You are right about the outcome of the elections. If you look at the recent Canadian federal elections and also at the first round of the French Presidential elections, the majority went to the candidates who applied the harshest vaccine mandates. The vaccinated won’t never back down. They want vaccine passports and masks. These people are the boomers who have been the first to line-up in front of the vaccination centres and who ask for more. Trudeau has been voted by the urban Liberals from the Greater Toronto Area as well as Vancouver and Macron by the urban Liberals from Paris.

The weirdest is people who have suffered the most from the lockdowns and confinements are the same people who voted for the politicians who did impose these harsh restrictions.

It shows how fear is a big motivation in the voting decision. This is why we are constantly under this insane avalanche of news about the contagiousness of the next variants.

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Yes, I was just saying this to my hubby the other day! The Boomers are still the biggest demographic in Canada, and they are the most fully vaxxed, masked, brainwashed and fearful of everyone else in the country. They do not represent the views of the rest of the population, but unfortunately, they make a strong showing at the polls at election time.

The media campaigns specifically targeted them and encouraged their fear and compliance. I myself am over 60, and am a lone, sane voice of reason, amongst my friends, and they refuse to listen to me!

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I pray not. My youngest has worked very hard toward a goal for five years at her school. All the traditions that she's been waiting for and watch her older siblings enjoy. She will not be able to live out what she worked so hard for if schools switch to online. She's already lost enough of her childhood. The story of so many kids. Let our kids shine in the way they are supposed to.

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Plandemic is planned till at least 2025. They are not hiding it

“For the Greater Good”: Shanghai COVID Atrocities Foreshadow Things To Come

China is signalling the next stage of the plandemic PSYOP


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Ugh, I hoped that that was only an idle far-fetched thought of mine

Wuhan premonitions all over again.

As you say on your Substack Lioness, the Evil ones do give us advance notice.

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Food shortages will devastate and leave many countries in chaos. Its being done on purpose.

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The entire Evil PSYOP is done on purpose. They've told us the truth years in advance. Humanity is The Virus they are trying to eliminate, as many as "useless eaters" as possible. They are paving the way for a one world government and a one world leader

The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation


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You said it better than me. Any ideas on survival? My thinking is if you can make it thru the mass murders of the first 3 to 4 years, the elite will find they cant keep a system running to support them........

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Their goal is to destroy the current system to usher in a new order of the ages. What is happening now was predicted in the Bible thousands of years ago. We are in the Days of Noah, the final kingdom of man.

" Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces." - Daniel 7:23

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (D. Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, UN)


When nations reject God, they get three things: Rulers who hate them: Psalms. 106:35-42, Laws that enslave them: Ezekiel 20:24-25, Rights taken from them: Isaiah. 5:20, 23, 24

This wicked world run by the devil and his minions is perishing and we are nearing The Great Tribulation. The REAL New World Order will start with Millennial reign of Christ here in earth

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." - Romans 10:13

The time to turn to Him is NOW

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Agree. I can smell it! Our local school system rolled out online learning as option for k-12 this coming fall, after dropping it last fall despite parents asking for them to extend. They're getting guidance from the union and higher officials because they don't make a move without that.

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one has to sue the HELL OUT OF THESE CRIMINALS! Please stop panicking, start ACTING FINALLY. COWARDS are NOT needed any more ON THIS PLANET which belongs to HUMANS, and NOT TO REPTILES!

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022


And find all the like minded in your area. When it hits the fan (- and ooh yes, it will! ) you will need your local like-minded community to come together....

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They are planning something , but I don't think we'll get Shanghai'd. Too many guns, we wouldn't tolerate being starved.

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thank God for the 2nd

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LIVE WORLD PREMIERE: WATCH THE WATER Stew Peters - people are dying from venom poisoning https://rumble.com/v10mnew-live-world-premiere-watch-the-water.html

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Organize with McCullough, Malone, Egor, Rose, and start building a Proof of Concept dataset on blood clotting & Immune System destruction (VAIDS) on an organize blood bank of our population.

Vaxxed & UnVaxxed.

Covid Natural Immunity & Pureblood's.

You have got to SCARE the psychosis sheeple out of their Brainwashed condition.

Then go on a TV media tour to get this bad news decimated by saturation.

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Keep showing the truth, the shouts of Shanghai. This will not happen here.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 12, 2022

They have merely retrenched while giving us a 'breather', literally and figuratively, from their tyranny. They want people to let down their guard. It's a common tactic among predators. Remember, they have all the money and resources. They're going to try to starve us out next. The propaganda against the unvaxxed will be stepped up. Honestly, they may look stupid sometimes but they aren't. They know about human psychology, our limits, our weaknesses and we're being primed for the next onslaught of sociopathic measures to control and exhaust us. We'll see how humanity endures. It will be driven by how much we love our children.

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General Alexander... your efforts are inspiring. You tell it like it is and you connect the dots very well. Truckers to Sacramento... that will be awesome! Circle the Capitol and rattle the windows!

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where are the truckers?

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Comon ... not only that but Joe "I am not socialist because I am totalitarian " Biden is signing a treaty next month to allow the WHO to take over the US with UN troops.

Dont be a Trump, see it coming already!

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Rise up, resist, become ungovernable....do not let them get away with this insanity

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Omicron sure has a strange origin, fork off the original strain, like it was kept in a refrigerator somewhere for over a year before being released. They're going to need a new variant 'of concern' to scare everyone with before they can re-introduce lockdowns. Only a small group of people who could produce such a variant, more deadly and more infectious than Omicron, who also just happen to be the same people who could face legal trouble with the demise of the Democrats in the next election.

One thing I'm sure will help, the US must be forced to release the data based on vaccination status. All this bitching and moaning about RCTs being the only real science meanwhile we have the perfect ongoing massive trial with a control group from day 1, the unvaccinated. And only the CDC has all the data, locked up, for their eyes only. It's outrageous. And must stop!

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Science is ignored, and lawsuits while important take too long. We cannot and should not wait until November to initiate change. I feel the efforts of educating law enforcement on protecting the Constitution - https://cspoa.org and exposing lawmakers for making and passing laws that have hurt us, and making them responsible for righting the wrongs is absolutely necessary. Please see my post here about acting on this now: https://leemuller.substack.com/p/focus-on-forward-the-righting-the

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