Our abortion clinics dismember babies every day and we call it women’s rights. We are also sick people.

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University of Pittsburgh sewed dead/live baby scalps onto the backs of mice.

Josef Mengele type of horror.

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Anthony Fauci beagle type of horror.

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Fair point. We ALL need to repent and seek Gods forgiveness. ❤️🙏❤️

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Until we do nothing will change and things will get even worse.


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Great comment, you are so right! Our Government also told people to stay at home til they turn blue/can't breath then go to the hospital to get rundeathisnear/remdesivir, say goodbye to your family via a tablet then go on a ventilator? You die, but big payout to the hospital. A Win Win?

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They honestly believe they are doing a greater good by killing billions of people to save the planet (and make themselves even more wealthy and powerful in the process). The do not believe in a higher power than themselves, and so morals are whatever they say they are.

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You/I & many others deep down believe that. I express similar thoughts to my inlaws & later they express with concern to my wife asking her if I really believe that? Of course that's after getting there 5th jab?

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Most can’t fathom the truth when for years you’ve believed the mainstream propaganda. It takes time and repeated exposure to truthful sources and an curious mind that can be cracked open.

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Norm, well said. I remember when I discovered the truth about 911 there were nights that I would read til the sun came up.

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The same with the truth about Pearl Harbor, JFK, MLK, War on Terror etc.....

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In Romans 1:25 it says, "Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen." That's what these "elites" are doing, they'd rather get rid of human beings to "save the planet," that's what they believe, or SAY they believe. I believe it's an excuse to terminate billions of human beings who were made in the image of God. They are evil and are working against anything that God deems good, or worthy. The entirety of Romans 1:18-32 is very fitting for what we are living through right now. He has given people over to many, many evil and depraved things because they'd rather worship creation rather than the Creator. This is the beginning of things to come, it will get much, much worse.

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Yes 👍

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Did you also see the videos of people collapsing and dying in the streets from COVID? We know that was all a farce, put out to instill fear in the masses.

Now I’m supposed to believe that a second hand story about some videos, put out by Israel, (or any other country)? I’m not that gullible.

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you need to see it, you need to visit the houses I visited and smell death, you need to see what was done live to kids and their parents...these are raw footage go pro etc.

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Who produced the video? I’ve heard the IDF rejected the claims of decapitated babies and rapes, and Hamas flossing their teeth with intestines and all the other crap disgorged by propagandists.

Besides, firing tank rounds into houses, 30mm chain guns and Hellfire missiles at cars, buildings and people, will dismember and incinerate large numbers of civilians - which might have been the goal of a mass-Hannibal operation.

Israel blames all the deaths on Hamas. What if half the deaths were the result of the Hannibal Directive ordered by the IDF or Nutanyahu?

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Stop. The survivors themselves described WHO perpetrated this. Everybody can't be lying in service of some vast campaign of *propaganda*. Hamas' own charter is explicit, but keep on blaming *da Joooos*.

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Intention of genocide.


IR video from IDF Apache Helicopters:


This video featuring an IDF officer bares on the issue of civilian deaths.


No stand down order, no breaches of the fence. No breaches of the fence, no dead Israeli citizens. No dead Israeli citizens, no justification for yet another murderous rampage.

Ergo, it appears to me, Israel (Or Mr. Netanyahu) willfully sacrificed a thousand people so that they could FALSELY CLAIM their premeditated slaughter of Palestinians is done in self-defense.

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Yes, an obvious Israeli false flag, all so the Israelis could do what they always wanted to do: genocide the Palestinians and steal more land!

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Yes, propaganda works by having myriad media outlets tell the same lie so that people like yourself think it must be true. But this is the exact reason media ownership is so highly consolidated. Lies are so fragile that if you coordinate 48 news sources to synchronize their lies, but TWO of them tell the truth, the lie is jeopardized.

Palestinians have no media clout in the US. But Israel has essentially all the major media, Congress, Senate, executive branch, state department and think tanks in one giant machine such that Netanyahu has more influence in DC than Biden or any other recent President.

Anyway, watch this:


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We get nothing but Zionist propaganda from the mainstream media (the same media that LIED about everything having to do with covid). Scott Ritter has been openly stating that the Israelis own the US Congress because of AIPAC. And former CIA Director said that it was the Jewish Neocons who lied us into the war on Iraq. That's how much control the Zionist have over the US govt. And I think the whores in Congress just voted to change the definition of antisemitism to include criticism of the Israeli govt--and Massie was the only NO (he's the only one who isn't a whore for Israel).

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Don't be so contemptuous of prostitutes: Unlike politicians, they earn their money.

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I read recently that Hamas TV claims that child murder of Christians, mainly, is part of secret Jewish religous rituals and that the blood of Christian babies is used to make matzah. It was in a wikipedia article on blood libel but the reference appears to have been removed. However, there are other references online to Hamas officials making similar claims.

"Dr. Mustafa Al-Lidawi, a former senior Hamas official ... wrote about the blood libel according to which the Jews use the blood of a non-Jewish child to make the traditional Purim "hamentaschen" pastries. He went on to note that the Jews' nature remains unchanged, and that while in the past, every Purim they poured the blood of a non-Jewish child into the dough for a "large pastry," today they oppress the Palestinian people during this holiday.

