can get closure & 'move on', I can relieve myself so it does not consume me/you, every waking moment; NO, I have forgiven the beasts, lockdown lunatics & vaccine makers, but I still want PUNISHMENT!
Good Doctor you can only forgive people WHO made a mistake and do not plan on doing it again.. They made no mistake, they planned it and they plan on doing it again, only worse
Ditto, and these people who planned this ruinous disaster must be held accountable for the millions of deaths and disabled individuals whose lives have been devastated.
the plans for repeating it are precisely why they must be held accountable now. Otherwise they plan on repeating the exercise until they are good and ready to quit. Which means when there are no more than 500 million left.
"you can only forgive people WHO made a mistake and do not plan on doing it again.. They made no mistake, they planned it and they plan on doing it again, only worse."
For those people, send a prayer to God "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do."
How many times shall you, Bill, forgive the vaccinators who attempt to inject you?
Matthew 18: 21-22 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
Forgiveness does not mean they escape consequences in this life. If they happen to, God will see that they face consequences in the next. If they were truly wise, they would beg to pay the consequences now and ask God to forgive them so they escape their just consequences once they leave the earth.
Forgiving that someone would be a terrible mistake. The right thing to do is to send them to jail. To make them understand that when you commit such horrendous atrocities against other people there will be a big price to pay. This is why we need to clean up this giant mess.
An individual has the power to forgive a wrong done to him personally. It would be less difficult to do so in the context of knowing that the criminal had been convicted in a court of law and will serve a sentence in prison for the crime.
But one individual cannot forgive the crimes of genocide or democide. That power resides with God alone. And He will not be forgiving unless each individual involved in those crimes (sins) honestly confesses, sincerely seeks forgiveness, does appropriate penance AND SINS NO MORE. I do not believe that any of these atheist global criminals are capable of that. It truly would be a miracle.
Carrying hate for these evil people allows them to continue to victimize us. We will never be able to understand how they can justify what they did, and neither will the victims that remain with us get better/healthier if they wait for justice to embark on the healing process.
I am very sorry for your loss. My brother in law, 60 years old also had a massive heart attack two days after Moderna shot. He almost died. He got lucky because his wife who's a nurse was home and took him right away to the hospital. It's a miracle he survived. Because most people who took the shots and have a heart attack don't survive. Then his wife ended up with tyroid cancer the next year. She's only 56 years old. They are not the only ones in the family who paired the price. But their case is the most tragic. And they still refuse to believe that it's the shots who screwed them up.
Grieving is different for everyone. I just hope Lynn that you don’t waste your life hating a lot of people who may never see things the way you do. Letting them continue to take up time in your thoughts will not bring your brother back.
I understand what you are saying. Did you have a loved one die of the COVID JAB? If you did, you would feel differently. Our own medical doctors and nurses killed people in hospitals and nursing homes. We can't just let that go without an investigation. Have you ever read some of those heartbreaking stories of what hospitals did to innocent people. They killed them.
If you give me your contact information, I can send you one from my State of Florida.
What they did to this man was incomprehensible. I read where medical students now
don't even have to pass tests with the expected scores. I didn't say that I hated anyone.
If CHINA didn't spread the virus, my Brother would still be alive. Because, there would
have never been a PLANDEMIC and the Lethal COVID JAB.
I have a friend whose life was cut short with turbo cancer after she was vaxxed. Liver cancer and she never smoked or drank. She was fit with no chronic illness. A heart attack where you don’t have a chance to say goodbye is rough. I know you understand how toxic hate can be, and it would be horrible of me to add to your pain by condemning you for feeling powerfully angry towards the evil people responsible. I know that you know healing comes from love, the love you have for your sweet brother. Let that love guide you through and you will make it. It takes a lot of time. ❤️🩹
Thank YOU for your understanding and thoughtful words. To add to the sadness. My Brother lived near his older son who insisted he get the COVID JAB. I got into an argument with my nephew over the
whole COVID situation. We never spoke for three years. The death of my Brother brought us together again. We were going to visit my
Brother for Christmas, but GOD had different plans. I hadn't seen
my Brother in 3 years. We talked on the phone. My nephew and his nasty wife were the problems. Me not seeing him before he passed forever will always be on my mind.
