G’day .. Israel ...??!!?!!?

What actually is it ????

It came into being and it’s manufacture was as we are tolda by product of WW1 and WW2. We are told that the German nation had an imminent victory and had won the First World War.

The British government was approached by the American based zionists (the usual suspects of global finance).

The British were offered a victory as the WW1 aggressions were around 2 years of duration.. thd Zionists offered Britain victory against Germany-and they made an offer to the that British could not refuse.

All they asked for was that British would guarantee the formation of a new state where Palestine.apparently had existed for a very long time and earlier the territory was known as Judea..

( this is the picture that was historically recognised).

All that the British government needed to do was use their military strength to enforce the invasion and subjugation of the people that had historically been the residents of Palestine. ( Judea)..!

It was a very easy objective because the Palestinian people (an example of the real and original semites).. were to be thrown out of their farms and homes and the state of Israel was to be created on the Palestinian property.

Historically the letters from a Lord Rothschild in a document known as the the Balfour (agreement?) outlined the gifting of Palestine to lord Rothschild ..!

And the Zionists in the US corporation engineered the entrance of the United Stared military into WW1 and caused Britain to finally have a victory against Germany..

So Lord Rothschild was to be gifted Palestine and Britain “won” the First World War . ( the deal )!

In 1948 ?.. the British Zionists took control of Palestine ..and the Palestinian people have been prisoners in their own land..

What does that say about the actual entity we have called Israel?

I came across a breakdown of the word Israel ..

It said it was an amalgamation of ISIS .. RA ... and EL ..

These words go back to ancient Egypt and beyond.

And the Zionists that are the Khazarians ended up being confronted by Russia and the surrounding territories.

The Khazars were told if you don’t stop your criminal behaviours we will take you down!

The Khazars were at this time (around1000 AD)...

living in what has been called Ukraine.

The Khazarians were told you must adopt an abrahamic religion and they decided to adopt the jewish religion.

So when h to hey say when criticised that you are antisemetic they don’t know their own history ..

And who promised the promised land to who ?

I think that the corporations promised themselves the big mines in North Carolina and of course the lands have been emptied.

And they do not in any way care about the godly people living there.

Promised lands?

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There have long been proposals for alternative, or additional, Jewish homelands to Israel. One such proposed location is the United States of America.

Apart from First Nations people, nobody has a greater claim to the USA, historically, than the Jewish people.

DNA evidence indicates that Christopher Columbus was Jewish!

Let the implications of that discovery sink in! If not for the Jewish people, America would not even exist!

Furthermore, proposals for the creation of a Jewish state in the USA date to at least the 19th century.

"In 1820, in a precursor to modern Zionism, Mordecai Manuel Noah tried to found a Jewish homeland at Grand Island, New York in the Niagara River, to be called "Ararat" after Mount Ararat, the Biblical resting place of Noah's Ark. He erected a monument at the island which read "Ararat, a City of Refuge for the Jews, founded by Mordecai M. Noah in the Month of Tishri, 5586 (September, 1825) and in the Fiftieth Year of American Independence." In his Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews, Noah proclaimed his faith that the Jews would return and rebuild their ancient homeland. Noah called on America to take the lead in this endeavor. Some have speculated whether Noah's utopian ideas may have influenced Joseph Smith, who founded the Latter Day Saint movement in Upstate New York a few years later."

Noah, Mordecai Manuel (1845) Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews, Delivered at the Tabernacle, October 28 and December 2, 1844 by Mordecai Manuel Noah, New York City: Harpers & Brothers

Christopher Columbus was secretly Jewish, new DNA study reveals. The 15th-century explorer was a Sephardic Jew from western Europe, Spanish DNA experts reveal


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"DNA evidence INDICATES that Christopher Columbus was Jewish!"


“Unfortunately, from a scientific point of view, we can’t really evaluate what was in the documentary because they offered no data from the analysis whatsoever,” Antonio Alonso, a geneticist and former director of Spain’s National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences told El País.

“My conclusion is that the documentary never shows Columbus’s DNA and, as scientists, we don’t know what analysis was undertaken.”

Rodrigo Barquera, an expert in archaeogenetics at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, said he was surprised the findings had been shared without prior scrutiny from others in the scientific community.

“Normally, you send your article to a scientific journal,” he told El País. “An editor is then assigned to the piece and at least three independent reviewers examine the work and decide whether it’s scientifically valid or not. If it is, it gets published and so the rest of the scientific community can say whether they agree with it or not. Putting it on the screen, far from that dialogue and with all this media focus gets in the way of the scientific community being able to say something about it.”

Lorente defended his actions to the same newspaper, saying: “Our team and the university have always considered this study into Christopher Columbus and his family as a single, joined-up and inseparable unit, and nothing will be published until the investigation is completed.”

(Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/oct/13/christopher-columbus-was-spanish-and-jewish-documentary-reveals)

What is the real hard evidence that "Columbus" was "Jewish"?

Can you even test exclusively for "Jewishness"?

The US is a state founded upon the delcaration of independence.

I also wouldnt start with Columbus (just my opinion; he is only in the main narrative, which you must always try to eliminate, there were many many people before "Columbus" on North american soil (Pre-Columbian era). It also wasnt just "Columbus" but maybe 150 men on his first voyage and 1200 men on his second voyage, too. All JEWS? Is there scientific evidence? Even if were all "Jewish", what effect does it have if the Spanish empire was under ownership of the Spanish crown?

It similar to arguing we all came from Africa and basically we are "ancestors" of black africans, THEREFORE, Africans should have a claim to the WHOLE WORLD.

"Scientists are sure that Homo sapiens first evolved in Africa, and we know that every person alive today can trace their genetic ancestry to there. It has long been thought that we began in one single east or south African population, which eventually spread into Asia and Europe." (https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/news/2018/july/the-way-we-think-about-the-first-modern-humans-in-africa.html)

"Humans first evolved in Africa, and much of human evolution occurred on that continent. The fossils of early humans who lived between 6 and 2 million years ago come entirely from Africa." (https://humanorigins.si.edu/education/introduction-human-evolution)

So guys. We have DNA tests who say we come from Africa, therefore we are all AFRICANS. And now some Africans living in Africa could CLAIM that the whole world is theirs. See the logic?

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G’day .. yes e we go could ethically claim to own any territory ultimately.

Interesting question!

I remember being challenged on eat a party. Talking to a girl and with a glass of beer in hand ..

A woman walked by and said something derogatory about my presence in her territory .

I said I was from the planet earth.

Where are you from?

Of course in these times we have to consider that we may be of extraterrestrial origins!

And I’ve heard that an even older origin for us “humans” could have manifested in Australia!

Maybe there was a real godly wizard of Oz..

Ha ha..!

It is a rather magical universe.


I very much like some Carl Sagans imagery etc.

He had TV series called cosmos and there are some classic scenes in it ..

He is facing the camera and is looking at a freshly baked apple pie..

He says before you can make one of these you have to make one of these.

The one of these he referred to is to create an entire universe and then you can bake your delicious apple pie ..


Origins !!!

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Yes, hope. Hope to resolve thru love. We will rise up from the ashes a phoenix. For I will live for without the breath and the beautiful creation of the whole universe world so expansive we will never know all of it. For out bodies cannot withstand the depths of the oceans that would crush our body and any submersible even submarine even with all the advanced technology that are actually ancient from long ago.

Today I see this mass vaccination in any country as a massive worldwide global genocide via the chemicals via clot shots, glyphosate, nitrogen, things that the Creator did not supply us with. He gave the land, water, air clean and pristine without damage from man made things. The fluoride in the water, to the mustard gas given as chemo therapy to small children to kill not only the disease also the child along with it. DDT is still being found in many places that almost wiped out all population of eagles our national treasure.

To having Israel pollute it's own people to mass murder and keep it secret for 75 years as Pfizer wanted it to be. There was no real infection that couldn't of been treated with years old remedies but we must have the newest and greatest man made things that kill even further. I am beginning to question is this the original sin of man. The only effectiveness of this alleged vaccine as they call it, bioweapon, for it has no have effectiveness against anything, fake PCR testing. The aluminum will create a reaction at the injection site. Is this supposed to give the body the alleged effectiveness to nothing. Has Israel become negative energy dooming itself to extinction with the Hazi mentality.

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" ... Give your shoulder for the vaccine, give your support for the lockdown ..."

Truly inspirational words. What number booster is Bibi on now?

Netanyahu receives second dose of Pfizer vaccine


Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu Receives Pfizer Vaccine


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Israel has been an inspiration to, and role model for, the world:

"Mass vaccination in Israel has produced evidence that the Pfizer vaccine works to stop transmission of the virus, including asymptomatic infections. The vaccination programme has also curbed deaths in the country."

"Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu receives Pfizer vaccine". NBC News. Archived from the original on 2021-06-11. Retrieved 2021-01-13.

Mallapaty, Smriti (2021-02-05). "Vaccines are curbing COVID: Data from Israel show drop in infections". Nature. 590 (7845): 197. Bibcode:2021Natur.590..197M. doi:10.1038/d41586-021-00316-4. PMID 33547434. S2CID 231870052.

Silberman, Eric (2021-03-11). "Pfizer vaccine shows 94% effectiveness against asymptomatic transmission of COVID". ABC News. Archived from the original on 2021-03-11. Retrieved 2021-03-27.

