Please let us know how to help those arrested who held the line. I’m 💔 for Canada. But we don’t want them locked up in prison and forgotten. What they did and are doing actually matters. Please don’t forget them - they peacefully did this for everyone else. Please, please let us know how we can help.

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I'm thinking Canadians can help by taking their money from the banks that are freezing the truckers accounts

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I got a communication from Give Send Go that they are working on ways to get the donated money to truckers for legal fees etc. They will have to be creative in how they do that.

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I’m not Canadian and I’m pretty sure I’m banned…. 😏. But I’m happy to send some stuff from APMEX to a safe location that way.

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Someone here set up venmo-me.com

I haven't tried it yet.

Another way would be to send a visa gift card or Amex card. I think they can be loaded after they are received and activated.

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No. Venmo and PayPal, along with Coinbase, are part of the freeze. Apmex sells physical assets. I’m definitely not sending funds to some random Venmo

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Venmo is owned by the evil Paypal, if that isn't widely known yet.

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Yes, it is. Venmo-me is not. May not be legal but someone on substance created the venmo-me site just to accommodate Canadian truckers

Also very likely that I misunderstood the post...as I don't use such tech...

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Pretty sure they were taken to a place some miles out and released. That is a part of scare tactics in an attempt to devoid more people from being there, handcuffs and arrest for what?

- Peacefully assembling and protesting? For freedom and human rights.

PM Trudeau is making the police act unlawful and they are following an unlawful order. The police participating here should all go to jail.

The Emergencies Act has still not been voted on. Remember, politicians have seven days to do that. And they shut down parliament yesterday. Another tactic to play out PM Trudeau’s hideous way of ‘handling’ the citizens of Ottawa. He very clearly puts on display his true calling. To cull Canada and its citizens into obedience.

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I agree, but the organizers and about 100 truckers are in jail according to Ottawa PD. I don’t want to abandon them.

Canada is now an authoritarian dictatorship. It’s really sad. I can’t believe people support this blatant authoritarianism. It’s not like it ends well for anyone, even the supporters.

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Break down of the Emergencies act by Bruce Pardy.


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Real martyrs ❤️❤️❤️Let's pray for all including police and Trudeau and gang who have completely lost their way

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No. I pray that evil will be vanquished. And that's what Trudeau is, evil.

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Trudeau, Freeland, Singh, Ford are proponents of the WEF great reset, also PM J Ardern in NZ, Macron, et al.

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We need to do more than pray. God helps those who help themselves.

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Real martyrs? What a dishonour to true martyrs dying for their faith.. let’s pray for police yes!

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Please stay safe, Paul. We stand with you and all freedom-loving Canadians 🙌

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Just doing their job is not an excuse. Never forget. Glad you are safe.

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Re the police… “…they were doing their jobs…”

What, doing their jobs to facilitate the demands of a traitorous government, which has turned on the people, stealing their freedom and their money?

If those police and other enforcers refused to comply, it would be over.

But they are working on behalf of globalist controlled governments - they should be arresting those responsible in the governments, these are the real criminals!

Traitors to the people…

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you need the police on your side in this, it is difficult, I do not agree with what they have done, but you must be here to see and understand, and if you go against them, how can you even have a chance to fix this???? you cannot have all enemies all round in this, and know this, I have spoken to many, RCMP, OPP, special officers, they do not like this situation, they are torn apart, and we have to not fight them too to get them to listen...and they are...its difficult to understand but in this situation we have to work with them as difficult as it may sound. I simply wanted to tell you my situation and how the goal today was to silence me with arrest threat; it is the govn, the ruling govn, that you address this ager with at the polls, you punish them at the polls, and you write and call your MP now and tell them what you think...and you support the trucker...I am all for solving and then going back for accountability....the latter is key for me.

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Paul I respect your position, you and Roger Hodkinson have played exceptional roles in supporting the truckers and trying to open up scientific debate.

But those police need to think about their position and what they are supporting.

