I ask Robert Malone (mRNA technology inventor), Bourla (Pfizer), Bancel (MODERNA), Sahin (BioNTech), Drew Weissman (mRNA technology inventor), Kariko (mRNA technology inventor) et al, how do they feel
now? How do you criminals feel now that your inventions, your mRNA madness, your handywork is linked to cancer & McCullough prosecutes a damn good case against you vermin, you money whore vermin
How do you criminals feel as you continue to bullshit the public knowing that you brought death? History will record you, you group, as the purveyors of death you were as you sought money, fame, NOBEL prizes etc. We know, the sad reality is how many fell for your bullshit and gave you money and fame etc. etc.
The entire mRNA technology venture is deadly, always was with the lipid nano particle delivery platform, all of it and must be banned complete. We need 100 more years of research and proper ethical debate with the populations before we even see this fraud again. Lab, dish, animal research. 100 years of it. Even then I say never.
I have written before and state again, if proper courts and judges and juries examine you above and others as to the deadly mRNA and vaccine and find you are not culpable, you should be celebrated but if courts and judges find your work caused deaths and that you knew of the harms yet went forward and profited etc. in any manner, then you must face penalties and if courts and judges and juries call for the death penalty, each and every one of you should be put to death at the hands of the courts and judges and juries…hung. All involved in the fraud of the fake over-cycled RT-PCR-created asymptomatic lie of transmission non COVID pandemic and the mRNA vaccine, from Trump administration to Biden’s…All.
Including medical doctors, government officials and hospital CEOs who partook in the deadly ‘COVID protocol’ of isolation, toxic drugs to the high risk vulnerable and those not even with any infection using a fake fraud PCR ‘process’ to enact the COVID protocol, DNR orders, denial of needed antibiotics more likely for bacterial pneumonia, dehydration, malnourishment of the high risk, our loved ones, sedation using a cocktail of propofol, fentanyl, midazolam, lorazepam, diamorphine, pumped with deadly failed EBOLA drug Remdesivir (kidney and liver toxic), then intubation and the deadly lung destroying ventilator (ventilator associated pneumonia etc.)
Here are some urgent steps outlined by McCullough in terms of responding to the near clear link between the Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA vaccine and cancer as well as a potential and emerging strong role of ivermectin in cancer treatment:
‘Here are some reasonable first steps:
Remove all COVID-19 vaccines from human use to reduce any additional exposure
CDC should link vaccine administration data with all government cancer registries
The National Cancer Institute should urgently fund mRNA COVID-19 vaccine cancer research
Vaccinated with prior histories of cancer should make a specific post-vaccination oncology clinic visit to consider reassessment or restaging
Vaccinated with no prior history of malignancy should check to see they are up to date on routine cancer screening (prostate, lung, breast, ovary, uterus, colon).
All vaccinated patients and their doctors should be alert to any change in health status and have a low threshold for clinical investigation’
‘It has been my observation that IVM (ivermectin) has the most rapid effect in combating SARS-CoV-2 acutely and has been valuable in applications where persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection could be playing a role in long-COVID, particularly the craniofacial and cutaneous manifestations.’
Great scholarship by McCullough as usual:
Multi-Hit Hypothesis for the Oncogenic Potential of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines (substack.com)
Start here:
‘As an internist and specialist, it is hard for me to believe that a novel biologic product could cause heart, neurologic, thrombotic, and immunologic disease but to make matters even worse, could also play a role in the initiation and acceleration of oncogenesis. In Western countries before the pandemic, the leading causes of death were heart disease 40%, cancer 40%, and death from other known causes (homicide, suicide, accidents, etc). The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines if proven to promote cancer, would then be implicated in rises in all-cause mortality being observed world wide.
In 1984, Sutherland and Bailer proposed the “Multi-Hit Hypothesis of Carcinogenesis:”
“A new multihit model of carcinogenesis is developed for use in evaluating age-specific cancer incidence rates in human populations. The model allows for some heterogeneity in both risk (perhaps genetic) and pathway (number of hits).”
They essentially said it takes multiple different hits or insults to cells and their genetic machinery to cause a normal cell to become cancerous. Forty years later, Sutherland and Bailer could not have dreamed about the application of their hypothesis to global mass genetic vaccination given every six months to a broad population, some with high risks for, or even with incipient cancer.
