immediate complete stop & stop playing games with words, semantics, Makary, Bhattacharya etc. will call for a complete stop & withdrawal (if confirmed), do not confuse them! they have no other choice
Sludge, it’s great that Dr. McCullough is calling these “Bioweapon Injections” what they truly are. Many other studies are finally seeing the light of day.
FYI and to go a step further, Dr Francis Boyle wrote the “Bioweapons Act” in 1979 which was signed into law in 1985 by both houses and Senior President Bush.
Additionally, Dr Boyle coined the phrase “Frankenshots” when referring to these most deadly, disabling and immune system destructive genetic modifying / DNA destructive injections!
Yes Sludge, America and the world were attacked with a “Weapon of Mass Destruction!”
Lastly, Dr Boyle signed an affidavit stating such. On my Substack homepage, you’ll find an article titled “Well Well Well” from the Fauci lead,
NIH “Virology Journal.”
There’s a 10 page report summarizing the findings you can still find online, if it hasn’t been scrubbed. This article was released in August of 2005. Nearly 20 years ago! It states “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of both SARS-CoV infection and spread!”
Another words “NOBODY” had to die! NOBODY!
This attack utilizing a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” was planned and executed by our own DOD, in conjunction with four other western nations. Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK. The five EYES as they’re called.
IMO, Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine were banned within hours of President Trump saying during a press conference “Hydroxychloroquine looks promising.”
More recently, Trump was exonerated for his statement about Hydroxychloroquine. Yes the report said “Trump was right, millions of lives could have been saved!”
There shouldn’t be any wonder why, this safe and effective treatment was banned, denounced and rejected magnanimously by the MSM? Unless they had some larger goal, say to depopulate the western world nations? Certainly this would give the “Globalists-Evils” an opportunity to control a smaller population. Theoretically speaking.
"Moratorium" is criminal-speak for "give us time to carry out our next attack".
I wouldn't give these monsters the time of day. The *ONLY* thing they deserve is a speedy trial and a speedier execution. Chop-chop, Trump ... clock's a-tickin'!!
"All senior officials of FDA (and other related agencies) must be removed and re-assigned to other agencies." Say what ? These are the criminals in charge. Is there any reason at all that they should be re-assigned to other agencies ? They should be tried and sentenced. Mass Murderers do not belong anywhere but Jail, or with a death sentence. That's just common sense.
ITALIAN NATIONAL NEWSPAPER TODAY: Major appeal to the British government to stop anti-Covid vaccines
The "Hope" petition, launched in July and signed by over 2,000 scientists and doctors... these vaccines "are contributing to an alarming increase in disabilities and excess deaths."
To the General Medical Council of the UK: "All mRNA anti-Covid vaccines cause horrible and unprecedented side effects contributing to the excess mortality recorded in many countries," they write. "According to the best available evidence," support the petitioners, including cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, "the likelihood of suffering severe harm from Covid vaccination is seven times higher than that of preventing hospitalization."
The letter is addressed to the two scientific advisors of the British government who succeeded during the pandemic (Sir Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, current UK Minister for Scientific Research) and to the current Secretary of State for Health, Wes Streeting. Malhotra, Angus Dalgleish (a professor of oncology known for his scientific contributions to HIV/AIDS research), and 64,000 other signatories, including over 2,000 scientists and academics, are calling for independent research to be adequately funded to allow a full reevaluation of all Covid-19 products.
And I hope Canada DOES become the 51st state of the Union. Then Trump can free Dr. Makis from jail. Papers have been filed to arrest him. The evil tyrant Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is behind this.
I will never take another vaccine. Most are useless and dangerous scams from Covid-19 down to Combo-10. Don't let them jab your kids before their second birthday. Big Pharma pays doctors $400 for each child who receives 10 specific vaccinations before their second birthday. Combo-10 is designed to "capture" your kids, to damage them for life. They will be medication slaves to Big Pharma, every child requiring pharmaceutical products for the rest of their lives. For just four hundred dollars Big Pharma captures your child as a medication slave forever. It's incredibly profitable, but demonic to the core.
Bhattacharya expressed a lot of concern that the Public Health response is causing people to not take their children in for "routine" injections. I think they'll go ahead and pull them in order to save the rest of the vaccine schedule, and Jay probably has the best demeanor to reassure the American public about their supposed safety.
It's sad for those of us who think all the vaccines are bad.
