shows us why in this tremendous report! Health Canada authorized the new Moderna Spikevax COVID-19 injection targeting the omicron XBB1.5 subvariant yet the idiots Tam, Sharma etc. can't explain why
Anyone who complies with the suggestioons, requirements or mandates of these, at best, incompetents, at worst, criminals, is choosing Russian Roulette with 6 bullets in the chamber of a six chambered gun.
I urge every reasonable man and woman to make it crystal clear to their elected and appointed officials that we will not comply with nonsensical, unscientific and disastrous requirements that impinge on our rights, including the right of Informed Consent. Sign the Universal Declaration of Non Compliance here: Then visit https::// to help get your country out of the death system, also known as the UN/WHO and all related organizations and obligations.
Inaction means you are willing to let them destroy us.
I truly agree with your statement. Health Canada does not use science to make decisions. They use the strong rthoric of the World Health Organization. The sad and troubling aspect is that people think they have the gospel truth.
Why can't they explain it? How could Health Canada do this? To understand, you need to take a deep dive into ICD-11 anankastic personality disorder, also known as "obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)" and in particular the subtype referred to by Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders (PD) classification, as "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." Most of the health bureaucrats responsible for pushing the jabs appeark to be afflicted with it. Think of Fauci. It's believed to be the most common disorder of serial killers. Think of Hillary Clinton and Hitler. And Greta Thunberg. And serial killer Colonel Russell Williams. It's closely related to a subtype of sadism ("sadistic personality with compulsive features"). People with anankastic PD believe they know everything, are never wrong, and are morally superior. The vaxxed ones feel very superior to the unjabbed. They have "perspective taking deficits" and are functionally rigid, meaning they cannot recognize and correct for mistakes or modify their perspectives to take account of new data. They cannot be convinced they are wrong. They just get angry when confronted with evidence or proof that they are wrong. They just double down on their mistakes and order more jabs. They're control freaks who feel justified in imposing their neurosis on others. There are even some who are anti-vaxx, although a lot more appear to be pro-vaxx. The anti-vaxx ones tend to have a subtype called "puritanical compulsive with paranoid features." On the upside, I suppose, they tend to dislike profanity and lazy people. They are also punctual and neat. Whatever their subtype, after disposing of a victim's body, they invariably clean their car so well it looks like it has been detailed. Academia is full of them as are cops and the higher ranks of the military. Unfortunately, the health bureaucracy is also full of them. The majority of them love jabs so much they would glue themselves to the road, just like many of them do to protest carbon emissions, and would have no hesitation in preventing ambulances from getting patients to hospitals, if they thought doing so would increase jab uptake. Their cause is always more important in their eyes than the rights of others. They are very self righteous. "How dare you! How dare you not get a booster. How dare you use profanity. You have stolen my dreams ... etc"
Rebel news brings out good points in their report. As Canadians, we have been misled by the safety and efficacy claims. These claims, which continue to today still continue. I am so tired of the games perpetuated by the the following of United Nations and the World Health Organization doctrine.
Anyone who complies with the suggestioons, requirements or mandates of these, at best, incompetents, at worst, criminals, is choosing Russian Roulette with 6 bullets in the chamber of a six chambered gun.
I urge every reasonable man and woman to make it crystal clear to their elected and appointed officials that we will not comply with nonsensical, unscientific and disastrous requirements that impinge on our rights, including the right of Informed Consent. Sign the Universal Declaration of Non Compliance here: Then visit https::// to help get your country out of the death system, also known as the UN/WHO and all related organizations and obligations.
Inaction means you are willing to let them destroy us.
How about not?
OOPS! the correct link is My bad - I typed it wrong.
They are playing us for fools.
Do not take any vaccine (gene therapy-biopoison) or test for the need for one. Ever.
Health Canada Initially Created For Population Control Measures
Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As Branch Of WHO; Bill C-12 PHAC Act
I truly agree with your statement. Health Canada does not use science to make decisions. They use the strong rthoric of the World Health Organization. The sad and troubling aspect is that people think they have the gospel truth.
Why can't they explain it? How could Health Canada do this? To understand, you need to take a deep dive into ICD-11 anankastic personality disorder, also known as "obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD)" and in particular the subtype referred to by Theodore Millon, originator of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' personality disorders (PD) classification, as "bureaucratic compulsive with narcissistic features." Most of the health bureaucrats responsible for pushing the jabs appeark to be afflicted with it. Think of Fauci. It's believed to be the most common disorder of serial killers. Think of Hillary Clinton and Hitler. And Greta Thunberg. And serial killer Colonel Russell Williams. It's closely related to a subtype of sadism ("sadistic personality with compulsive features"). People with anankastic PD believe they know everything, are never wrong, and are morally superior. The vaxxed ones feel very superior to the unjabbed. They have "perspective taking deficits" and are functionally rigid, meaning they cannot recognize and correct for mistakes or modify their perspectives to take account of new data. They cannot be convinced they are wrong. They just get angry when confronted with evidence or proof that they are wrong. They just double down on their mistakes and order more jabs. They're control freaks who feel justified in imposing their neurosis on others. There are even some who are anti-vaxx, although a lot more appear to be pro-vaxx. The anti-vaxx ones tend to have a subtype called "puritanical compulsive with paranoid features." On the upside, I suppose, they tend to dislike profanity and lazy people. They are also punctual and neat. Whatever their subtype, after disposing of a victim's body, they invariably clean their car so well it looks like it has been detailed. Academia is full of them as are cops and the higher ranks of the military. Unfortunately, the health bureaucracy is also full of them. The majority of them love jabs so much they would glue themselves to the road, just like many of them do to protest carbon emissions, and would have no hesitation in preventing ambulances from getting patients to hospitals, if they thought doing so would increase jab uptake. Their cause is always more important in their eyes than the rights of others. They are very self righteous. "How dare you! How dare you not get a booster. How dare you use profanity. You have stolen my dreams ... etc"
Everybody just say NO.
Nothing Sharma said was true.
Rebel news brings out good points in their report. As Canadians, we have been misled by the safety and efficacy claims. These claims, which continue to today still continue. I am so tired of the games perpetuated by the the following of United Nations and the World Health Organization doctrine.
With the research that I have been doing across the globe I have learned but one thing. this is an unquestionable truth.
Insane turds, one and all...never to be trusted for anything.