No person over the age of 70, healthy or unhealthy, needs to get the jab either. Why do people still put some higher aged number in what they post? The jabs are garbage and damaging to all. There is no real data showing they help anyone, and to the contrary, they are shown to hurt people of all ages. So please stop with the "no healthy person 70 and under needs any of these vaccines". This is what should be written instead "no person needs any of these vaccines." Then re-iterate what people should take daily (Vitamin C and D, some quercetin, curcumin, etc.) And also tell people to get off sugar, which causes inflammation and makes people more susceptible to infections occurring or running longer. Time to be smart.

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Reminder: Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China. Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


Dr. Michael Yeadon: Every Single Thing We Were Told Is a LIE

'The “Vaccines”Have Killed Millions... Personally I No Longer Believe There Was Any Novel Respiratory Virus... If we can’t persuade people of that, humanity is going down'


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Just recovered from 2nd round of covid; last one 2 years ago and enough antibodies to keep it out of my chest - also used povidone iodine rinse and ivermectin. Unjabbed and staying that way.

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This is a strange aside, but when I look at the letters in the name of the variant. I see HIV. That is strange.

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Oops time to push the useless and lethal jab after reporting the results on 10 or 20 monkeys. Line up the sheeple.

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Why do they keep advertising that killer vaccine I am done with that drug company, they need to cease-and-desist

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Here is a must read about how mainstream medicine is treating physicians (taking away their licenses still today) who use common sense, personal observations, and those by others about how Covid-19 gene therapies are hurting and killing children. And what they did to Mary Kelly Sutton MD in both California and Massachusetts, please share widely with others:


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There's a tooth under my pillow, Easter eggs around the yard, and Santa will be here before we know it.

Varients of what, exactly? Of an in-silico virus and an algorithm in a computer program that spits out varients like coins from a slot machine.

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they are BIOWEAPONS !!!! Dr

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That over 70 years olds can be sacrificed and encouraged to take the gene weapon is very offensive. All legal inquiries into the COVID vaccination legal status show clearly that legally it is a DOD biological counter measure and thus absolutely no liability for any damage it causes exists under ANY circumstances . US soldiers after wold war II who were ordered to be in foxholes 10 miles away from nuclear bomb test blast were in same legal condition. Thank you for your service.

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When in the history of infectious medicine have they ever clubbed the public over the head with variants? Ongoing variants are how they keep covid alive inside our heads. I hear “variant” and I hear bullshit. Auto-disregard. And that not only goes for the asshats in big medicine but also the asshats that are supposedly warning us about the asshats in big medicine creating a killer variant. They’re all actors in the pandemic theatre group.

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I wish CTV would can Dr Bogoch. He is getting paid an insane amount of money to scare the public and promote the jabs. Why is he still on there if he is a real doctor?!? Oh yah ...he loves $

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I'm sorry Dr. Paul, I must disagree with you.

The main COVID variant BS-24-7 continues to be prevalent.

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