So I will lay out Hana's exact post and under each question will reply best I can and bold it and italize; I am hoping this addresses questions; good news, Dr. Drew will be interviewed by me Thursday
My concern is Dr Drew saying he’s not a fan of IVM and Hydroxy and pushing Paxlovid on Megan Kelly show . (Corrected my last post.) states his elderly patients are all vaxxed and see no issue. About the 1:20 mark of Megan Kelly October 11 2023 podcast
Equally disgusted by Megan Kelly saying if you’re a college student and forced, just “get a fake card”.
To those of us who lost so much and and have our families lives forever changed by not complying, to hear cowardly elites flippantly endorse compromising ethics and integrity... I lost a ton of respect for Megan Kelly that show. And Drew showed his true colors on his opinion of the vax and/or his respect for the elderly.
I see your point. Realistically if my son or daughter attended a university that said get the shot or get out I’d gladly not screw up their future by arguing and getting them expelled. So yeah, I’d get them a fake card. Because by the time the dickheads running the show are sued and forced to come to their senses it’ll take years. Meanwhile their futures are FUBAR. No bueno. The fake card is not compliance. It’s an end-run.
Hi Dr Alexander, thank you for posting Foster’s responses to Sage’s questions. I have some additional questions. Would you be willing to pass them along?
Hi Foster,
In your letter to TWC, you disclosed that you are a shareholder in Nanobiosym.
This means that you benefit financially from the success of Nanobiosym, correct?
Nanobiosym's products and services page states the following:
We strategically design and implement the next generation of clinical trials leveraging our Nanobiosym Digital Diagnostics Platform for our clients in the pharmaceutical, CRO, and R&D sectors.
Our Gene-RADAR®-based Services include options for building custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics.
There is already an EUA for Nanobiosym's Precision Testing Services for Covid-19 from November 2022. Did you profit from this?
Nanobiosym is backed by venture capital group, the UnReasonable Group, who's investors include Gates Ventures, Microsoft, and Tesla. The Unreasonable Group is also in collaboration with The US State Dept.
How do these relationships affect Nanobiosym?
The Wellness Company doctors are writing about and advertising the next pandemic and how to prepare for it.
Does Nanobiosym have PCR tests for any of the diseases, other than Covid, that are listed in the current PREP Act declaration recent amendment?
From the recent amendment:
"This action has the effect of combining the three previous Declarations into one amended Declaration and makes PREP Act coverage for Ebolavirus countermeasures consistent with PREP Act coverage provided for other health threats, including Marburg, Smallpox, Pandemic Influenza, Anthrax, and Acute Radiation Syndrome and emerging infectious diseases such as COVID–19."
If not, are there any in the pipeline?
As a shareholder in Nanobiosym, an EUA for another Nanobiosym product or service/PCR test for any of the above mentioned diseases would be financially beneficial to you, correct?
Will The Wellness Company be using Nanobiosym products and services on its telemed platform?
Will TWC be using any of the "custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on the Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics, particularly as it relates to the most recent bill introduced in June of this year: H.R.3832 - Disease X Act of 2023?
Can you explain how being a shareholder in this platform is not a conflict of interest?
Here’s some info on H.R.3832, as there seem to be some areas that would be of interest/benefit to Nanobisym:
“(iii) the identification and development of platform manufacturing technologies needed for advanced development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures for viral families which have significant potential to cause a pandemic;
“(iv) advanced research and development of flexible medical countermeasures against priority respiratory virus families and other respiratory viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic, with both pathogen-specific and pathogen-agnostic approaches; and”;
Here’s the information provided on the Nanobiosym website that is pertinent:
We strategically design and implement the next generation of clinical trials leveraging our Nanobiosym Digital Diagnostics Platform for our clients in the pharmaceutical, CRO, and R&D sectors.
Our Gene-RADAR®-based Services include options for building custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics.
For more information or to request a consultation, please contact us at with a description of how we can help you.
Hi Sarah, I have followed your work and I am happy to talk directly to anyone about anything. Please DM me and we can set up a time.
