in democracy the true elite is the people, who are the sovereign...

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hhmmm, nice sharing

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My comment on the Berenson Substack. “Seems the Nuzzi “affair” was a failed honey pot scam perpetrated by a single corrupt media individual for personal gain. Can’t really have an affair with just one coming to the party.” I think Dr Naomi Wolf had a better understanding on this topic in her recent Substack article.

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saw Naomi also, that was a good read. great sharing by you.

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Look at this ugly spawn of a commie fake father and a hippie yippee mother. Head on it like a can of worms and an ample ass with dimples I am sure. This is the worst lying bigoted pos ever who attained political office.

I see he is open to kiss ass with his swollen lips and for both Singh and the Blockheads.

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"None of us are perfect." Please say that when speaking of another great, Dr. Malone.

He deserves your accolades: even though inventing the mRNA idea (but without the "pseudo" in "uridine") he has completely renounced the implementation, lockdowns, masking and general fascism. And he's a huge Trump supporting libertarian.

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I have noted the changed attitude of Malone and am more accepting of him now that he is on the right side.

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He's been on the right side since shortly after his own vaccine injury in early 2021, when Dr. Meryl Nass likely saved his life by prescribing ivermectin. But good observation, and I'm delighted you are more accepting of him now.

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All of US deserve better. Amen.

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Are there any who do not see why we are here today in a corrupt world caused by a multitude of corrupt people and accepted by sheeple?

-WW1 governments in power imposed the "War Tax" to be eliminated after the end of the war...it never was...this gave the powers that be a huge pot obtained by deception, lies and broken promises that would largely fund political excesses

-John Dewey infiltrated and imposed his destructive bent on public education calculated to indoctrinate children

-political hacks like the father of the current slime minister imposed subtle and deep changes to the laws of the land, such as legalizing homosexuality and abortion that was calculated to remove people from the gene pool (abortion murdered innocent unborn babies and homosexuality stole men mainly white men from the same gene pool

-churches started accepting activities and behaviors that were condemned in scriptures thus adding to the wave of detrimental change

-education CYSTem continued to decline

-political hacks of leftist persuasion abounded in liberal/leftist parties like the NDP, the LPC, the Bloc here in canuckistan

-gun banning and censorship in all western nations was imposed thus removing the ability of the people to hold the government to accountability and to continue to brainwash populations

-importation of fake refugees, open border policies, gang members, and unskilled unemployable third world net liabilities into stable western nations

We are now in most western nations at the phase in point of total gun banning, leftist controlled censorship, population disenfranchisement, legalization of illicit drug use, (weed) murder of the elderly and infirm along with innocent unborn babies. The next step now is to focus on the USA to violate the second amendment and impose censorship there. Western nations are targeted for wholesale destruction and the NWO will be able to control the third world people much easier than the white populations targeted for second class citizenship and then extinction.

Looking at turdo, in his reign he bribed the media, censored what he did not accept, is banning firearms, and notably law enforcement agencies like the OPP, the Ottawa Police, the Calgary Police, the Toronto Police etc have become oppressors of the people and the useful fools and tools of the turdo CVYSTem.

There are gaps in that delineation of events but the main processes indicated so here we are, with the western world in decline and aside from the temporal, the scriptural and spiritual aspect is indicative of the end times onset.

And things will only get worse. Abominations are being resurrected and imposed, with the New age god of molech once worshipped by the Israelites now being the love of money.

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Like it or not we are on the edge of the cliff morally, ecumenically, scholastically, politically, etc etc etc and men of accurate opinion on scriptural realities have me convinced we are now at that moment of time where more and more prophecies and signs have been revealed. I am not a conspiratorialist, I am a realist and have been watching things since 1969 and seen the changes in our society here in Canuckistan that were not at all good.

I am not just a face in the crowd, I was raised with one foot on spiritual ground and the other in the temporal realm. But I look to people highly knowledgeable in scriptural truths for verification of my opinions.

The evils that took down the Roman empire are here...homosexuality, pedophilia, idolatry, adultery and fornication, etc etc etc. Those in the know have climbed the overflowing river banks of sewage tainted water and are at the limit where their feet will soon feel the tainted waters washing over them. Many things are corrupt and the world struggles even now beset by abominations hated by our Creator.

I wish Geoffrey Radcliffe was alive, he was a Biblical scholar, a war orphan who came to Canada eighty years ago and my interest in him as a man of knowledge pushed me to visit him and other older people to enlarge my own knowledge by sitting under them and listening to the wisdom they spoke on the Holy Bible.

Yet I see far back what many of them taught me, happening right now in living color. Time has already proven me he and others I respected were right.

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UK---BBC---HEW EDWARDS. I think if you take a short bit of time and watch this video you shall see what the people are up against. SATANIC EVIL. The higher up of society get protected and covered up and that is in all walks of life!? Just like the POLITICIANS, EDWARDS broke the lock down rules to go and hump some young lad or what ever. A sure red flag and bells ringing to tell you it was all a SCAMDEMIC!---SHARE FAR AND WIDE!--Another one found out----how many more covered up/protected!?


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I fully agree that there is nothing new here. In the final hours of April 1945, within Hitler's Berlin bunker, people behaved exactly as described in Berenson's excellent essay.



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