That is terrible. Money must follow the student. There is no discipline in school and some parents don't discipline at home. No morals.

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Absolutely atrocious. No one should experience this in a classroom. We must be tough on crime from the start. That is why we continue to fail each other and our country is at risk each day. Schools. Stores. Homes. We are in constant danger. The Prosecutors must punish ALL the crimes- the 1st time they occur, not the 31st time.

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I live in central Illinois. Our public schools have failed to keep the children safe for many years now. The central issue is that kids literally have to murder someone to be jailed in our county. In neighboring counties with more Justice-minded juvenile court/detention procedures, action have consequences. The law is for the lawless, we cannot forget this. These issues can often be addressed at a local level.

A girl recently stabbed a boy to death and is receiving between 27-90 years. She was likely “protecting herself” in a strange way too - so incredibly sad for all involved. On lesser accounts than murder our cops hands are tied, they can arrest the perpetrator only to have them released within hours as the violent youth didn’t make points (which reset very quickly). Basically, kids are above the law. They know it. The gangs know it. They prey upon them. It works. Give a 14 y/o a gun and he feels powerful.

They’ve been trained to take what they want, when they want. Race is always top of mind because it’s always a racial issue (never personal accountability). It’s all pretty discouraging really... As with all things, I would encourage each reader of this Substack to simply “be the change” in their part of the world. We love the unlovable. Don’t allow the orphan/widow to be marginalized on our clock. Evil prevails when good men standby cowardly. The power of ONE is a real thing!

We can’t individually fix all the problems of the world at once... but the Kingdom of Peace is on the move as it has been since Jesus inaugurated it. Change your mind, believe you were born at this time for a reason and take on something bigger than yourself with the help of the your Heavenly Father who lives within you.

Stand up for goodness sake with a sense of moral courage for what is good and right; not worried about public opinion or your personal benefits... trusting in the faithfulness of our Abba to provide. We must show the next generation what courage in the face of adversity looks like. The last three years has been an experiment in what our world looks like when we cower to the bully.

Our children are worth it... whatever it is. Be bold, be courageous, be loving, be fearless, be empowered by the power of an endless life. Love casts out fear and we need some fearless leaders to face down our current Goliaths.

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But they wore masks. Aren’t those magic protection devices?

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One of the easiest ways to stop this madness would be to make it illegal for politicians, teachers, and school administrators to send their children to private schools. That wouldn't solve the larger problem, but it would be a start.

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There will always be these unhinged aggressors. The problem lies with the now forlorn crowd who used to moderate them. It will take considerable time and focused effort to undo the damage and weaponization inflicted by the woke architects of the CRT movement. Our youth as a whole has been robbed of their moral compass. Standing in for the underdog used to be a matter of pride and honour in my school days.

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"Kids" these days are so prone and encouraged towards violence. Society has failed everyone, especially our children. Schools are out of control. This is a terrible incident and that kid could end up with brain damage or dead...and then both lives would be forever altered. With that said, when I was in high school in the 80's, you could easily get into a similar fight by calling some kids mom a Ho.

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I didn’t watch the video. Can’t take much more. Signed the petition. 😢

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This hurt my heart so much. All I can do is cry

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When I was in grade school, boys fought after school. We were surrounded by our friends, respectively, and as soon as someone had exerted dominance, it was broken up. Barbaric? Sure, but nature hates weakness, and given other nations and groups go to war periodically, good to have a few men on your team unafraid to fight hand to hand when needed.

I took some punches, landed a few. Can count the number of fights on one hand, and I remember them all. The girls were not invited to watch, as they tended to run for the teacher, or get in the way. No one had cell phones, everyone was actively involved in policing a fair fight. Memory is, these were brutal but honorable. Like male animals, rutting. Nature at its purest, the guy who won usually had the most girlfriends.

Sad the kid had a seizure, and this should not have been held in the classroom, but I am pretty happy to see there are some white kids still ready to throw a punch, instead of becoming a black girl's punching bag (much more common in schools).

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This has always happened in some public schools, but I suspect lockdowns caused more anti-social behavior. It's the family structure that is systematically being destroyed, and the mental health system in the country cannot support the weight of it all.

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Low cholesterol levels in the brain have been found, in many studies such as the one below, to significantly increase levels of violence:

Study: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

More Info: https://evolutionaryhealthplan.info/#_Ref9773134

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NO NO NO. You don’t run from this. You hunt down the punk that did this and make him a vegetable and soon enough it will stop. Other punks will know that they will get hunted. I’m damn serious. Stop running and take back our schools for the good kids.

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the "upper class" hate "public education", they associate it with the end of "chattel slavery", which they morn.. long for the "freedom" to enslave "the poor"..

"..postwar political economy of the former Confederate States ..establishing public education in the South for the first time, the founding of charitable institutions to care for all citizens, the extension of the vote to the landless whites, and investment in public infrastructure..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Reconstruction

"..Libertarianism ..Phony Ideology ..Promote a Corporate Agenda..": http://www.alternet.org/visions/true-history-libertarianism-america-phony-ideology-promote-corporate-agenda

"..captured ..Libertarian ..had been ..word for left-wing anarchist..": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of-wJQfaUhE

"..Libertarianism ..Neoliberal Austerity You ..Hate ..But Worse..": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTZDrVN3Shc

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Must not allow government tentacles to follow that money! Be aware!

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was this in America? could not understand the language. where was this? this needs to stop and WE need to make a stand. There is a spiritual war going on right in front of us and the children are the ones suffering.

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