Wegovy & semaglutide WEIGHT LOSS medications; be very careful with these medications as reports suggest that 'caveat emptor', or buyer beware, it is not what you think it is
I just don't know why anyone thinks that taking a drug will benefit them in any way, especially a drug that is touted to be a weight loss miracle. Idiotic. Just more bull shit from evil drug companies that do not give a shit about anyone who takes their crap, they don't care what it does to people, or if they die, they ONLY care about the money.
For weight loss, I try to cut back sugar intake, eat a little less and take walks. If you want to go gung-ho, add some weight lifting and exercises to a routine.
That's just buying into the same flawed hypothesis that weight maintenance is a problem of "calories in— calories out". It has been a spectacular failure, long-term, for 98% of the people who try implementing it. Only by increasing caloric restriction and making oneself miserable can weight-loss be maintained this way because the body always tries to achieve balance (homeostasis). Just REDUCING intake will ALWAYS trigger a compensatory reduction in calories burned off, by reducing metabolic rate and movement.
Obesity/overweight is much more complicated than that (the calories in— calories out). It is a problem of enery production at a cellular (mitochondrial) level, often caused by a combination of nutrient deficiencies plus toxic exposures, including such food toxins as omega 6 fatty acids from the universally over-eaten industrial seed oils (soy oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, etc.).
When exercise helps, it is probably more because of its effect on stimulating mitogenesis instead of its effect from calorie use.
But people tend to "put the cart before the horse". They exercise to force energy use. Instead, increasing cellular energy availability automatically makes one WANT to move to use the energy "overflow". Why are little kids ALWAYS moving around? Jumping, waving arms, can't hold still? It's BECAUSE they have so many young, healthy mitochondria! They are BURSTING with energy! Why are old people usually so sedentary? Why do people typically get increasingly fat as they get older?They have comparatively very few (or few healthy) mitochondria remaining!
ALL overweight people are creating cellular energy at sub-par levels! ALL need to work on their mitochondrial health. Poor-functioning mitochondria are also one of the key elements of the Redox Imbalance that underpins every chronic disease. (Oxidation-reduction state in cells.)
Several small meals a day, perhaps 5 or so, will help preclude storage of your calories. Eat, digest, and if the amount is kept small, you won't be storing the fats and carbs in your diet. Eat too much at one sitting and your body will realize it has to store that food energy, unfortunately starting at the waistline.
During Covid I started intermittent fasting. I eat 12 hours .. fast 12 hours...I did NOT what I ate in beginning.. since 2021 I’ve lost 53 lbs...it’s FREE & easy
Due to chronic /pain health issues, I cannot exercise & all I do is little walking with my dog ..
Hi Julie! I am highly interested in people's success stories. If I may ask, about how old are you? (Young, mid-life, old?)
Eating too frequently keeps blood insulin too high, and insulin is the "fat storage" hormone. But many other factors are also involved in weight balance. And chronic pain conditions complicate things. May I inquire about your other health practices? Are you taking any magnesium or vitamin C or D supplements? B-complex? Thiamine, riboflavin, or niacin/niacinamide? Calcium supplements or ant-acids?
Hmmm . . . I recently read a rather odd article about a previously unknown connection between chronic pain and nerves in the skin. I'll have to see if I can find that again.
Currently, I'm auditioning for a position as a stooge for Mr. Allopathy Doktor of cardiology. The man can't wait to get his hands on my medical insurance and sell, sell, sell the newest and greatest wonderfulnesses to ever hit cardiology. Oh, boy, gonna get me some new drugs, should make my life heaven on earth.
Fauci had one foot in the creation of the Virus with his work with the Wuhan Biolab and the other foot in his investment in Pfizer and Moderna who had already created the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine back in 2016 and it was patented. It was so well orchestrated that Fauci in 2017 said Trump would, not could, not maybe. But Trump would be dealing with a Pandemic during his presidency. And don’t you know it all came to pass. How would he know all this. Now we have Billy Gates, Fauci, The WHO, The CDC telling us we have another Pandemic coming our way. Pfizer lost a wrongful death and harm lawsuit back in 2002 to the tune of $2.4Billion and they did a repeat from 2019-2023 and they are still pushing their poison. Read the Pfizer early released data showing on pg.7 that 1,223 people died out of 42,086 in the first major trial and Pfizer knew it and tried to hide it from the FDA and those they told how this drug was extremely safe and effective. There were also hundreds and hundreds serious side effects due to the use of this poison. Same thing they said regarding the drug in 2002. Money is all they care about and safety takes the furthest back seat. It would have only taken 50-100 deaths in a test study to put a full stop to further use of an experimental drug.