Re Paul’s Substack above - I decided I would not respond to Sage yesterday as the moment I reached out to them, they violently lashed out with another substack about me. You can go look for yourself.
There is enough hate in the world. I have no time for people who act like that.
So again, if you want to have a call, and you genuinely want to understand my companies, my intention, and the reason why I am doing this. I will tell you everything. But let’s do it respectfully.
Hi, Mr. Coulson: Why not discuss your companies and intentions publicly, here on Substack? Many of us are sincerely interested and confused by what appear to be contradictions with the honest goals of The Wellness Company.
Question regarding an accusation you made in your reply to Sarah: How is it possible to "violently lash out" with a substack? (Something you accuse Sage of doing) Words are the tools of non-violent truth-seekers.
Hi Taylor, Happy too. I am in the middle of booking media appearances in order to discuss what people are saying so that I may address it publicly.
In my comment to Sarah, the intention was to interview me and post it. My holding structure of my companies is complex, this is because I have the foresight to protect myself and my companies from attacks.
Re my comment above about Sage. I implore you to go read it and you can form your own opinions.
Thank you for your reply, Foster. Good to know you intend your interview with Sarah to be made public on Substack. That was unclear in your public invitation to have a private conversation with her. I trust her excellent scholarship and judgment.
With respect to you supplication that I read what Sage has posted that "violently lashed out" at you, I'm afraid I missed that. Accordingly, I likewise "implore" you to provide a link so we're all clear on what has offended you.
Mr. Torma: I'm afraid I must have missed the invocations of violence you refer to in the substack you accuse of conducting a "concerted hate on campaign." A link would be deeply and sincerely appreciated.
I'm always the first to admit if I'm in error. Please help me understand your admonishment.
My questions are posted above, on Sage’s Substack, and in a separate post on my own Substack. I am happy to receive and discuss your feedback here, or on any of the aforementioned comment spaces.
There is not a DM option on Substack and I am not interested in having a private conversation, as these are publicly relevant issues.
I know you are busy booking media appearances in order to address this publicly, perhaps this can save you a step. Many are looking forward to your candid responses and will appreciate hearing from you.
Foster Coulson - Please state your position on DEI, ESG, and SDG’s:
“Equitability and inclusion are critical to The Wellness Groups success. As a Wellness Product Company, changing the health business landscape, we know a diverse, inclusive work culture is at the heart of attracting, retaining, and celebrating the industry's most talented people. We empower our employees to bring their whole selves to work because we know that diversity of skills, experience, and perspective drive innovation and is simply good business.
As a strong proponent of diversity, equitability, and inclusion, The Wellness Company is committed to hiring diverse candidates from all backgrounds. We invite you to apply to become part of the team– help us change the health industries landscape and make a dent in the wellness universe”
I am 100% committed to finding the best person for the job. I only hire based on talent and who is prepared to put in long hours, every day, because that’s what it’s going to take to build a parallel system and take on big pharma. Anything less than that and we will fail.
So honestly, I could care less about all those acronyms. If you feel it’s best to have them come off our site, I am happy to ask about removing them. I haven’t probably even looked at it since the day it went up in 2020. 🤷
Interesting, the leader of an alleged medical freedom organization says "I could care less about those acronyms." Without answering my question, you delivered profoundly.
Stances “evolving” based on public backlash give me little confidence. just telling people what they want to hear so that their employment and investments and positions stay financially lucrative. I loved how Dr Drew carefully and slowly enunciated “Paxlovid” while he endorsed!!!! it and knocked IVM and HXdroxy only 3 months ago!!!!
When he then affiliated with TWC, it made me lose any confidence in TWC.
You will know them by their fruits. Right now, the fruit of the Drew tree needs substantial tending, for sure. I am always skeptical of those who repent so LATE in the day.
Hi Matt. I believe there was a virus manufactured for the purpose of creating fear in order to try and control a population during a pivotal moment in history. I also believe that manufactured fear based event was to introduce MRNA technology into the market, which we all know how that is playing out now, sadly. Something TWC is trying to help solve.
We live in a world today where people can and are making up stories and lies and spin them as facts and ‘journalism’. Think about this; that NO different than people saying the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ with showing no clinical trial data behind that claim?
