Stanley Johnson:

"The UK population ideally should be 10-15million"

Boris Johnson:

"Let's give them (Russia) a fight".

Like the Gates family, the Johnson's also strongly believe in depopulation.

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Feb 17·edited Feb 17

I believe the whole Ukraine war is the results of the thugs and criminals that have control in the Ukraine covering up things like child trafficking and bio weapons manufacturing and Adrenachrome production plants. Because the world MSM lies most of us have not heard of this. It appears Putin will not abide by such things. Think about it.

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RT is saying that Alexey Navalny died of a blood clot. I wonder if he happened to have received a clot shot or boostie boost recently.

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When found guilty hang them high

Then I’m sure Stanley can write a good book to go with his eugenics publications for depopulation

Might even put him back in the jungle with Hancock

Oh no he will be hanging to 🙏

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For UK lawsuit against care homes & hospitals follow mark Steyn

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No shit. We’ve known that forever what Boris Johnson did. Where do you get your news that you are just finding out now.

Also they murdered their elderly during COVID with DRUGS & are in court now for it

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Yep, the demon puppets of the WEF are causing as much depopulation as they can to please their evil masters... since the WEF seems to own our “Injustice Systems”, “Judges”, “Corrupt Governments” & “militaries” worldwide, I think the chance of us ever getting any real justice here on earth is slim & none???

I will never stop doing all I can to fight back & spread truth, etc... but I fear we won’t see any real justice til God judges them!

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Ukrainians were involved in 2020 election as well as J6. Old news, just like BoJo snuffing Peace Deal..

Question remains: who's in charge..?? Langley..?? Or Langley's Control.??

BoJo, Brandon & Zelensky are just The Three Stooges.

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This whole Ukraine War has been a fiasco and totally unnecessary. The flower of Ukraine has been destroyed and for what? To play into an elitist cabals pipe-dream? Time to find an "off ramp" is wayyyy overdue. Convince me otherwise. Pax

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