Goes way back before then. Did you read RFK jrs book The Real Anthony Fauci.. he exposed everything, & if you buy the e-book , there are links to over 2,000 research papers to back up his claims. .. it’s sooo bad 😢🙏
Yes. My BFF from kindergarten was one of them. We had him off the meds & eating healthy & exercising .. his numbers were normal.. his Dr convinced him to go back on AZT .. he died of cancer shortly after.
I had NO idea about Fauci & all that until I read the book. It’s amazing
I had a friend who contracted HIV from his G/F who was sleeping with her infected drug dealer. She brought it home to him and his doctor put him on AZT and at first it showed promise but then his doctor increased the dosage after a couple of years and then his health went south quickly. He didn’t last very long after that.
I’m sorry. You wouldn’t believe the number of poisonous medications on market they push as “safe & reversible”. .. I was left disabled from a medication that they still prescribe.. and now they are giving it to gender confused kids... they tell parents, side effects are reversible.NOT ...👿👿👿
How is is not criminal for drug companies to create dangerous drugs, with known life altering toxic side effects, poisons, then use doctors to promote and push them onto vulnerable people?
They can be sued in civil court, like J&J selling baby powder with asbestos, for example. But that's not enough. There needs to be serious consequences for anyone who profits from such schemes.
"Informed consent" doesn't let them off the hook when harm is intentional or wanton disregard for life & limb in pursuit of profit is involved.
No they can’t. Vaccines have immunity from ALL liability.. that’s why everything is a vaccine now 😐. Reagan passed that lovely law way back giving Vaccine makes legal immunity & Bill Gates talked President Trump into adding to Warp Speed.. 🤮
My cousins lungs are shrinking & nobody knows why.. if not the Covid jabs she took...definitely the jabs of this stuff she gets to keep trim 😬😬... yet try & point this out & you are the bad person
The thing is is that humans want to believe that big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections can help them live healthier and longer. Most humans are driven by the basic fear of dying, in which there is no escape from, and thus will believe anything that big pharma and the medical mafia tells them.
The exact opposite is true. The medical community is driven to provide you with a merciless death but not before they have raped your wealth and health. They primarily use drugs that are slow to murder and virtually undetectable as being such. Your silly doctor has no clue. He is nothing more than a prescription writing machine.
However, the psycho globalists have become antsy because death is not happening quick enough...and that is why a fake pandemic and fake vaccines have been introduced. It is natural that after taking big pharma drugs, many want to kill themselves. That is part of their murdering intentions.
It is happening with mRNA injections, pain drugs, depression drugs and now weight loss drugs.
Too many truth and freedom seekers/fighters have simply given-up. Many fell into the psy-opped delusion that there’s no way out of this mess. Desperation means lack of hope. This book intends to show the way back into hope.
In 'The Matrix' movie, Morpheus offers Neo a red pill to wake up and see how far the rabbit hole goes and a blue pill to go back to sleep then wake up in his bed and believe whatever he wants to believe.
Redpilled = someone who is awakened to terrible truths that the-powers-that-be don't want to be known.
Bluepilled = someone who doesn't tolerate the truth and prefers a self-delusional but happy life.
Blackpilled = someone who has lost hope and will to live, after taking a redpills coated in black, a deadly lie.
Whitepilled = someone who was given the antidote to the blackpills.
General Douglas MacArthur: “Like Abraham Lincoln, I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” 1 … “and beer”, so goes the joke.
just to be clear there are production issues with lily trulocity a once weekly diabetes injectable so spouse's endocrinologist started him on mounjaro, both drugs have worked to lower his a1c, along with jardance so far no big weight loss but insulin use has been lowered. along with healthy diet, the switch had nothing to do with take this to lose weight, it was to replace what was becoming harder to refill and stopping cold could cause other problems. my understanding was the intended use was for type 2 diabetics, weight loss was a side effect it never was brought to market for over weight people. so if your using it for its intended use and will watch for any of the side effects possible
Yes diabetes...my doctor wants me to use it for that reason but I'm nervous due to all the talk....when I try to find information for my use all I can find is weightless talk ..hard to make a decision 😕
Side effects "missed" in trials? This said, many, many, many persons I know have gained between 20 to (yes!) 40 pounds more since their jab, that one very hard to lose (your fat stores an awful lot of toxic waste to save you from having it in your organs, thank your fat for the quickest solution) and can't get their bP stabilized (with newly aquired BP medication, it goes in tandem with the weight gain also). Suddenly labs come up with these concoctions for miracle weight loss???? What else is new: you create the problem and create the solution as well? that's very suspicious to me... food for thought Ya'll (LOL)... (I got it: it's my parano-conspiracy personnality coming through again...).