I completely understand your feelings. Anyone who has a child or a family member who's life has been screwed up or cut short, has every single right to hate these demons.
So you enjoy reflecting on the evil they perpetrated and let them persist in your thoughts? That kind of hate is what motivates terrorism. Justice takes time even if it does happen in this world, so a lifetime wasted on recollections of pain and heartache is a very sad life.
It may be a sad life, but when grief threatens to drown you, sometimes only anger and hate gives you the will to persist...and seek justice. Forgiveness can come later...even if in your dying breath. Perhaps you’ve never experienced that kind of grief...consider making space for those who have.
Because forgiveness isn't for that person, but for you. The more you forgive others (even those who don't care about their sins or other people), the more your sins will be forgiven by God. If you never forgive (and that person being forgiven doesn't even have to know anything about the forgiveness), you are only hurting yourself.
That's a very generous interpretation but I don't think it's correct. God's forgiveness is an example to us. It absolves us and gives us a fresh start. THAT is the gift of grace he asks us to give others by forgiving them. God doesn't forgive us for HIS sake but for OURS.
This is the part that still too few recognize...the shedding. They didn’t have to directly inject Everton to impact everyone. It’s why we must resist the “us v. them” paradigm when it comes to vaxxed/unvaxxed. We have all been affected by this evil scheme, perhaps to varying degrees, yes, but as all are affected, we must find ways to come together to hold the perpetrators accountable and make sure this does not continue...because as of now, it continues unabated.
I think it's deeper than they didn't think they did anything wrong. The ringleaders Dr. Alexander mentioned in this substack most certainly KNOW they did something VERY wrong, they knew from the beginning, and they intentionally did it regardless of that knowledge. That's the definition of a mortal sin. Only God can forgive them but not without their confession and the appropriate penance.
I don't give these evil tyrants a second thought in my daily life unless I'm on substack or hear something about covid in the news. So, for me at least, not forgiving them has no effect on me whatsoever. I don't harbor a hatred for them that disturbs the happiness I experience from moment to moment. But they don't deserve my forgiveness. They deserve to be despised.
If expressing forgiveness for them gives Dr. Alexander peace of mind, I'm sincerely happy for him. I'm sure he still recognizes the depravity of their crimes and sins.
You appear to be in the bargaining phase of mourning. I highly recommend reading "Caring Enough to Forgive: True Forgiveness ; Caring Enough Not to Forgive ; False Forgiveness" by David Augsburger
Like others posting, if those that have done wrong - whether intentionally or on mistake - do not express sincere remorse and try to correct a situation, you can only really provide false forgiveness. (An exception may be, if they have passed on and are unable to express genuine remorse or rectify what was done.)
I believe true forgiveness is what will give you lasting peace. Without an apology and retribution, I think you will find peace short-lived.
Seeking Life balance and time management will help you. Taking time to care for yourself and do things that give you joy, similar to the joys you found as an innocent child, I believe will help. Taking time to carve out this time daily to manage emotional care for yourself. Physical activity of fun, play, leisure, mediation, challenge ... artistic creation through music, gardening, woodwork, DIY projects and/or mix of these is where I find this life balance especially when I share this time with the ones I love.
Balance of heart, mind, body, and soul for yourself regardless of what the future brings. ♥️🙏♥️
Who wrote this, and what have they done with 'Hang the beasts' Dr. Alexander? Is he tied up somewhere with a gun to his head, being forced to type this?
Maybe the good doctor realizes that the focus should be on winning the war. When we win the war then justice can be done; fretting about who did what, when, is distracting us from the battle.
If we have individual self-determination and we turn back the police state, we’ve won. If we figure out who should hang and meanwhile the police state has encircled us even tighter, we’ve lost.
You have every reason to be angry. Whoever tells you otherwise, is lying. I haven't been in your shoes but I've been very close to be in your situation. I will never forget how horrified and powerless I felt. Those were nightmare moments in my life that I won't ever forget. And no, there is no way I will ever forgive those monsters who put me through this ever. There is one thing I still believe in, it's the divine justice. That's what I'm praying for.