100% Spot on. Very intelligent. You know its always distractions and limited hangouts. You have to go to the BOTTOM, which is question EVERYTHING they told you, and not "Lets stop here at our traditional vaccines". I always see this last retreat point they want to defend, which is the childhood vaccine schedule. You see even mRNA sceptics defending it ala "mRNA bad, traditional vaccines good". If you have no irrefutable evidence you have no place in mandating anything. EVEN IF you have evidence, still there should be a free choice, mandates are generally fascistic, people can decide for themselves, freedom, individual rights, bottom-up. This is the reason the general enterprise of "Public Health" is by design doomed to be paternalistic, fascistic, because you want to force free individuals and citizens what they should get injected into their body. So your body my choice (state-level or federal level). They often try to focus on mRNA just to save their turf, which is "traditional vaccines" like you said (sound good right?), vaccines are "the best gift science produced for modern health" (listen to Hotez and other mRNA criminals). They want to distribute the following narrative "Yes, mRNA safed a lot of lives, but are not TOTALLY safe, so they should be distributed based on free consent, not stopped, because as said, they are very effective in saving lives, same like OWS, but not totally safe, sometimes someone might get injured by them, sometimes, very small probability or higher than expected, but still small. So because they are not totally safe mRNA "vaccines" should not be mandated, but they are generally safe and effective (also future improvements can happen and application for other diseases), but whatever I just said, DO NOT TOUCH OUR CHILDHOOD VACCINE SCHEDULE which has ABUNDANT VIDENCE of SAVING MANY LIVES !!! If you take the childhood vaccines away, you would PUT "PUBLIC HEALTH" or "MANY LIVES" at risk" (remember these lines, you hear it often, its also the reason they want to stop Kennedy. because Kennedy might, if he can act totally free, race this WHOLE building to the ground (but I doubt it, because even if he will get confirmed, there will be "special interests" playing against him.")
I dont know whats so hard about letting people decide for themselves. One of the basic idea of "Public Health" is that "People are stupid, we are experts, we mandate the best solution" which is exactly the conceptual basis for all kinds of atrocities. You go bottom-up, not top-down. We saw top-down with the failed (or maybe successful in different regard) Corona operation. Lets micromanage 300 million or 400 million people in EU, interventionalism, its insanity. 100%.
Basically they try to find common ground , which is traditional vaccines are safe and effective (dont attack this turf), mandates, mRNA tech is not totally safe so no mandates, lets have good 4 years in advancing mRNA tech (if necessary do it more in background research labs or on free basis, with good ads we might still get a lot of elderly to get our new improved mRNA shots)
Paul, I understand your point, but a Moratorium is still the first step in a major victory
Its more important to get you, Dr PMC, JJ Couey, etc in positions under RFK Jr.
I don't want to see you guys rejected for being too hardlined.
We have to "save face" somewhat for Trump, who wants to believe he did the right thing and save millions of lives.
My approach would be to have a moratorium on all Spike protein based mRNA research, until at least Pfizer would release 100% unredacted data from the past 20 yrs.
Also, are you sure that Makary, Bhattachrarya and the CDC nominee are all in favor of a complete withdrawal? I've never heard them call for it before.
Oddly, your nemesis Malone, is in agreement with you, and tweets about it every day.
"FDA is ordered to produce 1 million more pages of Pfizer's Biologics License Application for covid injections.
Chemistry Manufacturing Controls documentation has not been produced yet.
The case is litigated by Aaron Siri, and my congratulations to him for this win!
This is the data that the FDA supposedly relied on to issue a [fake] Biologics License Approval (BLA) for Pfizer’s original “Wuhan variant” covid shot. That version of the shots has since been removed from the market, and replaced with new versions without any clinical trials whatsoever."
Of course if Pfizer had to release all their data, unredacted, we'd find plenty of flaws to prove that the technology wasn't safe or effective enough for the public. And we have to get back to the original definition of what "effective" means.
Also during that moratorium, if a good team is in place, it would be possible to accumulate and release results (led by Dr McCullough) from around the world to support termination of the program. There would finally be no obstacles to the truth, with the good guys running things.
While around 75 Nobel prized “ scientists” ( the quotes are for fraudsters) ask the senate to stop Kennedy’s nominalization because “would put the public’s health in jeopardy and undermine America’s global leadership in the health sciences.” Is about money again. Not yours. Not mine.. THEIRS.
