Received a text this morning from a friend. A guy we worked with many years ago wound up in the hospital for months due to either COVID or the vax/boosters (my friend wasn't sure which one, but given the timeframe I'd go with the latter). Doctors induced a coma, he suffered a stroke, and his wife died of one. His life is destroyed.

Why did this happen? Because people were denied the best information about COVID prophylaxis and treatment. Like HCQ and ivermectin. Like vitamin D levels. Like losing weight. People were herded into the FDA-Pharma unholy alliance and millions paid for it dearly.

Abolish every single letter agency in D.C. I'm beyond fed up with these clowns, but my ire is somewhat assuaged by the bravery of people like Dr. Alexander.

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Huge praise for Dr Alexander who is highly instrumental in sharing the truth about Covid. Thanks Dr Alexander!

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J. Michael, I agree that the agencies must be abolished, but it is the doctors and hospital administrators who administered these deadly protocols and they must be held accountable.

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I agree wholeheartedly. My point was that this was a top-down effort destroying people's lives and businesses. Had Fauci and the CDC approved of prophylactic treatments like HCQ/ivermectin/IV's (and encouraged people to lose weight), those same doctors and administrators would've done things differently. But they didn't, because they're spineless worms.

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…spineless RICH worms.

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People were denied information about treatment because of the corporate/msm narrative. Anyone that gets their information from them is a dunce imo.

I remember watching an impassioned Dr. Peter Kory testifying very early on before Senator Ron Johnson’s committee about Ivermectin. I was so moved and impressed that I immediately ordered Ivermectin from a Canadian pharmacy. Sure enough, I caught Covid in February of this year and after taking Ivermectin my symptoms were completely gone in 48hrs.

Anyone with critical thinking skills would seek out and listen to Doctors like Alexander, Kory, Marik, Cole, McCullough, etc. and draw their own conclusions.

I find most people are too lazy to do that and it has and will cost them dearly.

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Less lazy than fearful. And people have been groomed into psychological subservience to medicine/science authority figures for generations. Tough nut to crack for most.

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Good point Zelda. Fear is very powerful. I tend to forget how relatively recent it has been that I’ve come to realize that we all have been lied to our entire lives about most everything especially our government.

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Agree, it's such a complex and multi-layered beast. Example: 20 years ago I had access to information that (and people who) would've convinced me to not vax my babies; but I clearly recall how confused, coerced, and conflicted I felt about it at the time. In hindsight, I can't believe how DUMBASS I was to choose the socially accepted, institutionally promoted narrative. I vaxxed my kids and they both suffered effects (like 100s of millions of contemporary kids).

By the time Plandemic rolled around I was WIDE awake. But why didn't I wake up 20 years earlier? Nothing was different. As you say, they've been lying to us for 100 years. I conclude that we all wake up when we CAN.

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"Caved" to pressure. I get it - but, then again, not. I know male breadwinners from two families who "caved," even though they were adamantly opposed to jabs. In their minds, they were manning up; they were taking a bullet for their families to keep food on the table, a roof over their heads, and gas in the car. In both situations they had exhausted resources. They had to provide for their families. If they lost their jobs (and employers were offering dire ultimatums) they would lose jobs, pensions, benefits and access to EI. There would be zero income. This played out everywhere.

I am Christian who knows she must forgive, but it will be hard to forgive a Prime Minister, Premiers, MPs, MPPs, a Pope, Bishops, Health Ministers, Employers, Unions and ugly narcissist globalists who pushed manly men, depriving them of their Charter Rights and Freedoms, forcing them to acquiesce for the love of their families. May God correct all those who had a hand in this human indignity.

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It is beyond sickening and outrageous, so many lives have been destroyed or harmed by those dangerous jabs , which arent even preventing transmission or infection, but are much more dangerous than the Omicron variant. How many lives could have been saved if Ivermectin had been made available for everyone! Thanks to Ivermectin my Omicron infection had been only a mild sniffle with a low fever for 2 days. But they wont be able to hide the truth forever.