Trudeau in Canada, Biden in the US, Johnson in the UK, Morrison in Australia, and Ardern in New Zealand - the Five Eyes countries have been at the forefront of the grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted global Covid response, a manufactured crisis that is actually being used as the the front to impose authoritarian regimes.

These governments and others in Germany, Austria, Israel etc, have betrayed and exploited the people. We elected these governments to serve the people, but they have been colonised by the globalists, and are now being used as the vehicle to enslave us.

We are in the biggest crisis of human history, people have to wake up and understand what has taken place, a massive betrayal.

Trudeau and the rest of them must be deposed and put on trial for their treachery...and the police need to think about where their loyalties should lie...

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Stop it all

Of you! My goodness reading all these comments yall sound like wackos! Conspiracy nuts.. even if every single thing will happen so u actually think u have power to stop evil we know will happen like chip like persecution of saints one day? Nope this ain’t it yet! Paranoia hits the Christian world as they’ve left gaze of Jesus into social media and YouTube vids .. go dig your bunker n store yr food.. but y’all lack faith in God n trust that He is in control. How very cultlike , gnostic thinking y’all awake.. tell me our parents who do t watch tv or yt or the poor in Africa etc will they be duped cuz they weren’t in the know? This is scary stuff watching you regurgitate same. How the saints can so easily be swayed n tossed to n fro.. the police are not going to drop badges n follow y’all.. like Pat king wanted.. how foolish and naive y’all are. They think yr nut jobs even if don’t agree to mandates or jab for jobs.. quit panicking ! Even if folk will die because of vax in future they wouldn’t die a day sooner than God foreordained. He has their number of days counted BEfore they ever got jabbed! Trust Him before u put yr trust in mere man exposing gates n wef n this n that! Unplug guys! Go outside n play with fam n get back to bible n prayer..

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"yall sound like wackos! Conspiracy nuts"

This post is either the most egregious example of a lack of self-awareness or a pretty solid parody.

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Torn apart, but acting together against their oath and their countrymen. Spit.

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Here's the police on horseback Paul, as others have alerted us on this thread: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1494808224008179714

The arrogant mounted police cutting a swathe through the crowd, and knocking two people to the ground, including an elderly woman with a walker.

What a stunning depiction of a show of power against the people they are meant to serve, sheer contempt for people protesting for their freedom.

Look at those police, the way they are armoured up against the people. This is the same in western countries around the world. Nothing shows more clearly that we are at war with "our own governments", traitorous governments who have been preparing to control us for some time.

As others have said, the violence didn't start until the police showed up...

The police can look at that vision of their suppression and trampling of the people, and be ashamed.

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You are a good man. Thank you sir for your commitment to truth.

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They had a choice to participate or not. Like St Sebastian, as the arrows continued to be shot and each one pierced his body, he would not die. One by one, each archer sickened by what they had done, stopped

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That's right Simone...the police have a choice...they can choose to not be complicit in this crime against the people.

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Dr Alexander is correct in the need for dialogue. What happened today was that the possibility of dialogue was stomped on by police following orders. My concern is whether these are real police or hired mercenaries. Maybe the tow trucks had come up from the US too? Someone will know the truth of this, its a small community

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Yes, agree about the need for dialogue, but the police really need to think about what they're involved with there.

In my opinion the Trudeau government, and other governments, which have used the Covid situation to terrify and control the people, are criminal and traitors.

We've got the same situation in Australia, where we've been told a tissue of lives about the Covid threat for the past two years, and the truth is starting to emerge now.

To think about the damage done, not just financial, but to the fabric of society, the demonisation of people who refused the rubbish jabs, discriminating against them and excluding them from civil society, from jobs, hospitality, sports clubs etc.

The deliberate intention to label people as 'vaccinated' and 'unvaccinated' and to cause division between family and friends, it's the worst treachery.

I want to see the rotten dictators in the federal and state governments brought to account for it, along with their cronies.

