I am GOING to forgive the beasts, the money-hungry God-complex beasts who made us mRNA technology that underpinned COVID mRNA vaccine; why? it's not about malevolent beasts, it's forgiveness so that I
can get closure & 'move on', I can relieve myself so it does not consume me/you, every waking moment; NO, I have forgiven the beasts, lockdown lunatics & vaccine makers, but I still want PUNISHMENT!
I could forgive but I must not forget; I still must have full accountability for the beasts, the growing list of the 40 Horsemen of the COVID Apocalypse (up from 33), these beasts did wrong and know they did wrong, the growing 40, they were power-drunk mandarins, COVID TAliban, lockdown lunatics, driven by money, power, lust for fame…NOBELS….they sucked off the tax-payer teats for decades with their research grants and patents, fraudsters, the pack of them…
but in forgiving, I set myself free of the anger, the rage, the need for vengeance, the fear, all that immobilizes me, you…I/we ‘let it go’ andf I know, there is an art to letting go…and feeling that ‘freedom’ once again…so I/we can help continue the march to full accountability for the demons around us or as Cicero said, ‘the enemy within’…in the cause of real justice, I must forgive first.
they knew the lockdowns and school closures and business closures were harming and killing people, kids, they knew yet were silent, on all the harms of the fraud deadly mRNA vaccine….they knew CDC, FDA, vaccine makers were lying but they stayed silent…but the beasts were profitting in various ways…does not need be cash money….no no no, you can be incentivized in many ‘other’ ways….so we never ever forget the beasts…we forgive the banal beast and we forgive for us, for me, for you…so we can move on and free ourselves of anger, and live life but we keep holding them by the nuts, by the short and curlies, never let them go…we dragging the beasts into courts as long as it takes, we write about them, talk about them, inform about them forever until they face accountability and justice and proper juries and judges hear them…so we get our accountability. We abide by the legal findings on a good governance society.
And as we go at the beasts, we look into congress, senate in US, and governments in UK, Canada etc. for those elected beasts who also conspired to do wrong and exact a devastating toll on the popualtions.
We forgive but we get fully accountability, for their actions, many of them, many of what they did to us with their deadly COVID policies, is not, could not be ineptness, its malevolence too…we investigate to understand this depravity…
No amnesty ever for all 100% of the fraud non-pandemic we call COVID..a 100% lie, a PCR-manufactured, false-positive, non-asymptomatic lie, fake of a pandemic. It never was!
Good Doctor you can only forgive people WHO made a mistake and do not plan on doing it again.. They made no mistake, they planned it and they plan on doing it again, only worse
How do you forgive someone who isn't sorry and hasn't apologized? And who will do it again in a heartbeat.