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"Bets?" -- They've kept this scam going for nearly 3 years and the morons are still buying it. I'd offer good money fully 90% of humanity still believe this damnable farce. Here's what arrived steaming and unwelcome in my email yesterday:


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I, like many, do impromptu visual polls at my local small-town supermarket. First, there is the mask count which is now going up again. And I listen at the checkout. Recently the cashier was handing out free rapid antigen tests. "Oh, good," says one masked lady, "I take these tests twice a week. You can never be too cautious." Another masker replies that Fall is coming so there will be another variant with potential lockdown - and then again in January. She heard that, she says, on the CBC. Other ears perk up. Zap! Another jolt of fear which escalates by mouth to mouth recitation, fed by the lazy, paid, incompetent, know-it-all, sky-is-falling, cowardly msm, keeping the narrative going - 'cause it it just too juicy to let go of.

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There's a reason I've taken to referring to it as "the lying whore media" though that's scarcely fair to prostitutes, who after all provide a vital service and do so with a measure of integrity. I'm praying Pierre Poilievre becomes PM, defunds the CBC amongst many other things. As for your masked compadres, just remind them to keep their boosters up-to-date. Stay safe.

PS - A blogger I read occasionally, one really angry dude calls himself "NorthernTruthSeeker" mentions the vaccinated seem to have acquired a weird smell; "a sickly combination of ‘body odour’ along with something that seems to be a cross between Sulphur and Disinfectants" .. I haven't noticed it yet, but you may also want to keep your nose on alert for it. Cheers!

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PPS: "Globalists Openly Discuss their Plans to Exterminate all Humans": https://www.brighteon.com/93e912fc-ab3f-43b8-a563-4b7b999c63c9

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90 % depopulation. God help us.

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Edward Dowd lays it out in this short video, they can’t hide the bodies, if the cover up continues we can draw only one conclusion - the WEF is making good on their population reduction scheme.

Do not become a population reduction volunteer - use your capacity for discernment, at this point in time it’s a Darwinian challenge.


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Dowd is another warrior. Ridiculously intelligent data nerd. The actuarial report is stunning in its unbiased clarity. Hopefully everyone gets a chance to read it.

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That is the truth, about E Dowd - the numbers don't lie. Its the people who manipulate those numbers that DO.

Sadly, they will do all they can to suggest that bodies are falling because ' covid is such a threat, and kills' - and many fools will continue to buy into that.

Let's hope fewer and fewer as time passes..... but it is a marathon, not a sprint.

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Paul, this gave me great encouragement. My entire family, 4 adult children and spouses, chose the jab. My extended family as well. I still feel the sting of their rebuke from expressing my concerns. I pray for a bridge to re-build these relationships and the health challenges that are here and on the horizon. Truly my faith and belief in the visible and the invisible has sustained me in addition to truth tellers like you.

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As much as it may feel at times that you are alone, you are not. I relate to much of what you mentioned, in slightly different situations, but the feeling is similar. Glad to have some company of sorts! 🙏. Especially with faith through it all.

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We need not feel alone despite those we know who are living in covidistan. We just need to stick to the truth and to our principles no matter what. Someday they will see the truth. Hopefully before it’s too late. But have faith because millions & millions are now awake.

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PS: "Globalists Openly Discuss their Plans to Exterminate all Humans": https://www.brighteon.com/93e912fc-ab3f-43b8-a563-4b7b999c63c9

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From what I've been reading Bradley, the likelihood all these people will be dead within 3 years is very high. Max Erhman's "Desiderata" ("Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune") -- so clichéd in the 1970s, might not be a bad thing to dust off at this point and memorize...

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As of last fall my own doctor (who is vaxxed not boosted) didn’t recommend it for any children. Because she vaxxed her 20 year old son and his friend and the friend ended up with myocarditis. As of last week when I went back she no longer recommends it for anyone. Said her and her boss took it because they felt pressure in the medical community. Also informed me she hasn’t been well since taking it and her boss has developed serious medical issues since taking it as well. Her boss is the director of the medical clinic where they work. My family will never take the bioweapon jabs.