Warped idea Rx drugs are silver bullets.. risk free benefits & easy fix to ailments that relate to lifestyle. Sad reflection of pill popping public & enabling MDs.
The world we live in is insane. One minute we are chided for the mere suggestion that an obese person should maybe lose weight. Fat shaming. It was to the point that clothing stores had giant frocks on display. Be fat. Be proud. And never ever feel bad about your obese body.
Your fatness is a disease and big pharma has the cure! Yaaay!! Now you too can look like a skinny mini! Our drug will make you less inclined to stuff your pie hole all day long. You know that’s whatcha always wanted. Right, Oprah?
Does anyone see what’s going on here? Seriously. The social hypocrisy is as thick as a slab of Crisco at a fried chicken contest.
When the only people that are allowed to “fat shame” are the ones making bank selling drugs what a joke our society has become. SMH.
I just don't know why anyone thinks that taking a drug will benefit them in any way, especially a drug that is touted to be a weight loss miracle. Idiotic. Just more bull shit from evil drug companies that do not give a shit about anyone who takes their crap, they don't care what it does to people, or if they die, they ONLY care about the money.
For weight loss, I try to cut back sugar intake, eat a little less and take walks. If you want to go gung-ho, add some weight lifting and exercises to a routine.
That's just buying into the same flawed hypothesis that weight maintenance is a problem of "calories in— calories out". It has been a spectacular failure, long-term, for 98% of the people who try implementing it. Only by increasing caloric restriction and making oneself miserable can weight-loss be maintained this way because the body always tries to achieve balance (homeostasis). Just REDUCING intake will ALWAYS trigger a compensatory reduction in calories burned off, by reducing metabolic rate and movement.
Obesity/overweight is much more complicated than that (the calories in— calories out). It is a problem of enery production at a cellular (mitochondrial) level, often caused by a combination of nutrient deficiencies plus toxic exposures, including such food toxins as omega 6 fatty acids from the universally over-eaten industrial seed oils (soy oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, etc.).
When exercise helps, it is probably more because of its effect on stimulating mitogenesis instead of its effect from calorie use.
But people tend to "put the cart before the horse". They exercise to force energy use. Instead, increasing cellular energy availability automatically makes one WANT to move to use the energy "overflow". Why are little kids ALWAYS moving around? Jumping, waving arms, can't hold still? It's BECAUSE they have so many young, healthy mitochondria! They are BURSTING with energy! Why are old people usually so sedentary? Why do people typically get increasingly fat as they get older?They have comparatively very few (or few healthy) mitochondria remaining!
ALL overweight people are creating cellular energy at sub-par levels! ALL need to work on their mitochondrial health. Poor-functioning mitochondria are also one of the key elements of the Redox Imbalance that underpins every chronic disease. (Oxidation-reduction state in cells.)
Several small meals a day, perhaps 5 or so, will help preclude storage of your calories. Eat, digest, and if the amount is kept small, you won't be storing the fats and carbs in your diet. Eat too much at one sitting and your body will realize it has to store that food energy, unfortunately starting at the waistline.
During Covid I started intermittent fasting. I eat 12 hours .. fast 12 hours...I did NOT what I ate in beginning.. since 2021 I’ve lost 53 lbs...it’s FREE & easy
Due to chronic /pain health issues, I cannot exercise & all I do is little walking with my dog ..
All my “health” numbers are perfect 👍 🙏.
Hi Julie! I am highly interested in people's success stories. If I may ask, about how old are you? (Young, mid-life, old?)
Eating too frequently keeps blood insulin too high, and insulin is the "fat storage" hormone. But many other factors are also involved in weight balance. And chronic pain conditions complicate things. May I inquire about your other health practices? Are you taking any magnesium or vitamin C or D supplements? B-complex? Thiamine, riboflavin, or niacin/niacinamide? Calcium supplements or ant-acids?