That’s a great response and I agree with you 100% but you didn’t answer the question. Do you believe there was a public health emergency covid pandemic? The world is ready for clarity and courage. Paul isn’t afraid. What say you?
If we can all have courage and agree there was never a pandemic I believe it’s pretty easy to prove it. If we do prove it everything else collapses. Masks, social distancing, lockdowns, “vaccine” bioweapons, etc., it all comes crashing down and we probably will prevent the next fake pandemic. The world is ready and waiting for clarity and courage. I lost a beloved 20 year job because I never bent the knee and I spoke the truth. I lost most of my family because few would stand with me. My kids were harassed at school. I was a plaintiff in two lawsuits against KY’s governor and Fauci, et al, with Dr Pam Popper and Dr Simone Gold. But I am just a humble carpenter fighting in my spare time for my kids’ futures. We need people like you and the rest of the movement to stand with guys like me and Paul and Dr Rancourt and Dr Yeadon and so many others and tell the whole truth about what was done. There was never a pandemic and I am not afraid!
Similar things happened to me. I think we all have a story about our kids at school, our families, the fracturing that happened. I have horror stories of things people and the government have done to me because I stood up.
Was this a pandemic; Technically it was because the government made it into one, but in reality it was not.
I have put everything into this and given up more than people can understand to do this. I am both feet in and I’ll fight as hard and long as it takes.
In discussions that veer towards questions and answers that make people uncomfortable because they don't want to think that 'public servants' and 'elected officials' would ever do something purposely evil, I confront them with the axiom: "Anyone who has no issue allowing the actual dismemberment of unborn children in their mother's womb, or the chemical burning/killing of them, or the forced expulsion at too early of an age to survive on their own, is a person who can be led to justify any other type of action against innocent people." Those actions could include directed energy weapons, purposeful creation of toxic jabs (mRNA, etc), adulteration of food sources, etc. Whether for greed or for some self-deluded-high-minded 'goal' like a 'sustainable population', those people who have no problem with abortion are ripe for the picking on all these ancillary issues. The logic is clear. That is why having a clear and strong moral foundation is critical in this day and age to avoid being swept up in going along with evil in any of its forms. And that is why the evil work so hard to shut down moral/religious discussion. One example being the idiotic "You shouldn't talk religion or politics in public." Well, yeah, the evil doers don't want that discussion. They hate bringing things into the light. But those two areas impact together impact ALL areas of one's life. They SHOULD be discussed, so we can combat the evil being planned. Too many on our side do not want to go upstream in the battle, so they keep fighting these 'band-aid battles', which will never end because we aren't going after the source first.
Ah the ole Rules for me but not for thee when it comes down to defending the man who pays me and the broadcaster who can advance my notoriety. And I quote ... (especially how it has evolved and changed with time) Funny, I've just read countless posts eviscerating anyone who believed one way early on and then came around. Understanding that science evolves and now for some odd reason we are supposed to turn our guns to the people helping to advance our narrative. This is insidious and will kill us from within. Note Sage's push that you either buy into EMF's, Hawaii, train derailments and bio weapons otherwise you ain't pure enough for this club and by not agreeing, you must be part of "them". This is the same coin different side-Think in step, in line with everything we say or you're part of the WEF/Klause/DOD-DARPA et al. There will be no room for nuance here no do as your told and repeat after me or you're not in my club.
"Do you agree with Shelby’s suspicion that Hawaii was attacked by Directed Energy Weapons?" SUSPICION? YOU ARE HOLDING THE READER TO HER SUSPICION? I THOUGHT IT WAS A MATTER OF FACT AFTER THOROUGH INVESTIGATION? I suspect she's a witch so lets throw her in the water and see if she drowns, then we will know for sure.