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Thank God for another Dr who is awake. We need many more of those!!

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And one that would write medical exemptions if needed. Thankful we haven’t needed them.

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Consider the late, lamented Vladimir Zelenko MD referred to it as "The Poison Death Shot", that Christanne Northrup MD amongst others calls it "a murder weapon"; widespread nicknames for it are "The Clot Shot", "The Lethal Injection", and "The Kill Shot".. all this, should tell you, all you need to know..

PS: "Globalists Openly Discuss their Plans to Exterminate all Humans": https://www.brighteon.com/93e912fc-ab3f-43b8-a563-4b7b999c63c9

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We need to stop calling the EUA products what they aren't. They are experimental genetic mRNA medical treatments NOT vaccines. Vaccines are attenuated viruses that confer immunity against infection and stop the spread of viruses. So if anyone is against the violation of the Nuremberg principles of being experimented on (by pharmaceutical industries that have set a precedent of profit over principle) without informed consent, that does not equate with being pro or anti vaccination. We are standing up to unwanton greed, corruption, pestilence profiteering, malfeasance, fraud, deception, tyranny, and all manner of human rights abuses. The more who stand together and say yes to transparency, freedom of thought and speech, to principles rather than profiteering, and stand on the side of justice to hold all accountable for their wrongdoing, then yes, we stand proud to be on the right side of history. The truth is a light that the darkness cannot overcome. So, let us no longer use the vernacular that the misinformation doublespeak authors use to deceive the masses. Call the products out for what they are. Call out the corrupted, the inept, the negligent, the authoritarian violators, and be courageous truth tellers in the age of deceit.

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This is the five parts? I saw the Samantha Bailey, MD part on Cowan yesterday. Is this the link to the actual vids? With the small paywall?


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We all need t-shirts “proud survivor winter of death 2022”

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I think we should include season 1

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Great news Paul, I can say the same for my family….none are vaxxed, no children, no in-laws, no grandchildren. We all have natural immunity and have sustained much rejection and abuse but still stand…thanks to the grace of God!

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Beautifully written Dr Paul… thought I’d share a post from Sherri Tennpenny that honors “we the unvaccinated people”…. MESSAGE TO THE UNVAXXED

"Even if I were pollinated and fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated for withstanding the greatest pressure I have ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.

People who were capable of such personality, courage and critical ability are undoubtedly the best of humanity. They are everywhere, in all ages, levels of education, states and ideas. They are of a special kind; they are the soldiers that every army of light wants to have in its ranks. They are the parents that every child wants to have and the children that every parent dreams of having. They are beings above the average of their societies, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.

They did what others could not, they were the tree that withstood the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.

Banned from their families' tables at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, let their careers sink, had no more money ... but they didn't care. They suffered immeasurable discrimination, denunciation, betrayal and humiliation ... but they kept going.

Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet Earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen of the invisible ark, the only ones who managed to resist when everything collapsed.

That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, astronauts and geniuses could not withstand.

You are made of the stuff of the greatest who ever lived, those heroes born among ordinary men who glow in the dark."

Author unknown shared by Dr Tenpenny

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 20, 2022

You are correct, it did not require a medical degree or specialized education to see that something was wrong. It only required a little bit of critical thinking. Critical thinking told me not to rush to these jabs along with the lemmings, rather to give it s little time to see just whether they were "safe". Critical thought told me the hysteria around smearing HCQ was dishonest. Critical thinking told me that Farcebook - following the election of 2020 in which it was overwhelmingly apparent they were biased and dishonest, simply trying to control thought instead of inform thought - could not be trusted and their attempts to control thought on the injections was also nothing but propaganda. Critical thought made it crystal clear that we were in trouble when the narrative denied and denied that the shots were harmful, yet people were telling their own stories about otherwise healthy loved ones dropping dead, while horrifying videos of convulsive suffering made it to the screens of those who had the courage to look.