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Im an Aussie too. My son lost his father to suicide during lockdown two in Victoria. His father had the 5 k limit and curfew plus our son was in NSW and borders closed, so couldn't go to where my son was living in country NSW. Just before his father's untimely death, my son suffered a mental breakdown and was in pysch. hospital when he learnt about his father. Because of border closures could not attend his funeral. And couldn't go to his father's home to sort out his belongings so lost everything. Then a year later, my unvaxxed son loses his job whilst working at Sydney Crown hotel. The mandates to be jabbed (they are up to three now) and as if bloody hotel management know anything about medicines. Worse demanding private health information. And the vaccine passports. That's the scumbag Premiers and Scomo. So i agree with you 100%

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Simone, further to my previous response, also see my recent email to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison:

Scott Morrison "a hypocrite and a liar" - informed consent and the Covid-19 jab rollout 10 February 2021:


More emails on my website: https://vaccinationispolitical.net/

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Simone, just horrible what you and your son have gone through.

So many others have gone through similarly tragic situations, all Australians have been impacted in some way.

And it was all needless...

It's been out and out treachery Simone.

This covid situation should never have been handled in this way, and the truth is starting to come out now.

To give you some background on this, see these emails by my friend and colleague Emma McArthur, this is important evidence to consider:

- Why did the Australian Prime Minister abandon the pandemic plan? 16 July 2021: https://humanityattheprecipice.files.wordpress.com/2021/07/letterscottmorrison16-07-2021_v2-1.pdf

- Is Australia being held to ransom thanks to 'scientific fiction' by the Doherty Institute? 2 September 2021: https://humanityattheprecipice.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/jodie-mcvernon-is-australia-being-held-to-ransom-thanks-to-e28098scientific-fiction-by-the-doherty-institute-2-09-2021-1.pdf

See Emma's website here: https://humanityattheprecipice.com/

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The police are doing great job I’m sooo proud of them.. one of which is my bro from Quebec! They are keeping selfish bullies parked illegally for 3 weeks blockading streets n terrorizing residents with deafening decibels .. ya can’t protest like this and it’s a cops job to keep

law n order. But ya can’t comprehend that. You sound like paranoid cultlike folks.. not trusting anyone but mere men on yt warning of gates n this n that..police are acting so welllll I’m

So proud and praying they stay casa lm amidst yr peaceful protestors pa spitting in their face n cursin them

N pushing them.. some idiots even pushed them and tried to take their weapons?!!! Dang I wish they pepper sprayed n watered down the threatening crowd! God gave us authority.. learn to respect them not diss them., when your house gets vandalized or kids kidnapped don’t call the cops then ok👌

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The truckers' maybe unsophisticated but they have common sense to see that coercive mandates by government should not dictate whether they can or cannot work; now we see the tentacles of govt. reaching into bank accounts, credit cards, etc. and the banks participating. Governments create the illusion of serving the people but they only serve themselves and the corporates.

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Oh yes, do be so proud 'Truth Wins'...what a disgraceful scene: https://twitter.com/VigilantFox/status/1494808224008179714

Be ashamed Canadian police, you're traitors to the people.

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Agree completely. Without the police, there is no police state. If the police choose to enforce the will of the dictators, we lose our liberty. The police are not on the side of the people. They are not on the side of freedom.

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Will you still be saying don’t blame the police as you’re being loaded into the boxcar?

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Boxcar? Ridiculous n disgusting comparison.. y’all sound cultlike.. brainwashed and hyper anxious tryin to find devil under every rock.. thinking y’all awake but actually veered off course. nothing like faith filled saints. Think Jesus is sayin of only they watch that vid or that.. THEN my people would know! Nope He wants us to get off social media n get on knees n pray n stick face o oy in bible n go spread the gospel..

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Go research the communist revolution in Russia. Let me know how well praying went and get back to me. I sound cultlke? Maybe reread what you wrote, lol.

