Dear Dr Alexander - you must read the State of Kansas suit in the Federal district of Kansas Vs

Pfizer- it cites BOURLA for most of the criminal acts of Pfizer- This mother fucker needs “ hard rock jail time- as well i understand 4 other states are simarlarly. invested in litigation in their respective states- I.M.O. the Powers that be, are not moving on the culpable agencies involved in and with this enormous conspiracy -( global) the implications IM.O.-the liability is so huge that

THE US TREASURY would run out of funding to cover the “ alleged criminal acts” The emergency powers act” will ultimately be challenged and will go to the Supreme Court “ I.M.O the SCOTUS

will come down with a 6-3 decision in favor of the Plaintiffs--A material mis statement of fact is not an error the Kansas suit is a 10 count suit against Pfizer- the words Material Misresentation

are mentined over 100 times, it is incessant- and Bourla’s attorneys cannot evade this issue


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Good info but my faith in anyone being prosecuted is wavering. Then I read the following info and it's quite unnerving. We anti vaxxers are definitely going to be targeted. I want Gates swinging by a rope.https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bill-gates-and-who-call-for-military-to-round-up-mrna-vaccine-refusers-during-bird-flu-pandemic/

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Good letter, Milton. Can we actually prosecute these scum if we don't have a functional judiciary? Would you want to see bootlicker Israeli stooges like Hawley and Cotton asking the slime the questions about mRNA? Lots and lots of show trials we are seeing now. People in solitary confinement for walking by the US Capitol on Jan. 6? Don't forget, you're up against the Tribe. Never hear the majority rail against the genocide, these pols cannot be trusted. Will Trump deliver or not? Either he does or he's gonna be Deep 6'd, hate to say it. How do you think Judges Kagan and Sotomayor would vote? Ah, yes. Those old scales of justice will do the job.

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I don’t think we have a choice - i think we will need to call “the exterminator “ in even if Trump wins- I don’t think any of them are moving The fucking Chutzpah of

Strozk ( Fucking nazi if anything) was defiant and arrogant after getting caught screwing his bitch on our time- Totally unashamed - He reminded me of the Nazis on the gallows during Nurenburg

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Patton was right should of executed them right and there. We've had them all over our infrastructure, academic, pharma. Let's get rid of them once and for all.

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Thinking about DJT and the Vaccine rollout, how culpable do you think he is for all the adverse effects, people who were fired for not taking the Vax? Is he not supported by Pfizer?

Did he have any idea of the already known deaths that CDc and Pfizer covered up ?

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He needs to apologize to the American people.

Pence, Fauci, Brix, Redfield, Collins. These are the dark faces in the woodpile. 45 got blasted by the media when he mentioned Ivermectin and Hyydroxychloroquine . As a newcomer to DC, he had no idea what he was up against. The five people referenced above are culpable. Each was in on the scheme the killed many Americans. Had he brought Scott Atlas aboard sooner perhaps the outcome would have been different. A chat with Harvey Reich and Peter McCullough would have helped. He trusted the wrong people. Pence was the C19 czar. Smoke and mirrors.

From the beach…


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Vance is paying big money to Malone. I would like to know why?

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DJT is in on the Scam!! I have called out his COVID and Vaccine policy many times on my podcast!

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Trump is captured by pharma. Kennedy warned him, Trump went w/ pharma. https://www.honestmediaproject.com/p/trump-is-captured-by-big-pharma-and

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Dr. Alexander, it goes even further because research shows that shedding from vaccinated to unvaccinated is real. This is truly crimes against humanity and a gradual depopulation of unvaccinated. Add that it isn't safe to see a dentist or dermatologist if numbing agents are needed. I've put off my annual appointments for 3+ years because of this. These criminals have used the technology to poison dental numbing agents as proven by an independent lab test paid for by Lundstrom Family Dental in Fargo, ND. Add that Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea and Dr. David Nixon have been researching and found graphene and other metals being carried throughout the body with all injectable numbing agents used by dentists and dermatologists and it's in Botox, lip fillers, injectable vitamin B12. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/torsion-spectroscopy-analysis-of?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=140525499&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1bynu1&utm_medium=emailhttps://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/p/breaking-news-new-analysis-of-c19?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=956088&post_id=139154551&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1bynu1 Their research also proved a chip docking in contact lens solution. And several of their research studies found nanobots in the blood. Finally, according to the last email I received from Dr. Mihalcea they've found a MAC address beeping from the graves of vaccinated deceased individuals. What's going on is very sinister and crimes against humanity. https://substack.com/app-link/post?publication_id=956088&post_id=146930158&utm_source=post-email-title&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=1bynu1&token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo4MDU1OTE0NSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTQ2OTMwMTU4LCJpYXQiOjE3MjE5MzQ5OTAsImV4cCI6MTcyNDUyNjk5MCwiaXNzIjoicHViLTk1NjA4OCIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.x7nQaHKcbJGK5TrS4ikUBeXaRIGMJJ5kofuKM6Re-qo

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Yo Toby you think same way I do . I do not trust any western med protocols. Holistic accupuncture, kinesiology body work my healthy choices.