Thank YOU for sharing what happened to you. My younger nephew is the one that has to live with trying to revive his Father. My Brother called off work on Labor Day and Tuesday he decided to take a nap in the afternoon. That's when he died suddenly. My nephew couldn't revive him and neither could the paramedics. We believe that he had a massive heart attack.
Sorry to hear Lynn. You have my and my family's condolences and prayers 🙏
We too know know people it's happened too. A family in the suburb next to our lost a few family members. No one can tell them its been all in their minds. Its very real to many people.
Numbers 6:24-26 “‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’ praying for you Lynn. 🙏
I kinda went down the path of Dr Yeadon, vaccines since the 1800s appear to have all been profiteering scam instruments of foundations such as Carnegie the Rockefeller. Heck there's even a paper. Vaccines as an instrument of foreign policy... I'll find it and link it...
I don’t think we need to forgive. But we’re on the battlefield. So, when on a physical battlefield do we focus on punishing the enemy? No, we focus on strategic moves to win the war.
Our strategy to win the war is twofold: counter the propaganda in order to win allies to our side-- even if some can’t agree that Covid was a bioweapon they can agree that the Covid measures were harmful; and build defensive shields and offensive strategies to turn back the medical police state and government control over bodies and individual sovereignty. This is plenty to do for now, and if we succeed in the battle then appropriate punishments for treason will follow naturally.
It really doesnt matter if Weissman, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky, Hotez et al deserve to be forgiven or not. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on. The weak can neverforgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
This. Never let the demons drag you down into eternal hell after your death. By not forgiving these demons you are doing just that. By forgiving their heinous actions, even if they don't give a shit and will continue on doing the same murdering actions, your sins are forgiven by God. You win, they lose.
Yes. Forgiveness is not excusing. Nor is it condoning. Nor is it tolerating. It does not mean the same as trust. It does not necessarily mean reconciling. When you tell someone you forgive them it communicates to them that you see them as a wrongdoer.
I'm sincerely not familiar with this definition of forgiveness. But I do appreciate your clarification which helps me understand your use of the word in this context. It's a very generous interpretation, a "modern" interpretation perhaps.
In contrast, I believe God's forgiveness is an example to us. It absolves us and gives us a fresh start. THAT is the gift of grace He asks us to give others by forgiving them. God doesn't forgive us for HIS sake but for OURS.
Yes, when bankers, corporates and philantropath are taking care of people health. Oh, how nobles they are! Money suckers, that is what they are. Nothing more.
Good Doctor you can only forgive people WHO made a mistake and do not plan on doing it again.. They made no mistake, they planned it and they plan on doing it again, only worse
Ditto, and these people who planned this ruinous disaster must be held accountable for the millions of deaths and disabled individuals whose lives have been devastated.
the plans for repeating it are precisely why they must be held accountable now. Otherwise they plan on repeating the exercise until they are good and ready to quit. Which means when there are no more than 500 million left.
There has been no sign of repentance. Therefore, forgiveness is currently off the table, in my opinion.
Forgive evil? Hmmmm.... having a hard time with that one.
"you can only forgive people WHO made a mistake and do not plan on doing it again.. They made no mistake, they planned it and they plan on doing it again, only worse."
For those people, send a prayer to God "Lord forgive them for they know not what they do."
This is a perversion. They know EXACTLY "what they do."
Who among you has not helped to get others injected? Let he or she cast the first stone.
There are plenty of us who did not help... Do not try using biblical wordage for EVIL people..
How many times shall you, Bill, forgive the vaccinators who attempt to inject you?
Matthew 18: 21-22 21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
Forgiveness does not mean they escape consequences in this life. If they happen to, God will see that they face consequences in the next. If they were truly wise, they would beg to pay the consequences now and ask God to forgive them so they escape their just consequences once they leave the earth.
Amen! I agree that ultimately justice must exist or there is no purpose in life.
I'll innocently cast the first stone, metaphorically.
How do you forgive someone who isn't sorry and hasn't apologized? And who will do it again in a heartbeat.
Forgiving that someone would be a terrible mistake. The right thing to do is to send them to jail. To make them understand that when you commit such horrendous atrocities against other people there will be a big price to pay. This is why we need to clean up this giant mess.