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I am so glad to hear from you with this latest entry. I've been so worried for you since the first I came across your position on the jabs. I am not a Canadian so my perspective is not of much merit. But, it sounds like 1) Trudeau did whatever he could to paint the protestors as illegal, violent, racists, Nazis, etc. and then went to 2) declaring an emergency which theoretically was reserved for imminent threat to the nation of Canada (which the truckers were clearly not)and then 3) removed the parliament which was deliberating on the legality of his declaration. Sooo - how is this not a coup against the nation state of Canada by Trudeau? He is unilaterally grabbing power and unwilling to back down from mandates. He is a Young Global Leader and it's looking like, "You Will Own Nothing" means you aren't going to own your body, either.

If this is all true, you are very much an enemy in that you have been educating people against the aims of the coup operators. And as much as I can understand your empathy for the police and the difficult position they find themselves, if they side with Trudeau, Canada will fall. In fact, if the people of Canada acquiesce, they will lose even autonomy over their own bodies and their children's bodies. The only thing that has a chance is if the entire nation just simply strikes - no violence, just non-compliance. Everyone.

Just my two cents and not worth even that. I wish you the very best of luck. My prayers go out to you every night.

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they will side with the people, but you need to get them there...we are working on that...you do not go blazing at all in front of you, you have to engage them to listen...I am engaging them to listen to me...and they are....it is difficult and I need help...we, McCullough, Malone, Risch, Hodkinson etc., we need help.

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and huge hugs for this beautiful piece.

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you are absolutely heroic beyond words...gratitude to all of you there...love and prayers from our family to yours

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I absolutely agree that communication is key. Nothing should be done to alienate or polarize. One of my concerns is that they may not all be your countrymen. Perhaps Trudeau is being backed by UN, FBI, CIA, DHS. Very treacherous.

You say you need help. Could you clarify? Or would that be too dangerous?

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""You Will Own Nothing" means you aren't going to own your body, either."

Wow Kim, you're right! I've been thinking of that WEF slogan in regards to material possessions, but our most precious asset of all is being stolen from us, the right to bodily autonomy.

It's already been stolen from billions of people with this unprecedented plan to jab the entire global population, with so many jabbed under mandates, coerced and manipulated into submitting to the obviously defective Covid injections.

And now they're coming for the children...they've started on the five year olds in Australia, who are at no risk of Covid-19. How can this be happening, jabbing young children. What lies ahead for them now, with their natural immune response disrupted by this unnecessary defective medical intervention?

What a crime... And the leading perpetrator is Bill Gates, it was he who was the leader of 'the race for a coronavirus vaccine' in early 2020, see his GatesNotes: What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccine, 30 April 2020: https://www.gatesnotes.com/health/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-covid-19-vaccine

Incredible to think now that this software billionaire has been dominating international vaccination policy for the past twenty years via his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and entities such as the Gavi Alliance. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the major funders of the World Health Organisation, along with countries at the forefront of the vaccine industry - Germany, the US, the UK, EU etc.

During this time there has been a concerted effort to shut down any questioning of vaccination policy, with dissenters tagged as 'anti-vaxxers'. It's due to this suppression of discussion that we are in this dire situation today, with billions of people around the world jabbed with fast-tracked, experimental, and now obviously defective, jabs.

There is so much to look back on now, to understand how this 'vaccine solution'. against a disease it was known from the beginning wasn't a serious threat to most people, got off the ground.

What was the process? How was it evaluated? Looks like it wasn't... The plan was already set in place with Event 201 in October 2019, the pandemic simulation of a coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people which actually demonstrated the preferred industry response - what an incredible coincidence!

There's a massive global crime in progress - the gross exploitation of the world's people, with the plan to enslave them in the globalists' net.

Time for accountability...

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No!! the police have turned on the people. They should have ALL handed in their badges and refused to support Trudeau's tyranny. Stop making excuses for them. They are every bit as bad as Trudeau. You need to have many more Canadians on the streets.