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Just to mention that injecting whole populations with something that will initiate cancer is not new. I say the polio shots of the 1950s contained SV-40 FOR THE PURPOSE of a 20-year-delayed epidemic of cancer.

What the hell, I go further and say that polio was seeded deliberately in the USA circa 1955 FOR THE PURPOSE of getting folks to hurry on down to their local clinic (today it's CVS) for that polio shot.

Recently when a "Third World" country (I think it was Nigeria) was starting to protest the polio shot, don'tcha know there was a sudden "outbreak" of polio there.

Dr Paul Alexander, thank you for being rambunctious. We need a lot more rambunk.

I invite Malone to come right here to this column and defend hissef if he did NOT plan harm.

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Polio was created by our own government. I survived it as a toddler right before the Salk vaccine came out. Amazing information in the book "The Moth in the Iron Lung. But much worse is coming if you read the info in the following link another person previously shared. Compounds in the USA, every state, for us that refuse vaccines...https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bill-gates-and-who-call-for-military-to-round-up-mrna-vaccine-refusers-during-bird-flu-pandemic/

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I, too, would be curious to know how Malone & friends “feel” about their mass murdering invention, however, since they’re sociopaths, I suspect they have no feelings. I’m sure these evil bastards sleep very well at night. When they meet their maker, that’s when they’ll be truly judged. These people make me sick. And I am totally disgusted that Del Bigtree & Mikki Willis are still associated with Maloney baloney. Shame on them!

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99% of criminals have no feelings (that they acknowledge), otherwise they would never do the things they do. You are wasting your time since none of these murdering scum will do anything but find more ways to murder us.

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A recent aitopsy test of 325 deaths-showed that 241 deaths ( 73.9% were directly attributed to

the Mrna spike - That is a huge percentage- so that Pfizer continues to kill long after the shot!!

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The pushers of the fake jab know history will not be kind to them. Murderers and idolators with their love of money. How would it feel to die knowing one had murdered innocent men and women and children and babies. Hell will be enlarging itself again.

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I think the pushers are ahead of everyone. New Zealand updated their pandemic policy July 31, 2024 stating anyone refusing a vaccine will be vaccinated by force with police holding them down. I'm sharing this link another poster previously shared which is quite disturbing in that it also states all 50 states in the USA have quietly built compounds for us non vaxxers. Biden admin authorized the compounds. It gets worse, please read the link: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bill-gates-and-who-call-for-military-to-round-up-mrna-vaccine-refusers-during-bird-flu-pandemic/

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Today people landing on incoming flights to the USA at LaGuardia are reporting all passengers are being swabbed (PCR) and the people doing the swabbing won't answer questions and are wearing double masks. IMO they are likely infecting the passengers with the swabs and distributing bird flu to them in the swab.... preparing for the next plannedemic.

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Where are the fucking BOUNTIES? I'm going to the post office today to see wanted posters. They should be on EVERY wall of the post ioffice, inside and outside by now with all the deaths occurring from Hospital protocols to those dropping dead today from mRNA Concoctions. Criminal intent has been proven. Where are the fucking WANTED POSTERS WITH BOUNTIES?

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Thank you. We bought a Wellness Kit. It is very nice.

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Dr. A,

PLEASE give credit where credit is due. Do not disappoint the clot shot's most famous promotor. It is the TRUMP, Bourla, Bancel, et. al., vaccine until he recants. You tell us to wait. While we wait, vaccination still going on. People still being harmed. Trump still bragging about his 'fantastic' clot shot. How Biden would never have gotten it done so quickly.

You let him get away with this with every post. STOP, Dr. A. You are better than that. Millions injured and dead and it is still going on. TIME TO STOP AND CALL OUT THE TRUTH!


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My son died of colon cancer, after a year of chemo treatment. He passed away on March 12 2024.

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Barbara my condolences on your son death from the chemo therapy.

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correct me if i am wrong but Dr. Malone did not invent the lipid nanoparticle technology.

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It is the forthcoming election that has sucked the oxygen out of the room

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Definitely war after reading today that New Zealand updated their pandemic plan July 31, 2024 to force vaccine injections while citizens will be held by police. Then another person shared this link which states compounds for us that refuse vaccines will be held in. That Biden administration has kept quiet on the compounds that are in all 50 states. Link: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/bill-gates-and-who-call-for-military-to-round-up-mrna-vaccine-refusers-during-bird-flu-pandemic/

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