Al-Lidawi published a similar article five years ago, at the time of the Passover holiday, in which he stated that the Jews customarily used the blood of a Christian child to prepare Passover matzah."

Former Hamas Official In Antisemitic Article: The Jews Used The Blood Of Non-Jews To Prepare Pastry For Purim


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I saw the photos of the baby that was burned alive/charted. Then I saw that it was photoshopped. A photo of a small black dog, (that was unharmed), was photoshopped and then claimed to be a burned infant.

I trust neither side! But I know the damage done to its citizens by forcing the covid jabs on the masses and the continued boosters. The info about the damage to health and life of the Israeli citizens was coming out in the health tracking. Has anyone seen an update on that info since October 7?

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Dr Paul, I believe you.

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YOU are a bigger fool than he is.

This is all to take our eyes off 13,000 dead civilians in an open air prison. Bodies racked and incinerated by first world weapons against freedom fighters firing home made paper rockets

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Actually the death toll at this point is pushing 30,000...

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I need to see the video. Where is it? The smell a month later doesn't prove anything.

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How were people created that could commit such atrocities such as stories of us border atrocities? Trauma begets trauma, war creates more evil actions against life.

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And the body cam footage taken by Hamas of their actions??? And the live feeds they upload (HAMAS UPLOADED, not anyone else) in real time to Telegram? that verfify what the IDF have shown, and the the scores of independant journalists that were taken to the sites to view the carnage in the days immediately following the attack??? You are right to be skeptical of the MSM but, for the love of god do better independant research.

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The IDF has admitted that they killed most of the Israeli civilians on October 7. This wouldn't be the first time Israelis killed other Israelis to advance a cause.

Israel admits it killed its own at Nova music festival

A police investigation shows Israeli Apache helicopters opened fire on attendees of the Nova music festival during the 7 October Hamas attack


Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says


Israeli Hostage Describes What Really Happened During IDF “Rescue”


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You lost me at Electronic Intifada.

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That's okay. You lost me with your washed brain.

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What's the truth about the alleged actual footage of cutting off babies' heads? That's depravity if true. That's worsethan the Nazis. That's at the level of degeneracy of US troops in the Philipines or in WW2 or in the Vietnam.War etc. That's at thel evel of US civilian thrill and serual killers. Is it true?

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CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes. Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"

It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World. This Alone Could Be A Whole Book


CNN reporter who "confirmed" fake beheaded Israeli babies story promoted Libya intervention propaganda in 2011

12 years before Sara Sidner helped pave the way for ethnic cleansing in Gaza, she generated "mass hysteria" about rape to justify NATO's Libya intervention



The Israeli army has no information confirming allegations that "Hamas beheaded babies," Israeli army spokesperson unit told Anadolu on Tuesday.

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/11/beheaded-israeli-babies-settler-wipe-out-palestinian/

Oren Ziv, an Israeli reporter who joined the military’s official tour of Kfar Aza, commented on Twitter, “I’m getting a lot of question about the reports of ‘Hamas beheaded babies’ that were published after the media tour in the village. During the tour we didn’t see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn’t mention any such incidents.”

40 beheaded babies is reminiscent of:


"40 beheaded babies..." Wait, I know this tape...33 years ago, to the day, on 10 October 1990, PR firm Hill & Knowlton, in conjunction with the US and Kuwaiti govts, broadcast around the world the 'fact' that "40 new-born babies were thrown out of incubators by the Iraqi army"

LA Times Retracts Rape stories


It's called atrocity propaganda- the people who want war do this before all the wars (WW1 they told us the Germans cut off the hands of Belgian kids and put babies on bayonettes).

Hamas Did Not 'Bake a Baby in an Oven,' Israeli Journalists Report


American Pravda: War Crimes and Atrocity-Hoaxes in the Israel/Gaza Conflict • 49m


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They have not. This is absurdity at the level of lunacy. It is, actually, the propagation of Hamas propaganda.

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The damage done to the cars at the festival and to the homes at the kibbutz were done by helicopter gunships and tanks. Hamas does not have helicopters or tanks.

A growing number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following October 7 attack

Many details of what transpired on October 7 continue to be shrouded in mystery, including how the 1,400 Israelis who died were killed. A growing number of reports indicate the Israeli military was responsible for civilian and military deaths.


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Yes, you are completely correct!! There is video from the Apache helicopter and the IDF were just shooting without knowing who they were shooting at. More info here:


The evidence mounts that IDF shot first and asked questions later on October 7. Here an IDF soldier states to Israeli TV, “Israeli soldiers entered a kibbutz with a tank. “Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!”

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Stop. That stupidity is just obscene. These events had been verified, validated and WITNESSED first-hand, but y'know those Jews are such liars, right? Not one serious, credible *report* has buttressed any of your *reports*. You are propagating straight-up Hamas propaganda.

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Wrong. These events have not been verified. You are propagating straight up Zionist propaganda. Or let's call these Zionists what they really are... Bolsheviks.