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Actually y sound like a paranoid nut job. Making excuses? Dr Paul is correct.. it’s their job to keep peace n order on community.. you know that right? U know that I cannot park illegally n occupy streets for 3 flippin weeks right? Or try that tomorrow n see if the law is on yr side! My goodness whats going on here one more crazier than another. The streets will be emptied as trucks leave. But please come back on foot n protest all u like and go home at night n return like every other protest we get about 250 per year that don’t hold hostage residents nor blast 150 decibels horns terrorizing them . So glad residents getting money from protestors .. y’all were warned but disobeyed and laughed at poor residents as shouted honk on! The honking wil continue till mandates drop ! Wow heartless.. you actually thought cops n govt would bow to you 🙃

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In case you haven't noticed 'Truth Wins', there's a coup going on...not just in Canada, it's happening around the world. Been going on in public for at least two years now, and goodness knows how long in the planning.

The grossly disproportionate and ill-targeted Covid-19 response is being used to subdue the people - make them submit to defective covid-19 jabs and tests on government demand; make them comply with surveillance over their every move, including lockdowns on government whim; humiliate people with masks/muzzles; steal their money if they protest against government control; freeze people out of civil society if they refuse to buy into the fear-mongering and theft of their freedom.

We're talking about rather more than illegally parking and honking horns...get some perspective.

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Dear Dr. Alexander, I truly respect your scientific knowledge about medical issues, but this is now about HUMAN RIGHTS and FREEDOM...

If you can save the whole world from viruses, but cannot save a sovereign nation's citizens freedoms and liberty from their criminal tyrannical government, the effort is in vain and other means must be employed.

For the anyone to say you cannot blame the police, they are living in the very communities and they were working so well with the truckers all the while that violate the citizens basic God given rights is ludicrous. They will say, "We are only obeying orders," which is precisely what the Germans told the courts. IT IS NO EXCUSE...! THEY HAVE A CHOICE, JUST LIKE THE TRUCKERS MADE A CHOICE...

To lay it all on the line in the hopes of preserving their Freedoms, Liberty, businesses, vehicles, families, wives, children, homes, bank accounts and religious choices.

To have those things taken from them by the police acting as agents for the criminal tyrants in government is no different than becoming tyrannical themselves. Obeying orders is no excuse, and they should be tried in court when this is over...

It's is sad, but it will not be over until the red blood of freedom stands out against the white snow...That is how all tyrant governments end...

I wish it could end differently but many police will find the rest of their lives in prison along with their criminal bosses...

Stay safe Dr. Paul...The world needs good scientific minds like yours...!


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I understand your anger and frustration but we must remain peaceful in WORDS and ACTIONS. It's the only way

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No, this is no longer about science or medical protocols...This fight is for the very freedom of every Canadian...

Hob-nobbling with elements of the oppression (police) does not secure a place for freedom loving people...The police are not the friends of the Canadians...Except for a few who are not cowards and walked away...One high ranking officer which has just been arrested...!

When you try to maintain freedom, you must choose sides...There's no excuses...!

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There is a time for everything. I agree that this is the time to remain peaceful in words and action. Dr. Alexander is projecting peace not hostility. It will work.

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This is illegal and unconstitutional.

There is a reason they covered their names & badge numbers.

They took a pledge they are now breaking. Each officer has a choice.

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The more they do this, they more they will become desensitized to it. Sick. This was a turning point. It could have ended TODAY.

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It could have ended 3 weeks ago! Residents could’ve had peace and businesses could have opened but truckers parked illegally all month terrorizing residents with blasting decibel honks ! Cops are doing job to serve n protect community and keep law n order! They are not brainwashed and wouldn’t bow to u ! You all sound so brainwashed! Your not awake but paranoid .. cultlike thinking u have the knowledge others don’t! Gnosticism .. more feuded than most! FYI u can never ever ever go anywhere park yr dang truck or car or bike in middle of road and say I’m protesting n think you will be listened too. Maybe if they would’ve moved trucks n not block traffic. Stop honking then maybe they would’ve been listened to! But rebellion n lawlessness ruled the camp!

