How do we stop mRNA vaccines being used again for any new virus Fauci creates in a lab? Will these pharma companies keep pushing them (not just this Corona virus)?

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It is simply astounding that the greater scientific/medical community do not come together to discuss these concepts loudly and publicly for all to hear, with no censorship. That they do not and apparently cannot do this judging from the overwhelming suppression of discussion, must inevitably lead to the sad conclusion that our worst suspicions may well be true about the virus and the vaccines and nefarious intent behind it all. How long can people, even relatively uninformed low information people, continue to be unaware that the vaccinated are being infected at a very high rate? I know that the unvaccinated can and do get Omicron, but at this point in time, every single person I know of who has gotten sick with it is also vaccinated, many who only have the first two shots (and in one case, the J&J for one shot).

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Some otherwise intelligent people are very low information about transmission rates and illness among the vaxxed and vaxxed and boosted. The thing is that almost all of the low information people don't know that they are low information and consider themselves well informed. It is a prime example of the power of MSM propaganda, censorship, and repetitive messaging. Many do not even see or hear anything that runs counter to what they 'know.' And if/when exposed to anything that runs counter to what they 'know' they are it appears incredulous or

as whack job conspiracy stuff with no basis in fact. For surely if there was any truth to it they would have heard or read about it on the news.

They trust MSM. They trust their political leaders. They trust the bureaucrats. They trust what they have been told is the science.

There is a chasm between low information people and those who are more aware, inquisitive, and are actually looking at the data and science. Some of the low information people cross that chasm but given all that has happened it is pretty amazing how many still have total unquestioning faith in the MSM narrative and the 'rationales' used by people to maintain that faith.

I'm still hopeful. There are cracks in the wall and many more people than in the past are aware that MSM is a propaganda machine.

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Your are so right! My brother is a good example....he believes whatever he hears on NPR is the gold standard of truth. He has an automatic knee-jerk reaction against anything I tell him that is not from MSM sources. But there have been a few cracks in his armor as I've sent him a few links lately that he didn't reject or argue against. And he says he's no longer worried about covid, so that's progress for a very entrenched leftist.

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NPR has gone so far downhill over the past few years that it is barely recognizable to what it once was. I used to travel quite a bit more than I do now and would listen to it at times. My traveling decreased so I didn't listen to it for a few years but turned it on about 6 months ago and was floored by how much of an outright blatant propaganda machine it had become. Tried it again after that thinking that maybe it was just that show but it wasn't.

I think people get lead by propanda incrementally....a little at a time so that it is barely noticeable if noticed at all. Then over a relatively short period of time the whole "tribe" has moved. Clear examples are liberals opposed to free speech, supporting censorship, and being fine with vax mandates. And those are just some examples.

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I loved your comments. I agree with every point you made. And yes. I have a bit of hope. I troll the mainstream newspapers in Canada and read the comments. There seems to be a shift in thinking. Or at least they are starting to question the narrative. Seems to be some pushback on boosters and jabbing the little ones. And none of our governments at either the Federal or Provincial are happy. Basically it's blah blah blah aka vaccines, safe, effective. The narrative hasn't changed but hopefully enough people will wake up and demand change. I hope they do soon because it seems we will soon be vaccinating the last category of people aged 6 months and up.

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The only people I know who have had omicron are vaccinated. I'm not vaccinated and am 71 years old. I've never been healthier since covid started. Not even a sniffle. To my knowledge the two most powerful businesses in the world have been the sales of Military and Pharmaceutical products with Pharmaceuticals in second place. I think there is a dance in place to see who comes out on top. Or more realistically they will make an unholy alliance between them, and it's most likely been the case for a long while. Two of the most powerful industries in the world calling the shots. My biggest hope with all this happening is if the medical and scientific community get together and cry foul. As for the masses going along blindly with this. I do believe that mass formation psychosis is in place. I can't think of any other explanation why. Fear is such a wonderful motivator. It seems to be working. What is happening to the unvaccinated right now is an atrocity. Where will it end.

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It was never about health or stopping the bioweapon and the so called vaccines are a complimentary bioweapon. It is all about depopulation, both, by immediately killing people, changing DNA and the immune system to kill down the road, and create infertility to prevent more births.

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Countries are now 'Letting er Rip' -- and urging their populations to get Boosted

And lets not forget the kids --- the injections protects them and it is more important than ever now that we plan to 'Live with Covid'

Lethal mutations are now ... guaranteed.

And there is no way in hell -- that they do not know this

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I talked to a fellow today after sending him the UK Omicron data on vaccine enhanced infection. He said he feels safer and relaxed among the vaxxed completely impervious to contradictory info. Despite the harm to lives and livelihoods from lockdowns, the milder variant and the threat of a more virulent strain from leaky vaccines many vaxxed and boosted might simply choose to ignore and say "there is no harm in getting vaxxed just to participate in society."

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Fortunately there is a cure for this ... it involves multiple shots of covid vaccine.... at first he will become more stupid.. but eventually ... it will go away...

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I wrote about that before two of those had figured it out, in February 2021: https://www.primarydoctor.org/covidvaccine

But who's counting, right?

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Such an excellent link, thank you for including. it. I'm sending this summary to a few stubborn naysayers I know. It's great that all the links to various data are there, especially those related to the CDC etc. which the vaccine supporters will be more likely to accept.

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