Trump is a germaphobe. That's how they got their hooks in to him.

Too bad. Many of his financial policies are positive. I won't vote for him if he keeps pushing Vax.

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Most of his policies are great. Refusing to see the corruption at CDC, NIH and big pharma are huge fails.

Certainly I’d vote for him over Biden or crazy left wing Dems, but I‘lol support someone else in the primaries if a better candidate in regards to big pharma and big government comes along. He’s losing my support over this, and I doubt I’m alone.

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Trump may be losing me on this issue.

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Same here……..,

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It pains me to say it.

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Same for me. It wouldn’t take much to find out the facts…very disappointing.

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Dr. Alexander, your loyalty to President Trump is admirable. Now is the time for a younger man/woman to take the helm. The best and brightest do not want the job for obvious reasons. Politics does not look like a very attractive profession . President Trump did his best for the American people. It is obvious fours years is not enough time to “clear the swamp”. He let us down slightly towards the end of his presidency. His lack of decorum caused many around the world to lose their respect for him. He kept Birx and Fauci around when he had a chance to make them go away. He did bring in Scott Atlas, a brilliant move, but even Dr. Atlas saw the writing on the wall and resigned not long afterwards.

More recently, his advising people to take the experimental biologicals and now boosters is a massive let down. Given all these issues, it is time for President Trump to step back and lend his support to a qualified , smart leader. The country desperately needs one. Our current administration is an embarrassment and a let down.

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Within days of his recent “I got a booster” interview I sent Trump (via desk of President Donal Trump) an email saying to run from this. They were going to hang the vaccine failure with Omicron on him. They have already reduced Warp Speed to vaccines, though it was much more than just vaccines.

I said he needed to get out and call for early treatment and the defense production act for antibodies, not more testing. Nearly everyone who hasn’t had Covid, and a good 5% who have, regardless of vax status, would get Omicron.

I talked about the shots being only harmful to children, young adults, and most working age adults without serious co-morbid conditions because there is complete failure to prevent any infection that started with Delta and would accelerate with Omicron.

I knew I, and I’m sure many others with the same thoughts who probably did the same thing, would be ignored. But I felt I needed to try so I could live with myself - the only person I can control. I tried. I’ve tried my best through this whole madness. I’ve changed a few minds. I’ve protected my own kids as much as possible. I’ve protected my parents as much as I could (though I now regret pushing them to get vaccinated in January 2021).

I’m 39, healthy, unvaccinated. My young kids will not get this vaccine even over my dead body. My 42 year old healthy husband is also unvaccinated.

We have destroyed children and healthy young adults. This must end.

Wether I support Trump or not is beside the point. If he can’t come to reality on this whole mess very very soon he won’t win re-election, and probably shouldn’t. If he can, and he calls for a truth and reconciliation on what went wrong, and accountability for anyone who knowingly lied, he probably will and deserves to do so. My feelings about Trump don’t matter, outcomes and acknowledging reality do.

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Thank you so much for addressing this. Trump's position and very incorrect opinions are a huge red flag - one which diehard followers will exercise cognitive dissonance against (to include key political talking heads). The bigger question is WHY. Why does he possess this opinion? You can't possibly claim he's ill informed anymore. So what other motive could there be....

Moreover, we need someone willing to go after fauci and these pharmaceutical companies for the crimes against humanity they have committed. There's no way he's willing to do that when he's claiming there's been no deaths within those who receive the vaccine - be it by covid or the vaccine itself.

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Trump is a puppet, just like the rest of the world's puppets (leaders) The US is done, so is the rest of the World.

'Since the beginning of the Corona operation, many people began to realize that their governments have been taken over by very powerful and extremely evil forces, making political leaders worldwide move in unison to unleash unprecedented tyranny on their citizens.'


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I have faith MTG or DeSantis could run and turn things around. I'll keep my fingers crossed but won't hold my breath.

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At this point no politician can turn things around. What we are witnessing now was foretold in the Bible 1000's of years ago. When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24

May be it's time to start listening to the representatives of the global elites when they tell the truth about their intentions right in our faces.. "No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations). “We must move as quickly as possible to a one-world government, one-world religion under a one-world leader.” (R. Muller UN, the author of the World Core Educational curriculum) https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-occult-is-the-spiritual-foundation The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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Have you considered that he had saline or paper vaccine, like Brandon, Kamala, et al?

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Please reach out to him and let him know about the jabs, no one is telling him they don’t work and they’re harmful. The media isn’t talking about the harm.

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If he can’t figure this out himself - he’s not worthy to represent us.

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Trump's ego will always trump the real facts getting in the way

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didn't drumpf say to oreilly he is boosted

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