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Hi Paul, I continue to stand firm with you and our many friends and colleagues who have seen this coming for a very long time. We saw this coming because we actually did follow the science. At this point, anyone who is not actively contributing to taking back our freedoms is complicit and, therefore, part of the problem. I have no more patience for those who choose to cower while our once-great democracy is being destroyed. Keep up the great work.

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Dr. Bridle, I deeply appreciate the stand you took against the lies and misinformation. Thanks for warning us about what is coming.

I agree with you 100%. If the police rebelled, this nightmare assault on human rights would end. Instead, fearful of their unemployment, they are doing the bidding of totalitarians. There is absolutely nothing decent about the men willing to trample others' freedoms for a paycheck.

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Dr. Alexander,

It is a dark day in Canada. One way that people can peacefully show support for the Ottawa Civil Rights protesters is at the one week anniversary Friday, February 25th from 6PM to Midnight -- lights out in homes and businesses that support the protesters. It is a form of speaking up and not remaining silent.

Will you help spread this? Will everyone reading this help spread this? Can we make it go viral?

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The very big machine has shifted gears in lock step and the reasons are many and one, money. US social security goes bust 2026 or so, and the Cabal is doing a 'dine and dash' on our retirement, but instead of just leaving the restaurant they are killing as many inside it as possible...can you hear the cha-ching, the more of us die early? So please be safe and know that I am thinking for you and drinking to you...best from Oregon Dr A

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By the way, obviously the blame lies with Trudeau & the others acting for the WEF in ushering in the Great Reset.

But their power was mediated by the police & I do blame them. They should have declined to follow their illegal orders.

You wouldn’t have done it & neither would I.

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Yes but as we have seen you are a rarity.. Most people are too terrified of losing their jobs or having an uncomfortable atmosphere with others. I know as I spoke up against vaccines to friends and the subtle chill afterwards was palpable. People have been trained since school to be compliant and obedient to authority figures and the media has always equated anyone questioning vaccine safety with lunatics, flat earthers, broke hippies and nut jobs. So sadly all these elements have conspired to make this situation where people know they are doing wrong but do it anyway as the personal cost is too high. Let's also not forget 30 years of safe and effective propaganda... It has well and truly done its job.

I have a lovely meme that says

Nice people made the best nazis.. They could be counted on to back off if conversation got too controversial and to look the other way as their neighbours were dragged off. People don't believe it will ever happen to them.

I would say the people willing to risk and stand up are maybe 20 percent, some in the middle know its wrong but will go along to get along and some really believe the protestors are just inconveniencing everyone for no good reason. People are moving position. But slowly. Awakening is a long process.

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This is no longer about science or medical protocols...This fight is for the very freedom of every Canadian...

Hob-nobbling with elements of the oppression (police) does not secure a place for a freedom loving people...The police are not the friends of the Canadians...Except for a few who are not cowards and did indeed walk away...One high ranking officer has just been arrested...!

When citizens try to maintain freedom, especially if it is done peacefully, you must choose sides...There's no excuses about just following orders...!

There are important choices everyone must make...Freedom or tyranny...There is no in between...There cannot be any excuses...There is simply to much at stake...The police have made a choice and can never serve in that capacity ever again...They are true traitors...

Praying for Dr. Alexanders safety...!

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Well done Dr Alexander but the Third Reich was facilitated by just such “good people doing their jobs” to such an extent that many were tried in Nuremberg on just the same grounds. Justin Trudeau has usurped power, overturned freedom for so long that he believes its his right to do so… and everyone “just doing their jobs” is an accomplice!

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Smart wording. I am more radical in my stance with the order takers. If enough said no we would not be in this position. I know I am not on ground and front line like you. So I understand your message. Stay safe and thank you for all you have done and are doing for humanity ❤️

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