We shouldn't want Biden to drop out if we want a landslide win for Trump, that extends to the House and Senate.

The question is, however, should we root for Dems to nominate Biden electronically starting next week?

If not, and Biden doesn't step down, then there could be chaos at the August convention.

As long as Biden ends up victorious, that would be the best outcome.

Their Convention would be mostly infighting, instead of uniting against the Republicans.

But there is risk of the MI or CA Governors winning, which would be bad news.

At least if Biden was nominated electronically, then as long as he didn't agree to step down, we could guarantee that Trump would end up debating Biden again, and Biden being the easy to beat nominee.

However, even without the electronic nomination, I don't see how the majority of delegates could ignore the millions of votes cast already for Biden.

In a separate note, remember what DeSanits said and Trump loved:

DEI stands for "Division, Exclusion and Indoctrination"

Also loved to hear that Dr Jill Biden takes her husband to work, just Sarah Huckabee Sanders takes her little boy to work.

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This is a very good post.

It's good to see that you've realized how wrong you were to assert, when you were pushing for DeSantis to be the nominee, that Trump can't win against Biden.

Polls actually showed that DeSantis could not win against Biden whereas Trump could crush him in a landslide.

It's interesting that Robert Malone, currently on a boat cruising around the Greek Islands supported DeSantis for VP, despite JD Vance apparently being a backer of the Malone mRNA platform.

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Vance support mRNA Malone not good combination. Haven't enough people been harmed or killed already. Does he also back Bayer Monsanto? That could be a huge problem especially worlds largest collection of venoms patents.

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I don't know the answer to your question Janet. I know Vance is also backing adeno-associated viral vector gene therapy development. I only recently discovered that and also subsequently that he is backing the Malone mRNA platform. I don't know where he stands with regard to Bayer Monsanto. Vance's rise to the VP spot has been widely reported to have been bankrolled by Peter Theil who is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. If not for Thiel, General Flynn might have been selected, perhaps. Vance has got to be better than Kamala Harris. Also, Vance will have ready access to WEF expertise if that's of any consolation.

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My sense is that Vance was invested in biotech "vaccines" because it was a hot market and he may have believed it had medical value. I hope he's recognized the destruction it has caused and has re-evaluated his priorities.

I also suspect he may also have been drawn to biotech investment through his wife, as it at least superficially appears that Indians, many of whom like Vivek Ramaswamy are intelligent, success-oriented, and excessively social climbing from childhood influence by their immigrant parents, are overrepresented in biotech.

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Hi Awake, I guess Vance is OK. It's not about the quality of the individual, anymore. It's about the electiabilty of the person.

Be that as it may, sister we are stuck with the NWO,Vance is better than.the rest.

Perhaps we should look at why we are stuck with a bunch of global beauracts running our lives.

Even better why wea are voting for someone to represent us to the WEF.

We may not.like the answer.

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Thank you for the knowledge and response. Interesting. Understanding the human cancer environmental factors mostly a few are genetic.

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DeSantis would be easily beating Biden, if Trump got behind Ron.

It is DeSantis who got Trump to start being anti-Woke and actually using that word. Trump loved DeSantis' lines and hopefully will start taking DEI more seriously as a threat.

One of the reasons I supported JD Vance and why the media is wrong to say that Vance will automatically be the Republican nominee in 2028, is that DeSantis is 10 times more experienced than Vance and will be running full time as soon as he leaves FL Gov. office in 2 yrs.

Vance is a good VP choice and will be a good Yes Man for Trump, but DeSantis has been MAGA since 2016. If Trump just stays neutral, DeSantis would beat Vance.

And BTW, I read that Rubio was supposed to get the nomination, but they couldn't get around the FL residency issue - someone would have had to establish residency elsewhere.

I supported Rubio in 2016 and although Rubio of 2024 is more experienced, I'd still prefer Ron as next POTUS over Marco. However, if Rubio was the VP choice, it would have been much harder for DeSantis to justify running in 2028.

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DeSantis definitely appears likely to have a good chance next time and is vastly superior to Vance or Rubio. However, Ted Cruz would be a better choice.

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I haven't seen much mention yet, but JD Vance's wife is a Yale law grad and would be the 1st First or Second Lady of Indian Ancestry.

That tells a lot about a person's character (Vance can't be bigot) and potentially could result in hundreds of thousands of additional Asian voters to leave the Democrat (its NOT Democratic) Party.

Note that that black speaker, who lost her son to gang violence, instinctively said Democratic Party. We have to turn that around.

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I have observed that Indians, at least in the Northeast, are themselves extremely bigoted and very concerned with differentiating themselves from blacks while benefitting from social and financial programs originally designed as affirmative action (DEI) schemes for blacks.

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Fiji is a good case study.

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I'll look that up.