Everyone needs to remember that unless Vance is elected POTUS, Marty and Jay's respective tenures will be just 4 years and then they will need to find jobs again in private sector. If they direct their institutions as the hardliners that I believe they should then future jobs in both academic and industry will be closed. Sure they will have substantial lifelong govt pensions but likely find other employment problematic... aka "Marty and Jay better play ball if they want jobs from us later"..
So there in lies the crux of all things Trump 2.0.
Those in Trump 2.0 admin who actively destroy the deep state are likely destroying their professional futures outside of the govt, forever.
If you were them knowing that outcome, then what would you do?
I recall in the early stages of the Plandemic how easy it was to take out the UK "not for profit" Oxford-Astra Zeneca injections based on a few rare blood clots reported out of Scandinavian countries safety agencies. It was therefore very disappointing to see absolutely no reaction from the lucrative US injections markets who were untouched by this adverse news and none of the world wide Government Drug Safety and Health Agencies reacted urgently to this concerning negative news of their competitor. The Safety data bases of the main drug safety agencies were all showing many serious adverse events and deaths and certainly recording serious vascular issues along with many other problems but no call from anyone to stop the roll out immediately to investigate in detail the safety of the decision to release the warp speed Mrna injections. Just seems to be the Pharma industries are now running their own show and our Governments with regard to the safety of the devices they manufacture and depth of safety research - however they are not James Bond and should not have a licence to kill. The carnage is still continuing to this day without any oversight from anyone, anywhere and getting worse if the turbo cancers are part of the same rogue devices issue.
We all got to prepare. SEERS (Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome) is coming for us. They had the Catastrophic Contagion Event for it already. Gates (WHO) is very concerned of course. Gonna have to have lock downs and more vaccines. Hotez says there will be viruses etc starting Jan 21s.
Dr. McCullough is calling the jabs a BIOWEAPON!
The DoD attacked the American public (and the entire world), that's domestic terrorism!
There is no science to be conducted, no moratoriums, it's not even a medicine. Pull the WEAPONS off the market!
Some I know have been calling it a bioweapon for three years now!
Everyone has varying layers of cognitive dissonance they need to overcome to eventually come to that conclusion.
Many people will never get there because it just hurts too much to believe it's true.
Sludge, it’s great that Dr. McCullough is calling these “Bioweapon Injections” what they truly are. Many other studies are finally seeing the light of day.
FYI and to go a step further, Dr Francis Boyle wrote the “Bioweapons Act” in 1979 which was signed into law in 1985 by both houses and Senior President Bush.
Additionally, Dr Boyle coined the phrase “Frankenshots” when referring to these most deadly, disabling and immune system destructive genetic modifying / DNA destructive injections!
Yes Sludge, America and the world were attacked with a “Weapon of Mass Destruction!”
Lastly, Dr Boyle signed an affidavit stating such. On my Substack homepage, you’ll find an article titled “Well Well Well” from the Fauci lead,
NIH “Virology Journal.”
There’s a 10 page report summarizing the findings you can still find online, if it hasn’t been scrubbed. This article was released in August of 2005. Nearly 20 years ago! It states “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of both SARS-CoV infection and spread!”
Another words “NOBODY” had to die! NOBODY!
This attack utilizing a “Weapon of Mass Destruction” was planned and executed by our own DOD, in conjunction with four other western nations. Canada, New Zealand, Australia and the UK. The five EYES as they’re called.
IMO, Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine were banned within hours of President Trump saying during a press conference “Hydroxychloroquine looks promising.”
More recently, Trump was exonerated for his statement about Hydroxychloroquine. Yes the report said “Trump was right, millions of lives could have been saved!”
There shouldn’t be any wonder why, this safe and effective treatment was banned, denounced and rejected magnanimously by the MSM? Unless they had some larger goal, say to depopulate the western world nations? Certainly this would give the “Globalists-Evils” an opportunity to control a smaller population. Theoretically speaking.
Thank you Sludge for sharing your insights.
Thank you Dr. Alexander. Please never stop posting TRUTH! God bless you♥️🙏🏻
"Moratorium" is criminal-speak for "give us time to carry out our next attack".
I wouldn't give these monsters the time of day. The *ONLY* thing they deserve is a speedy trial and a speedier execution. Chop-chop, Trump ... clock's a-tickin'!!
"All senior officials of FDA (and other related agencies) must be removed and re-assigned to other agencies." Say what ? These are the criminals in charge. Is there any reason at all that they should be re-assigned to other agencies ? They should be tried and sentenced. Mass Murderers do not belong anywhere but Jail, or with a death sentence. That's just common sense.
