in a legit profession offering value for money, Dr. Paul. Please, let's praise people in the free market who work for a living, unlike the parasitic and corrupt Biden Crime Family members.

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America's finest. This is the USA today. After the Clinton dynasty and the Bush dynasty it was always a no brainer that the US would get a Biden dynasty. I knew the Dems would eventually run Hunter for president but expected they would try to rehabilitate his image first. Now they may just replace Jow with him at the top of the ticket. It was obvious in 2020 that Biden was senile and he still purportedly got 81 million votes. There's no reason why Hunter can't do the same.

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I must say, Dr. Alexander, this is by far your best Substack with great photos :-) I like the

name crackhead crack whore (add master at the end).

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Now we know beyond a doubt Biden is unfit…if there was one shred of a doubt. Which there wasn’t.

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