After listening to some of his speeches, he seemed like a breath of fresh air. However, knowing that when it comes to politics and such, NOTHING is ever as it initially appears. While he garnered my interest, primarily because of his stance against Big Pharma, the WHO, etc....I'm forced to put on the brakes. Politics is just a messy, convoluted, and oftentimes, counterintuitive dumpster fire of ideologies.

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No RFK. Environmental whacko and baby killer despite his catholic background . Reparations, too?!! Nope. Not going there. 😝

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While I totally understand this line of reasoning, why don't such "lines in the sand" apply equally to all other politicians?

For example, Trump still shills for his Warp Speed injections. Why doesn't this view disqualify him in the same manner that RFK, Jr.'s wrongthink on abortion and reparations (two issues that the US President has no control over anyway) disqualifies him?

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He’s also a climate change nazi. Like I said, I don’t have much I agree with him on.

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I like his stance on the environment and Covid vaccines. Also know several Democrats that are totally disappointed with Biden and would vote for Kennedy. Personally, I looked at him very hard and liked what I saw until he came out in favor of reparation. Time for critical thinkers with common sense to come together on both sides of the aisle. It’s also time to put an American patriot and businessman back in the White House again.

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President Trump 2024

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That was a move to peel away black voters from Trump. Defection by blacks from Biden is a statistical game changer, all but guaranteeing a trump win, assuming there is an election at all. Since RFK's reparations endorsement cam immediately following the pollsters' bad news for Dems, it has to be assumed that he is consciously trying to split the Trump vote, to benefit the Dems.

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your point worries me a bit, but most blacks are true Americans and ALL intellectual black Americans support Trump.

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Well said ..

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He's right on vaccines and war, stark, raving nuts on anything else.

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Actually he still is for vaccine mandates if “proven” safe. So NO

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Yes he is.....very much so.....thank you

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I’m the Chairman of a Conservative Republican PAC in central Arizona. No one who comes into our office, or at meetings where I speak, has any notion of voting for or endorsing RFK, Jr. Now that he’s come out for reparations...any hint of being a moderate is out the door. His view on reparations will steal millions of votes from Biden because, you know, FREE MONEY.

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No doubt now that he is consciously part of the drive to peel off black voters from Trump. He put reparations on the table AFTER the polls have been pointing out a very significant statistical defection from Biden/Dems, to Trump. It's very clear now that his putative candidacy was a wedge.

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Good - and thank you for your work. Arizona needs it, that’s for sure.

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Thank you. And we really do need lots of Conservative Republicans to speak out here. No not stop until we get some changes here. We are about to lose our state!

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Praying for Kari Lake to win again. This time for the US senate. Swamp the voting booths so they can’t cheat her again. Good luck to AZ and America.

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He sounds like a hypocrite to me, didn’t his wife insist that at a party she held all had to be vaccinated to attend ??

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That is true. He claimed he didn’t know about it.

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Like most Catholics they pick and choose which church doctrine they follow and so it will be with him.

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It’s true. After initially saying he wasn’t aware of it, when pressed, he said it was her party and she was free to make that requirement. It was only a few months ago, long after the Fauci book was published.

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Wow....where'd you hear that, Penney? I have zero trust in him, but that is just over the top ludicrous, if true

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No he is for reparations and is a climate nut.

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Everybody to their own opinion on Bobby. He's not a Conservative. That's all I need to know. He's playing it on the fence by going Independent. His handlers instructed him to do so. He was put there to try and mix the pot. Why wasn't there a third party running in 2020? It would be easier to cheat!

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RFK's main attribute dealt with his research of the deaths of his father and JFK; add to that his research on the pandemic. The hijacked Democrat NWO Communist traitors fail on everything and same with all the ass RINOs, except a spark like streetfighter Margie and Luna, then both bothered me by supporting NWO Kevin's giving Pedo everything. btw, hypocrite environmentalist so ignore military chemtrails dropping the same nanos Pharmas us for vaccines and the vaxxes have way more trash inside besides namo bots. No one talks about that major problem in DC, yet.

RFK was my democrats hope to reclaim our USA first with total rejection of Brave New World Pagan Order. Guess that's on hold for the dems, for now.

Trump is our ONLY Option!

The Republic Must STAND

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Kennedy’s support for reparations and abortion until birth is disqualifying.

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And without election reform, does it really matter anyway?

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Excellent article.

RFK Jr’s book on Fauci, and his co-authored new tome on the appalling childhood ‘vaccine’ schedule inflicted upon children worldwide, have opened the eyes of many - especially parents, thank God.

BUT, to the facts correctly recited by Mr Manning about RFK Jr’s support for destructive policies for the citizens of America, must now be added the total scam of REPARATIONS.

He is scraping the already fetid barrel in which the Dims wallow for votes. Yes, definitely a new AOC-style ‘Democrat’.

On no account should RFK Jr be considered for the VP spot either, despite the suggestions of some GOP rinos and pundits in the corrupt media.

That said, the refusal of the current WH resident to confer Secret Service protection to RFK Jr, is scandalous and likely criminal. Especially since it was his own father’s murder that led to the policy for the protection of Presidential candidates in the first place. He should have it, regardless of the usual time frame for its invocation.

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Yes, every step Pedo takes is pure anti-American. Beltway Rats ALL have known his solid traitor stains for decades as what he presents is dictated by Trilateral NWO punks.

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I sure don't support RFK Jr.'s policies. I saw what obama did to tear down our country and they arr trying to finish it off, and finish us off. I am for Life, Liberty and The Pursuit of Happiness for OUR Country. Not cutting down and burying 800 million trees, not enabling reverse discrimination and fanning of division, & negative emotions toward others. Obama set up America to have jihadists going off and people who are conservative and Christian put in FEMA Camps so anyone who flocks with birds of those feathers, IS one.

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I wholeheartedly agree with Rick Manning's Town Hall viewpoints (and have been expressing the same serious misgivings about RFKJr since the day he announced his candidacy).

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This is why I say we need to evaluate our current process of voting for presidents. No one is perfect, so we should stop having to pick a perfect one since it doesn’t reflect our views.


Selecting “a lesser of two evils” is still selecting evil

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He still believes in government. That's part of the issue. We are way beyond the government making the country a better place.

Here's a question, what has gotten better in the last 3 or 4 years? Everything they touch turns to shit. Every idea is rediculous.

If you lived your life 180 degrees to what the government and media says, how would it be? I know how mine would be.

Party lines don't matter much anymore. Call every person out who puts themselves ahead of their constituents. Enough is enough.

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