You are one of the best things that happened to me since the pandemic..... stay strong!!!! I am so lucky I found you...... hope we meet one day...... :)

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Keep bringing it doc! We know truth when we hear it. You show compassion in everything you write. WE HEAR YOU LOUD AND CLEAR!! Thank you for standing firm and fighting the nonstop nonsense.

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You are on my FOREVER HERO list and don't worry about your anger , as that is RIGHTEOUS JUSTICE speaking, as you and all of the good people on the high road SHOULD be and have RIGHTEOUS anger .

We have experienced government leaders LIE , CHEAT and steal our lives. These psychopaths stop at nothing .

You sir are absolutely spot on with your frank posts as the time for diplomatic talk ended months ago. ..

This is WAR and we must fight.

God bless you Dr. Paul Alexander.

Warrior and Canadian and NATO Veteran

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I like your honesty. I read the other substacks like Malone but you stand out as being totally honest and a man who doesn't take crap. We are the same. I have been fighting for the truth here in Australia but there are so many arseholes it is unbelievable. Even in my own family the arseholes stand out. Keep up the good fight Paul. You have many supporters.

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Dr. Paul- THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all that you are doing for the world. I appreciate your fearless honesty and admire you for your bravery and tenacity.

We are lucky to have a warrior like you on our side.

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People smell money and power to be made from this tragedy.

Money from selling remedies and lawsuits. Power to replace the evildoers who will meet their fates on the gallows.

Most of the bad ones wouldn't be here without money and power to be gained.

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Keep it up Dr Alexander and we'll be getting you a cape soon.

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My stress is relieved somewhat and my anger subsides a bit, because you share yours with us, and for the way you write it. Thank you Dr. Alexander for all that you write, and do.

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GODSPEED Dr Alexander!!! The TRUTH only! No matter how hard it is to hear- we need ABSOLUTE TRUTH!

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I’m totally on board Dr.Paul

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I appreciate your bravery and honesty...stay strong!

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Thank you Dr. I appreciate you so much!

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Thank you Dr Paul from me as well. I love your passion for this fight you are in. We all need to stand up and defend this country we all love so much. My daughter and I speak frequently about the destruction of our freedoms that is taking place and we know that we need to do more than talk but are trying to figure out what actions we can take. We know we can’t just stand here and wait to be saved. I never thought that this could happen in our country.

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We need to emphasize with all our might that free speech is our only safeguard against wickedness. Thank you dear doctor, I support your passionate decency 100%. Kudos to you and keep saying what you feel. Everyone has the ability to reply. We need to make censors look like absolute douchebags.

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You are a treasure - and treasured by your readers

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Love what you brought to the table in the name of freedom Paul. We have all benefited from all that you have shared. I am just realizing that tomorrow I am going to my 8th memorial/ funeral tomorrow. 3 just this year and 1 was one of my best friends late last year. Cancer, heart failure and strokes.

I’m sure many others here have similar stories from this time period.

You have helped save lives. God Bless you.

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