Angues and Bustos just published a manuscript in Cureus (after initial citation on Authorea preprint server) that assemblies the evidence to date that both mRNA and the Spike protein work within human cells to cause changes that result in oncogenesis. The figure shown is consistent with a multi-hit hypothesis of oncogenesis after injection with Pfizer or Moderna.

Many questions remain including cumulative dose effect, predisposition (e.g. loss of function mutations in BRCA1/2 P53), additional exposures such as UV radiation, smoking, alcohol, and finally catabolism of mRNA and Spike. Undoubtedly decades of research will be needed to fully understand COVID-19 vaccination and cancer. As we point out in our book Courage to Face COVID-19, it took over 40 years from when Sir Austin Bradford Hill causally associated smoking with lung cancer until there was capitulation by the medical orthodoxy. Let’s hope the world wide exposure of mRNA and alacrity of modern research can shorten this timeframe.
Here are some reasonable first steps:
Remove all COVID-19 vaccines from human use to reduce any additional exposure
CDC should link vaccine administration data with all government cancer registries
The National Cancer Institute should urgently fund mRNA COVID-19 vaccine cancer research
Vaccinated with prior histories of cancer should make a specific post-vaccination oncology clinic visit to consider reassessment or restaging
Vaccinated with no prior history of malignancy should check to see they are up to date on routine cancer screening (prostate, lung, breast, ovary, uterus, colon).
All vaccinated patients and their doctors should be alert to any change in health status and have a low threshold for clinical investigation’
By Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
The COVID-19 pandemic has been an odyssey in clinical medicine and it is not unexpected that there will be spin-off discoveries from innovations that emerged in response to the crisis.
One such innovation was the application of ivermectin (IVM) as a primary anti-SARS-CoV-2 therapy. IVM has been in the McCullough Protocol since 2020. I can tell you as a doctor that I have utilized all the COVID-19 antivirals in my practice. It has been my observation that IVM has the most rapid effect in combating SARS-CoV-2 acutely and has been valuable in applications where persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection could be playing a role in long-COVID, particularly the craniofacial and cutaneous manifestations.
There is a clear link between the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 produced in large and continuous quantities after vaccination and the development of cancer. This has led some to postulate that IVM could play a role in addition to standard of care for cancer patients.
Ivermectin: A Multifaceted Drug With a Potential Beyond Anti-Parasitic Therapy (substack.com)
This is excellent scholarship and critical work by McCullough as we have come to expect. Support.
If you wish to give a donation to help, you can at:
Or Ko-Fi
Or to my address at:
150 South 8th Street
Unit 170
Lewiston, New York
Please consider support of a good company Drs. McCullough, Risch, Thorp, myself support (they are our sponsors), The Wellness Company; see the emergency preparation kit (with antibiotics you were denied by doctors, pharmacists, governments during the fraud COVID), first aid kit, travel emergency kit, contagion control kit etc. Please consider the SPIKE SUPPORT (spike protein DETOX dissolving) formula with NATTOKINASE as well as the triple formula (SPIKE SUPPORT, BROMELAIN, CIRCUMIN)
Dear Dr Alexander - you must read the State of Kansas suit in the Federal district of Kansas Vs
Pfizer- it cites BOURLA for most of the criminal acts of Pfizer- This mother fucker needs “ hard rock jail time- as well i understand 4 other states are simarlarly. invested in litigation in their respective states- I.M.O. the Powers that be, are not moving on the culpable agencies involved in and with this enormous conspiracy -( global) the implications IM.O.-the liability is so huge that
THE US TREASURY would run out of funding to cover the “ alleged criminal acts” The emergency powers act” will ultimately be challenged and will go to the Supreme Court “ I.M.O the SCOTUS
will come down with a 6-3 decision in favor of the Plaintiffs--A material mis statement of fact is not an error the Kansas suit is a 10 count suit against Pfizer- the words Material Misresentation
are mentined over 100 times, it is incessant- and Bourla’s attorneys cannot evade this issue
Thinking about DJT and the Vaccine rollout, how culpable do you think he is for all the adverse effects, people who were fired for not taking the Vax? Is he not supported by Pfizer?
Did he have any idea of the already known deaths that CDc and Pfizer covered up ?