There is a history of the Ashkenazim who founded the state of Israel and who still control it of committing acts of terror and blaming it on Arabs. The King David Hotel bombing is the best known example but there are others.

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There is video from the Apache helicopter and the IDF were just shooting without knowing who they were shooting at. More info here:


The evidence mounts that IDF shot first and asked questions later on October 7. Here an IDF soldier states to Israeli TV, “Israeli soldiers entered a kibbutz with a tank. “Are there civilians inside?” “I don’t know. Just shoot!”

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You really should try and distance yourself from these types of sites you keep posting as backing up what you're asserting as "the truth", although I'm sure they love your clicks. "mondoweiss" ...? electricintifada" ...LOL

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You mean the same sites that challenged the covid narrative? Or maybe you think I should stick to mainstream sources?

By the way, Mondoweiss was founded by Jewish journalists who paid their dues by working for mainstream outlets such as Harper's, Esquire, The Nation and so on.

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V Dominique; Did you miss the word "following"? The article's witness stated that Hamas fighters used hostages as human shields. She said that all were killed by IDF. That would be expected in a battle. Somehow she is still alive so right away it is clear that she is exaggerating. The article is very biased and doesn't support its own conclusions.

If you read the article, you comprehension is very poor.

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Yes, Israeli tanks blasted houses with Israeli citizens in it,

Israel said there were Hamas soldiers in those houses,

So Israeli tanks leveled all the houses.

Excluding the deaths from Israeli tanks and helicopters drops the death toll below 1000.

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Hahaha at your "credible sources".

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And your sources?

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I made no claims to be sourced, I only laughed at yours.

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So you offer no evidence. Got it.

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I don't think your sources show what you claim.

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I don't think you bothered to read the sources.

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They are not *sources*. No literate, learned person, or anyone with a grip on common sense, would even spend more than a minute on such proudly Jew-hating *sources*.

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I did some reading. There was some reference to friendly fire. Nowhere did I see any admission by the IDF that they did all the killing of settlers or rave attendees.

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Disturbing footage from the early days of the Israel-Hamas war has become a topic of controversy over a month later, as one major Israeli newspaper strongly suggests it shows helicopter footage of Israeli forces firing indiscriminately on civilians "approximately an hour after the onset of the [Hamas] terror attack" on Oct. 7, while media fact checkers - including those dropping 'community notes' on X, insist the clip does not show the IDF firing on concertgoers - and that Israeli forces instead "mainly fired within Kibbutzim at the directive of IDF soldiers on the ground, precisely, as stated in the source, that they couldn't differentiate."

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Look for articles on the helicopter gunships and the Hannibal Directive. Don't have time right now or I'd do it for you.

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Stop. It's been verified and validated in many ways, including third party journalists, and Hamas itself was prolific in posting videos and audio from body cams and from the killing grounds. Some of that was sent to the families of the victims, taunting the families with the torture of their loved ones.

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"HAMAS" ... Sure ..


The hostages released were all praising HAMAS not the stooges Israel dresses up as "HAMAS"

Through Deception Thou Shalt Do War

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These are some of those videos. But people will deny it anyway...


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Those who choose to hate an entire group of people have already demonstrated a lack of intellect and critical thinking skills. Once we've established that, no amount of proof, video, etc, will convince them of the error of the choice they have made. Unfortunately it's being reinforced by social media in a big way, and crowing about their hatred is something they seem to get off on. See comments in this thread.

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Dismal, isn't it? Given history, these people are more cowardly and vicious than the *good Germans* of WW2-era. I guess our grandparents tattooed on their prisoner numbers, themselves...*propaganda*, y'know.

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Unfortunately, Tori, people have been caught out tattooing on fake concentration numbers and fabricating and embellishing holocaust testimony etc. It has been documented. See the references. It is probably partly because of these sorts of instances that some people are scrptical and suspect propaganda.

"Hirt admitted in his letter that he had tattooed the camp number of Auschwitz survivor Primo Levi, the acclaimed author and chemist, on his left ..."

"Joseph Hirt said he fabricated story of being sent to camp and meeting Nazi doctor Josef Mengele to ‘keep memories alive’ about history of the Holocaust"

Man who claimed to have escaped Auschwitz admits he lied for years.


Chapter 6. False and Embellished Holocaust Testimony 

From: Textual Deceptions: False Memoirs and Literary Hoaxes in the Contemporary Era, Edinburgh University Press


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Yes, you are correct. Thanks for posting.

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How do you log in to that link? Are there other ways to view it?

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Its a telegram group, just join the group. There are many videos from Oct. 7

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What would convince you? Watching beside them? Helping them?

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I am trying to help both sides..

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Bullshit. You are so one sided here you could fall off the couch of reason and sensibility

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I’m not sure I could be naive enough to believe any of the propaganda. COVID was a farce. The Ukraine war was all about lining pockets. And I suspect the Israeli war is about hiding the damage caused by the jabs, since Israel led the way in harming its own citizens.

What does it take to convince you that you’re being played?

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The Israeli GENOCIDE is about shielding Netanyahoo from jail for corruption, clearing Gaza in order to finalize access to Oil and Natural.Gas under the ground

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I have wondered myself. Then a few day after the Oct 7 attack they started a new push for booster shots.