ITALIAN NATIONAL NEWSPAPER TODAY: Major appeal to the British government to stop anti-Covid vaccines
The "Hope" petition, launched in July and signed by over 2,000 scientists and doctors... these vaccines "are contributing to an alarming increase in disabilities and excess deaths."
To the General Medical Council of the UK: "All mRNA anti-Covid vaccines cause horrible and unprecedented side effects contributing to the excess mortality recorded in many countries," they write. "According to the best available evidence," support the petitioners, including cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, "the likelihood of suffering severe harm from Covid vaccination is seven times higher than that of preventing hospitalization."
The letter is addressed to the two scientific advisors of the British government who succeeded during the pandemic (Sir Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, current UK Minister for Scientific Research) and to the current Secretary of State for Health, Wes Streeting. Malhotra, Angus Dalgleish (a professor of oncology known for his scientific contributions to HIV/AIDS research), and 64,000 other signatories, including over 2,000 scientists and academics, are calling for independent research to be adequately funded to allow a full reevaluation of all Covid-19 products.
And I hope Canada DOES become the 51st state of the Union. Then Trump can free Dr. Makis from jail. Papers have been filed to arrest him. The evil tyrant Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is behind this.
I will never take another vaccine. Most are useless and dangerous scams from Covid-19 down to Combo-10. Don't let them jab your kids before their second birthday. Big Pharma pays doctors $400 for each child who receives 10 specific vaccinations before their second birthday. Combo-10 is designed to "capture" your kids, to damage them for life. They will be medication slaves to Big Pharma, every child requiring pharmaceutical products for the rest of their lives. For just four hundred dollars Big Pharma captures your child as a medication slave forever. It's incredibly profitable, but demonic to the core.
Bhattacharya expressed a lot of concern that the Public Health response is causing people to not take their children in for "routine" injections. I think they'll go ahead and pull them in order to save the rest of the vaccine schedule, and Jay probably has the best demeanor to reassure the American public about their supposed safety.
It's sad for those of us who think all the vaccines are bad.
100% Spot on. Very intelligent. You know its always distractions and limited hangouts. You have to go to the BOTTOM, which is question EVERYTHING they told you, and not "Lets stop here at our traditional vaccines". I always see this last retreat point they want to defend, which is the childhood vaccine schedule. You see even mRNA sceptics defending it ala "mRNA bad, traditional vaccines good". If you have no irrefutable evidence you have no place in mandating anything. EVEN IF you have evidence, still there should be a free choice, mandates are generally fascistic, people can decide for themselves, freedom, individual rights, bottom-up. This is the reason the general enterprise of "Public Health" is by design doomed to be paternalistic, fascistic, because you want to force free individuals and citizens what they should get injected into their body. So your body my choice (state-level or federal level). They often try to focus on mRNA just to save their turf, which is "traditional vaccines" like you said (sound good right?), vaccines are "the best gift science produced for modern health" (listen to Hotez and other mRNA criminals). They want to distribute the following narrative "Yes, mRNA safed a lot of lives, but are not TOTALLY safe, so they should be distributed based on free consent, not stopped, because as said, they are very effective in saving lives, same like OWS, but not totally safe, sometimes someone might get injured by them, sometimes, very small probability or higher than expected, but still small. So because they are not totally safe mRNA "vaccines" should not be mandated, but they are generally safe and effective (also future improvements can happen and application for other diseases), but whatever I just said, DO NOT TOUCH OUR CHILDHOOD VACCINE SCHEDULE which has ABUNDANT VIDENCE of SAVING MANY LIVES !!! If you take the childhood vaccines away, you would PUT "PUBLIC HEALTH" or "MANY LIVES" at risk" (remember these lines, you hear it often, its also the reason they want to stop Kennedy. because Kennedy might, if he can act totally free, race this WHOLE building to the ground (but I doubt it, because even if he will get confirmed, there will be "special interests" playing against him.")
I dont know whats so hard about letting people decide for themselves. One of the basic idea of "Public Health" is that "People are stupid, we are experts, we mandate the best solution" which is exactly the conceptual basis for all kinds of atrocities. You go bottom-up, not top-down. We saw top-down with the failed (or maybe successful in different regard) Corona operation. Lets micromanage 300 million or 400 million people in EU, interventionalism, its insanity. 100%.