Yes. Earthly justice is required, but forgiveness is separate. See this man forgiving the criminal who murdered his son:
An individual has the power to forgive a wrong done to him personally. It would be less difficult to do so in the context of knowing that the criminal had been convicted in a court of law and will serve a sentence in prison for the crime.
But one individual cannot forgive the crimes of genocide or democide. That power resides with God alone. And He will not be forgiving unless each individual involved in those crimes (sins) honestly confesses, sincerely seeks forgiveness, does appropriate penance AND SINS NO MORE. I do not believe that any of these atheist global criminals are capable of that. It truly would be a miracle.
And who won’t stop with the clot shots!
Carrying hate for these evil people allows them to continue to victimize us. We will never be able to understand how they can justify what they did, and neither will the victims that remain with us get better/healthier if they wait for justice to embark on the healing process.
If you had a Family member die suddenly of a heart attack, you would think differently.
My Brother, age 65, died suddenly while taking a nap in the afternoon the day after
Labor Day. We believe he died of a massive heart attack. His older son insisted that
he take the COVID JAB or he couldn't see his grandson. RIP ....Brother +
I am very sorry for your loss. My brother in law, 60 years old also had a massive heart attack two days after Moderna shot. He almost died. He got lucky because his wife who's a nurse was home and took him right away to the hospital. It's a miracle he survived. Because most people who took the shots and have a heart attack don't survive. Then his wife ended up with tyroid cancer the next year. She's only 56 years old. They are not the only ones in the family who paired the price. But their case is the most tragic. And they still refuse to believe that it's the shots who screwed them up.
Wow. Thank YOU for sharing. It's just unfortunate that they can't believe that the
COVID JABS caused their medical problems. I hope their health gets better.
Is your last name Hungarian? We are Hungarian. My husband was born in
Budapest, Hungary and came to US with his Mother many years ago and
became US citizens. Take Care +
I am sorry for your loss! ❤️
I agree and I'm so very sorry to hear :-(
Grieving is different for everyone. I just hope Lynn that you don’t waste your life hating a lot of people who may never see things the way you do. Letting them continue to take up time in your thoughts will not bring your brother back.
I understand what you are saying. Did you have a loved one die of the COVID JAB? If you did, you would feel differently. Our own medical doctors and nurses killed people in hospitals and nursing homes. We can't just let that go without an investigation. Have you ever read some of those heartbreaking stories of what hospitals did to innocent people. They killed them.
If you give me your contact information, I can send you one from my State of Florida.
What they did to this man was incomprehensible. I read where medical students now
don't even have to pass tests with the expected scores. I didn't say that I hated anyone.
If CHINA didn't spread the virus, my Brother would still be alive. Because, there would
have never been a PLANDEMIC and the Lethal COVID JAB.
I have a friend whose life was cut short with turbo cancer after she was vaxxed. Liver cancer and she never smoked or drank. She was fit with no chronic illness. A heart attack where you don’t have a chance to say goodbye is rough. I know you understand how toxic hate can be, and it would be horrible of me to add to your pain by condemning you for feeling powerfully angry towards the evil people responsible. I know that you know healing comes from love, the love you have for your sweet brother. Let that love guide you through and you will make it. It takes a lot of time. ❤️🩹
Thank YOU for your understanding and thoughtful words. To add to the sadness. My Brother lived near his older son who insisted he get the COVID JAB. I got into an argument with my nephew over the
whole COVID situation. We never spoke for three years. The death of my Brother brought us together again. We were going to visit my
Brother for Christmas, but GOD had different plans. I hadn't seen
my Brother in 3 years. We talked on the phone. My nephew and his nasty wife were the problems. Me not seeing him before he passed forever will always be on my mind.
Sorry about your friend. My nephew's mother-in-law was insulin diabetic. She took the COVID JAB and booster. She had an
aggressive form of pancreatic cancer. She was diagnosed in
June 2023 and died 2 days after Christmas December 2023.
No, hate makes the heart stronger. And the determination to wipe them from the face of the earth.
Even if it takes Aphophis to do it.
I completely understand your feelings. Anyone who has a child or a family member who's life has been screwed up or cut short, has every single right to hate these demons.