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Jul 17Edited

Guys like this are "Dupe Shepards" , they guide the dumb kids , women and everyone who considers themselves in a special category above all others ,in their thinking. Guys like this need to be branded with a name like that to erode their status and expose their greasy intentions.

Recently I heard someone say that : Communists and liberals are the same, but communists know the evil plan and liberals do not. The dastardly and their dupes.

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Let the demented team stay their course if that is their will. They should also consider the side effects of the demands of the position. Can the body withstand the rigorous demands of meetings, travel, planning, speaking, etc. Once the transmission gears or teeth start coming apart or getting stuck and lock up the engine or go power of the cells along with the mitochondria, cells, ATP. By some of the posture suspect heavy metal poisoning and a few other environmental toxicants. Some of the damage may be reversable but that smile with a mean disposition may not be helped at all with a steady or rapid decline in function of the whole system unit.

Who will the Demorats pick for their party nominee? Will the person be sustainable in life system unit function longer than a day or for the four years? The inner turmoil of confusion, conflict, or strife while trying to paint Trump as evil. Putting others down is not fashionable or doable in my view. It's an insane attack on an induvial instead of a party of idea that is a personal attack. Please take Grusome Nwsome out of CA the man is not good.

God save and protect Trump family friends and people who support him.

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I read last week a possible scenario that Biden may be left in, they'll nominate Barack as VP. Then steal the election with illegals voting. Late January 2025 Biden steps aside and Barack becomes president through succession. The article said there was nothing in the constitution to prevent this as it would be succession rather than election. The 2 consecutive terms Barack had before wouldn't matter. We know Barack is running the show with his shadow 3rd term now. A fourth term would allow him to finish destroying America. Scary times.

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I rarely disagree with Dr. Alexander but on this I disagree.

Whether the Democrats nominate Joey Potatoes or an actual Mr. Potato Head, the Democrat nominee is of no matter, since whomever it is only serves as a surrogate for the Obama cell of the Democrat establishment.

Since I very much want the complete defeat of the Democrat Party and an utter repudiation of the policies of mass illegal immigration, soul-destroying inflation and WOKE theology, I want Biden to run. As any decent 4th grader knows, there are no do-overs.

They brought him to this party at Bernie’s, and they must dance with him until they are all d-e-a-d (metaphorically speaking, of course, and naturally.)

Besides which the legalities involved with switching horses mid-stream are immense, not that Democrats care anything about legalities, but still.

The Democrats are the party of the damned and the doomed, and they must remain chained to the dementia riddled empty suit. No do-overs, no take-backs.

The beatings will continue until morale improves, Democrats. It is the season of reaping what you have sown.


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I've always considered Tom Friedman to be a sniveling pseudointellectual. He never fails to confirm that for me.

Reading his essay here, I see he has no grasp of reality whatsoever.

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Ok, Biden shit the bed... again. But, you democrats made that bed. So, lie in it.

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Snap! 👏

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I don't think they can get rid of Biden because Jill has dirt on so many people.

It would be cool to see Kamala run the show for the next few months though.

Then replace her with Big Mike and some nobody for the election.

Maybe Big Mike & Jill.

That would make the election tons of fun !

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The Trans and the Sofa Slipcovers.

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What drivel! This economy for lack of another word, SUCKS! It has since poppy pants took office with his out of control spending! Where the hell does he think this out of site inflation is from? Not TRUMP BUT FROM BIDENS ACTIONS, ALL OF THEM. LET US TALK LIES, WHAT IN THIS ECONOMY HAS FAILED, FOOD PRICES THROUGH THE ROOF, GAS PRICES THROUGH THE ROOF, PEOPLE TAKING HOME MUCH LESS IN THEIR WALLETS BECAUSE THESE DEMONCRATS CANNOT STOP SPENDING. BIDEN SELLING OUR STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES TO OUR ENEMY, REALLY! Job growth, really why aren’t the 9 million people that lost their jobs throughout COVID hoax not counted in job growth, they still do not have jobs! Biden decimated the middle class with COVID crap, shutting down all mom and pop stores and restaurants but left the huge stores that support Biden open, but that’s okay? Really! Biden has been a disgrace as ?president, more like puppet. He has tried and almost succeeded in bringing us to our knees with open borders and unvetted TERRORISTS GROUPS PILING IN, PUTTING OUR CHILDREN AT RISK TO VIOLENCE AND DEATH. HE BROKE HIS OATH TO PROTECT THE BORDERS, HE COMPLETELY DISREGARDED OUR CONSTITUTION TIME AND TIME AGAIN, HE MADE UP HIS OWN LAWS THAT ARE ILLEGAL, MANDATED SHOTS AND MASKS THAT WERE EUA! That is the man that needs to go away in SHAME.

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Good point! It is time for Mr. Biden to retire to a nursing home, not the White House.

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