"I think, I may be wrong, EPOCH gave TWC back the ad money it had paid and the ads were already run"-And this is why a big show, like Tucker (under scrutiny from the left who control DOJ) chooses who they will interview and not subject the show to unsubstantiated claims opening them up to lawsuits until supporting facts are vetted. WHY DIDN'T WEINSTEIN SAY ITS A BIO WEAPON IN FRONT OF 6 MILLION VIEWERS? Well maybe he like I would want to be damn sure I got the receipts first because this isn't bar gossip, this is the real world and a nation of laws, not hearsay. Huge difference writing a substack of opinion and making a large public claim like that if you haven't done the research yourself. You've got David Martin and Mike Yeadon and even Malone vocal about that angle and the reason they do, is they have the proof. Hopefully we stop the circle firing squad and direct our energy to the real enemies at hand.
@Don Yes, water was turned off. That contributed to the disaster only to some extent. But you must see solid evidence in video recordings of the devastations which were possible if DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS were rampantly used on Lahaina.
Check out the “Hawaii Real Estate” channel on Youtube for facts. Many videos were deleted, but some remain to give you a good overview.
The citizens of United States are suddenly faced with the facts that the Democrats, the Deep State government, the military, the State Department, the DOJ, the FBI, the police, the medical community and the school districts are coming out in full force to destroy the country and to join the globalists to enslave the country.
Dr Drew, that’s great! Rosanne Barr did a podcast with him. He’s ready for some (more) reality, Dr Alexander . Please help him question everything.
Thursday I interview him to clarify some issues we want clarified.
My concern is Dr Drew saying he’s not a fan of IVM and Hydroxy and pushing Paxlovid on Megan Kelly show . (Corrected my last post.) states his elderly patients are all vaxxed and see no issue. About the 1:20 mark of Megan Kelly October 11 2023 podcast
we will deal with this on Thursday...
Equally disgusted by Megan Kelly saying if you’re a college student and forced, just “get a fake card”.
To those of us who lost so much and and have our families lives forever changed by not complying, to hear cowardly elites flippantly endorse compromising ethics and integrity... I lost a ton of respect for Megan Kelly that show. And Drew showed his true colors on his opinion of the vax and/or his respect for the elderly.
Actually getting a fake card is not a terrible idea to buy time until *hopefully* this house of cards comes down.
Respectfully disagree. A fake card IS compliance. If everyone who didn’t want it “didn’t comply”, the world would not be in this mess.
And I know many who took one and then regretted or later grew a pair, but then legally could not get an exemption for a second etc .
I see your point. Realistically if my son or daughter attended a university that said get the shot or get out I’d gladly not screw up their future by arguing and getting them expelled. So yeah, I’d get them a fake card. Because by the time the dickheads running the show are sued and forced to come to their senses it’ll take years. Meanwhile their futures are FUBAR. No bueno. The fake card is not compliance. It’s an end-run.
Hi Dr Alexander, thank you for posting Foster’s responses to Sage’s questions. I have some additional questions. Would you be willing to pass them along?
Hi Foster,
In your letter to TWC, you disclosed that you are a shareholder in Nanobiosym.
This means that you benefit financially from the success of Nanobiosym, correct?
Nanobiosym's products and services page states the following:
We strategically design and implement the next generation of clinical trials leveraging our Nanobiosym Digital Diagnostics Platform for our clients in the pharmaceutical, CRO, and R&D sectors.
Our Gene-RADAR®-based Services include options for building custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics.
There is already an EUA for Nanobiosym's Precision Testing Services for Covid-19 from November 2022. Did you profit from this?
Nanobiosym is backed by venture capital group, the UnReasonable Group, who's investors include Gates Ventures, Microsoft, and Tesla. The Unreasonable Group is also in collaboration with The US State Dept.
How do these relationships affect Nanobiosym?
The Wellness Company doctors are writing about and advertising the next pandemic and how to prepare for it.
Does Nanobiosym have PCR tests for any of the diseases, other than Covid, that are listed in the current PREP Act declaration recent amendment?
From the recent amendment:
"This action has the effect of combining the three previous Declarations into one amended Declaration and makes PREP Act coverage for Ebolavirus countermeasures consistent with PREP Act coverage provided for other health threats, including Marburg, Smallpox, Pandemic Influenza, Anthrax, and Acute Radiation Syndrome and emerging infectious diseases such as COVID–19."
If not, are there any in the pipeline?