We knew something was wrong and the medical and scientific heroes with courage to speak out and share their knowledge helped us understand what we were seeing. The heroes with expertise gave us the courage of our convictions and helped us understand the massive contradictions we were witnessing.

This is not over, but we understand that we are in the midst of significant history being etched into the annals of time. The names of villains are being indelibly etched and shall be remembered as modern day genocidal maniacs. The names of the heroes are being etched as well. - one of the first to stand up is nurse Jennifer Bridges. She deserves a statue in her honor in the midst of Houston's medical center. It won't be there anytime soon but someday it will be. Other names will go down in history in the same way that we remember the heroes of the American Revolution. Those will include Raoult, Bhakdi, Montagnier, Alexander, McCullough, Gold, Urso, Bridle, Hoffe, Fleming, Kory, Marik, Tyson, Fareed, Marble, Cole, Arden, Farella, Fynn, Wolf, Berenson, Malone, Bigtree, Immanuel. By no means a complete list and not in any kind of order....these are just some of those I can name off the top of my head for showing courage, integrity and massive character in the face of great adversity and personal loss. TRUE HEROES. Their message will NEVER be smothered by evil propaganda. Truth always finds a way because in times like these, people thirst for truth and recognize it. I wish I could live long enough to see these heroes granted the recognition and honors they deserve. I won't but perhaps my children and their children will. History bestows recognition slowly and true greatness isn't usually acknowledged until long after the fact, when it is possible to see the entire story in retrospect. But I am certain that heroes are in our midst and we are indeed fortunate to have lived among them to hear their message and witness their example.

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Amen to your passionate comment! I would like to include Dr. Joseph Mercola on your list of heroes. Dr. Mercola was posting articles on the plandemic when the first news of "Corona Virus" flooded the headlines. Dr. Mercola's analysis of COVID-19, the lock-down, masks, early treatment, and the experimental mRNA injections proved to be spot-on 100% accurate on every aspect of the plandemic! I had been receiving Dr. Mercola's email newsletters with excellent health and nutrition information for years. He recommended boosting your vitamin D levels and adding zinc, vit. C, quercetin/bromelain, melatonin and other supplements from the beginning of the plandemic as he wrote about vitamin D deficiency being the #1 factor in vulnerability to contracting COVID (and any influenza or bacterial infection) as well as the #1 factor in the majority of chronic diseases i.e. diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune conditions such as arthritis, lupus, thyroid and adrenal dysfunction and the majority of cancers. I have taken vitamin D3 supplementation for several years and knew that my level was optimal (it is 68). The vast majority of the global population is vitamin D deficient. I have learned from reading Dr. Mercola's work and Rober Kennedy Jr.'s book that all vaccines have contributed to chronic diseases due to the additives that cause adverse health effects. Thanks to Dr. Mercola's information provided in his daily email newsletters, I knew that my immune system was in optimal condition due to my vitamin D level being above 60. Since I was first tested 20 years ago for my vitamin D level and discovered that I was severely deficient, I began taking vitamin D supplements. I take 40000 units a day with vit K (MK-7 is the most soluble form that Dr. Mercola recommends) as most people are also deficient in vit. K and it is necessary for adequate vit. D absorption. Another crucial element needed is magnesium and most people need supplementation as difficult to maintain adequate levels in a normal diet. Since I started taking vit. D (and the other supplements), I have not been ill with any colds or the flu. I will be 64 next month and before taking vitamin D, I would catch cold or the flu or other upper respiratory illnesses if exposed. When Dr. Mercola wrote about the potential of dangerous risks of adverse health effects from the experimental mRNA injections, I knew that I would never take the COVID jabs. I warned everyone I know and bought several copies of Dr. Mercola's book that was released in May 2021. Unfortunately, not all my friends and extended family members heeded my advice and some suffered illnesses after being jabbed and everyone I know that was jabbed, has been ill with COVID at least once! Dr. Mercola was warning about the dangerous risks of taking the COVID jabs months before they were released. He had studied the mRNA technology and knew about the spike protein hazards. Everyone in my family (and friends) who did not take the jab and heeded my advice on taking all the recommended supplements, have stayed healthy and only one friend caught COVID but recovered within 3 days with only cold symptoms and minor GI upset. I am truly grateful for Dr. Mercola for sharing his wealth of knowledge with his readers and for exposing the truth behind the plandemic! I recommend signing-up for his email newsletter at mercola.com. If I had not received his warnings about the COVID jab I may have been talked-into taking it by my extended family members.