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Holodomor said what?

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The most shocking thing that I have seen occur in my lifetime is the virulent rise of anti-Semitism.

I have no great love for Israel as it stands under secular rule, and I understand that injustice is sometimes a two way street, but WTH with the hatred? And either way, Hamas is a terrorist organization and must go. Period.

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Absolutely. Hamas and all jihadist terrorists must be obliterated. They refuse to live peaceably, they refuse to assimilate anywhere, their stated goal is forcing ANYONE ELSE to become muslim, OR DIE.

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Gaza IS Hamas, Hamas IS Gaza. 90% of Gazans voted for Hamas when Gaza was given self-rule. Their indoctrinate and marinate their children from birth, into irreversible Jew-hatred. An entire generation of Gazan kids believe that genocide of Jews is heroic and to be celebrated. A lot of people have a Disney-fied perception of reality and the people in Gaza. This is existential stuff not just for Israel and Jews, but for all *unbelievers*.

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Correct. You and I are Kafirs. Worthy only of death. Political Islam allows for no other than complete control under Sharia law. Jihadis, both suit-wearing and wild eyed weapon brandishing cowards understand one thing. Force. Let’s not let them down. Arm up. Train. Prep. Like it or not the battle is coming to us.

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Jews believe they are the chosen ones and the rest of humanity are subservient

The hatred and indoctrination isn't one sided


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Cuts two ways today. And has been that way 2k years. Israel is Gods disobedient firstborn son. In the place of the dead. In the land without Messiah. And as the “slayer” bringing Calvary. He is a brutal half-brother to Ishmael. No rules in this fight. No holds barred. Israel is capable of any atrocity imaginable. Same for Ishmael. Israel is Gods chosen. But sever punishment is ahead. Another Holocaust will bring the necessary repentance. Intil then: blood.

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“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.” – Benjamin Netanyahu (2019)

“In the visible dimension Hamas is an enemy, in the hidden dimension it is an ally.”

– IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen (2021)

“Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet.”

– Charles Freeman, US diplomat and ambassador (2006)

Criminality Beyond Description: Netanyahu Supports Both Hamas As Well As Al Qaeda Terrorists

Israel Actively “Cooperates” with Hamas, the Islamic State and Al Qaeda


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No comment about the unfortunates forced to live in an open air prison while suffering the physical and sexual abuse of their children in Israeli jails?

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That's Islam at its heart. It coexists with no one.

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Similar to mass formation psychosis spoken of by Matthias Desmet. Heavy emphasis on psychosis.

//it's what all the cool kids are doing//

What's so surprising is the bold assertions by the Jew-haters in this group, proving my point. There's no shame any longer in calling for the extermination of an entire group of people by those ignorant enough to simply jump on the bandwagon without a clue about that which they speak. Hitler would clap his hands in glee.

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When we teach children what to think, not HOW to think, when we applaud TikTok group think influencers and allow these parasitical beings full, unfettered access to our adolescent children, when all morality is relative, and truth is “hate speech”, we arrive at this juncture in civilization.

As to “no shame”—there is zero shame for anything. We are an amoral society.

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Not all of us! Stand up! Be heard.

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From Ron Unz, who is Jewish...

American Pravda: Gaza and the Anti-Semitism Hoax


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Unz is a rabid white supremacist, and self-hating Jew.

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How convenient. Anyone with a conscience is an anti Semite and if Jewish then a self hating Jew.

Blah blah blah it's 2023 those labels do t have the sting you think it does.

A lot of fake anti Semite events turn out to be hoaxes (Jews painting swastikas on their own property)

The perpetual victims

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Bless her (V. Domingue's) heart, she is desperately trying to bring others in to her circle of hatred.

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That circle is all yours..

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All mine? As I said earlier in response to the hatred you've been spewing here, your comments display a lack of intellect and critical thinking skills. I do realize that when one is filled with irrational hatred that they tend to sound a bit deranged ... as you do.

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Since when is opposing genocide the same as "spewing" hatred? Or questioning the narrative being pushed by the people who are running this shit show?

You are the one who is "spewing" hatred. And yeah, you do sound deranged. Perhaps you have some rust on your brain?

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I've suffered racist sexist misandry in education and employment for 60 years gaslighted as Affirmative, another Zionist lie.

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Sigh...hiding Jew-hatred behind the pseudo-neutrality of *I'm only against zionism, not Jews*. At 60+, you should be better than this.

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For those who don't click your link:

These Israelis took part in the 'Nakba'.

THIS is how Israel was formed.

Israel was formed through the rape of Palestinian women and children.

Israel was formed through the mass murder of innocent Palestinians.

Israel was formed through the torture of innocent Palestinians.

Israel was formed through the mass displacement of Palestinians who had lived in the land for generations.

THIS is how Israel was formed.

THIS is the history of Israel.

How can anyone support a country that was formed like this?

How can anyone support a nation where individuals who participated in such atrocities unabashedly BOAST about it even today?




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Hiding behind goyim hatred, the master manipulators make their living. Nation destroying politics and lies, to plunder the golden calf.

You are supposedly a human being, and a female, you should be far far better than this, but you are not.