As a shareholder in Nanobiosym, an EUA for another Nanobiosym product or service/PCR test for any of the above mentioned diseases would be financially beneficial to you, correct?
Will The Wellness Company be using Nanobiosym products and services on its telemed platform?
Will TWC be using any of the "custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on the Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics, particularly as it relates to the most recent bill introduced in June of this year: H.R.3832 - Disease X Act of 2023?
Can you explain how being a shareholder in this platform is not a conflict of interest?
Here’s some info on H.R.3832, as there seem to be some areas that would be of interest/benefit to Nanobisym:
“(iii) the identification and development of platform manufacturing technologies needed for advanced development and manufacturing of medical countermeasures for viral families which have significant potential to cause a pandemic;
“(iv) advanced research and development of flexible medical countermeasures against priority respiratory virus families and other respiratory viral pathogens with a significant potential to cause a pandemic, with both pathogen-specific and pathogen-agnostic approaches; and”;
Here’s the information provided on the Nanobiosym website that is pertinent:
We strategically design and implement the next generation of clinical trials leveraging our Nanobiosym Digital Diagnostics Platform for our clients in the pharmaceutical, CRO, and R&D sectors.
Our Gene-RADAR®-based Services include options for building custom companion diagnostics “Apps” on our Gene-RADAR platform to help accelerate FDA approvals for novel therapeutics.
For more information or to request a consultation, please contact us at with a description of how we can help you.
Hi Sarah, I have followed your work and I am happy to talk directly to anyone about anything. Please DM me and we can set up a time.
Re Paul’s Substack above - I decided I would not respond to Sage yesterday as the moment I reached out to them, they violently lashed out with another substack about me. You can go look for yourself.
There is enough hate in the world. I have no time for people who act like that.
So again, if you want to have a call, and you genuinely want to understand my companies, my intention, and the reason why I am doing this. I will tell you everything. But let’s do it respectfully.
Hi, Mr. Coulson: Why not discuss your companies and intentions publicly, here on Substack? Many of us are sincerely interested and confused by what appear to be contradictions with the honest goals of The Wellness Company.
Question regarding an accusation you made in your reply to Sarah: How is it possible to "violently lash out" with a substack? (Something you accuse Sage of doing) Words are the tools of non-violent truth-seekers.
Hi Taylor, Happy too. I am in the middle of booking media appearances in order to discuss what people are saying so that I may address it publicly.
In my comment to Sarah, the intention was to interview me and post it. My holding structure of my companies is complex, this is because I have the foresight to protect myself and my companies from attacks.
Re my comment above about Sage. I implore you to go read it and you can form your own opinions.
Thank you for your reply, Foster. Good to know you intend your interview with Sarah to be made public on Substack. That was unclear in your public invitation to have a private conversation with her. I trust her excellent scholarship and judgment.
With respect to you supplication that I read what Sage has posted that "violently lashed out" at you, I'm afraid I missed that. Accordingly, I likewise "implore" you to provide a link so we're all clear on what has offended you.
Mr. Torma: I'm afraid I must have missed the invocations of violence you refer to in the substack you accuse of conducting a "concerted hate on campaign." A link would be deeply and sincerely appreciated.
I'm always the first to admit if I'm in error. Please help me understand your admonishment.
My questions are posted above, on Sage’s Substack, and in a separate post on my own Substack. I am happy to receive and discuss your feedback here, or on any of the aforementioned comment spaces.
There is not a DM option on Substack and I am not interested in having a private conversation, as these are publicly relevant issues.
I know you are busy booking media appearances in order to address this publicly, perhaps this can save you a step. Many are looking forward to your candid responses and will appreciate hearing from you.
Thank you!
Foster Coulson - Please state your position on DEI, ESG, and SDG’s:
“Equitability and inclusion are critical to The Wellness Groups success. As a Wellness Product Company, changing the health business landscape, we know a diverse, inclusive work culture is at the heart of attracting, retaining, and celebrating the industry's most talented people. We empower our employees to bring their whole selves to work because we know that diversity of skills, experience, and perspective drive innovation and is simply good business.