Basically they try to find common ground , which is traditional vaccines are safe and effective (dont attack this turf), mandates, mRNA tech is not totally safe so no mandates, lets have good 4 years in advancing mRNA tech (if necessary do it more in background research labs or on free basis, with good ads we might still get a lot of elderly to get our new improved mRNA shots)
Paul, I understand your point, but a Moratorium is still the first step in a major victory
Its more important to get you, Dr PMC, JJ Couey, etc in positions under RFK Jr.
I don't want to see you guys rejected for being too hardlined.
We have to "save face" somewhat for Trump, who wants to believe he did the right thing and save millions of lives.
My approach would be to have a moratorium on all Spike protein based mRNA research, until at least Pfizer would release 100% unredacted data from the past 20 yrs.
Also, are you sure that Makary, Bhattachrarya and the CDC nominee are all in favor of a complete withdrawal? I've never heard them call for it before.
Oddly, your nemesis Malone, is in agreement with you, and tweets about it every day.
Quoting Sasha Latypova, from link below:
"FDA is ordered to produce 1 million more pages of Pfizer's Biologics License Application for covid injections.
Chemistry Manufacturing Controls documentation has not been produced yet.
The case is litigated by Aaron Siri, and my congratulations to him for this win!
This is the data that the FDA supposedly relied on to issue a [fake] Biologics License Approval (BLA) for Pfizer’s original “Wuhan variant” covid shot. That version of the shots has since been removed from the market, and replaced with new versions without any clinical trials whatsoever."
Of course if Pfizer had to release all their data, unredacted, we'd find plenty of flaws to prove that the technology wasn't safe or effective enough for the public. And we have to get back to the original definition of what "effective" means.
Also during that moratorium, if a good team is in place, it would be possible to accumulate and release results (led by Dr McCullough) from around the world to support termination of the program. There would finally be no obstacles to the truth, with the good guys running things.
While around 75 Nobel prized “ scientists” ( the quotes are for fraudsters) ask the senate to stop Kennedy’s nominalization because “would put the public’s health in jeopardy and undermine America’s global leadership in the health sciences.” Is about money again. Not yours. Not mine.. THEIRS.
Everyone needs to remember that unless Vance is elected POTUS, Marty and Jay's respective tenures will be just 4 years and then they will need to find jobs again in private sector. If they direct their institutions as the hardliners that I believe they should then future jobs in both academic and industry will be closed. Sure they will have substantial lifelong govt pensions but likely find other employment problematic... aka "Marty and Jay better play ball if they want jobs from us later"..
So there in lies the crux of all things Trump 2.0.
Those in Trump 2.0 admin who actively destroy the deep state are likely destroying their professional futures outside of the govt, forever.
If you were them knowing that outcome, then what would you do?
Amen! SO true. The words are chosen purposefully, there is no doubt. Thank you for addressing this. 🙏
glad you like the picture
I recall in the early stages of the Plandemic how easy it was to take out the UK "not for profit" Oxford-Astra Zeneca injections based on a few rare blood clots reported out of Scandinavian countries safety agencies. It was therefore very disappointing to see absolutely no reaction from the lucrative US injections markets who were untouched by this adverse news and none of the world wide Government Drug Safety and Health Agencies reacted urgently to this concerning negative news of their competitor. The Safety data bases of the main drug safety agencies were all showing many serious adverse events and deaths and certainly recording serious vascular issues along with many other problems but no call from anyone to stop the roll out immediately to investigate in detail the safety of the decision to release the warp speed Mrna injections. Just seems to be the Pharma industries are now running their own show and our Governments with regard to the safety of the devices they manufacture and depth of safety research - however they are not James Bond and should not have a licence to kill. The carnage is still continuing to this day without any oversight from anyone, anywhere and getting worse if the turbo cancers are part of the same rogue devices issue.
The majority of the general public do not know the meaning of "moratorium." Perhaps some "experts" are also confused (in more ways than vocabulary).
Let's make it simple and OUTLAW mRNA "gene therapy" and research in humans and animals. Make it illegal for any purpose whatsoever.
[IMO a "moratorium" allows the research to go underground in universities and biolabs.]
Or transfer covertly to other countries so prohibited projects can continue out of sight of nosey auditors.
We all got to prepare. SEERS (Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome) is coming for us. They had the Catastrophic Contagion Event for it already. Gates (WHO) is very concerned of course. Gonna have to have lock downs and more vaccines. Hotez says there will be viruses etc starting Jan 21s.