"Pfizer-BioNTech Shot Stops Covid Spread, Israeli Study Shows". Bloomberg News. 2021-02-21. Archived from the original on 2021-06-06. Retrieved 2021-03-27.

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G’day it seems that only the corporate controlled information confirms any benefits..

And the politicians are mostly corporate puppets.

It’s a sad story !

Not to forget that big pharma is a huge corporate global entity that is managed by NGO’s internationally!

These international public private partnerships as they are known were in the past known as fascism..

Strange but true.

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What you say about the politicians, and about fascism, is true Steve. Nowhere is it more true than in America. Americans rank quite low in cross-national mean IQ comparisons. America actually ranks lower than Cambodia, a third world country! Jewish Americans, however, perform far better:

" ... wherever Jews have gone they’ve shown exceptional educational, socioeconomic, and intellectual achievement. The extent of Jewish overachievement Lynn reports is sometimes astounding: ... Perhaps nowhere is Jewish achievement better-highlighted than in America, where they’ve made up less than 3% of the 20th-century population but 62 of 200 Nobel Prize winners for science, literature, and economics, and 32% of Forbes’ 2009 400 richest Americans."


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Hi .. thanks for the statistics..!

I havnt looked from that perspective.

I have heard that the whole education systems and media systems are dumbed down in many many countries.

And .. I see what you mean although I have no information on the Jewish side of this theme.

I have seen it occurring over the past years and if I look at tv or magazines etc they are very lacking in substance.

And I think I would say hey are for surface feeding only and that would be a benign way of saying it’s all gone to hell !

In the USA they have the most toxic food on the planet by the look of it. And all infants are decimated by the mercury in the “ vaccines”.

From the moment they arrive on the planet that are in a war to maintain their god given state of being.

Then there is fluoride in the water of most western countries that is known to cause many neurological problems.

And then add to that assault on health and well being the addition of electromagnetic pollution particularly the so called Wi-Fi contribution that is summed up by the term electrosmog .. !!

And the introduction of gmo and agricultural herbicides and pesticides etc...

I think I would have to ask ;

Do we know what human

potentials actually are ?

One thing for certain is that we can see that there is not a situation where potentials can be realised.

And .. why is that ?

Leaving that all aside I’m sure wondering what the components of the Jewish worlds nutrition is and if they conform to the mainstream components ..?

Ver interesting point .. thanks !

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AwakeNW - Are you at all interested in seeing the many reports of vaccine damage by the mRNA "vaccines?" The Pfizer "vaccine" is an mRNA "vaccine." Suggest you click on the 2 links below.



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This is just so moving!

Dr. Albert Bourla moved the audience with his heartfelt acceptance speech at the Genesis Prize ceremony in Jerusalem in June 2022. The Pfizer Chairman and CEO was honored as the 2022 Genesis Prize Laureate.

Laureate Dr. Albert Bourla's Genesis Prize Acceptance Speech


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The Ai has rewritten bits !

After the North American part I was referring to the South American discovery and the papal take over by the Catholic Church ..

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I hadn’t liked into Christopher Columbus but I obviously have heard of his voyage to the “americas”.

My was he a genetic one or was he s zionist khazarian one? If I ever heard anything about the americas I always heard that it was the Spanish and that they were Roman Catholic by religion...

It’s an interesting point because the American native Indians were famously massacred on a huge scale and that their buffalo food source was almost totally destroyed and an early form of biological warfare was used to commit mass murder through starvation and war ..

Etc ...

And also the same playbook was applied the south a as Mercian Indians. Disease and extermination etc..

I have that the jesuits of the. Catholic Church are the military wing of the pope.

Are the Zionists and jesuits the same entity?

Israel was formed after WW2 because Lord Rothschild somehow was able to push the American government to militarily support England’s war agains t Germany in WW1. England would have lost WW1. Lord Rothschild offered England that victory against Germany if England e we oiled use its military power in Palestine (Judea) to force the Palestinians out of their homes and farms so that Lord Rothschild could form nee state called Israel. The Palestinian people were thrown out by force and we can see what has happened there d sad once the end of WW2.

The Rockefellers “ Jewish bankers “ eventually have gained total control of America. The central bank system is a “ Jewish entity”...!

So maybe Columbus was Jewish because over time since Columbus the “Jewish” bankers have gained control of the banks and the corporations etc...

Those same Jewish” bankers have been involved in the western Ukraine.

Strangely all there is there is a trail of death destruction and misery .

Crazy crazy stuff ..

Was Columbus just a tourist ??

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I wonder who owns this planet ..?

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We need a decentralized health care industry:


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