So you enjoy reflecting on the evil they perpetrated and let them persist in your thoughts? That kind of hate is what motivates terrorism. Justice takes time even if it does happen in this world, so a lifetime wasted on recollections of pain and heartache is a very sad life.
It may be a sad life, but when grief threatens to drown you, sometimes only anger and hate gives you the will to persist...and seek justice. Forgiveness can come later...even if in your dying breath. Perhaps you’ve never experienced that kind of grief...consider making space for those who have.
Because forgiveness isn't for that person, but for you. The more you forgive others (even those who don't care about their sins or other people), the more your sins will be forgiven by God. If you never forgive (and that person being forgiven doesn't even have to know anything about the forgiveness), you are only hurting yourself.
That's a very generous interpretation but I don't think it's correct. God's forgiveness is an example to us. It absolves us and gives us a fresh start. THAT is the gift of grace he asks us to give others by forgiving them. God doesn't forgive us for HIS sake but for OURS.
I think both things are true, in their own right.
Incompétence, irresponsibility, mal practice and MAL INTENT!
And what becomes of it? No one knows! Did they not see and understand the movie Frankenstein?
More genetic and auto immune problems and creating a BIOWEAPON ( that spreads ) from the Human that receives the injection.
That.......perpetually harms and disables the person that WAS healthy and makes him a pathetic FOREVER PATIENT and big Harma very happy!!
Who is writing your script?
This is the part that still too few recognize...the shedding. They didn’t have to directly inject Everton to impact everyone. It’s why we must resist the “us v. them” paradigm when it comes to vaxxed/unvaxxed. We have all been affected by this evil scheme, perhaps to varying degrees, yes, but as all are affected, we must find ways to come together to hold the perpetrators accountable and make sure this does not continue...because as of now, it continues unabated.
Mistakes were NOT made..... They have been at this for decades..... we need to educate everyone..... Back in 1969, Dr Richard Day made some astonishing predictions about where the world would be today
How can you forgive people who don’t think they did anything wrong?
I think it's deeper than they didn't think they did anything wrong. The ringleaders Dr. Alexander mentioned in this substack most certainly KNOW they did something VERY wrong, they knew from the beginning, and they intentionally did it regardless of that knowledge. That's the definition of a mortal sin. Only God can forgive them but not without their confession and the appropriate penance.
I don't give these evil tyrants a second thought in my daily life unless I'm on substack or hear something about covid in the news. So, for me at least, not forgiving them has no effect on me whatsoever. I don't harbor a hatred for them that disturbs the happiness I experience from moment to moment. But they don't deserve my forgiveness. They deserve to be despised.
If expressing forgiveness for them gives Dr. Alexander peace of mind, I'm sincerely happy for him. I'm sure he still recognizes the depravity of their crimes and sins.
You appear to be in the bargaining phase of mourning. I highly recommend reading "Caring Enough to Forgive: True Forgiveness ; Caring Enough Not to Forgive ; False Forgiveness" by David Augsburger
Like others posting, if those that have done wrong - whether intentionally or on mistake - do not express sincere remorse and try to correct a situation, you can only really provide false forgiveness. (An exception may be, if they have passed on and are unable to express genuine remorse or rectify what was done.)
I believe true forgiveness is what will give you lasting peace. Without an apology and retribution, I think you will find peace short-lived.
Seeking Life balance and time management will help you. Taking time to care for yourself and do things that give you joy, similar to the joys you found as an innocent child, I believe will help. Taking time to carve out this time daily to manage emotional care for yourself. Physical activity of fun, play, leisure, mediation, challenge ... artistic creation through music, gardening, woodwork, DIY projects and/or mix of these is where I find this life balance especially when I share this time with the ones I love.
Balance of heart, mind, body, and soul for yourself regardless of what the future brings. ♥️🙏♥️
Who wrote this, and what have they done with 'Hang the beasts' Dr. Alexander? Is he tied up somewhere with a gun to his head, being forced to type this?
Maybe the good doctor realizes that the focus should be on winning the war. When we win the war then justice can be done; fretting about who did what, when, is distracting us from the battle.
If we have individual self-determination and we turn back the police state, we’ve won. If we figure out who should hang and meanwhile the police state has encircled us even tighter, we’ve lost.
