the Clinton's body count is over 100 and nothing has ever happened to them. Nothing will be done about the Biden crime family either. They are democrats.

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Don't forget there's a "Bush Body Count" as well... 🤔

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Are you talking about equivalent "accidents"?

Or referring to Gulf War II (even if we say Gulf War I and Afghanistan had _some_ legitimacy)?

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Far as I recall it's comparable to the Clinton Body Count. If you want to read some breathtaking stuff, google "The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush" by Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley. It's online. "Fortunate Son" by JH Hatfield covers Bush the Son. St. Martin's Press recalled every copy of the book they could and destroyed them, meanwhile Mr. Hatfield's reputation was raked over the coals and he mysteriously...

...committed suicide...

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Interesting. Regardless, Gulf War II puts W in the bottom quartile of US presidents.

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Strange how that happens. Just found whowhatwhy.org/politics/government-integrity-/bush-angle-regan-shooting-still-unsolved-

I remember that and remember how it suddenly disappeared.

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well, I'll have to look into that. However, if you think the press, deep state, "intelligence community", and justice system treats republicans and democrats the same then you are reading fiction. It is beyond obvious that is not the case.

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That's the case at the moment. It's all smoke and mirrors and deceit. Were you around for the what was it? 2000? 2004 election that got The Son of Bush in power? 2000... John Kerry conceding in Florida before the votes were even counted or something like that? They all blend into one nauseating background after awhile.

Also if you never have, read Orwell's "Nineteen Eighty-four"....

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Daddy Bush = 22 November 1963

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Holy grassy knolls, Batman!

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I believe our President(S) of the United States often brought over "illegal" drugs to our countries on purpose. I believe many of our Presidents have done this to pocket the cash on the side or even support something they couldn't get done through the "normal" system. Then we hire police to get the drugs off the streets while our people suffer with drug addiction. A lot of our Presidents have blood on their hands just with this one issue.

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You should look up Investigative Journalist Gary Webb, and his story of how the CIA was selling hard drugs in Los Angeles to fund the contras in Nicaragua.. I think that was how the story went.. 🤔

In any event Gary was driven to suicide. He was found in his garage, having shot himself in the head.


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Twice. Huh. Twice you say. Suicided by being twice shot in the head. Hmmm..

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The greasy grey glimmer of bull-goose enlightenment begins to glisten in the east, I see... 😘

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I have a feeling Biden is going down before his 4 years are up. 🙏

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If he doesn’t what does that say about where we are in our nation? It’s terrifying to see all the abuse and corruption that is going completely unchecked. I mean Hunter was given a nice plea deal for tax evasion and illegal weapon possession while we have people who walked into the Capitol on Jan 6th still waiting for an unjust trial. His laptop was intentionally covered up so Joe Biden could win the election and yet people say it was the most secure and fair election! I can’t believe we have so many dishonest people or terribly brainwashed people living amongst us. It’s really horrifying for those of us who were brought up to believe in fairness as an important value. Without fairness, all bets are off, it’s each for their own at all costs and it will be at all costs,we will destroy ourselves.

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I couldn't have said it better. Amen.

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You forget who controls the DoJ. Biden is above the law.

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Only way that will happen is by GOD'S hand

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Hope ASAP.....

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Your words to God's ears.

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Let's hope.

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He was threatening them. These guys are killers.

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First of all, people need to understand the Bush family is corrupt.

Daddy Bush came across as a kind old guy. I know. I saw him in 1988 when he ran against Dukakis. Twice. Voted for him. At the time I had no idea what a criminal he really was. An Elite too!

Jr was Prez when the towers came down. Another criminal act, but, not Osama.

Does anyone remember the look on Jr’s face when Andy Card whispered in Bush’s ear about the towers? My first thought was, he was a part of it. Written all over his face. He looked guilty.

Planes are 50% aluminum, 2o% steel and 10% titanium. How does tha plow thru concrete and steel. Impossible. Controlled demo. Witnesses from a week or more say the wax construction happening in lower floors.

The towered came down like a stack of pancakes. So did building 7 hours later that was never touched.

What about the list souls on the planes?

Collateral Damage…

Don’t get me going about the Pentagon…

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Deflect much? Bush is bad. Clinton. Obama. But Biden is President. Why are you bringing up Bush?

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Because the Bushes are all part of it. I wanted to believe differently but... you got to go with the truth after awhile. Open you eyes. Bush jr was so very chummy with Hillary after he left office. That says a lot right there.

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Bush is a war criminal.

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Hunter was threatening them and his father (the big guy) gave him courage to do that. The Biden crime family runs deep.

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"my father is in the room with me" Yes, Hunter was at the nursing home where his father has been during the last several years. Public appearances have been made by actors with masks and the wrong kind of ear lobes and the wrong color eyes.

Joe Biden is incapable of criminal intent any more. Sure, he was a lifetime criminal, but he's basically dead and we haven't seen him in years.

My favorite Biden doppelganger is the athletic one who's so good at falling up the air force one steps without ever hurting himself.

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Sounds just like a wife beater standing over his crumpled wife after 'teaching' her not to talk back. Pretty characteristic sociopath rationalization "I warned you not to make me do it".

I can imagine this scenario in various violent criminal situations.

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It sure sounds like a threat of death and like he actually has done it from the wording. At any rate Joe Biden is proud of his son and says he’s done nothing wrong. How can any American support Joe Biden any longer?! RFK Jr. Is the right choice for decent Democrats as long as he has a VP with equal integrity who will hold the line.