Mark of Cain is on the Jesus killers

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The anti Semite label is tiring. It no longer has the sting you think it does. Palestinians are semites as well.


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Que, Irgun and the Stern Gang.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter

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There is a lot of support for the continuation of Israel. People are fearful thst Israel will fail and that Jewish emigration to Israel will stop and that the Jewish people already there will leave. Encouraging the Jewish people to go to, and stay in, Israel was the policy of even the German Nazis prior to WW2

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The people in Gaza have no where to go, no one will take them, but Israel keeps bombing, it's like fish in a barrel. I do not want to see death on either side, innocent people should not be dying.

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No body wants them. Why would any country want people who have done what Hamas has done????????? Do you want to invite them into your home??? Go ahead.

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Do you see anywhere where I used the word Hamas, Im talking about innocent families with kids, they do exist you know, even in Gaza. Hamas is 1% of the population in Gaza, why does Israel have to carpet bomb the entire place.

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Gaza IS Hamas. There are few *innocent civilians*. The ones who might be considered that have long ago emigrated from there.

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Such B.S.

This is like the lie people like you like to propagate that the Palestinians all left "naturally of their own accord" after 1948.

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The more important question is why did Hamas undertake the slaughter of innocents, and in such a barbaric fashion.

I believe that is known as " Don't start none, there won't be none."

Do you actually believe that Hamas thought there would be no consequences for their actions? Further, do you believe the safety of their "innocent families with kids" even crossed their mind in their blood lust? If Hamas cared about "their people", this event would have never occurred, but they are so blinded by their hatred they will sacrifice their own people to see it acted upon.

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Because their soldiers are cowards. They can suffer to lose one person by sending in special forces.

These idiots haven't figured out that every innocent child or family member they kill breeds new resistance.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result


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because the globalists want a new canal.

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Now use the same logic to explain why Jews have been kicked out of 109 nations and territories over 1100 times in the last 2000 years.

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preying upon gentiles (who the Jews call "goyim")

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Those people voted for Hamas.

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The median age in Gaza is 17. That means roughly half of the population are minor children. Who did they vote for?

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That is a deceptive figure, that *forgets* that a statistical average like that does not mean half the population is under 17. The facts are that the young are marinated, indoctrinated in their genocidal Jew-hatred, that is probably irreversible, since they are steeped in it from birth. They may not have voted, but their parents did. And those parents have made sure their kids want to kill Jews as much as they do. Pick your poison.

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Seems to me that the opposite is just as true, that Israeli children are indoctinated into hatred of everyone who isn't Jewish, especially the native population of Palestine. For example...


But hey, keep on rationalizing the mass killing of women and children.

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You really must up the quality of your sources.

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A strong argument could be made that if the ADULTS who voted for Hamas cared about their children, we wouldn't be here debating this. Who cares what the median age is. What matters is the voting population voted for murderous thugs, will full knowledge of their political ideology and awareness of what may be the outcome. Like it or not, responsibility for retaliation on their people belongs to Hamas.

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Not all of them did.

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90% of Gazans voted for Hamas, and overwhelmingly still support them.

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Their Arab neighbors will not take them, because unfailingly, Gazans/Palestinians import their terrorism, violence, chaos to Arab countries. None of them are, of course, friendly with Israel, but they do have an instinct for self-preservation and recognize that warring with Israel is playing with fire. Israel *keeps bombing* targeting locations and ALWAYS gives advance notice to civilians to evacuate. Always. If innocent people should not be dying, then *innocent people* should not elect designated terror organizations as their government. Blame Hamas and blame Gazans for electing them. That toothpaste is not going back in the tube, and the only way for Israel to survive is to eliminate Hamas for good. There will be collateral damage, despite precautions, but it is critical that Hamas be eliminated entirely.

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There is a lot more support for the continuation of Israel than is acknowledged. Many people are fearful thst Israel will fail and that Jewish emigration to Israel will stop and that the Jewish people already there will leave. There is no great desire outside of the US for larger Jewish populations outside of Israel. Encouraging the Jewish people to go to, and stay in, what is now Israel was the policy of even the German Nazis prior to WW2. The Palestinians can complain all they like about having the Jewish people and Israel imposed upon them without their consent but much of the world will think "better them than us" and " there but for the grace ..."

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Yet the Jews were not imposed on the Palestinians without their consent. There was no Palestine as anything but a term to describe a general region of the Middle East. They are Arabs---Jordanians, Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese with no historical ties to or occupancy of a land that was largely barren and arid, as Mark Twain observed on his travels there. It took the re-introduction of the indigenous Jews to make that entire region green, fertile, productive and prosperous. Gaza was quite literally gifted a very prosperous rehabilitation of land that had no agriculture at all, prior to their return and resumption of their homeland. But such is the infectious nature of anti-semitism, that the Arab neighbors who warred with Israel and lost repeatedly, have managed to cultivate over the last century, an entirely fictitious rendition of the history and geopolitics that too many refuse to question the obvious contradiction in that narrative. And that is part of the reason why the Jews have spent their entire history in diasporas...Jew-hatred has found a home in the DNA of too many. And, sickeningly, it looks like that will continue.