Exactly. 100%.
You didn't have a Brother that died suddenly from a heart attack? Did you Dr. Alexander?
Well, I did. I will never FORGIVE and definitely NEVER FORGET. I'm the only one left in
my immediate Family. It's a terrible situation to experience.
You have every reason to be angry. Whoever tells you otherwise, is lying. I haven't been in your shoes but I've been very close to be in your situation. I will never forget how horrified and powerless I felt. Those were nightmare moments in my life that I won't ever forget. And no, there is no way I will ever forgive those monsters who put me through this ever. There is one thing I still believe in, it's the divine justice. That's what I'm praying for.
Thank YOU for sharing what happened to you. My younger nephew is the one that has to live with trying to revive his Father. My Brother called off work on Labor Day and Tuesday he decided to take a nap in the afternoon. That's when he died suddenly. My nephew couldn't revive him and neither could the paramedics. We believe that he had a massive heart attack.
I'm with YOU. Praying for divine justice.+
Sorry to hear Lynn. You have my and my family's condolences and prayers 🙏
We too know know people it's happened too. A family in the suburb next to our lost a few family members. No one can tell them its been all in their minds. Its very real to many people.
Oh, Thank U for your kind words. They make me feel so much better. I'm glad to hear
that people believe that this COVID JAB does kill people. I wish the BEST for YOU and
Your Family. GOD BLESS +
Numbers 6:24-26 “‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’ praying for you Lynn. 🙏
You are so kind. I will pray for you, also. Take Care and thank you from the bottom of my heart +
God Bless you too Lynn 💕💕🙏
No forgiveness from me under any circumstances. I do not see anyone one repenting.
Never forget !!!
I kinda went down the path of Dr Yeadon, vaccines since the 1800s appear to have all been profiteering scam instruments of foundations such as Carnegie the Rockefeller. Heck there's even a paper. Vaccines as an instrument of foreign policy... I'll find it and link it...
Read what they say within it. It reminds me of that phrase about evil...
"pride comes before a fall".
They even highlight some of their own shady network in it...
Vaccines as instruments of foreign policy
I don’t think we need to forgive. But we’re on the battlefield. So, when on a physical battlefield do we focus on punishing the enemy? No, we focus on strategic moves to win the war.
Our strategy to win the war is twofold: counter the propaganda in order to win allies to our side-- even if some can’t agree that Covid was a bioweapon they can agree that the Covid measures were harmful; and build defensive shields and offensive strategies to turn back the medical police state and government control over bodies and individual sovereignty. This is plenty to do for now, and if we succeed in the battle then appropriate punishments for treason will follow naturally.
So what the hell has CERN to do with this technology ?
What effing areas of competencies?
All they do is worship SHIVA.
I like what you have to say and the way you say it :-)
If those in power, if any morality and ethics left in them won’t stand for most ignorant people, the plan will succeed. Without any doubt.
It really doesnt matter if Weissman, Bourla, Bancel, Walensky, Hotez et al deserve to be forgiven or not. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. You have things to do and you want to move on. The weak can neverforgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
This. Never let the demons drag you down into eternal hell after your death. By not forgiving these demons you are doing just that. By forgiving their heinous actions, even if they don't give a shit and will continue on doing the same murdering actions, your sins are forgiven by God. You win, they lose.
Yes. Forgiveness is not excusing. Nor is it condoning. Nor is it tolerating. It does not mean the same as trust. It does not necessarily mean reconciling. When you tell someone you forgive them it communicates to them that you see them as a wrongdoer.
I'm sincerely not familiar with this definition of forgiveness. But I do appreciate your clarification which helps me understand your use of the word in this context. It's a very generous interpretation, a "modern" interpretation perhaps.
In contrast, I believe God's forgiveness is an example to us. It absolves us and gives us a fresh start. THAT is the gift of grace He asks us to give others by forgiving them. God doesn't forgive us for HIS sake but for OURS.
Yes, when bankers, corporates and philantropath are taking care of people health. Oh, how nobles they are! Money suckers, that is what they are. Nothing more.
And that alone is a reason not to FORGIVE.
That is why they have WARS
THey are all for me myself and I.
They are EVIL in their core.