Totally agree; Don’t believe Biden has Covid - they are setting up the story - to ditch Biden

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Why don't they give up that COVID hoax already? That's their go to (cold virus) illness when all else fails. Miss VP's husband has a cold, too.

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you would think...its a hoax

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They lie so easily because their base believes every lie they tell- they think the whole country is as stupid as the own.

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Right :-)

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This was the Deep State. They missed Trump but a good man was murdered and two critically injured. This alone is premeditated murder and every single person involved should be tried and if convicted, executed. NO EXCEPTIONS.

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boom, good man killed, 2 good men harmed badly...one King nearly killed...we will get our repayment legal. we will use justice etc. law, legal, tried and convicted

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Not buying it either. It’s Jill behind this lie. Joe has C~19 is a lie. This is so we, the American people, don’t watch this corpse that they say is running the country again make a fool of himself. I have many thoughts on who really is. But this I know, JILL IS COMPLICIT!!!!

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Biden has ruined his own Safe and Effective Vaccine method. If that vaccine worked he shouldn’t have got Covid. However I saw him get two shots. Bet a million dollars they were Normal Saline injections . Creep!

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they are working overtime tonight to find a way to get him out...he wants it too...

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Is this the 3rd or 4th time that vaxxed and boosted Joe has had the Election Year Flu?

I’m un vaxxed and the number of times I’ve had the Covid is zero, zip, zilch. I’m a former cancer patient with ruined adrenals because of safe and effective immunotherapy. I’m also a grandparent x 9. Not a spring chicken.

It pays to get your C and D and laugh often. Fortunately with the Marxocrats, the jokes write themselves. 🤣

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When I see President Trump's face at the RNC, he has changed. He has this softer look on his face.

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aged, changed, I agree...

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Yes I can't wait to hear what supertrump has to say...excited.

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Supertrump? I love it. It’s so good I gotta borrow that. lol.

Reminds me of “ into the wild”…. Alexander supertramp. lol.

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Good name for him since we now know he’s bulletproof.

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They might use it as his lame ass excuse for exiting the race. Anyone with an IQ of a bug will know it’s bs.

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well all of a sudden,"Biden" got "covid" in Las Vegas...right after this...

"Biden says ‘medical condition’ could prompt him to drop out ‘if doctors came to me’President Biden said in a new interview that he would consider dropping out if he was diagnosed with a “medical condition” by doctors..."

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ha ha ha...made up shit like the pandemic

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Interview on Tuesday, released on Wednesday. My theory is Jill will let him live, she likes the power she has holding his strings.

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Oh, one question: who are these “good democrats” of which you speak? I am hard-pressed to think of any one that has risen to the ranks of national identity without succumbing to the corruption of the leftist power ideology. Most “good” democrats burn out early on or leave the party before they get to the top. Certainly there is no one that the party elite would allow anywhere near the top without swearing allegiance to the One True Way on a stack of Marxist textbooks.

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I would agree too....but I am being fair...there were and still are...hard to find but yes...some are silent....afraid to show themselves

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I don't like seeing him referred to as King. No King in the USA. No no no no.

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you know what I mean...I dont mean literal KING...but you know...but he is the KING...

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No other president would fit the title King - but with Trump it just seems to fit!!!

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Only one real king & that is the King of Kings & Lord of Lords. Jesus Christ.

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Figure of speech.

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of course

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no eff in KINGS in US...we spilt blood to rid ourselves of the stench of kings. in 1776

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I commented on a similar subject recently where I said that we have literally millions of concealed carriers in this country, all sporting an intense go-ahead-make-my-day squint.

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If they are confronted by danger, they have no choice.

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I suspect,Biden's Mental Detrioration is such, stronger doses of the Drugs to make him lucid for 6 hours, is approaching a dangerous level. So we are seeing this play out until the Election, more Kabuki Theater?

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A meager attempt to be “The Victim”- Meanwhile in Europe, where the globalists are getting their “clocks cleaned” Ursela Von Deleyen. being charged with con spiracy- to defraud the member states by :’ getting in bed with Pfizer and Moderna et al-- Europe is al;ready ahead of us On Dumping The Covid 19 PCR Fraud which has maimed and killed so many She will join the “Popularity contest of Klaus Schwab ( a fucking nazi rat bastard) in popularity -- I.M.O THE are gonnaa toss her ass out of the Leadership and will. replace her- (the cat is outta da bag)

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They'll never give up the Convid b.s. It has multi-purpose uses, though .... it's a good excuse for keeping him out of the limelight while simultaneously attention- and sympathy-seeking.

"Yeah, Trump was almost murdered, but look at *me*! ... I'm sick from the eternal pandemic!"

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But they’re chomping at the bit to get Avian flu scaring us

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Yes, there's always a contingency plan!

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

As to "" Who ordered the shot on Trump? " - interesting post , Paul, from Igor Chudov....nothing definitive, but certainly relevant:


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Definitely suspicious. Thanks, OTJ! I hope sunlight will expose the cockroaches behind this.

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I hope, also....but not counting on it.

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I’m surprised they didn’t say he has bird flu vs the old Covid excuse.

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