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It's the "Nakba," the expansionism, the collective punishment (Sippenhaft) and disproportionate use of force plus repeated alleged violations of international and humanitarian law that appears to have a lot to do with Israel's loss of the PR battle and the growing support for the arabs ("Palestinians") and growing hatred for the Jewish people worldwide. It's probably partly why Thai-German-American anti-covid vax microbiologist Prof Sucharit Bhakdi was acquitted by a German court recently for saying that Israel is WTE "worse than the Nazis."

The local arabs who resided, and whose ancestors had also resided in many cases, in what is now Israel didn't get much of a say in the decision to create Israel..

From Wikipedia: "British colonial rule and Arab efforts to prevent Jewish migration into Palestine led to growing sectarian violence between Arabs and Jews, eventually causing the British government to announce its intention to terminate the Mandate in 1947. The United Nations General Assembly recommended partitioning Palestine into two states; one Arab and one Jewish. However, the situation in Palestine had deteriorated into a civil war between Arabs and Jews. The Arabs rejected the Partition Plan, the Jews ostensibly accepted it, declaring the independence of the State of Israel in May 1948 upon the termination of the British mandate. Nearby Arab countries invaded Palestine, but Israel not only prevailed but also conquered far more territory of the Mandate than envisioned by the Partition Plan. During the war, 700,000, or about 80% of all Palestinians fled or were driven out of the territory that Israel conquered, and were not allowed to return, in an event that became known as the Nakba ("Catastrophe") to the Palestinians. Starting in the late 1940s and continuing for decades thereafter, about 850,000 Jews from the Arab world immigrated ("made Aliyah") to Israel..After the war, only two parts of Palestine remained in Arab control: the West Bank (and East-Jerusalem), annexed by Jordan, and the Gaza Strip (occupied by Egypt), which were conquered by Israel during the Six-Day War in 1967. Despite international objections, Israel started to establish settlements in these occupied territories.[1] Meanwhile, the Palestinian national movement gradually gained international recognition ..."


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Wikipedia??????????? Really???????????

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Hi Annette, I'm aware that Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales is reportedly an unashamed pro-Israeli partisan and that Wikipedia has reportedly been turned into a pro-Israel propaganda site. Is that what you're referring to? I decided to use Wikipedia as a source for that very reason.

"For over a decade, well-organized and well-funded Israeli groups have infiltrated Wikipedia and attempted to rewrite the encyclopedia to defend Israeli actions and demonize voices who speak out against them.

One of the most well-known of these is the Yesha Council, which, as far back as 2010, claimed to have 12,000 active members. Yesha members painstakingly police Wikipedia, removing troublesome facts and framing articles in a manner more favorable to Israel.

Those Yesha considers the “Best Zionist Editors” receive rewards, including free hot-air balloon rides. Between 2010 and 2012, this project was personally overseen and coordinated by future Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Yesha and other pro-Israel groups have ceaselessly targeted MintPress’ Wikipedia page, filling it with demonstrable falsehoods and misinformation. Wikipedia is aware of this problem but has refused to address it adequately, perhaps partly because of its co-founder Jimmy Wales’ unabashedly pro-Israel partisanship."


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Israel keeps bombing? Hamas are murderous terrorists who want Israel wiped off the map. The Palestinians, not Hamas, live in Israel AND other middle eastern countries, and should STAY there. Israel is not anti-Palestinian, they are anti-those who preach hatred and murder.

Israel does not intentionally kill "innocent" people, but Hamas DOES, and Hamas kills their own people so they can blame others.

There should be NO cease fire. Obliterate Hamas and all jihadist terrorists.

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All the Palestinians do not live in Israel.

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Hamas is a mossad operation, giving the excuse to murder and steal.

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Israel created HAMAS to divide PLO support. Now it's biting them in.the ass in this latest FALSE flag op

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"Israel does not intentionally kill "innocent" people".

Hundreds and hundreds of photos, videos and reputable reporting over the last 75 years would say otherwise.

But sure thing, yeah...

I suppose they "accidentally" stole land, organs from dead bodies, etc as well..

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I wonder why? In any case, none of those “neighbors” seem to have one oz of compassion.

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I'm curious, how much money has Israel and/or AIPAC given you in the past year Dr. Alexander?

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zero...none...not one cent...prove otherwise...I am not affiliated in any of them.

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Any free flights or hotels?

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I take it from your failure to respond to my question regarding if you were given a free flight and/or hotel to go to Israel, that that is the case.

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Why, after following him, would you assume he was being bought?

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I remember the Doctor mentioned that Pfizer offered him a million or so to stop S#iT talking their vaccine, and I wouldn't be surprised if Israel and or AIPAC has offered him some $ as well considering his high profile. Israel doesn't show this video to many people....only people they feel are influencers. And, I suspect that they are paying many of the folks that they show this video to. If he doesn't respond then I will assume that they have in fact paid him. It's a real easy question to answer.

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It’s just a Kill Jew bot.

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Killing goyim perfectly acceptable

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Free kosher pastrami sandwiches for life, perhaps Michael.

Paul is a decent bloke Michael.

He's just mixed up with the kikes - I suppose that's his business to know where his own bread is buttered.