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If you are decent you are not a dem

.if you stay in the party you support the platform. Kennedy is/was and always will be a Democrat. He voted for Hillary, Obama and Biden..would/will do it again. He is an elite, a climate advocate, a progressive..he is NOT against vaxes..he is against the ingredients that cause autism..he was for masks and lockdowns..wanted unvaxed possibly jailed..just like his uncles, father and cousins he does not treat woman kindly..he brought it to a new level by keeping a joyrnal..that is freaky...daughter in law CIA and connected to questionable people connected to the area that Malone had a lab, also location of flt 93 "crash"

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Trump was aware these came from DOJ. He called it a war. It’s a military counter measure. Trump’s daughter a WEF grad, friends with Chelsea, her husband is a crook, these elites were all his friends until he pretended to turn on them and act like the regular working guy. They are all in the same club and they’ve known about the culling for a long time. He met Melania through Epstein and his girlfriend before that in their program to connect women with powerful men. That woman never looks happy. Son has never had anything but caviar on his skin yet he’s on our side?

When are we going to start talking about Karen Kingston and Ana Mihalcea’s work on patents in biotech and nanoparticles and hydrogels in vaxxed and unvaxxed blood samples (i.e. no pure bloods). While we’re focused on Hunter’s laptops and alleged killing sprees (probably under 100 people) humanity will go down unless we get this figured out. Is this the drivel to fill our mind space before the electromagnetic quality of these injections is activated?

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Source for this information?

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The Epstein connection was discussed on America Out Loud. Karen Kingston and Dr. and PhD Ana Mihalcea have Substacks. Their info. can be found there. Get James Roguski’s Substack. I listened to the hearing session on the WHO IHR amendments. Not very many people spoke. Silence is compliance. Paul puts out lots of content but I think it’s now time for actionable steps. Not too late to submit written comment for the second hearing on the IHR Amendments. Go to Stand for Health Freedom for actionable steps. Follow James Roguski. I don’t know if Trump is an ally or enemy or as Jeffrey Prather says, “the enemy of my enemy is my ally”. I voted for him twice but more likely to support RFK Jr. He’s actually done things to help the freedom movement. Yes, he supposedly had a Christmas party in which his wife required the Covid vax. Her stance is problem if it’s true. However, he has litigated cases and supported CHD. Maybe it’s a wealth builder for him. The man is brilliant. Knows history. Meanwhile, Trump is still pro vax. He can’t drop that because he is likely part of the culling. He might give wins in other areas OR act like he can’t get anything done (like the wall) because of opposition from the dems. More and more I wonder if the entire thing is theater. They all want us fighting. An internal war would cripple the country all on its own. Better for them if we take ourselves down. The economy was good under Trump but that could be part of the plan to frustrate us and bring us to the level of tension they need. The faster the fall the closer we are to the memory of when the economy was good. Problem is, Biden has called for civil war, they’ve set the ideal circumstances. They probably can’t figure out why we’re not there yet. No one has appetite for their wars, not Ukraine, not here or anywhere. No Biden, Clinton or Obama will be prosecuted for anything. This is being used to anger us more. Meanwhile, the Omnibus bill allows for the giving away or purchase of children at the border to anyone in any country who claims to be a child advocate. The U.S. is involved in child trafficking at the highest level. Naomi Wolf spoke about this.

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When in everyday or semi everyday environment, Pedo's near his natural self which includes both lies and his freakish macabre; for instance he'll respond in his own honest liar fashion, to reporter shouted questions. Early on, but inside his new role of usurper, Squatter responded to a citizen question while he was touring a disaster area; his response to whatever question was, 'no one messes with a Biden.'

And that displays Pedo's depth of character is located in the abyss. His entire life has been routine actor-liar mode; on the public dole from the beginning; never held a real labor job his entire life.

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Is he a murderer too?

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Sounds like it from the wording.

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It's not murder if people who get in his way or don't do what they're told to do meet with unfotunate accidents or commit suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of the head with a different gun each time while asleep in bed. It's not as if he needs to just pick up the phone and say "Bill, Hillary, I have a problem. Can your friends from Chicago or Arkansas sort it out for me?" He's a Biden. They don't do arkancide. The Bidens know a lot of Teamsters. They go way back.But Hunter's hands are clean.

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Did you say crack whore? I have a special name for Hunter ______ Master. He and the

Biden Corrupt Crime Family have NO shame.

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When you cast those words , you mean what you say! Those words are not spoken in any cordial fashion! May sound gangster to many because it is gangster! Real talk! When this is said to someone it usual is said to somebody that is standing next to you after you have taken a life and the expression is said to make sure that the person next to understands that your kindness is not your weakness and you are capable of the worst outcome

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THE USURPER joe and boy blunder biden

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Briden's extoration regarding Ukraine

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The people who run the world, not only have no fear of us, they have consolidated the Fortune 5000, and most continents under their control. They are able to snoop, archive, and data mine every word uttered, in every day, on the planet. Thanks to Alexa and other retarded devices that help fat people change songs without moving, they know when these dysgenic, weak, disgusting people fart, or even find their appendages to procreate.

AI and crypto mean that soon millions will lose their jobs, including those under the tax table. 50% of the world genetically modified itself because, well, they are stupid, compliant fucknuts.

My point? Joe and Hunter are bishops or knights on the Grand Chessboard, and they are not going to let pawns like us get them. The entire world is run by evil kleptocrats, and it does not matter one little shit who you vote for, or prefer in the Uniparty. I know you want to cling to a few tattered shibboleths, but it ain't healthy.

Would a war help? I dunno. We all make our choices as to how much coercion, corruption and obvious demoralization we can accept. Personally, I would love to be a member of a 100M strong, white army that hacks and carves out an ethno-state, and tells the hooked nose kids to fuck off. But, I also like my McMansion, hot wife,, German appliances, and German car! Now, if she would just allow me a few German girlfriends...

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Probably talking about one of his darker fetishes.

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