If you want to email me jpspatz@icloud.com we could do it privately lol.
But I’m 60 & gained the weight after I became “fully disabled” from chronic pain at 28 ...
Found it! Let me know what you think about this:
"Could this be the beginning of the end of chronic pain?"
That’s a great article. I have tried most of those treatments.. but I’m gonna check out the Dilantin for neuropathy for my ❤️ .. thank you 🙏
I will check this out. My pain is from internal surgical adhesions which keep my internal organs stuck together.
So, it’s a little different from usual chronic pain from nerves/inflammation 🙏.
Hmmm . . . I recently read a rather odd article about a previously unknown connection between chronic pain and nerves in the skin. I'll have to see if I can find that again.
That’s too much common sense
Sorcery or evil pharmakeia truly
N O T D O “ !! ... 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ... !!!
Currently, I'm auditioning for a position as a stooge for Mr. Allopathy Doktor of cardiology. The man can't wait to get his hands on my medical insurance and sell, sell, sell the newest and greatest wonderfulnesses to ever hit cardiology. Oh, boy, gonna get me some new drugs, should make my life heaven on earth.
Create the problem and offer a cure🤦♀️
Fauci had one foot in the creation of the Virus with his work with the Wuhan Biolab and the other foot in his investment in Pfizer and Moderna who had already created the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine back in 2016 and it was patented. It was so well orchestrated that Fauci in 2017 said Trump would, not could, not maybe. But Trump would be dealing with a Pandemic during his presidency. And don’t you know it all came to pass. How would he know all this. Now we have Billy Gates, Fauci, The WHO, The CDC telling us we have another Pandemic coming our way. Pfizer lost a wrongful death and harm lawsuit back in 2002 to the tune of $2.4Billion and they did a repeat from 2019-2023 and they are still pushing their poison. Read the Pfizer early released data showing on pg.7 that 1,223 people died out of 42,086 in the first major trial and Pfizer knew it and tried to hide it from the FDA and those they told how this drug was extremely safe and effective. There were also hundreds and hundreds serious side effects due to the use of this poison. Same thing they said regarding the drug in 2002. Money is all they care about and safety takes the furthest back seat. It would have only taken 50-100 deaths in a test study to put a full stop to further use of an experimental drug.
Goes way back before then. Did you read RFK jrs book The Real Anthony Fauci.. he exposed everything, & if you buy the e-book , there are links to over 2,000 research papers to back up his claims. .. it’s sooo bad 😢🙏
I must get and read that book. Fauci killed tens of thousands of people infected with HIV using AZT.
Buy the E-book .. it links to over 2,000 references..
Yes. My BFF from kindergarten was one of them. We had him off the meds & eating healthy & exercising .. his numbers were normal.. his Dr convinced him to go back on AZT .. he died of cancer shortly after.
I had NO idea about Fauci & all that until I read the book. It’s amazing
I had a friend who contracted HIV from his G/F who was sleeping with her infected drug dealer. She brought it home to him and his doctor put him on AZT and at first it showed promise but then his doctor increased the dosage after a couple of years and then his health went south quickly. He didn’t last very long after that.
I’m sorry. You wouldn’t believe the number of poisonous medications on market they push as “safe & reversible”. .. I was left disabled from a medication that they still prescribe.. and now they are giving it to gender confused kids... they tell parents, side effects are reversible.NOT ...👿👿👿
People want a pill or shot because in their mind, it's a quick fix, when often there's no solution without hard work.
How is is not criminal for drug companies to create dangerous drugs, with known life altering toxic side effects, poisons, then use doctors to promote and push them onto vulnerable people?
They can be sued in civil court, like J&J selling baby powder with asbestos, for example. But that's not enough. There needs to be serious consequences for anyone who profits from such schemes.
"Informed consent" doesn't let them off the hook when harm is intentional or wanton disregard for life & limb in pursuit of profit is involved.