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Thank you for Cy and Karen for your excellent comments. Robert Kennedy Jr. and Dr Mercola are true Heroes and fearless warriors for Truth. I would like to acknowledge Professor Dolores Cahill for her clear warnings, early on in the Covid saga, about the dangers of the experimental, untested, DNA-gene-altering injections. Dr Geert Van den Bossche deserves a special mention. Dr Van den Bossche warned the EMA, the WHO the UK MHRA and other national and international health organisations about the dangers of the experimental Jabs and the dangers of rolling out the Jabs in the midst of a pandemic. Also Dr Mike Yeadon deserves acknowledgment and recognition for his clear warnings about the dangers of these mRNA Jabs.... These brave warriors, along with those mentioned in your excellent posts will eventually be acknowledged as great human beings who, selflessly, did the right thing and spoke the truth.... They are Giants! Long may they continue in their pursuit of Truth.

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I truly appreciate your thoughtful compliment and your brilliant expression of gratitude for Dr. Geert Van den Bossche and Dr. Mike Yeadon and Dolores Cahill along with your acknowledgement of Robert Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Mercola. I have been fortunate to have discovered their work in this valiant mission to save humanity and I have forwarded many of their video interviews to many friends and family members to inform and awaken them to the real scientific facts and evidence that expose the truth about the plandemic and the dangerous experimental mRNA injections. Thank you for sharing your insight and knowledge with all of us.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Totally agree, I had not heard of Mercola prior to 2021 but found his newsletter and have read it avidly since. Also huge credit goes to Mike Yeadon and Geert VandenBosch, Dolores Cahill, Tess Lawrie, Janet Tenpenny....and still many others. Like how could I have not mentioned Steve Kirsch? Judy Mikovitz? Stephanie Seneff? Mickey Willis? Robert F Kennedy? And also have to credit the eyes and ears who are watching for stories and sharing. The level of public gratitude among the awake for all of these people could never be overstated.

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Well said from another who is unvaxed.

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Thank you for your compliment.

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I & husband (77 & 84 yo) join you & family as UnVaxxinated (NO COVID-19 Injections) AND we retain our good health in part bc of that. We have practiced numerous healthy longevity measures for 22+ & 35+yrs, respectively, including 2-3 x/yr lab tests to monitor trends & make adjustments to practices (incl numerous supplements) as warranted. We are well informed & capable of making decisions in the best interest of both of us.... something Gov/State has no interest in doing. Thnx for your reasonable words.

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This is so important for all of us to do as we get older. Thank you for sharing.

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Thnx for your appreciation. The earlier healthy longevity practices begin, the better off the individual will be.

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I and 3 of my children are ‘pure bloods’. Early on my husband and oldest son decided to take the jab against my instruction. Fear mongering got to them and they refused to listen to me, a nurse. I was convinced day 1 that the shots were untested not good plan. My judgement call. Immediately I started looking for information and ended up becoming engaged with AFLDS , & FLCCC. These 2 men in my life had to get Covid twice before they new I was right. They both regret it now. It’s been 1 1/2 year now since their shot. J&J, no mostly longer being given. But I still worry about their heart health for that reason. We all just got over omicron but they were sicker than the rest. Our kids were only symptomatic for 2 days.

People who have an ounce of common sense are waking up to the scam and the Alphabet agencies see that. So we keep pushing back and teaching others where to find answers. Detox and early treatment. The alphabet people will have to admit sooner or later what we already know. That day of reckoning when it comes will hopefully come with modern day Nuremberg trials.