As a strong proponent of diversity, equitability, and inclusion, The Wellness Company is committed to hiring diverse candidates from all backgrounds. We invite you to apply to become part of the team– help us change the health industries landscape and make a dent in the wellness universe”
I went to go look, can you send me the link where you even found this? Our team cant even find where this quote is that you posted? into any of the Boca postings ... Scroll down to "Diversity in Action"
I am 100% committed to finding the best person for the job. I only hire based on talent and who is prepared to put in long hours, every day, because that’s what it’s going to take to build a parallel system and take on big pharma. Anything less than that and we will fail.
So honestly, I could care less about all those acronyms. If you feel it’s best to have them come off our site, I am happy to ask about removing them. I haven’t probably even looked at it since the day it went up in 2020. 🤷
Interesting, the leader of an alleged medical freedom organization says "I could care less about those acronyms." Without answering my question, you delivered profoundly.
Foster Coulson, "COME OUT OF HER!" less
Excellent Dr. Paul! EXCELLENT JOB!! Now just hold feet to the fire with Drew. He's been all over the map. Praying he has seen the light.
Stances “evolving” based on public backlash give me little confidence. just telling people what they want to hear so that their employment and investments and positions stay financially lucrative. I loved how Dr Drew carefully and slowly enunciated “Paxlovid” while he endorsed!!!! it and knocked IVM and HXdroxy only 3 months ago!!!!
When he then affiliated with TWC, it made me lose any confidence in TWC.
You will know them by their fruits. Right now, the fruit of the Drew tree needs substantial tending, for sure. I am always skeptical of those who repent so LATE in the day.
Open dialogue. Makes sense to pursue it. Keep it up.
My question to Foster, McCullough, et al:
Do you believe there was an actual public health emergency pandemic caused by a virus?
there was none.
All fear porn , so people would beg for the Bioweapon.
Your answer was shorter than mine! 🙃
Hi Matt. I believe there was a virus manufactured for the purpose of creating fear in order to try and control a population during a pivotal moment in history. I also believe that manufactured fear based event was to introduce MRNA technology into the market, which we all know how that is playing out now, sadly. Something TWC is trying to help solve.
We live in a world today where people can and are making up stories and lies and spin them as facts and ‘journalism’. Think about this; that NO different than people saying the vaccines are ‘safe and effective’ with showing no clinical trial data behind that claim?
Drew, a TWC board member promoting Paxlovid does one rectify that ?
I believe Paul has an interview with Drew on Thursday, this is a great question for him to ask.
That’s a great response and I agree with you 100% but you didn’t answer the question. Do you believe there was a public health emergency covid pandemic? The world is ready for clarity and courage. Paul isn’t afraid. What say you?
If we can all have courage and agree there was never a pandemic I believe it’s pretty easy to prove it. If we do prove it everything else collapses. Masks, social distancing, lockdowns, “vaccine” bioweapons, etc., it all comes crashing down and we probably will prevent the next fake pandemic. The world is ready and waiting for clarity and courage. I lost a beloved 20 year job because I never bent the knee and I spoke the truth. I lost most of my family because few would stand with me. My kids were harassed at school. I was a plaintiff in two lawsuits against KY’s governor and Fauci, et al, with Dr Pam Popper and Dr Simone Gold. But I am just a humble carpenter fighting in my spare time for my kids’ futures. We need people like you and the rest of the movement to stand with guys like me and Paul and Dr Rancourt and Dr Yeadon and so many others and tell the whole truth about what was done. There was never a pandemic and I am not afraid!
Similar things happened to me. I think we all have a story about our kids at school, our families, the fracturing that happened. I have horror stories of things people and the government have done to me because I stood up.
Was this a pandemic; Technically it was because the government made it into one, but in reality it was not.
I have put everything into this and given up more than people can understand to do this. I am both feet in and I’ll fight as hard and long as it takes.
There you go.👍🏼 That wasn’t so hard.
The only public health emergency was caused by the government and media, not a virus. Well done.
Our horror stories would probably make a good book. Mine are simply not believable. Maybe we can share them one day…
Very well stated. If Dr. Malone did take these jabs, he could probably have a good use for the spike detox protocol.
"dr drew" is what is WRONG with the SHIT "medical system "...