Ken Paxton of Texas just filed a suit based on false advertising I think.. to get around the legal protection.. 🙏🙏
No they can’t. Vaccines have immunity from ALL liability.. that’s why everything is a vaccine now 😐. Reagan passed that lovely law way back giving Vaccine makes legal immunity & Bill Gates talked President Trump into adding to Warp Speed.. 🤮
this class of drugs has side effects of muscle wasting and loss of bone density
My cousins lungs are shrinking & nobody knows why.. if not the Covid jabs she took...definitely the jabs of this stuff she gets to keep trim 😬😬... yet try & point this out & you are the bad person
The thing is is that humans want to believe that big pharma drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections can help them live healthier and longer. Most humans are driven by the basic fear of dying, in which there is no escape from, and thus will believe anything that big pharma and the medical mafia tells them.
The exact opposite is true. The medical community is driven to provide you with a merciless death but not before they have raped your wealth and health. They primarily use drugs that are slow to murder and virtually undetectable as being such. Your silly doctor has no clue. He is nothing more than a prescription writing machine.
However, the psycho globalists have become antsy because death is not happening quick enough...and that is why a fake pandemic and fake vaccines have been introduced. It is natural that after taking big pharma drugs, many want to kill themselves. That is part of their murdering intentions.
It is happening with mRNA injections, pain drugs, depression drugs and now weight loss drugs.
Read @shawn Paul Melville ..
It’s about more than that .. 🙏
Any time you hear the word “miracle drug” that replaces behavior, you are taking a risk. Did we learn anything from the opiate craze? Apparently not.
👏👏👏Are you whitepilled?
Too many truth and freedom seekers/fighters have simply given-up. Many fell into the psy-opped delusion that there’s no way out of this mess. Desperation means lack of hope. This book intends to show the way back into hope.
In 'The Matrix' movie, Morpheus offers Neo a red pill to wake up and see how far the rabbit hole goes and a blue pill to go back to sleep then wake up in his bed and believe whatever he wants to believe.
Redpilled = someone who is awakened to terrible truths that the-powers-that-be don't want to be known.
Bluepilled = someone who doesn't tolerate the truth and prefers a self-delusional but happy life.
Blackpilled = someone who has lost hope and will to live, after taking a redpills coated in black, a deadly lie.
Whitepilled = someone who was given the antidote to the blackpills.
General Douglas MacArthur: “Like Abraham Lincoln, I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.” 1 … “and beer”, so goes the joke.
“But what can I do,
I’m just one person”
said 8 billion people
The way out of this mess:
Big farma is no better than the shills pushing tonics and other useless remedies before modern medicine.
Another pharma med made with venoms.
just to be clear there are production issues with lily trulocity a once weekly diabetes injectable so spouse's endocrinologist started him on mounjaro, both drugs have worked to lower his a1c, along with jardance so far no big weight loss but insulin use has been lowered. along with healthy diet, the switch had nothing to do with take this to lose weight, it was to replace what was becoming harder to refill and stopping cold could cause other problems. my understanding was the intended use was for type 2 diabetics, weight loss was a side effect it never was brought to market for over weight people. so if your using it for its intended use and will watch for any of the side effects possible
Yes diabetes...my doctor wants me to use it for that reason but I'm nervous due to all the talk....when I try to find information for my use all I can find is weightless talk ..hard to make a decision 😕
Side effects "missed" in trials? This said, many, many, many persons I know have gained between 20 to (yes!) 40 pounds more since their jab, that one very hard to lose (your fat stores an awful lot of toxic waste to save you from having it in your organs, thank your fat for the quickest solution) and can't get their bP stabilized (with newly aquired BP medication, it goes in tandem with the weight gain also). Suddenly labs come up with these concoctions for miracle weight loss???? What else is new: you create the problem and create the solution as well? that's very suspicious to me... food for thought Ya'll (LOL)... (I got it: it's my parano-conspiracy personnality coming through again...).
Warped idea Rx drugs are silver bullets.. risk free benefits & easy fix to ailments that relate to lifestyle. Sad reflection of pill popping public & enabling MDs.
The world we live in is insane. One minute we are chided for the mere suggestion that an obese person should maybe lose weight. Fat shaming. It was to the point that clothing stores had giant frocks on display. Be fat. Be proud. And never ever feel bad about your obese body.
Your fatness is a disease and big pharma has the cure! Yaaay!! Now you too can look like a skinny mini! Our drug will make you less inclined to stuff your pie hole all day long. You know that’s whatcha always wanted. Right, Oprah?
Does anyone see what’s going on here? Seriously. The social hypocrisy is as thick as a slab of Crisco at a fried chicken contest.
When the only people that are allowed to “fat shame” are the ones making bank selling drugs what a joke our society has become. SMH.