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In Christianity, no one says "they've won" because they are saved. This is divisive, and smacks of Trump's worst personality traits. Like the Pandemic Apprentice 2.0. The unvaxxed have been through horrible Dante's inferno hells, it is true, but you might frame this differently. It is not a contest. People are devastated, grief-stricken, suffering terrible loss on all levels, and are filled with dread for what is to come. People need to unite against the oligarchic,corporate BlackRock Vanguard, the WEF with their intent to destroy individuality and culture and the Abrahamic faiths. All 7 plus billion of us need to be united against them.

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 22, 2022

Well put. Last year when vaccinated were hoping for the unvaxxed to die I often wondered why someone would have that thought. I don’t wish death on them. I feel sad and scared for what is about to come. So many of my family (cousins aunts and such, thankfully not my immediate) have taken this shot. I don’t want anything to happen to them. Two weeks ago my uncle suffered a stroke and is still in the hospital. My aunt told us that his Carotid artery on the left was significantly blocked and she found it odd that three months ago he had a carotid artery test done and they found nothing significant. He did have surgery for that just after his stroke and they found significant blockage. All I can think is why can’t they see how off this is or make any connections. Their own daughter in law is a nurse and even she keeps pushing these shots.

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Aug 21, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022

Well said. I do not wish ill will on anyone as those who were brain washed to stick to the narrative that the vaccines were our only way out of the pandemic. It should never been mandated and only given to the elderly and compromised under EUA. The fact that the cabal fear mongered and mandated the shots to those who didn't need it, especially the healthy & fit military troops, was disturbing. The lengths the military went to ignoring religious exemption. That was telling. I couldn't help but think, what is in these shots that the cabal wants so desperately to inject into everyone? Half the population or more couldn't take a step back and look at the big picture. So now there are those of us out here trying to teach recovery and detox from the shots. Especially our military friends and family. We need to push forward with healing.

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I have the highest respect for all of you, my physician heroes. Someday in history, you will be revered for your stand, even though you were ridiculed and scoffed at during and after the pandemic. Remember Dr. Semmelweiss?

My immediate family is all unvaxxed and will remain so. We thank God every day for giving us the courage to remain resolute in our choice for bodily autonomy. I also have a new medical hero, Dr. Jason Fung. After contracting Covid in June, and doing early treatment, I continued to have BP issues and palpitations. I watched the FLCCC episode on July 14th that discussed intermittent fasting and autophagy and how these processes along with resveratrol and spermidine supplementation aid the body in getting rid of spike proteins. My husband and I started IMF two days later and my BP and HR are normal again. He has lost 15 pounds and is off his Metformin and statin and his blood glucose levels are in the 80-90 range instead of 130-40 range. Our family will be eternally grateful to all these brave and bold doctors who really care about their patients. Dr. Alexander, you are the best of the best!!!

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Please explain:

What is IMF?


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Intermittent fasting. Check out Dr. Jason Fung who wrote the “bible” on intermittent fasting. You can buy his book on Amazon and he has a lot of videos on You-tube. I do 16/8 ( fast for 16 hours and eat two meals during the 8 hour eating window that are high fat, moderate protein and low carb with 1.5 liters of water drunk per day) and my husband does 18/6. We are both in our 60’s. We feel so much better.

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Deeply appreciate your reply!

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intermittent fasting

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Loads of great, solid people on intermittent fasting. I first followed neurologist David Perlmutter on it. I feel 100% better when I do it (hard to do when you're still cooking for a family, but that's just my personal whine).

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We, the unvaxxed, were shunned. We were told we couldn't visit family unless we submitted to an untested vaccine. We were shamed. I'm so mad I could spit nails! I want an apology. An apology that will likely never come. And now there is a new vaccine coming down the pike. I can see it already starting to be pushed! It's like a nightmare you can't wake up from!

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T, absolutely. It's like being in the movie "Groundhog Day".

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💯 agree. Thank you 😊

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God Bless you. My favorite quote…”Fate said to the warrior, You cannot withstand the storm. The Warrior responded, “I Am The Storm.” Thru all the eye rolling and preaching…We stood with the best!! We tried and now we have to pray! Thank you!

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