It's just these fucking Zionists - they are everywhere: Hollywood, Wall Street, paying everyone off, creating fake scenarios - covid, MeToo, BLM, Ukraine, tranny agenda, climate agenda and now the headline act - the holy land - protecting it from ragheads with paragliders, bulldozers, wire-cutters, rocks - proper cutting edge firepower. And all those US tax dollars to fund a war so far away for a mafia state. So very tragic. What a pantomime.

It's just a wank Michael, a wind-up as they say in the UK.

Paul knows he's done on covid content. It's dead and buried. Repetitive, trite as they say in the legal industry.

Israel//Hamas is the hottest gig now on substack.

It's a video game; a Hollywood d-grade porno where Klaus the Nazi no longer fucks Mrs Cohen. This time Mr Cohen fucks Yasmina, kills her HB Achmed, slaughters her kids Naseerah, Yusuf, Yazid, Mariaam, Ashraf, and then nukes the neighbourhood. It's all so very sexy and edgy. You come really hard.

And then you tally up the fake covid type body count and flick the channel to the next porno.

At 3am, you put your dick back in your pants and realise tomorrow's month-end and how you gonna pay the bills and give the wife her cash and then it all comes crashing down - we're not fulfilled, we're lonely, we argue with fanatics with code-names hiding cowardly behind their keyboards in their shitty bedsits, doing exactly what Paul's doing - winding perfect strangers up for a laugh.

Nobody cares Michael.

I most certainly don't.

I'm just here to practice my writing.


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I think it is a worthwhile question. I care, and I suspect that many of his reader also care if he has been bought and paid for to support Israel's narrative.

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It's very telling he can see through the COVID Psyop but not this one.

Literally a month ago, Israel was engulfed in protests against Netanyahoos judicial reforms and attempts to avoid corruption sentence and jail time.

Oct 7 was a "god" send.

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You're a good person Michael. You're at the wrong meeting.

Lots of people here don't care. They just want to be listened to.

This is a prolific contemporary condition.

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Lot's of people probably don't care, and lot's of others probably do.

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Yes, some do. I've engaged with them and they're lovely, smart and sincere.

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By the way, I used this online facial recognition website to find images of myself online, and it keeps matching me with Mads Mikkelsen, the guy you have in your image, even though I don't think I look that much like him. Maybe similar cheek bones or something.

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How much money do you get for being a Jew hater??

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Please note that I have Jewish ancestry on my father's side, and am not a Jew hater.

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Self hating Jew label being hurled in 3, 2, 1 ...

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There they go again Michael.

Give them a good fight.

You can do it even if you were in a coma.

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G Soros is Jewish. Good and bad all around

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Doesn’t matter. Jews are the worst Jew haters.

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Controlled opposition from the masters of propaganda

Educated by Baal and Moloch.

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Hahaha....um, OK. whatever you say bro.

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Don't answer like that Michael. He/she/it wants you to bully back.

Bullies respond to strength.

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I'll respond however I want, and you can do the same.

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How much money does the ADL get for spreading hate?

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As much as Hamas has given you.

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So sad you swallow lies from the same genocidal corp presstitutes who pushed jabs.. there are no beheaded babies ffs get some media not beholden to AIPAC

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Yes, it has been refuted by Israeli sources countless times.

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I am interested in the proof to your assertion. Help me out here ....what is the reliable source of your assertion, or is it merely wishful thinking on your part?

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No wishful thinking & folks who track propaganda have seen variants of this story from WWI Babies on Bayonets campaign.. more recent Iraq war hype had Saddam's incubator babies on the floor story but this is fact checked by Max Blumenthal & Alex Rubinstein American Jews opposing Zionist genocide


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Do you remember the lie by the daughter of the Kuwaiti prime Minister during Iraq war 2.0. claiming Iraqi soldiers were disconnecting kids from ICUs.

After the war it was revealed to be a lie.

Truth is always the first casualty of war

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Shouldn't you at least wait until there is independent verification of the "evidence" which has so appalled you before making up your mind whether it is genuine or not? I point this out becaudse

Israel has already been caught out on a number of occasions spreading half truths, lies and faking photographic and other evidence used to demonise the perpetrators of the breakout on October 7. These attempts to spread disinformation which demonises Hamas and, by implication, the innocent Palestinian civilian population, have been widely circulated on independent news channels, though (lsurprise surprise) hardly at all by the captured, pro-Israel corporate mass media.

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Next thing you know Hamas will be taking over the maternity wards of Jerusalem's hospitals, pulling premature babies out of the incubators and throwing them to the cold concrete floor to die... 🤔

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Yes, it's atrocity propaganda just like the lies we were told before the war on Iraq.

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Nov 30, 2023·edited Nov 30, 2023

Hi Roy,

That's just grim.

You put me right off my vegan lunch of a leftover baked potato, peas, brocolli, lime juice and pasta all tossed together and warmed up in the microwave, and then doused with avo smash.

I kept thinking the microwave was an incubator after reading your comment.

Thanks a lot brother.

Thank god for Cape Point Vineyards sauvignon blanc.

Le'chaim oops nazdaroviah oops I mean skol or at the very least cin cin.