In discussions that veer towards questions and answers that make people uncomfortable because they don't want to think that 'public servants' and 'elected officials' would ever do something purposely evil, I confront them with the axiom: "Anyone who has no issue allowing the actual dismemberment of unborn children in their mother's womb, or the chemical burning/killing of them, or the forced expulsion at too early of an age to survive on their own, is a person who can be led to justify any other type of action against innocent people." Those actions could include directed energy weapons, purposeful creation of toxic jabs (mRNA, etc), adulteration of food sources, etc. Whether for greed or for some self-deluded-high-minded 'goal' like a 'sustainable population', those people who have no problem with abortion are ripe for the picking on all these ancillary issues. The logic is clear. That is why having a clear and strong moral foundation is critical in this day and age to avoid being swept up in going along with evil in any of its forms. And that is why the evil work so hard to shut down moral/religious discussion. One example being the idiotic "You shouldn't talk religion or politics in public." Well, yeah, the evil doers don't want that discussion. They hate bringing things into the light. But those two areas impact together impact ALL areas of one's life. They SHOULD be discussed, so we can combat the evil being planned. Too many on our side do not want to go upstream in the battle, so they keep fighting these 'band-aid battles', which will never end because we aren't going after the source first.
Ah the ole Rules for me but not for thee when it comes down to defending the man who pays me and the broadcaster who can advance my notoriety. And I quote ... (especially how it has evolved and changed with time) Funny, I've just read countless posts eviscerating anyone who believed one way early on and then came around. Understanding that science evolves and now for some odd reason we are supposed to turn our guns to the people helping to advance our narrative. This is insidious and will kill us from within. Note Sage's push that you either buy into EMF's, Hawaii, train derailments and bio weapons otherwise you ain't pure enough for this club and by not agreeing, you must be part of "them". This is the same coin different side-Think in step, in line with everything we say or you're part of the WEF/Klause/DOD-DARPA et al. There will be no room for nuance here no do as your told and repeat after me or you're not in my club.
"Do you agree with Shelby’s suspicion that Hawaii was attacked by Directed Energy Weapons?" SUSPICION? YOU ARE HOLDING THE READER TO HER SUSPICION? I THOUGHT IT WAS A MATTER OF FACT AFTER THOROUGH INVESTIGATION? I suspect she's a witch so lets throw her in the water and see if she drowns, then we will know for sure.
"I think, I may be wrong, EPOCH gave TWC back the ad money it had paid and the ads were already run"-And this is why a big show, like Tucker (under scrutiny from the left who control DOJ) chooses who they will interview and not subject the show to unsubstantiated claims opening them up to lawsuits until supporting facts are vetted. WHY DIDN'T WEINSTEIN SAY ITS A BIO WEAPON IN FRONT OF 6 MILLION VIEWERS? Well maybe he like I would want to be damn sure I got the receipts first because this isn't bar gossip, this is the real world and a nation of laws, not hearsay. Huge difference writing a substack of opinion and making a large public claim like that if you haven't done the research yourself. You've got David Martin and Mike Yeadon and even Malone vocal about that angle and the reason they do, is they have the proof. Hopefully we stop the circle firing squad and direct our energy to the real enemies at hand.
Thank you Dr Paul, I will be watching your interview Thursday with Dr Drew.
If that drew asshat is connected to TWC I am OUT
A PODCAST- as the amount of flanking attacks will be necessary to hobble this beast
a person doesn't need energy weapons for fires...... just a timer and an incinerate device...
they didn't have water... if each home had stored water, 10,000 gallons per home, they would have been ok.
@Don Yes, water was turned off. That contributed to the disaster only to some extent. But you must see solid evidence in video recordings of the devastations which were possible if DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS were rampantly used on Lahaina.
Check out the “Hawaii Real Estate” channel on Youtube for facts. Many videos were deleted, but some remain to give you a good overview.
The citizens of United States are suddenly faced with the facts that the Democrats, the Deep State government, the military, the State Department, the DOJ, the FBI, the police, the medical community and the school districts are coming out in full force to destroy the country and to join the globalists to enslave the country.