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Kuwaiti Prime Ministers daughter has entered the chat

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I also saw some of the carnage from a very credible source inside Israel. I had to stop watching it. I practiced as an oculofacial reconstructive surgeon for 40 years. Thought I had seen everything-motor vehicle trauma, shotgun to the face, massive facial injuries from 3 pit bulls to a child ( the police brought in her cheekbone 3 hours into the 12 hour surgery) but NOTHING compared to the barbarism of Hamas. I am sure the Mongol armies would have been sickened by the unbridled Satanic Evil. I also wished I had never seen what these monsters proudly live-streamed.

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Did you watch the mutilated bodies of children and grandmothers on the GAZA side? Or is it selective outrage.

Btw HAMAS plan was to kidnap hostages and trade them for Palestinian children in Israeli jails. The deaths were caused by Israeli Apache helicopters indiscriminate bombings on Oct 7.

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Holodomor tops for barbarism

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After you read the next 2 long articles

I say....

I ask

is a real false flag ?

Israel let attack happen ?



Israel knew of upcoming attack?


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Israel created and funds Hamas to keep the PLO at bay. The Israeli zionists have no problem killing their own to forward their agenda to rule the world. The zionists are the Synagogue of Satan. Name me any other religion that goes to synagogue? Jesus called it 2000 years ago.

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MOSSAD motto is

"Through **Deception** Thou Shalt Do War"

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Yes, they a decades long history of false flag terrorism--they stage terrorist events and blame it on the Palestinians in order to demonize the Palestinians in the media and prevent peace. I posted a whole list of all the terrorism the Israelis have done (in a comment above).

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I am not doubting your word/testimony. But is it not true that Israeli military created Hamas to counter the PLO? Baby beheadings have been happening since biblical times and I dare say inspired by demons and dark forces beyond knowing. Throwing money at any group is fuel to the fire. ALL indigenous people have been the target of the Kabal and it won’t stop until they are all gone one or the other. It’s bigger than anything you could see, and the tragedy is unfathomable.

In The Economist magazine Christmas 2012 double issue has cover artwork depicting HAMAS hang gliding air attack against a hand gliding Netanyahu. Is anything as it seems.

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“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.” – Benjamin Netanyahu (2019)

“In the visible dimension Hamas is an enemy, in the hidden dimension it is an ally.”

– IDF Major General Gershon Hacohen (2021)

“Israel started Hamas. It was a project of Shin Bet.”

– Charles Freeman, US diplomat and ambassador (2006)

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The US appears to be the biggest source of baby beheaders. The German Nazis would vomit at some of the sadistic, warped head hunter, cannibalistic sick stuff that the US has habitually done when pulling its "master race" routine in Haiti, the Philipines, Japan, North Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. It's real John Wayne Gacy, BTK (Bind Torture Kill) serial killer stuff.

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World Trade Center’s Infamous 91st-Floor Israeli ‘Art Student’ Project - (GELATIN & E-TEAM) https://archive.ph/jwxBn

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For anyone interested in understanding the way Israel manipulates the official narrative, I recommend this well-researched and referenced recent article. I can provide links to numerous other sources which highlight fabricated "evidence" published by Israeli government in respect of their operations in Gaza.


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I call bull on the poster. The babies were debunked

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Correct-- it was retracted and denied by Israeli sources (but perhaps after 8 weeks, they were able to come up with some kind of CGI)

CNN Retracts Hamas Beheading Babies Claim and Apologizes. Sara Sidner Says It Came From The Israeli PM's Office And Was Originally "Confirmed," But Later Disintegrated Into "Cannot Confirm"

It Should Trouble Everybody Deeply That Israeli PM's Office Mainlined The Most Inflammatory Story Imaginable To The Entire World. This Alone Could Be A Whole Book


CNN reporter who "confirmed" fake beheaded Israeli babies story promoted Libya intervention propaganda in 2011

12 years before Sara Sidner helped pave the way for ethnic cleansing in Gaza, she generated "mass hysteria" about rape to justify NATO's Libya intervention



The Israeli army has no information confirming allegations that "Hamas beheaded babies," Israeli army spokesperson unit told Anadolu on Tuesday.

Source of dubious ‘beheaded babies’ claim is Israeli settler leader who incited riots to ‘wipe out’ Palestinian village https://thegrayzone.com/2023/10/11/beheaded-israeli-babies-settler-wipe-out-palestinian/

Oren Ziv, an Israeli reporter who joined the military’s official tour of Kfar Aza, commented on Twitter, “I’m getting a lot of question about the reports of ‘Hamas beheaded babies’ that were published after the media tour in the village. During the tour we didn’t see any evidence of this, and the army spokesperson or commanders also didn’t mention any such incidents.”

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Sad case

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And numerous times

HAMAS is returning hostages with their pets in exchange for Palestinian children in Israeli jails


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Sorry Doctor, it's not just Hamas. It's ISLAM. If Israel kills every last member or even associate of Hamas they are only buying some time as others from the evil, brain-dead collective will eventually replace them.

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Stop taking their land, physically and Sexually abusing their jailed kids in Israeli jails and the problem disappears

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